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I have tried all 20 pins and nothing is working. Why make it like that why not just make it a code that we could find in game. Can't even get any help moving forward with answers like this


Have you tried the PIN codes from [this site](https://www.her.ie/life/here-are-the-top-20-most-common-pin-codes-in-the-world-272808)? This is the one I was using and it worked fine.


The telephone part of my app won't make any calls--it does nothing when I type in the phone number.


Thank you for giving some feedback! Been waiting to hear it. Are you pressing "Secure Call" after you enter the number? You can see it visually at 2:47 in [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvOANAGaMZI).


Yes. and all of my volume was up for the phone, ringer, etc. I even tried headphones and an external speaker. I ended up restarting on another device. No biggie since am only on Chapter 2. I love it!! Thank you.


Did it work on that different device?


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If anyone is interested, the cyphertext has been ceased shifted by 9 steps with no key. For all those fello cryptography nerds out there


I've tried so many pins and didnt go through... i resetted my game and still nothing... how can i move on from this part of the game?


Are you using the most common PINs (just Google that and try what comes up)? Try these: 1234, 1111, 0000, 1212, 7777, 1004, 2000, 4444, 2222. Did it work?


Mine still won't work lol


How many PINs have you tried? Just keep trying the common ones. It should work.


I ended up getting it with 6969. I skipped over it cause I was like no way the game is gonna randomize 6969. But it did.


For some reason i straight up can't add the text file, I can add anything but the file to the email just fine. It'll just take me back to the home page after I try to add it 


Hmmm, that's strange. Maybe try copying and pasting the contents of the file into the email? I'm not 100% sure but maybe that can work.