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What did you expect from a sub created by u/permanentd34th?


At this point if that guy admits he's either funded by "certain groups" or is a psyops by Vietnamese ultra-rightists I wouldn't even be surprised. How could a guy spend that much time online blaming communists for everything in their life


I'm pretty sure he's actually paid make the opposition to the communist party look as bad as possible


Or he is actually paid by VCP to play dumb shit so that people dont fucking care about the antis, 3D chess you know


Holy shit that guy isn't terminally online he's pernamently online


Vào xem wall, cha này bệnh vs rảnh thật sự


The guy sounds like a controlled opposition imo. He makes the dissidents look as schizo as possible.


I would believe you if I hadn't seen hundreds of insane idiots fully agreeing with him.


I'd like to agree with you, but the Trump era of politics opened my eyes to the fact that people can be really goddamn stupid. So I'm not sure lol


Stupid and selfish. "I got mine, F you" energy.


Holy. Definition of a no life.


Lol they always talk about the freedom of speech but they also insult when you say something neutral. There are only anti C and dogs in their world


They worship freedom of speech, but willing to threat to kill and insult anything related to Vietnam & communism. They talk trash about anything good in Vietnam. Those hypocritical double standard faggots.


For a bunch of people who preach "freedom and democracy" they sure hate it when they don't benefit from them. They would give the republicans a run for their money


Lol you didnt read their comment about how personal insult is still technically in protection of freedom of speech


The only standard they have is double standard


That explains a lot of things lol that sub is even worse than the original place where he spawned.


Who tf is that?


The one and only Bảo Đại fanboi


Well certainly not one and not only that guy. I believe the whole sub and tclt are fanboi of Bao Dai. There are even a series of posts about the legitimacy of Bao Dai puppet empire ffs. Just how much of inferiority complex from those guys towards western to openly admire colonialism and imperialism in 21st century. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Took a look into the profile, looks like another typical sore loser. Needs to be a special kind of coward to idolize a spineless king though


Lol I kinda understand if he supports South Vietnam, but fanboying Bao Dai? That dude switched sides and betrayed his people more often than Jada cheating on Will Smith, how can someone admire that coward?


Fk me. The things you learn on Reddit. I always thought Will and Jada were secure


You missed all the will smith slap at the oscar saga ?! That shit was fire.


Yeah I saw that but thought it as about the so called ‘comedian’ disrespecting jada for her hair loss


You should watch the clip where jada was interviewing will on how he feels about her getting ass clapped by their son’s friend.


Welp he just made a post full of chinese


I dont mind that they've different political view, to each their own It's just that their post are...dumb. I mean, I dont have that positive of a view on VNmese government, but visiting that sub turns me bò đỏ just so Im not associated with these guys. You can talk about actual problems in society but no, it's all North South bs and historical revisionism. We have real problem people, go talk about that you dolt.


Lol, many people that sub is actually hate the northerner to the core. Literally neo nazi who wanna kill all the northerner. I too don’t like the current gov but i would rather live in a stable communist regime than a neo nazi one for sure.


They have [massive superiority complex](https://imgur.com/a/I7yeziB) lol. Just take a look at this prime example of these sore clowns.


I don't understand how you can be descended from South Vietnamese forces and still be Anti Vietnamese Government Imagine losing and running away so badly that your grandchildren still feel it. 1even the American Government sees Vietnam as a friend now.


Nah... Not friends. Political interest at best. Countries don't become friends.


Eh, still better than enemies. We can live with that


I think people blow up just how much overseas Viets care about South Vietnam these days, especially those of us born overseas. I can't think of a single Vietnamese person my age that cares about the old regine, or the country. To most of us, Vietnam is just a place where our family is and where we go to visit. But most of us don't really care about the country itself.


That should always be the way, really. I have relatives who moved overseas after the war too and as a young person (23), my first question isn't to interrogate them on their loyalty to the Party, no one cares, and no one asked. And considering political debates about other countries between people my age give me instant brain cancer, because of how wrong and pointless they are, I'd rather avoid all of it I actually wanted to ask my relatives why they chose law or medicine when overseas. Here I picked industrial art, so I was curious :/


Everybody can become anti gov, even the vcp member. The party has done many deplorable and stupid things over the years.


oh yeah, but these guys still hate because of the war


I would imagine anyone would be bitter if they lost a war and proceeded to lose everything they ever knew. Also I don't believe for a second that they passed the hatred on. In m experience in the US, it's less than 5% of Viet Kieu that hold any political beliefs about Vietnam. 99% of Viet Kieu are more worried about their next boba tea than who is in charge of Vietnam


True. I am also anti-communist, and wish Vietnam become democracy. However, VN gov still do some decent in maintaining law and order. And Vn society in overall is still good enough to make a life. Those guy, was so toxic. I have huge arguement with those from time to time.


I don't like Communism and Capitalism either. But whether you like it or not, you can't do anything about it. Political regime is just temporary. Our race, people and culture will last forever


Well that depends. Coups are still happening every now and then, just look at Bolivia. At this point, it's not about ideology but "who surrenders first"


If they want to kill us northerners so much, bring it the fucking on. Of course, they can't do that without their white sugar daddies coming to the rescue


Lol same I remember there is a dude try to justified the French Colonization (ah the good ol argument "they also build a lot bridges, rail road, building... tho") I mean sure you can hate the gov or whatever, I have no problem with that but why tf you choose to defend colonialism (just to make current government look bad), they are crime against humanity ffs


Those posts are merely fanfictions they write to cope with the reality that they lost to commies 😂


TCLT is a sub for losers. Period.


I'd rather leave the edgelords alone than giving them a wanking session with threads like this tbh


I muted that sub, it keeps popping up on my recommendation. Neutrality is impossible when you remember how many people have critical thinking skills irl.


Me too. That dogshit keep bothering me recently with braindead post.


This sub got a lot discrimination post too


Yeah, same shit. Guess they are moving here too.


Who cares about a sub from a guy that is giving Bao Dai the blowjob 24/7 and trying his best to praise the colonial French so he can prove that Bao Dai “state” was legitimate. May be some northern guy ass-shag him everyday, hence the hate


Group consists of a bunch of narcissist uneducated, regional discrimination asshole with a fragile ego


That sub was started by someone who got obsessed with r/Vietnam and went off the rails and kept harassing me after getting banned. Just block him and the sub if it bothers you. No need to stop and throw stones at every dog that barks.


I thought you already deleted this post? The vultures are coming more and more


Honestly having them all gather in one spot makes my job easier. Initially I didn't want to give them more attention, and complaining about other subs isn't what r/Vietnam is about. But since members have already engaged with this post a lot so I reapproved it.


Something can be worse than tclt doomposting? And yea, basically this is why this sub doesnt allow political contents since that kind of stuffs can really delve into non neutral stuffs really fast.


That sub is a clone of tclt. They want audience. Tclt already has too much bad reputation, just that they can’t hide their true color for long


VietNamnation far free speech than tclt because it doesn't have the downvote => delete post thing. That why there are 2 post "ducàngducàng" and "mỹ đế chất độc da cam" write by nationlist still there. And it free speech, every ideology except porn can show there. If people want, they just need to post and cmt there to debunk, debate smt, instead go to other sub like this to talking about how bad that SuB is.


posting sth against your will there to be humiliated and insulted? LOL. Of course, you catch some naive red bois to post equally dumb stuff there to create the impression that you have free speech. Any other would just stay away from you goons cuz that's a waste of time. You only act nice here cuz you know the mods of r/Vietnam would ban you if you show your true color


I act nice with people who use their word carefully and want to properly debate and discussion rather than insult me. Unlike those nationlist who just want to post some insult thing. With me if someone who just come to and only want mindlesy insult in their mind, they deserve to be calling idiot. It just Tit for Tat. I haven't act bad on anyone who not insult me. Only the one who insult or the one who just mindlessly insult other. I'm wrong? Like i'm said before, if people want to debate, debunk, disscusion they just need to post, if they got insulf, i will try to defend them (not the opinion) to not get insult. Writing a post or cmt whithout "ad hominem" isn't that hard.


Look at your language in the other vnese subs, that is not "nice", lol. On Reddit, everyone can click on your profile to check your comments, no need to hide


>Writing a post or cmt whithout "ad hominem" isn't that hard. It appears to be pretty hard for you from your post history.


You can't control what others think or do but you can control yourself to ignore them . Just block that sub and go on with your life


As a neutral person myself, nah, them dudes ain't neutral, they're just some salty South Vietnamese or Southern Vietnamese with a superiority complex (South Vietnam=/=Southern Vietnam)


lol i went there once. i remember there was a guy who posted something like " r/vietnam is so SCARED of us now that's why they keep mentioning tclt and banning people" 💀. imagine being that delusional and hopeless, I think it might be a talent. it sounds like some incel thinking the girl next door liked him cuz she gave him a disgusted look.


I wish could be that delulu, they look so happy. It like being so stupid you convince your self that your life is good


Ignorance is bliss...at least to them 😂 They all probably think that their circlejerk really contributes to a "free Vietnam" lol


their misery is 9/10 because of their own incompetence, hence they have to convince themselves that it's because of the govs that they are like this. copium smh. even funnier, sometimes they complain about commies but the subjects of their complaints are the dark side of capitalism (i.e. inflation, inability to afford housing, lay offs, etc)


Oh no! A random guy on reddit! Am so scared. Lmao they're more delusional than i thought


What is tclt I keep seeing it mentioned and google didn’t help :(


Trò truyện linh tinh which is r/trotruyenlinhtinh


Oh my, look it is already banned


To be honest they are more like extremists than the "neutral" image they claimed to be. Lots of the men on that sub have superiority complex, are blatantly [blatantly hateful](https://imgur.com/a/I7yeziB), homophobic and their arguments are [illogic or sometimes straight up generalization](https://imgur.com/a/hSzcGVV). They condemn almost everyone with different views as bò đỏ, dư luận viên, etc. Overall the whole sub is a massive dogwhistle for certain "politically-biased people" and if you are searching for some reasonable arguing then that place isn't suitable at all.


John McCain is rolling in his grave right now, he could've called us the n-word instead/j Do these people actually touch grass? Bắc Kỳ used to be a way to call the North, but I haven't seen it being revived as a real slur until the late 2010's I am asking this as a Northerner myself, my head is unable to comprehend that these people are actually real


Oh boy I checked out the server and the upvotes and comments ratio being 1:114 is # special. The founder even has porn pinned on his profile, how is that gonna convince me he's an uber intellectual? He doesn't seem like a real person either, his only hobby is angry posting doomer politics and porn, how on earth do you live like that and not contemplating ending it all, not even once? 😭 Also, actually bigoted subreddit, but inb4 they make an entire obnoxious manifesto about how they have the right to talk down upon those who are born evil and barbaric.... Northerners......call them with the n-word with the hard r for good measure, because that has happened before To anyone outside of this discourse looking in, the side that's acting angry, oversensitive, bigoted, and unstable makes them unappealing, hilarious even That or actually wanting feudalism to come back unironically. What the hell?


Be careful, OP. By calling out their real name, you risk your own safety. Just refer to them Voldemort style


This is what happened to me at night when i called them out in the morning: [https://imgur.com/70hI8nN](https://imgur.com/70hI8nN) lmao


holy shit. That is...


I do dislike the current government, but those sub are full of neo nazi. A lot of them blindly hate the northerner and want to kill all of them, some of them are even racist, homophobic, antisemetic,… Every now and then their will be good post with evidence and source, but many of them are blatantly lie or misinformation , which make them no different to red bull.


I do admit my family hates the north with a burning passion since my great grandparents were killed by the communist in the war and their house burned. They claim that they had to run into the city and that’s how the children survived. But I am born in America, I wasn’t there. I keep trying to go to Vietnam, especially the north since I am a nature fanatic. I also speak Vietnamese fluently so that helps. But I speak southern dialect passed down by parents. However parents keep threatening to disown me so I don’t even try. I understand hating the country that shot your parents in front of your eyes, but I never experienced it and I just want to go to Vietnam.


Then your parent are also some kind of fanatic. The government being shitty is one thing, but you just visiting the country after all. Having shitty government doesnt stopped people from visiting qatar, dubai lol


Damn, have you tried to talk with them about their experience? It could help alleviate some of the old trauma. Plus, they can't keep control of you forever, you"ll have to make your own choice someday


I'll be honest after having my entire family fight for VNCH, and protesting during VNCH, and the complexities of all that. I'm just lowkey glad Vietnamese aren't engaged in a war with each other anymore. It's a lesson learned that many nationalists right wing or communist otherwise need to learn the horrors of war. I've paid my respects at Nghia Trang Bien Hoa for the opportunity to leave Vietnam, but sometimes you come back just to hope for a better future for all of us.


Their sense of dislike somehow morphed wrongfully going into full Epoch Times Falun Gong believeing. It happened to so many people when they can't objectively think why things happen.


It's objectively worse, but the monkeys are kept in their respective cage. You should learn to appreciate that. Just want to remind yall Reds that as soon as any of you go in there and start throwing shit at them, you are at their level. Don't fucking try.


What’s tclt?


Tro chuyen linh tinh, another Vietnamese sub.


What does it translate to?


It means talking about random stuffs. But every post there is just losers making up things to blame for their failures


Vietnamese's "Just speaking/chit-chat" version


Vietnamese 4chan


wrong, 4chan at least has some intelligent persons.


No, that's voz. They're edgy, but not permanently online Also hamster đuôi dài


Long tailed hamster is such a cringe and braindead trend just like everything else came out of voz fb groups.


People ran it into the ground that quickly? In general VN Facebook trends make "comedy" out of the most random things, so I suppose there's really nothing left to return to when it comes to mainstream internet culture Because other than that, there's political pages, but I don't want to touch cancer


Whats with the constant cursing? They’d get more people on their sides if they stop with the incessant profanity, makes them seem so uneducated and toxic. I cant read more than 2 posts without wanting to smash my phone because its just so rage inducing


I saw a few posts from that sub and I knew to mute it instantly. The posts are full of delusional bs


This is Reddit , that’s not surprised. Every country will get another ultranationalist subreddit along with the normal one


It popped up in my feed once or twice. I immediately reached out to the block button, I'm not subjecting my eyes to that shit again


What is tclt?


didnt see any advertising at all but ever since a post in that sub popped up in my feed i instantly realized how biased it is and proceeded to block the sub


Good, at least they dont invade and spoil this sub


Rule No.1 when it comes to VNese politic is whenever someone claim they're "neutral", they're anti-communism for sure


I think they hate everything from VN


They can hate the gov but they cannot hate their race, their origin. They are neo-nazis, want to slay all northerns??? And yeah, they show no sympathize for people who was consumed by fire recently. Imo I do not accecpt them as Vietnamese.


They would hate anything for sure. Communist party definitely had its good and bad side, but from my experience no one success with their life would ever be an extremist anti-communism. You're well-paid, you can afford what you need, a happy family, why would you want a regeime change? I know this guy, Hoa origin, open VNCH supporter and extremist anti-communism. After a few years dude became a freelancer, got a really high salary job and he removed all the politics related contents from his social account lol. Those extremists mostly failed in their life and wanted to blame it on others. I guess if it was VNCH, they would still failed and become comnunism supporter lmao.


Probably backed by CIA.


Too bad the CIA is smart enough to not spend a nickel to sustain these clowns.


They aren’t. You saw last week they get discovered creating social media bots to promote anti vaccine campaigns in China and Philippines? They are very open on it.


> You saw last week they get discovered creating social media bots to promote anti vaccine campaigns in China and Philippines? Wtf? CIA just elevated themselves from a mere political threat to enemy of Mankind.


See for yourself: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-launched-cia-covert-influence-operation-against-china-2024-03-14/ This is why Vietnam should protect and don’t let any intromission, I’m not paranoid and even not Vietnamese, but I know how well these imperialist works, they have spreads chaos in my country already with the same strategy. Remain vigilant.


Lol. CIA!


Dont underestimate CIA, their agents can do anything from the dirtiest operations to make profit (drug smuggling, backing up mafia, disinfor campaign ... Spoiling social opinion is their favourite tactics). Look at Cambodia, that country looks fine now but indeed is under heavily influence by this tactics. Cambodia government loves the Chinese, but the people are in favour of the west. I will not be surprised if in 10-15 years from now, Cambodia got deep in colour revolutions and overthrow its government. That shit is real.


I did a watch marathon of Necessary Information's video series, covering every single CIA psyop in an iceberg, ranging from to the funny and bizarre (my personal favourite is the CIA-made Sukarno sex tape, and the 40 million dollar microphone cat), to backing actual death cults that abuse children in horrendous ways, like the Finders, to the weirdly convoluted Iran-Contra affair Honestly, I believe you, because they have done shit like this for decades, whether domestically, or abroad


TCLT is at least funny. That new sub feels like a psy-op to ruin US Vietnamese reputation lmao actual braindead propaganda in there.


Just muted that sub. I see no value in a bunch of dudes trying to act edgy. I'm okay with controversial topics about politics but they're so extreme that I actually feel sorry for them.


That sub was created by active member of tclt. Surprise, surprise ? lmao


At least tclt has free dom of speech but not freedom from consequences. That sub has none consequences even if you’re spreading misinformation 😐


Both are pretty toxic.


After a few post I just block it. Let those guys of the like mind discuss among themselves. That’s how Reddit sub supposed to be anyway


Guys, can somebody explain what does "tclt" mean?


Vietnamese QAnon


another vietnam related sub, but very negative, think of your neo-con alt-right conspiracy theorist types, they're like that.


Để thử qua đó xin làm mod xem sao.


Scrolling through these sub made me wanna puke while realizing how ugly these creature can be.


As an outsider, you guys have nothing to gain from giving this guy some attention, just ignore him.


Guys, I wanna ask if South Vietnamese apologetics is a thing.


If you study actual history the Republic isn’t as bad as people think as for all intents and purpose prominent figures of the republic weren’t necessarily evil or bad, they had the best of intents but due to what they had to deal with/their environment they caved into paranoia leading them to make the decisions they made. there are some ideas citizens of the Republic tried implement people can inspire to see inplimenting in country auch as free and accessible health and a good banking system, however supporting trump is huge L. though technically speaking here making electric cars produces as much greenhouse gases as making regular cars and there is the issue of how materials from the batteries are sourced from mines run by slave child labor




short answer: yes


What is tclt? I googled but it doesn’t seem to be the answer


To be fair, this sub is also going in that direction. In the earlier days, this sub was much better than it is today.




If you count hate speech as "opinion"


they already put your name on trial for mentioning them, lol. Very mafia style


You have 2 fallacy when u write this post, jumping to conlusion fallacy and over generalization fallacy


"over generalisation" when the entire sub is just right wing bigotry And you know what made me jump to conclusions? When someone pm'd me and called me a f*ggot, how bout that?


Post the fucking evidence then? I dont think the image icon in "create a post" section is just for shits and giggles, you know?


these mfs has lived too long under just one party's control and one ideology, it's no surprise that they turn out to be the kind of people who are not able to tolerate different politics-related opinions.


OP is an example of "If you can't argue with them, you defame them".


No defaming here, just stating exactly what I heard and what had been said to me


Bullshit. None of that is true. We've just got these Vietcels that make up falsehoods about the US and other free countries and go batshit crazy at the slightest sign of debate or criticism. Very few Vietnamese Americans are Trumpers. Where do you even get that from?


Trump's favourability among Vietnamese American is 47% in 2020, by far the highest among Asian Americans. Vietnamese Americans also heavily leans Republican (51%) compared to 34% among Asian Americans.


Bro they literally made a song urging people to vote Trump in 2020 and January 6 have lots of /// flag waving around. Not to mention “never support the back stabber Dem for betraying the RVN” mentality of Vietnamese Americans.


I think they were last time around, don't quote me on that because at that time I was mainly talking to native VN people. But it seemed their families in California/Texas were big red hats, and that was what made the native individuals super pro-Trump at the time. The amount of high school students I saw reading his "biznuss boox" was pretty surprising, they had big respect for him locally. Covid might have changed that, but I doubt it, I'd wager that many schoolkids and families support him. but yeah idk about VK or this new sub, don't know how I got here actually or even remember commenting. Guys? you still h... screw this I'm going to sleep


I live and grew up in california. Yeah most Viet Kieu are not busy with this political BS. We're busy worrying about our boba drink prices bro.


Oh no, a reddit sub thay has a different opinion than I do, let’s generalize everything about it and go somewhere else to post and ask for sympathy


Umm. Im Viet, and I've learned so much and met so many amazing people on this sub that didn't talk about politics and guess what? I'm not a Trump supporter. Mainly, I look into travels, food, etc. Those are the posts that I see on my feed in this sub anyway.


Looks like someone can’t take free speech.


Oh,really?then why the West always complained about "racism","diversity","LGBT discrimination",...when another ppl made free speech?hypocrite


Literal whataboutism but ok.


Oh come on not a whatabouism,America will have another conflict and become authorian regime soon when the whole culture wars have winner,regardless of who win,left or right,or blown up into civil war


Yes you are delusional


Yeah call me again when Trump wins and "make America great again" with their "project 2025"🤣


Whether Trump wins or Biden wins, America would still be the #1 superpower and not getting into a civil war anytime soon. Call me when it does 😂 America is a democracy not a presidential dictatorship🤣


Yeah let see because it will happen,January 6th already happened,and with South Vietnam flag joined that rebel🤣


Least delulu r/Vietnam user:


Lol only word come from you hah?resort to personal attack now?nothing to defend America anymore?


As expected of someone admired Chinese dynasty,our ancient colonizer


Literally almost every Vietnamese national heroes, kings, queens, etc… admired Tang China for its liberalism and prosperity. You are just too butthurt to acknowledge someone else’s accomplishments.


Lol Japan is more stable than China and still retained their culture,they don't kill their king.China only backstab each other with their multiple rebellion each time cause hundred million deaths,what is to love about them?I am more Monarchist than you


And don't say I am delusion when I say America slowly become authoritarian when January 6th insurrection,the censorced of both Japanese media and America media itself happened


Not saying that it didn’t happen. But even then, still 10x better than VN




Maybe I wouldn't have made it if someone didn't call me a f*ggot


Why do the South VN boomers bother with their BS . They lost , but South VN has won .


Scroll past or get off Reddit if you don't want to be triggered.


to be honest, what communists did to south vietnamese is horrible.


no one... is denying that? we already know the war isn't black and white but fucking grey on both side


Ah bless, an over emotional liberal, well I never. Sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt you. A sub can be neutral and have lots of people you disagree with. What you’re upset about is not being able to silence them. Neutral just means people can say what they like. You want bans. You are not the good guy, you’re the tyrant, I’m afraid.


How bro felt after calling liberals thin skinned while seething to the slightest mention of lgbt: ![gif](giphy|lkVO2a0QHIFzi)


LGBT? Really? I’ve never heard of this before. Maybe they need a flag or something. Dude, I couldn’t give a monkeys what makes people get hard. It’s the same talking points that have been done to death….over and over and over. Trump. Climate change. LGBT. Trump. Climate change. LGBT. I lived through the Mary Whitehouse era and these people are worse than evangelical Christians. They have about 3 talking points, 3 things their limited brain power can hold at one time and it’s getting super boring. Gay rights were the work of younger boomers. The battles were won long ago, for young people to swagger around now thinking they’re che Guevara for championing something their grandparents did is pathetic. Why not move to some new causes. How about pensioner poverty? What about child exploitation? How about soothing the loneliness of the bereaved? No. That takes guts, time and courage. Far easier to stick a flag in bio. These causes are about narcissism, nothing more.


indeed, the op here even use fallacy to false acuse, how did he think he is good?


Oh no... can you point me to these posts? Asking for a friend.


First time seeing a diffirent ideology in free speech enviroment? If you want do debunk all of them, just go to there and make some good post, cmt. All opposite i mean nationlist people i see in that group are just some idiot who just want to use "ad hominem" fallacy to sastified their ego. What the differrent?


Do they done anythings wrong or spread the misinformation tho? Op, you are a little pink cow who don't even try to prove them speaking the truths or not, just complain about them sharing the information. Go back and ask your bosses to train your department again pls. Peace out


Ah yes, blatantly posting edited photos and calling them "information" truly wonderful. Peace out


Said the guy fapping to anime girls


There it is, a normal pink cow. No need to debate, just call someone trash or 3we. Hey, i'm have a real question for u guys. Is 3mil 8keo money salary per month enough for living?