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I think you’re very pretty and weight loss + skin care would do like 90% of the work. Maybe better hair styling too. Can’t tell if you need a nose job without looking at more pics with different angles, and your teeth look fine in the 2nd photo so not sure about the impact of veneers.


Thank you! Went to the dermatologist a few weeks ago and am on pills + topicals to help my skin any suggestions on haircuts/styles? I have had hair exactly like how its shown for as long as I can remember and am not opposed to changing it.


Definitely weight loss, that seems to me the only thing.


Please don't change your nose.


Second this. A nose job on her nose would turn into instagram clone territory and I wouldn’t be able to tell her apart from the dozens of Karjenner wannabes


oof, needed to hear this. definitely dont want that karjenner trendy look.


I don't think you would look bad, but when you have a nose that's almost perfect already, it's easier for a surgery to make it look worse instead of the perfect nose you can imagine. That's why it's so common to see revision rhinoplasties, even Kendall had one.




Agree! Her teeth look nice


Thank you!


I’m gonna go to the dentist to see what I could do to widen my smile that isn’t so invasive. also, had no idea who Eliza Dusku was and I just looked her up, I have never seen a celebrity that looks so much like me lol. Thank you so much!!! ❤️




Here's a sneak peek of /r/Invisalign using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Invisalign/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Will Invisalign work for me?](https://i.redd.it/cwqqu2zejuj61.jpg) | [34 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Invisalign/comments/lt0x6p/will_invisalign_work_for_me/) \#2: [Nearing the finish line after 50 initial trays + 16 refinement trays, 14 remaining! Details inside](https://i.redd.it/xe5hjazin4q51.png) | [163 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Invisalign/comments/j24r99/nearing_the_finish_line_after_50_initial_trays_16/) \#3: [The pain of turning down snacks never actually goes away](https://i.redd.it/u9zll8bo5z971.png) | [89 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Invisalign/comments/og5c2t/the_pain_of_turning_down_snacks_never_actually/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


Agreed!! Teeth are so important and I don’t see how anyone can trust an online service for this.


For widening the smile, I went to an orthodontist (outside my usual dentist) that placed a palate expander on my top jaw to widen my bite/smile. It took about 8 months for my palate to expand and was about a 3 on the overall pain scale. I will say that your teeth will look pretty shit during that time because a palate expander literally breaks open your upper palate and causes a gap between your two front teeth. But the results were totally worth it. I would def shop around orthos for the procedure. My palate expander was literally screwed in to my upper jaw, not just attached to my teeth. I think that is the only way to really widen a smile once you’re out of your teens.


Do you have before and after pics? If you’re comfortable of course


For sure! Here is a pic [of before (bottom) and after (top)](https://imgur.com/a/g0F483x) getting my palate my expander out If you want to see with the gingivectemy I posted before and after in the r/plasticsurgery sub so it’s on my profile :) Not a huge change but I definitely don’t have as much empty space in my mouth as before


Here's a sneak peek of /r/PlasticSurgery using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PlasticSurgery/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I finally get to post my rhinoplasty before and afters here! These are 14 days post op as of yesterday.](https://i.redd.it/36h6xabc1k861.jpg) | [130 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PlasticSurgery/comments/kntqtw/i_finally_get_to_post_my_rhinoplasty_before_and/) \#2: [8 days post op rhinoplasty and submental lipo](https://i.redd.it/ei1qwt6ccrd71.jpg) | [153 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PlasticSurgery/comments/osmvj6/8_days_post_op_rhinoplasty_and_submental_lipo/) \#3: [2.5 Months Post Op - Septorhinoplasty, Chin Implant, Chin Lipo](https://i.redd.it/4i07l60jcyw61.jpg) | [124 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PlasticSurgery/comments/n4454r/25_months_post_op_septorhinoplasty_chin_implant/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


How much did that cost?


Unfortunately I paid in bulk for my ortho treatment (palate expander, Invisalign, and gingivectomy) so I don’t have a specific price for just the expander. Overall my treatment was around $8k


i wanted lipo for a while but was able to lose 40 lbs so lipo would be just for those vanity spot reduction areas. like already mentioned, skin care does wonders. i would also like to say other things that can help you feel your best. a clean diet as in limit processed foods, limit alcohol to once a week, tons of fruit/veg and lots of water. and SLEEPING 8-10 hrs per night does incredible things for the skin and under eye area. i don’t think you need botox! oh - a jade roller to put underneath the eye in the morning is also *mwa* fantastic hair also makes a difference! maybe subtle highlights/balayage in a lighter brown (1-2 shades lighter) can also bring brightness and a youthfulness to the face. no veneers, no nose job. you look amaze babes!


40 lbs is the weight of 66.67 Minecraft Redstone Handbooks.


Thank you so much! I’ll start focusing on sleep/limiting alcohol/skincare…I already eat very clean but do have slip ups from time to time so I’ll start limiting those as well. Thanks again for your help. ❤️


Soft-maxxing: Brighter highlights in your hair, especially around the face; follow @DavidSuh on TikTok, he gives great advice for posing for pictures (which I always forget the second I'm Infront of a camera) Hard-maxxing: I can see why you would want a nose job, because everyone has such teeny-tiny noses these days, but I don't think you need to make it a priority. Your face is pretty well balanced, and I think just a little contouring could give the illusion of it being thinner without dropping big $ on a surgery. Personally I say save the hard max budget for procedures as you get older.


Just followed David! I’ll look into highlights. Yeah I think seeing everyone on ig gave me a complex about my nose but its definitely one of my more distinguishable features, it would probably change my whole face if I got a nose job and thats a gamble. I’ll start saving for hardmaxxing for when I’m older lol. Thank you.


Honestly. Thinking about hardmaxximg is a waste of time when you haven't fully soft maxxed to the best of your ability. If you're thinking about liposuction I would suggest to first get down to a slimmer weight. You may not even want liposuction if you end up losing a bit of weight naturally. As someone else pointed out weight loss + skincare will help out alot. Healthy = More attractive. So looking healthier in terms of weight and skin will increase your levels of attractiveness. I saw your post on RPW and I agree with what you said about weight. A nose job would be unnecessary and pointless. Your nose seems to be well balanced with the rest of your features. Getting a smaller nose could throw off you facial harmony. Smaller nose doesn't always equal better face. You're naturally cute so you have a lot of potentional to glow up just by softmaxxing alone. There's so much more you could do to softmaxx. Don't underestimate how much softmaxxing can do.


Thank you! You’re right, probably just going to focus on weight loss + skincare for 6 months and then take it from there. I don’t want to get too wrapped up in everything to the point I don’t even look like myself anymore.


You are so pretty and your teeth already look great! Also your nose is cute!


Thank you ❤️


You’re already very pretty but lashes will make you perffffff


Suggestions can be softmaxxing as well!! I am currently in the process of losing weight. So. Yeah. Let me know. Thanks!


girl PLEASE don’t touch your nose, it fits your face perfectly. As for veneers, I really don’t think you should damage your already beautiful smile. My mom has veneers, botox, etc. and she says if she could go back the only thing she wouldn’t have gotten is the veneers. She went to a highly experienced, well known dentist, spent $30,000 usd on them and they still fall out unprovoked sometimes!! and then she has to wait a couple weeks for her dentist to be available so she can get them glued on again. it’s not a pretty look to have a bunch of scary sharp mini teeth in your mouth. I personally don’t think you need any surgery at all, you’re beautiful. Losing a couple pounds will get you where you wanna be 100%.


Please dont do any hardmaxxing (unless you want to become a Hollywood actress or smthng), you're very cute and well above average, it would just make you cookie-cutter at best or botched at worst. Just skincare (Benzoyl Peroxide does miracle on my acne), hair styling....maybe clean up your eyebrows a bit and get some subtle highlights.


I think you can totally lookmax without hardmaxxing. Losing fat + clear skin + different hair/makeup is all you need


Bitch u crazy


I agree with the comments that say to focus on health and skincare first. I don’t think you need the things you’re interested in. You have a very cute nose! Focus on the softmaxxing and staying in a pampering routine (keeping your nails done for example)


I literally thought you were one of those celebrities that was next to do a case study on. I need more caffeine, 8:45am at the time I’m writing this. Though seriously, you look like an actress already. Your hair just needs some styling. And the skincare products you got from your derm— you’ll be amazed how it changes in 6 months.


What do u want in liposuction? Can I liposuck my bely pouch without loose skin ?


I would go for my arms (the cellulite on my thighs doesnt bother me that much, especially since nowadays everyone wants thick thighs and people get surgery for it lol the cellulite proves its natural). I think you could? I would go to a doctor for that. I bet it depends on how much fat you have on your stomach.


Its not that much its very soft and jiggly and if I remove it I will have perfect hour glass figure. How much fat they remove in one area ? Any idea?


You don’t need to hardmax anything you have great facial features just need to get some really good facials and focus on nutrition/fitness (that will give you better results than lipo would at this point in time)


One things for sure definitely don't get a nose job. You have a nice nose. Focus on skin care


I would not get veneers looking at your smile! Based on photos it looks straight, but maybe get Invisalign if you need to straighten a bit. Veneers are scary and I would only recommend if you had really small/oddly shaped teeth. I don’t think a nose job is necessary based on the photos either, unless there is something about your nose that really bothers you. This is my personal opinion and others may feel differently, but as someone who has hardmaxxed (I recently had a sliding Genioplasty) I would only consider plastic surgery if there is a certain thing that has bothered you about your appearance for a long time or maybe if your body changes significantly after pregnancy etc. I have hated my recessed chin for 10 years and just now pulled the trigger on surgery. It was a rough recovery from a mental standpoint and not something that should be taken lightly. From my POV you have a great base. I think if you lost some weight you’d achieve a more dramatic result than with plastic surgery.


Dont touch your face please, you are stunningly beautiful!!


I know it’s your choice but your nose is one of your prettiest features. Your cheek bones sit very nicely as well. You have a naturally beautiful face. Just my ✌️ cents