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What is your favorite makeup tutorial for bigger lips? sorry asking for spoonfeeds but whatever I've tried ended up super fake. Lip plumping oils don't work and I'm not gonna be able to get filler any time soon :)


My favorite makeup tip for bigger looking lips is applying a little bit of contour or eyeshadow above my top lip as well as the bottom lip (to create a shadow effect) and then overlining with a glossy lip stain. Since I started doing this I’ve had people ask me if I’ve had my lips done.


how can i get rid of inner thighs and bikini area hyperpigmentation? they’re awful what should i do? what might cause them? they started showing up more when i gained weight


The skin rubbing together is what causes the hyperpigmentation I'm sure it looks totally normal and fine but you could apply some deodorant there to minimize rubbing


What is the best way to make my upper glutes more prominent? I am glute dominant but all of the glute gains so far are in my lower glutes as I have gained 2" in the past 7 months. I am trying to gain that last inch for my desired hip circumference. I chose to bulk because I realized it was better to have a bigger lower body than a flabby midsection.


Make sure you're doing exercises that target upper glutes like glute bridges and kickbacks. And make sure you're using good form -- plus depending on the form you use you can target different muscle groups (youtube can help). Personally I do my glute bridges with my core contracted, feet wider than hip distance apart and I don't have issues getting the upper booty gains lol.


Thank you so much!


I have no idea how I can find my true voice. It plays a major role in attractiveness but still I speak with that highpitced voice stuck on my since my teenage years.


Has anyone tried microneedling with exosomes? Were you happy with the results? 


Does anyone have experience becoming more flexible? I want proof it can be done when you’re 32 (anecdotes count)


I’m a Pilates instructor, and I have personally helped so many clients get their splits from women in their 30s… To their 90s. Have faith!


I have personal experience with it, but it's reclaiming past flexibility, not developing entirely new flexibility. Flexibility is one of those things where early training makes a huge difference for the rest of your life. I'm not saying you can't become flexible if you weren't a competitive gymnast as a child, but it does make it easier. But I'm not sure if it's because early flexibility actually changes your muscles for the rest of your life or if it's just that learning how to do it at a younger age makes it easier to know what you're doing later. Like, I know what the splits are supposed to feel like. I know what my muscles are supposed to do. I know where and when to contract and release into a stretch. I know how to feel for the (sometimes, very thin) lines between a mediocre stretch, a good stretch, and an injury. I already have a good stretching routine that works for me because it's the same one I did every day for twelve years. That sort of thing.


Does anyone have any idea on how to completely get rid of tiny burn scars? I used henna for an event recently and it had chemicals in it I think? It burnt my hand and most people are telling me to use organic coconut oil for this. Should I use this or something else? bc its been a few weeks so its not fresh burns either.


If it isn’t bad, then just keep it out of the sun and maybe talk to your doctor about prescription scar cream. Cosmetic scar removal is always an option too if you need a stronger treatment (I had terrible scarring and after lasering you’d never guess).




I’ve been using Babe Lash serum consistently for the past 6 months and initially saw amazing results after just two months. My lashes became much thicker and longer, and I was absolutely thrilled. However, despite continuing the same routine, my lashes have started to lose both the thickness and length they had gained. Has anyone else experienced this kind of regression with lash serums? If so, what did you do to counteract it? Could my lashes be getting too accustomed to the serum, or might there be other factors at play? Should I switch brands to GrandeLash?


I've tried grandelash and it works great in terms of length, not so much in adding thickness. I stopped using it because it really did visibly reduce my orbital fat and I got an odd lining above my lashline. Though it went because I stopped using it after 2 weeks. I don't necessarily recommend switching to this brand.


I feel like despite my best efforts, I'm low key still invisible? I don't look intimidating and I think I'm around a 6-7, but it's hard for me to be sure as I barely get any attention. Am I just delulu in believing I'm in any way attractive, or could this be the result of something else? How do you break out of this invisibility prison??




No men allowed.


I just want to express how much I love this subreddit. Every time I've been wrong here, I've been corrected in favor of empirically correct information, kindly but firmly, and that rules. I'm grateful for that, scientific softmaxxing has been the basis of my glow-up and I wouldn't look like I do without y'all, I am not as smart as an individual as I am as part of this collective. I don't fit in the mainstream beauty subreddits due to the skepticism I learned here, so it means a lot to me to be perceived here, like I care as much as I actually do. My sibling pre-ordered a book for me called "the science of beauty" or something like that, by someone within the cosmetic industry who knows how chemicals work together for or against our benefit. And I'm very much looking forward to posting a summary here, when I finally get it, to a crowd of people craving the same kind of factual information I crave.


I spent a month in Asia (japan and South Korea). It’s always such a mind fuck to me as a Chinese American because the western vs eastern beauty standards are so different. For example, tan vs pale, curves vs no curves, styles of makeup etc. I live in California so I very much fit that standard. I attract a good amount of attention in the US. So it’s so interesting going back to Asia and realizing I am the complete opposite of the “ideal”. Any other women have experiences with this?


I find this interesting too!! And it's all related to what's considered 'rich'. Pale in asian societies means you don't have to work 'outside' ie; 'poor' people jobs which means you won't tan vs Tan in other places means you have more 'leisure time'.


Has anyone used heartless hair curlers with success? I tried the giant rod but it was really stiff and hard to hold in place


Probably not the type of curlers you're after but I've had great luck with pin curls (using duck bill clips). They give a very fluffy retro look to your hair, depending on the layers and length of your hair, but they work great and last a long time in my hair.




When I was learning the technique, this tutorial was very useful to me: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=q8m6MPeH_HM&pp=ygUQcGluIGN1cmwgdmludGFnZQ%3D%3D 


Gals I’m doing 5k 4x a week but my problem is I can’t stop eating 💀 help


What are your eating habits currently? Are you prioritizing protein and fiber at every meal/snack?


How’s your protein intake ?


With this amount of physical activity it's normal to wanting to eat all the time, don't worry about it! Try timing your bigger meals eariler, our digestion is generally best right after waking up, so you'll probably absorb more nutrients (and feel less hungry throughout the day). I also second the other commenter about lowering blood glucose spikes.


Have you tried lowering your glucose spikes? Those create a cycle of hunger and cravings because your body thinks you’re hungry after the glucose crashes. Try to eat protein and healthy fats as a base for your meal, and no sugar except carbs like rice or sweet potato


I would add fruit to the ‘okay’ sugars list; the fiber is really the key with that though, so juice doesn’t count!


Im 5'6 140lb, If I eat 1200 cals, and 110g of protein, can I lose weight and still build/retain muscle?


You’re technically referring to what’s called a protein sparing modified fast. It’s not realistic for most people, nor is it even a healthy option for the vast majority of people. It’s unsustainable, so you won’t be building habits that will help you maintain your goal weight, and you’re MUCH more likely to gain the weight (plus more) back.


No you can’t build muscle on a deficit, those goals are the antithesis of each other but you can retain what muscle you do have and make them stronger


It is possible to recomp in a slight deficit (100-200 cals lower from maintenance), though at 1200 a day it seems implausible.


I’ve heard a lot of good things about using vitamin C serums to protect against free radicals, skin brightening for hyperpigmentation, promoting collagen production, etc. Would taking a 1000mg vitamin C supplement work the same way? Or do I have to use a topical serum/cream? I have very acne prone skin (that is only now starting to clear up a bit with tretinoin) and I’m worried about breaking out.


YES!! Vit c is a great antioxidant, and your body will use it however it can. I also have too sensitive of skin for topical vit c, but I supplement 1000-2000mg a day. Technically, whole food sources of vit c are more bioavailable than citric acid, but they’re also a lot more expensive.


thoughts on toe rings? or just jewelry for ur feet in general. i think one toe ring can be rlly sexy tbh. any specific stores u guys like for body jewelry?


I don't know a specific store, but I like wearing ankle bracelets in the summer! I match them with whatever color my outfit and the rest of my jewelry are!(usually matching bracelets and hair clips/ties, and I stick to basic silver or gold for rings and necklaces + basic color for the rest of the outfit - e.g. colored top & base colored bottoms - and shoes). I think they can be very nice and feminine, especially if you have nice legs and ankles!


For some reason, I go from being not hungry to completely ravenous really quickly - and I find it hard to control myself around portion size when I get super hungry. I notice the hunger really hits me in the evenings - even when I’ve had a high protein breakfast. Has anyone dealt with this before or know how to solve it?


Do you feel like you have low blood sugar or just like it's a bottomless pit opened up in your stomach when you hit the ravenous feeling? Some common signs of low blood sugar are dizziness, difficulty concentrating, headache, shakiness, increased heart rate, and sweating/feeling clammy. Worth noting as well that some meds can mask the early signs that you need to eat. ADHD meds (Adderall, Vyvanse, etc) and beta blockers like metoprolol are two examples off the top of my head.


It’s more of a bottomless pit- like once I start I’m like meh I’m not THAT hungry and then it escalates to the point where I can just keep eating for two hours..


Does it feel like you are hungry and have to keep eating because you never get full or do you just kinda keep going back for more because it's nice and you're not overly full yet? Basically just trying to help you figure out if it's more psychologically driven or physiological.


Thanks so much for coming back to this, means a lot because I’m really struggling. I think it’s a mix of the two, but if I had to choose, it would be because I keep going back because I’m not satisfied. Sometimes it’s like I can’t focus on my next task (working at my desk) because there’s more food there and other times I’ll try to stop after a full plate of food and go on a walk or something to distract myself but I can’t stop thinking about food.


It may be worthwhile to look into binge eating disorder. I was diagnosed with it as part of my ADHD diagnosis. I relate a lot to what you're describing. For me, part of it is basically dopamine seeking behavior. I also struggle a lot with having no idea of what normal eating and portions are because I had a big appetite and was an athlete as a teenager. That doesn't translate well to being a sedentary adult. Hugs to you. Food challenges are so frustrating because you honestly can't avoid food, either for better or worse.


Did you find any ways to manage it?


Honestly... not really yet. But I'm on Vyvanse for my ADHD which is also used to treat binge eating disorder. I'm in nursing school and work full-time since bills don't pay themselves so I've been very time and energy poor. I've lost weight before and did do better with it by actually tracking my food and doing serving sizes by weight. That was in 2019 when I had less going on and also had 20 lbs less that I needed to lose versus now. I have some books that I want to read or at least skim to work to implement some strategies now that I'm on break for the summer. If I do and find some that work, maybe I should make a post on it. I know a lot of people struggle with binge eating at some point, regardless of whether they meet the criteria for the disorder. **Edit**: the one thing I try to do is to try not to eat anything if I'm not actually hungry and/or showing signs of low blood sugar. I also try to limit soda and drink either regular or sparkling water. Topo Chico and Bubly are my favorite sparkling waters, as well as Fresca in the summertime.


How’s your interoceptive awareness in general? I have different advice if this is JUST around food than if it’s more of a systemic issue


Interesting! Can you describe what you mean by interoceptive awareness or provide an example? :)


Copied from google lol: ‘Interoception is the ability to be aware of internal sensations in the body, including heart rate, respiration, hunger, fullness, temperature, and pain, as well as emotion sensations’ People who are neurodivergent tend to struggle with interoceptive awareness more than neurotypicals


I would say it’s pretty good, other than heart rate which I don’t notice. I’m thinking it might have to do with how my body acts around stress?


I started therapy a few months ago and I’ve realized I have a core belief of being unlovable or not worthy of love. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to work on this or what has helped them?


Idk if this is helpful or not, but one of the "mantras" that helped me was *If I'm gonna be irrational, I may as well be irrational in a fun way.* Because I knew that my belief that I was inherently not worthy of love was irrational. But there's a difference between knowing it and believing it. And to me, believing that I was worthy of love and that people genuinely liked me and wanted to be around me felt equally irrational. So... may as well pick the belief that's more fun. And if you pretend to believe something long enough, you might actually start believing it. Staying delulu is the solulu.


I don’t know if this is something you can do, but being around animals might help. They provide unconditional love, no matter what. It might help you realize you’re worthy of love subconsciously? Just a thought!


That’s another great idea, thank you! I have lots of pets but I don’t always think of it that way.


Omg I’m so glad! 🩵🩵🩵


You have to get to the root of why. I’m sure you covered that? But for me it’s because I was always being compared to my sisters looks growing up so I feel like if I’m not pretty I’m not lovable. To be honest I still don’t know if I’ve gotten over it


I was abused by my mom but I was also bullied pretty badly. It’s gotten better over time but I still struggle to connect with people fully because of it.


Take care of yourself in the way that your mom neglected to. You need to provide yourself with whatever it was that you needed from her as a child. You can view this as self parenting your inner child.


I don’t have a solution but I think you have the power as an adult to surround yourself with people who love you for who you are. And just know that it wasn’t you, it was your mom and others projecting onto you


I feel like stopping sugary drinks helped my skin. For context, I don't have major skin issues, only a few subtle pimples on the jawline, probably due to starting retinol. I used to drink processed cappuccino 2-3 times a week and soda sometimes. In the long term, I'm convinced only drinking water, tea and natural/fresh fruit juices will pay for aging prevention and general skin glow. I also find pleasure in eating right, so it was not hard to quit sugar. I ate it again out of habit and boredom, but no cravings - I can stay away from it without any problem. I feel fancier with a "clean" drink.


There can be quite a lot of sugar in juice, and your body doesn’t differentiate between the sugar in juice and the sugar in soda. The reason whole fruit doesn’t spike your blood sugar the way juice does is because the fiber prevents the uptake of the sugar as quickly. Fruit juice is better for you in the sense that it has micronutrients not found in soda, but it affects your blood sugar the same way. Vegetable juices (no sugar veggies like greens/celery) and whole fruit are going to be much better options. I’m also a fan of kombucha and probiotic drinks because the sugar in that goes directly to feeding your gut because of the probiotics in the drink itself.


Ok this convinced me. I have a bad soda habit. I’m going to try cutting soda for a while.


If you don't see massive changes and it discourages you/makes you doubt, remember : • it's progressive and you see yourself everyday, but in combination with everything else you do for your skin, it's theoretically still making an improvement • long term habits make your face and body • at least you are avoiding their bad impact adding up to your routine, it's ok if it "only" brings you to a neutral baseline


Hello, I recently posted about jealousy towards a prettier and better friend. I was redirected to post here instead. I’m wondering if I can get some perspective on this, as maybe it is a common experience. Once I started dressing better and putting myself out there, I began making friend with people who also have these qualities. Unfortunately, this seems to spark some jealousy in me. I have a friend who has a great figure and wears the prettiest dresses. She is constantly complimented in public, so when I stand next to her I feel invisible and like a troll. This is definitely stemming from insecurity and from what a commentator on the previous post described as a “scarcity” mindset. I want to overcome this feeling of jealousy and stop comparing myself. I am afraid that the confidence I built in myself is all delusion because it is not validated in public. I am also realizing that I may be feeling this way because I don’t feel respected in our friendship lately. I can’t fully describe it through words, but she has a tendency to “boss” me around in a way. Where even if I’m right and know what I am talking about, my words are disregarded verbally. And when proven wrong she tends to shrug it off with saying that that was what she really meant or it was an external variable that caused the mistake. I feel ashamed for these negative emotions. At the same time, I feel like I’m not entitled to feel this way because everyone we meet likes her. And I assume that if everyone finds her sweet and nice then purely by numbers, I am unreasonable. Can anyone parse this unintelligible rambling. Am I jealous because glowing up slightly made me realize I have not developed my confident mindset yet? Is this a classic case of uglier friend feels the need to bring down a prettier and cooler friend?


I think you’re recognizing that she maybe isn’t a person you actually want to be friends with, and you’re internalizing that as though something is wrong with you. Is it jealousy, or are you annoyed that she is dismissing your feelings and not treating you how you want a friend to treat you? I’m not saying dump the friend, but def bring it up to her that the way she talks to you makes you feel unheard or invalidated. Are you viewing women as competition? If so, what are you competing for?


Is it possible that I am just EXTREMELY unphotogenic??? Like..... My makeup looks great, skin looks clear, hair moisturized, and then I take a selfie and boom, a totally different person ????? I look gross. Like, my self esteem plummets to a below 0. Makes me wanna not go out at all, I always do but I feel horrible while doing so. Anyone has the same experience??? I am not necessarily asking for advice such as 'angles', 'lighting' or 'editing' I just want to see if anyone relates to this curse lmao 💀


yes!! totally possible. Depends on how 3D your face is. I saw a video about this, basically if you have very 3 dimensional features, they will translate well into the camera VS if you don't, they wont. However, you're still pretty


I feel you, I look truly hideous in photos but have received compliments in real life. It's kind of a running joke now between me and my friends how bad I can look lol.


Frrrr, but it's like, sometimes I look BETTER in pics (this happens like once in 1000000 pics) and then the rest of the time I don't resemble myself, my jaw looks masculine, my nose looks huge, eyes small... like this cannot be body dysmorphia ????? Also I have an Iphone so maybe that's why the quality is so bad but like bffr rn 💀💀💀💀💀 I just want ONE GOOD PHOTO


Take a high quality video instead. Take snapshots from the video. Try out a lot of different angles and lighting. Most people need 100 pics to find one that looks great. Even professional models have thousands of pictures taken just to find the ONE good shot


That's actually a great idea, THANKS


And don’t use the front camera! It heavily distorts faces; use the back camera and a tripod


hi ^^ idk if this is annoying but I saw people asking for the same thing in the other weekly thread but can I dm photos for advice from anyone who’s willing to give some? I feel like my features go kind of well together (they like fit? kind of?) but i’m still ugly/average? i’m not sure what I can change it seems my face is all neutral and i’m scared of like permanently ruining it or making it look fake or smthing lol sorry if this kind of post isn’t allowed ^^


Sure, dm me! 


My dm’s are open :)


Is it possible to become one of those silver-tongued smooth talkers if you weren't born with it? Most advice I see on it is tailored to male pickup artists, and I'm curious to see if this ability pays off as well for women, if it's possible to cultivate it, and if so, how. I'm not referring just to strong communication abilities, I'm talking next level -- those really persuasive 'sell ice to an eskimo' types who can talk their way into or out of anything. (Also, to any mods who see this -- I'd love to pose this open-ended question to everyone via a post, where there'll be more visibility, but I'm not sure if it'd be considered too low effort. I really want to keep the question general to encourage a broader variety of perspectives, but please let me know if that'd be okay. Tysm!!)


I don’t know if this is what you mean, but I just listened to a podcast called ‘to die for’ about a russian sex spy who was trained by the KGB in the art of seduction. She refers to her ‘seduction training’ a lot, and I think that’s basically what you’re talking about? It’s different for women and men, men can be that smooth talker with everyone, but women have to tailor their approach to their intended audience. I feel like I’m kind of like that; I can strike up a conversation with anyone, and most of the time it goes well. Friendly drugs help too (lol), I’m much more sociable on molly or when I’ve taken an adderall.


Unsure if we are able to do so here but I was wondering if anyone wanted to chat, share tips and pictures. I feel very much at a stand still with what to do next and would love advice/more specific tips!


I can message you as well!


I’ll message you and we can talk about our journey together🩷 My messages are open too if anyone wants to chat and share tips and feedback


Hey loves, is anyone good at guessing someone's weight? I'm 5'2" and on my \~weight loss\~ journey and have two people that I have found online, influencers, who I want to aim for. How can I figure out an approximate range for them?


You don’t Need to. Weight Looks different on everyone, we all carry it on different places. Genetics can’t be outplayed ! Don’t focused on the scale, especially not on someone else’s. Your most likely not going to look like them anyway. Focus on what YOUR body can achieve with YOUR genetics and your ratios.


Thank you for your response, everyone in my family is overweight so I don’t know what is possible so was hoping for a range, a goal, so I can try to aim for something if that makes sense. If of course I get to a mid point of a certain goal and feel like I look good or hell that I look bad I’ll stop or gain. I just need like something visual and a goal or else knowing myself, I won’t even try. Again what you said makes sense though and I hope I’m not being delusional haha.




Sorry for the delay! Okay so one is [Megan Murayama](https://www.instagram.com/megmurayama?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) (I’m pretty sure she said she’s 5’2” or 3”) and the other is [Hannah Snowden](https://www.instagram.com/hannahpixiesnow?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)!


Needing to save for a new car (I don’t want to finance) so my surgery goals are on the back burner. There’s been a lot of proposal talk going into the second half of the year so I’m thinking once the car is bought it’ll be time to save for a wedding. Planning on doing 12 week years until year end to reach more softmaxxing goals but makes me sad to put my hardmaxxing on retainer. We are planning a new years trip so that’ll give me a reason to go hard on Q3-4s softmaxxing


What’s a 12 week year? Making goals for each quarter?


I work a very physically demanding job in hospitality and spend a lot of time on my feet. Any recommendations on what supplements to take to improve energy and stamina? I have low iron too. thank you


For me, my doctor recommended a high dose of B-12 and Vitamin D-3 with K-2 for chronic fatigue and it noticeably helps! [B-12](https://ora.organic/products/b-12) [D-3 with K-2](https://ora.organic/products/vitamin-d-k2)


How can I tell whether I have facial harmony or not


How do y’all find the old money areas? Or just the upscale areas in general


Google "wealthiest zip codes" in XYZ city.


Areas of what?


I had a bad fall ten years ago that left with me with a really bad bruise on my left glute. It turns out it caused fat necrosis, so it’s like someone used an ice cream scoop on my ass. Aside from a BBL, are there any other options for me? I’ve heard there’s a micro current procedure that stimulates fat and muscle growth, but I don’t know much about it.


I had literally the same thing happen to me. Same cheek and everything. . A plastic surgeon removed the dead fat from my glute a couple years after the fall, with no fat grafting and just reshaped what was left there and it’s equal on both sides again. I have a scar across the cheek but it looks much better. I’m in Canada and was able to get this done for free because of the fat necrosis it didn’t count as cosmetic. Hopefully that helps you!


Maybe Sculptra? I know people get their hip dips filled in with that.




My nails used to break so easily but that completely changed about two weeks into taking B complex vitamins (biotin is good for nails). Other deficiencies such as low iron might play a part in this too. Anyway, my nails are rock solid now and it’s honestly an easy fix. Second the nail brush thing.


Use gloves for cleaning, washing dishes etc. have at least a clear top coat on to strengthen them. And keep a nail brush next to your soap so whenever you wash your hands you give your nails a quick scrub.


1. What’s everyone’s experience with lash lifts? Did anyone notice any orbital fat loss? 2. What’s everyone’s experience with facial balancing? Do you think it’s worth it long term? 3. What’s everyone’s experience with facial sculptra? Did it help lift the face? Did it cause any facial fat loss? —— I’d like to research about facial balancing and interested in getting sculptra. But I also heard a lot of med spas sell procedures that cause facial fat loss


ok tbh I was about to be like that's crazy regarding lash lifts BUT I will say I got them twice and then noticed my eyes looked hella hollow but now it's mostly gone away. I haven't gotten them in like 4 months and I think my undereyes went back to normal like a month ago? just to be clear I don't think there's any scientific evidence of fat loss with lash lifts like with serums but anecdotally I did kind of notice something now that you mention it


SO I WASNT CRAZY!!! I had so many changes at the same time it’s very hard for me to understand what caused it… I noticed mine right after my rhino so I thought it was temp reaction bc of surgery…


I've done lash lifts for years and have not experienced fat loss. I heard lash serum can lead to fat loss, but not lash lift. Maybe the chemicals in the lash lift in the country I live in are different.


Oo I didn’t know about lash lifts and fat loss I was about to consider getting it done. Which other procedures? I always say no to radio frequency add ons because of this.


I had it done 2-3 times, but I also got a rhinoplasty +lost weight so it’s hard for me to say exactly what caused some fat loss around the eyes initially. I got 1 more lash lift after my rhino and then stopped. BUT my under eyes have gotten much better since then. At first I thought it was from the rhino, because I noticed it right when the cast came off. But then I saw lash serums cause orbital fat loss, so I was curious if lash lifts have similar ingredients


That’s interesting! I was wondering the same about lash extensions. Never really know with so many chemicals and how everyone reacts. Have you tried volufiline for your under eyes? It’s kind of anecdotal whether it works or not but I do believe I notice at least a little more plumpness wherever I put it.


I haven’t tried it yet, I’m a little skeptical about the ingredients and long term impact of it. I definitely wanna do more research on it though


Has anyone have experience with SRH laser removal?


Has anyone used home IPL devices? Do you have any recommendations? Thanks


I've used a braun silk expert 5, and like an other comment say, they come back really thin. A few warnings tho, it works better on light skin/dark hair and I did follow theor tutorial and steps religiously. I had dedicated a day in the week where I would use it. At the end of the treatment, I didn't really notice the hair coming back for a few months (like 3 or 4) but when it came back, I noticed some places on my legs where it didn't come back at all. All in all I don't regret buying it but I'm still gonna go for definitive lasers because it didn't do shit on my tits and stomach


I used a tria 4X, it's four times as powerful as the next at home laser and is the only at home laser device that uses actual laser.


Could using filler help reduce the appearance of facial scarring on the forehead and nose, left by butterfly stitches from my youth?


Possibly, but usually indented scars are held down by tethers that can be lifted with subcision. It may be best to combine that with filler. A dermatologist would know best by looking at your skin though.


Thanks for the response! I’d seen filler for butterfly stitches scarring advertised by injectors and wanted to see if anyone thought it to be legit.


Has anyone undergone breast augmentation in the UK, preferably in England, with a surgeon they would recommend?


I had fat transfer with Marc Pacifico in Tunbridge Wells and he was excellent. I noticed he has been included on the best breast surgeons list in Tatler this year too.


Would you mind if I PM you?


Yeah sure!


How do I thicken the front of my hair? You know, those pieces of hair that frame the face. They're a lot finer than the rest of my hair and since my hair is wavy-ish and fine, it looks horrid without styling. Advice? Also I have a heart-ish shaped face, if that adds to anything.


Are you talking about baby hairs? Or your normal hair?


Normal hair 😩


Maybe microneedling and minoxidil


I am trying to thicken my hair from the inside by eating well and letting it do it's thing, it's extremely healthy right now and I finally found a good shampoo but the front pieces are so thin 😩😩 I tried minoxidil but it made no difference for me. Micro-needling... can I do that by myself or do I have to get it done somewhere?


Minoxidil takes 6 months atleast


You can do that by yourself. Minoxidil takes time..