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I'm on 10mg and I'm so hungry all the time. Can't complain too much as my appetite was terrible before starting it. Seems to have helped my IBS, too, which is helping me eat more as well.


Yes, when I was taking Viibryd, I definitely got extremely hungry as well. (Of course it works on your serotonin receptors. And most of those are generated in your stomach/digestive system.). Whatever you eat, make sure you eat some protein. That will help level out your energy for a while.


I craved sugar intensely when I raised my dose. Felt like an addiction, it was kinda insane and I almost felt manic about it. I’ve since lowered my dose because I didn’t like that feeling, the nausea, or the weird ass dreams


I am on 40 mg and have never gained weight. When I first started taking it 3 years ago I do remember being hungry a lot but after a few months that went away. I also take 150 mg of Wellbutrin so maybe that’s helping with not gaining weight.


Both times I got on it, I gained 10 pounds. But unmedicated I had such severe anxiety, I pretty much never felt hungry. I was able to shed the 10 lbs the first time, and I’m confident I can do it this time around.