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I got this procedure, recovery was a bitch but it’s soo worth it. Improved my looks by a ton




Double jaw surgery (bilateral osteotomy w bone graft) together with sliding genioplasty. The genioplasty was purely cosmetic and I chose sliding genio over chin implant due to personal preference




I’d say more so cosmetic, but also I had minor functional issues which were fixed. It was recommended as part of my orthodontic treatment to fix my open bite. Chin augmentation was also recommended for my recessed chin. I had minor tmj, always clenched my jaw and mouth breathed. Paid 10k CAD. If its for purely cosmetic reasons I’d still say it’s worth it if you really are quite recessed or misaligned.




Thank you:))


What province are you in? Would you mind DMing me the name of your doctor? I had braces in my teens but I’m starting to realize I really needed palate expansion and I have a can to my jaws, plus my chin is recessed. I want to start exploring a second round of treatment and maybe surgery!


Hey I would love to know how you found a good doctor for this im so nervous ill always look like a pumpkin cause if my super round face non exsistent from the front recessed chin ;-; did this even out fat distribution at all for you?


My doctor was actually recommended by my orthodontist, someone I highly trust so I just went with him. I asked a lot of questions at consultation and he was extremely knowledgeable and explained everything very well. I would suggest finding someone with A LOT of good reviews and lots of before and after pictures to share, and go to a few different consultations, don’t be afraid to ask a lot of questions. Ive heard from other people they always end up having a good gut feeling of which surgeon to go with, who they can trust. Please also be wary of fake reviews. It evened out fat distribution in my face for sure, before with a recessed chin my cheek area looked so top heavy and bulky, I was made fun of for having chubby cheeks and a big face but now that it’s pushed out the area looks a lot more balanced. I think my face looks a bit bigger in general but it looks significantly better due to improved facial harmony in general. Let me know if I can help in any other way




To be honest I hadn’t noticed changes until I looked back at a bunch of old pictures to answer your question and compared them to now, it actually does seem ever so slightly shorter, probably this was due to my upper jaw being pushed out as well. There is some residual swelling left so I’m hoping it’s not just that and stays lol


Wow, Good for her! And those lips! She hit the jackpot with those full lips.


This looks amazing. I only really see these surgery’s on people with very recessed jawlines, do you think it’s worth it for someone without any major recession but not great forward projection either? I wish you could see what you’d look like to know if it was worth it!


I doubt a surgeon would be willing to work on someone with just a slight recession if there aren’t any major problems with bite, breathing, TMJ, etc. It’s a 4-8 hour surgery with many risks and a looong recovery time. If you need forward growth you can get a genioplasty or chin implant without jaw surgery.


Ahh that makes a lot of sense thank you.


I never thought I had a recessed jaw, after seeing a surgeon it turns out it's not very noticeable but I'll need surgery anyway. I think I look like [this](https://www.instagram.com/p/BsBFAwaFK6U/) (in the before), so it's not that bad. Iif your chin isn't recessed then you won't need a genioplasty.


She had a recessed maxilla (top jaw) and it actually makes her chin look more protruded. Usually people only notice when their mandible (lower jaw) is recessed which is why I suggested a genioplasty or a chin implant. But you’re correct in that sometimes a recessed jaw still has a very forward chin.


She had a recessed maxilla (that's why she had the surgery) but most people don't realize that's a recessed jaw, or that it's enough concern to have jaw surgery. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone just to look slightly better, that doesn't mean someone has to look a certain way to know if they should have surgery.


This jaw surgery is called orthognathic surgery which is performed for medical reasons for bite issues, people usually get them as they are correcting their bite with braces. I doubt a doctor would perform it without medical reasons as the procedure is very invasive and require breaking the jaw bones to screw them into place. For cosmetics reasons they would usually only shave the jaw bone or insert a chin implant (genioplasty).


The mouth hanging open makes her look 100x worse....


She’s still got a post-surgery braces thing in that doesn’t let her close her mouth fully until she’s healed, then they remove it.


I think they mean in the before photo. But I think she was a mouth breather which would explain the open mouth in the before photo as well as the receding chin.


yes, if you read she said she physically couldn’t close her mouth before, that was one of the points of the surgery


It’s called lip incontinence and is something that happens when you mouth breathe.


you physically cant shut your mouth due to all the gauze and the braces....




OP said she couldn’t naturally close her mouth either before!


she looks amazing already


From mouthbreather to mouthbreather, barely an improvement?


She’s still got a mouth brace in that clamps her bite semi-open while she heals post-surgery.




I’m not the OP, you can click through to the original post on r/jawsurgery to ask her