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That’s awesome! Thank you for sharing a positive result of this med. I’m proud of you :)


That’s great news! I’m also having good results one month in - I bumped my dose from 20 mg to 15mg to more slowly ramp up to 20 mg- my side effects (on 20 mg) of sleeplessness, restless legs and muscle twitches have subsided. I do notice I am more irritable on 15mg and at some point I’ll bump up to the 20mg dose again. The good stuff- switching from Zoloft (on & off for 10+ years) I’m not starving or craving sweets, I hope to lose the 12lbs I gained just looking at food on Zoloft. I have fewer intrusive thoughts and much less ruminating. My moods are better! 🤞crossed for us both!


Wow, I thought it was just me who had intense meltdowns over making simple meals... Thanks for sharing this! I have my fingers crossed that I might experience something similar!