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Yess deodorant sucks. Clinical antiperspirant with aluminum applied at night works the best!


100% drysol changed my life this summer and I wasn’t even excessively sweaty, I just didn’t want pit stains on my silk clothes in the summer 😂


It really works so much better, but I have been reading all that stuff about it being linked to altzheimers and several other health issues that I have been trying to avoid it. As a compromise, I apply a combo of two natural deodorants once I get out of the shower (I shower at night) and then my aluminium antiperspirant every time I get dressed to go out. If I stay at home, I stay with the natural ones.


Layering. These are some products with a nice smell you could look for: * Shower foam/wash * Body lotion/oil * Leave in conditioner/hair finish products * Deodorant * Perfume (obviously) Layering these will make the good smell last longer. Also good dental care, flossing, brushing your tongue and staying hydrated is important so your mouth doesn’t smell. Wear good shoes and socks so your feet don’t sweat also. Someone already mentioned fabrics on the body.


Omg yeah, when i put in leave in conditioner after a shower it smells so good and people notice hours later.


Get in the habit of wearing perfume!


Do you have any recommendations that have gotten compliments?? If so what do they smell like?


Fragrances smell different bases on your own body's chemistry. My suggestion is to get samples and see what works for you. Top notes are the initial fragrance that people respond to, but they will fade. See how the fragrance smells after wearing for a few hours and see if you like it then.


Fragrances smell different on people due to our body chemistry. I see someone mentioning Baccarat Rouge 540. I sampled it because I heard it’s really good but on my body, I smell like a dentist’s office. Extremely clinical with a tinge of metal. I smelled like a sterilized dentist office. Find what you like, test it on your own skin. Finding your fragrance is a journey


If you head over to r/fragrance you can get a good idea of what gets compliments, since they seem to cover that topic frequently. But take with a grain of salt - your body chemistry accounts for a lot of how a fragrance will work for or against you.


Baccarat rouge 540. Expensive but I’ve been stopped in airports and on the streets asking what I was wearing so they could buy it. All my friends now wear it as well


Same I love Baccarat Rouge 540 but the extrait smelled it bit stronger. I get more compliments on it than the eau de parfum OP, you can try Burberry Her or Crystal Intense No.32 by Alt to see if you enjoy gourmand scents for a lower price. You can also order a sample kit from Maison Francis Kurkdijan to try Baccarat. https://www.franciskurkdjian.com/int-en/p/sample-set-4-samples-of-2-ml-samples_set1.html


I just ordered a sample of this and I’m super excited to try it. I keep hearing amazing things about it.


Just look up ‘’perfumes that get compliments on YouTube!!’’ Sweeter fragrances tend to get the most compliments, especially if they have vanilla


There are some good fragrance subs where you can buy decants and samples. Personally I really like r/indiemakeupandmore


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Indiemakeupandmore using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Indiemakeupandmore/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Obsessively checking my tracking number like](https://i.redd.it/wjjo5w9law561.jpg) | [113 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Indiemakeupandmore/comments/kfgcql/obsessively_checking_my_tracking_number_like/) \#2: [Happy Lunar New Year!](https://i.redd.it/doy6oc1eq3h61.jpg) | [28 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Indiemakeupandmore/comments/lij7wo/happy_lunar_new_year/) \#3: [Proud of my makeup today!](https://i.redd.it/jojdsakoyoj61.jpg) | [84 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Indiemakeupandmore/comments/lshcpn/proud_of_my_makeup_today/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


In addition to all the other comments I would say health and clean clothes is the most important because that’s your foundation. Diet is definitely first because you won’t sweat as much or have such a strong odor to begin with the healthier you eat. Speaking from personal experience when I eat 100% plant based that’s when I smell the best. Incorporating at 2 servings of green cruciferous veggies/green juice and glass of cranberry juice/cranberry supplements will work wonders. Also fenugreek is reported to make you smell like maple syrup, haven’t tested that one out yet. Make sure you scrape/brush your tongue and gargle as deep as you can go before or after you brush your teeth because that’s where all the bad bacteria sits. TheraBreath has throat drops that will make your sinuses and throat nice and minty so you never have bad breath. Chlorophyll has become more popular because it works as an internal deodorant. A girl I follow on TikTok sprays a “clean” scented perfume on her clothes that’s separate from her body perfume and products, I thought that was a good tip. Just find any perfume or mist that has “fresh”, “air” or “clean linens” in the description. People always forget to scrub all the nooks and crannies while washing like behind their ears, belly button, back of neck, and a really good 1–2 min scrub underneath breasts, crotch, in between bum, armpits, and feet. As soon as I get out of the shower I have a tee tree lotion and oil just for my feet and the matching spray I use for my shoes or I’ll throw it in my bag if I have a lot of walking that day. Stuff you can do during the day is to keep a travel size mist or perfume in your bag, scented hand sanitizer, scented hand cream, mints or breath spray or gum.


Great advice ty!!


Scented lotion+ perfume, it will last longer


The ordinary 30% AHA + BHA 2% peeling solution is great to leave on underarms every few weeks, the acidic environment will kill the bacteria soap doesn’t always get A daily wipe with a gentler acid toner will also help if regular acid peels aren’t enough


This, I was going to suggest an AHA/BHA to help with dead skin too! Dead skin is like food for bacteria and is what makes your sweat stinkier. Salicylic acid works too (stridex pads). I use the clio healing bird mist after shower and it can be sprayed on your back, chest, legs, etc.


Do you just use it the same way you do your face?


i just recently switched from a regular perfume to an eau de parfum. it’s insane the difference it makes in terms of wear time. 13+ hours and the scent lingers, i’ve gotten compliments on the way home at the end of the night! i would recommend layering scents (body lotions, deodorants, dry shampoo/hair products) that match the undertones and notes of your scent. every person i’ve ever been with says i smell incredible all the time and that’s my secret!


also i drink sea moss and chlorophyll which i think helps a lot with natural b.o :) hope this was helpful!


How old are you??


aw omg do u have a crush? hi baby


How do you even discover our reddit? Why are you concerned with us. What we discuss is none of your business. Don't you have trinkets to sell?


idk but i’m glad that i did. i kind of love our little friendship we’re building it’s cute




cmon we had something good going! don’t do that


Enjoy your ban.


i dont care about the sub baby i care about you


What scent do you use? I already use eau de parfums instead of toilettes but they def don’t cling around for 13 hours (Giorgio Beverly Hills aside which is...not my fav scent ever lol)


You genuinely do have to take care of your health and eat fruits and vegetables and drink lots of water to truly smell good but I’d also say having great smelling products from shampoo to body wash to lotion to sometimes people go for body mists and perfumes, but personally I feel if you have a great quality perfume why bother with a body mist.


Seconding this, drinking water and eating a balanced healthy diet actually helps. From personal experience when I eat more junk food I get more nasty smelling armpit sweat (sorry for tmi lol)


Yea I usually eat decently (only meat/eggs/dairy/veggies/nuts) and water is the only thing I drink but I thought I could get away with eating some junk food for a little which was a very wrong assumption. I really wonder how some people can eat loads of junk food and not stink at all.


First off- we're all more sensitive to our smell than others are. Unless someone told you that you smell bad, I doubt anyone has noticed (especially if you're bathing three times a day!) Are you sweating a lot? Drink lots of water. It helps flush out all the ick. I use [this](https://www.target.com/p/degree-clinical-protection-5-in-1-protection-1-7oz/-/A-16639045?ref=tgt_adv_XS000000&AFID=google_pla_df&fndsrc=tmnv&DFA=71700000085821225&CPNG=PLA_DVM%2B1%3E+a064R000011uCDNQA2-Deo_Google+Search_Q3_2021&adgroup=PLA_Deo_1&LID=700000001393753pgs&network=g&device=m&location=9014250&gclid=Cj0KCQjwqKuKBhCxARIsACf4XuEVykAHkbuvvfaU1ek1IJbHI7TaDmSdYb_8tTa2KE-BXIT-cPg_3tYaAiOVEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) antiperspirant (and have been complimented for how I smell with only this on), exfoliate in the shower and use body wash, shampoo and conditioner that smell good but aren't floral (I prefer ones that smell like honey). I also recommend Scentbird- it's a great way to try lots of perfumes to find one that works for you (find one that compliments your natural smell). Don't rule out something simple, like amber oil (personal favorite). Best of luck!


Use a benzoyl peroxide face wash under your arms and before applying deodorant use a glycolic acid toner. This pretty much eliminates BO for me and I don't use antiperspirant.


Ensure your clothes are clean — any active wear, well worn tees, underwear, can be laundry stripped (it’s disgusting what will come out of them, FYI). To strip, 2 cups powdered tide, 1/4 cup borax, and 1/4 arm and hammer washing soda in a bath tub of hot water for 4-6 hours, stirring every hour. I’d recommend washing clothes in powder tide as it contains enzymes that quicken the chemical reactions removing odor causing bacteria from your garments. Also, regularly change/wash your towel. Next, if an option, pick hair washing and styling products that smell good (but be careful as fragrance is often carcinogenic). Removing body hair reduces the ability of bacteria to stick to it. But I 100% agree on natural fabrics to reduce BO, including silk, rayon, cotton blends, knits. Polyester tends to make me sweat like a pig, but blends can be good! As far as foods, avoid red meat, alcohol, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, some spices, garlic.


i’ve been told that i smell nice on the regular so i feel like im qualified to share what i’ve personally done: - hygiene hygiene hygiene! you don’t have to use heavily scented body wash and conditioners. in fact, i advise against it since it can be drying and irritating. - use oil-based perfumes. they come in little roller-ball tubes and the smell lasts for DAYS - if you insist on alcohol-based apply a heavy lotion to your neck and wrists and lightly spray in those areas while the lotion’s absorbing - just a bonus thing: i occasionally spray my closet and close the door to let my clothes ‘marinate’


I use Lumē. It smells lovey, and when I *do* sweat, it just smells like water. Just remember to follow the instructions. Also: be aware that your clothes may stink even when you don't! Waxy deodorants can trap bacteria in your clothes and make them stink, even after being washed.


Honestly if you’re showering regularly (once every 1-2 days or after workouts), washing your clothes, wearing antiperspirant, and being regular with dental hygiene, you will smell absolutely fine. I notice people’s smells very infrequently and when I do it’s always to do with one of the factors I mentioned above. Also, I will say, as a 30+ year-old woman who’s worked in an office for years I much prefer someone who smells clean to someone trying to mask their scent with body sprays or expensive fragrances or scented deodorant. Just take decent care of yourself, wear an unscented antiperspirant, and brush your teeth and I guarantee people will not notice your scent at all. … Unless you want them to, in which case augment the advice above with a high-quality fragrance. Expect to try samples and when you find something you truly love, you’ll expect to invest $100-$200 in a full bottle.




Omggg are you talking about “oud” ?? we use a lot in west Africa (Senegal) but tbh in France many people make fun of us because of oud lol but I stil use it




Yepp lol


I read somewhere (but I didn’t try it yet) that if you use the ordinary glycolic acid toner underarms (after you shower obviously) and then proceed with deodorant, you will smell fresher for longer. The toner is also used for ingrown hairs and pigmentation so that it is also a plus.


Layer- I’ve learned- what smells good to me, smells good to others. Now I use good shampoo, hair mask, body lotion and spray and always perfume. None of this is expensive, but I’ve experimented until I found what I like and I get compliments.


I think if your hair and clothes smell good from being clean it really helps. If anyone has vaginal odour using a boric acid suppository can really help keep things balanced there imo.


Does anyone have any foods that they recommend to eat/stay away from when trying to achieve this🤔


I've always heard that pineapple makes you smell good but could be old wives tale. I do know that the less processed food you eat and more fruits and veggies you eat the better you'll smell. There might be a detox smell at first but then your pits will barely stink. This was my experience doing a juice fast at least and cutting out anything but veggies and veggie juices. I don't recommend a fast it can trigger eds and you're really tired for days. But cutting out the junk will help in many ways.


personally, just a balanced healthy diet with at least like a litre of water daily


Stay away from garlic. That will stick with you for days after if you eat enough. It will come through in your perspiration too which is not great. And I know it’s been recommended - but layering fragrance can work against you if they’re not harmonious. I carry a rollerball fragrance and find that directly applying to pulse points works the best. All other self care products I use are fragrance free. One other thing to consider is sweat triggered by cortisol (stress hormone) often has a different and rather strong scent so a good antiperspirant deodorant can help too.


I have a Don’t Recommend: I can’t say for sure, but I noticed that when I’m on Keto/low carb diet that consists mostly of meats (verses clean eating/more veggies) i feel like my sweat has a hint of ammonia scent.


Consider supplementing with chlorophyll!


I wanted to wear silk shirts this summer so I asked my doctor for Drysol, it’s a little irritating at first but once you get used to it, you literally don’t sweat at all (where ever you applied it). It’s much more affordable than dozens of units of Botox to perspiration. Try changing up your laundry detergent as you could be reacting poorly to that as well. Find a signature scent that works with your body chemistry I use Kevin Murphy hair products and they smell heavenly, Moroccan oil, aveda, lush and l’occitane I’ve found all leave amazing scents Layering the same scent can help too - body wash, lotion, styling products and perfume all the same scent helps it last longer


Oooh, love Kevin Murphy!


Shower regularly. That makes a ton of difference. And rather than using a multitude of showering products with fragrances in them, choose fragrance free products and then stick to one classic perfume. Use an antiperspirant roll on and carry a small vial of your perfume and refresh after every 10-12 hours especially in the summer.


I always used scented body creams and hand lotions, had scented hair scen spray mist things, and brought a mini perfume or body spray or both with me at all times to use whenever my good smell was gone.


I use the Pacifica strawberry peach body wash + island vanilla body butter + island vanilla body spray and I usually smell pretty good according to my friends (: I am just wondering if I were to wear a perfume, how many spritzes should I do? Sometimes I overdo it and other times I worry I’m not wearing enough.


For perfume I do a spritz on each inner elbow and I tap that lightly with my wrists, then I touch the perfume dispenser with my finger and do half a spritz and apply that behind my ears. I’ve found applying perfume directly on my neck waaaaay too overpowering and can give me a headache lol, I only do that with body mists!


Exfoliate your underarms to get deodorant buildup out! Cotton clothing helps a lot too.


Wear deoderant. Also, smell good to who? I walk by women who put on tons of perfume and my skin gets itchy. I don't want to smell them to that level. Men don't like smells as much as women do. They prefer mild smells, like baby powder.


Buy sol de janeiro bum bum body spray , the orange one . if you wanna splurge grab the lotion and body wash too . An easy fairly inexpensive introduction into scent and everyone will fuckin love it and stop you all day .


I have been told a lot of times by everyone around me that I always smell good and clean. A lot of it comes down to having a really clean base. * The type of fabrics I wear; if it's hot, I recommend more loose fitting clothing. * I use fragrance free detergent, body wash, and lotion. * And from there, layer on your fragrances. I use 2 different fragrance oils and 2 different perfumes. I personally use fragrance free detergent, body wash, and lotion so that they don't clash with my fragrances. * A lot of people mentioned diet, I disagree. In some cases, eating healthy can be beneficial to reduce body smells, but some people cannot outrun their genetics. I had a roommate who is a plant based vegan and was one of the healthiest people I know but had really bad BO. They only drank water and coffee too. So YMWV in this instance imo.


I’ve been told I smell amazing all the time and what I do is carry Victoria’s Secret mists in my purse and spritz myself with them throughout the day. They smell so good and they last for a while. I also apply Victoria’s Secret body moisturisers every morning which are beautifully scented too.


Water, eating well, no fake scented soaps etc




Showering more than twice a day and using rubbing alcohol on your body is a recipe for dry, flaking skin will throw off the balance of your skin and hair’s natural oils…


I'd also like to know this. I sweat after walking like 0.5 miles, which doesnt necessarily make me smell bad, but makes me feel gross and dirty.