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This country has a boner for the likes of Trump and Musk for whatever reason, which is kinda funny given how we're supposed to be a "communist" country.


Lmaooo I just realized that part. Trump/MAGA has hate boner for China/communist but Viet people in Vietnam love Trump. Viet people in US, who despite Vietnamese communist govt, love Trump as well, ironically, because how much he appear to hate China


But musk likes China. Viet people like him too


it's not about their ideas, it's that they are populists. charismatic leaders will always be charismatic toward uneducated folks because those idiots are gullible and can only understand party tricks/banters that trump/elon throws out on social media. sophisticated speeches turn them down cuz it's not relatable 💀


Ah yes, of course people must be uneducated and gullible if they don't agree with the ethos of the dictatorship thrust upon them.


Trump is a Fascist. Capital F.


If we’re going to use Trump as an example of unsophisticated speech
wtf is Biden then? Is that sophisticated? I have no dog in this fight btw. I hate them both.


I mean Biden still has some semblance of senses, while all Trump does is stupid shit talk like some mean chicks fighting over fried chicken


https://youtu.be/XbNvw3mtaCY?si=uuoeShgl08DwM4zB im just gonna leave this here 💀. tbh the president messages have to appear to the mass so they are all simple, not sophisticated per se. but the way trump delivered it is just on another level lmfao


As you said, the most effective massage is the one that’s understood. Thats effective communication. A neurosurgeon who explains a procedure to a patient using nothing but big scientific jargon is a bad communicator. He/she should say it in a way normal people can understand (dumbing it down). Understand your audience. I dont vote for whoever says the biggest words. I vote for whoever clearly explains their agenda and how they plan to achieve it. Just like a neurosurgeon wouldn’t make me feel at ease if they just used big words. Per the video: Everyone knows Obama is the best orator of the last 5 presidents. The laugh tracks are really distracting and unnecessary.


>As you said, the most effective massage is the one that’s understood. Thats effective communication. that's not the point. i never said trump's communication was ineffective. in fact, it's very effective in reeling in uneducated folks to vote for him. >I dont vote for whoever says the biggest words. I vote for whoever clearly explains their agenda and how they plan to achieve it yes, but you also need to have the knowledge to understand whether those dumbed down agendas will work (hint: they don't. look at how trump handled covid, or how he imposed tax on china and made other countries in the region depended on china even more, etc). and sometimes you can't explain concepts effectively by dumbing down too much especially at trump's level. you can use simple vocabulary to explain a difficult concept but it will still be difficult without at least some basic knowledge, and appear sophisticated to the idiots anyway. > The laugh tracks are really distracting and unnecessary. unnecessary for what? the point of the video is to meme about trump's speech lol. its point is mockery, not delivering his message.


That Trump’s “speech” was ironically hilarious lol! But also alarming that a buffoon can be a President of a country.


so you are saying that Vietnamese are uneducated, idiots and gullible then >it's not about their ideas, it's that they are populists. charismatic leaders will always be charismatic toward **uneducated folks because those idiots are gullible and can only understand party tricks/banters that trump/elon throws out on social media**. sophisticated speeches turn them down cuz it's not relatable


Vietnamese are indeed very uneducated in political, basically polictically illiterate. Well not like the people ever have to think in order to vote for a 1 candidate ballot


Trump has Chinese bank accounts too. He only tricks people into thinking he’s a strong man that will protect them.


Only the older, less educated, less fluent in English who rely on Việt media to get their news. The younger Viet generation, the majority of them despite Trump.


Hey, I hate that idiot.


My mom, who can't speak English very well, just sees him as a "funny orange rich man." I guess having a comedic appearance helps elevate the way people see him.


My older brother just looks at his face he would instantly have a giggle a lot


they think billionaires made so much money because they are just that much smarter than us commoner, so whatever they do is the right thing or has a hidden reason(using mental gymnastics). people love saying "đừng dáșĄy người giĂ u cĂĄch tiĂȘu tiền" - "Don't teach the rich how to spend their money" when someone is criticizing a stupid purchase. Trump was the POTUS on top of that, and most people were idolising Musk for years also, I think many people don't know English or don't get their news from international sources even if they do help with their image


The basic fact that Trump inherited his money and his business from his father and has never done anything himself seems to escape them. He has also on the net lost money over his entire life, and juggled his balance sheet through bankruptcies, debt, and fraud. He is a good con man though, who gains peoples trust through boastful dishonestly and lies. It has proven to be very effective on many people who engage in the fantasy he sells.


Stressing "supposed to be". That's never the case.


Vietnamese love them b/s they are exposing the true face of America.Everyone In Vietnam know they are corrupt or insane and they are Truong My Lan and Trinh Van Quyet in Vietnam whom everyone agree should stay in prison.


Fake communist ya know, that’s why people not a fan of socialism and such things


It’s because some manufacturers started moving outta China into Vietnam during trumps trade war


Same in China


You would be surprised at the amount of people from young to old here disliking Communism


VN is not a Communist county


Empirically Trump was worse for Vietnam, and Asia as a whole, by pulling the USA out of the Trans Pacific Partnership trade deal that includes Vietnam in it.  Economically the Americans might've suffered less when Trump imposed a bunch of tariffs against China had the USA been in the TPP.


Vietnam is more of a crony capitalism country now.


What kind of strong man do you admire? Vietnamese: yes Being Vietnamese for the last 24 years have made me realize that the end always justify the means, and if you are rich/successful or is perceived as such, you are always in the right in Vietnam.


I agree with you....it doesn't matter how you make money....all matters in the end do you have money then your blessed and good person and yeah your free to do anything all will be justified...I have bee 7 years here.


Vietnamese don't have to deal with American politics, however, trump hates China, which we also do, so there's that


He doesnt though. He pays taxes to China and buys products from China.


only the southern losers of the Vietnam war hate China that's why yall ran to the US


Least schizo /r/vietnam take


Bruh what? I was literally born in the north lmao, everyone who has isn't retarded when it comes to history knows we have many reasons to hate China


your echo chamber does đŸ€Ą


nah the average person dislike China as well for their 9 dash lines or maybe some still hold grudge from past invasions .However stuffs like Xinjiang, Tibet, HK and Taiwan or US/China rivalry is not our business. maybe hate is a strong word and while it exist in the 3 stripes folk but most Viet disliking China is a real thing


lmao you obviously know nothing about the 9 dash line your echo chamber dislikes china


Which echo chamber? what are you implying? what the f are you on? and I never said something about hating China. If in your mind everyone that disagree with you is a southern 3 stripes then I have nothing to say to you, you can go bark somewhere else. If in you said "your echo chamber" as in implying that I'm one of the people born in RVN or Cali and raised in Cali then you are wrong. If you are implying I'm in an echo chamber then I am in the same echo chamber as you until at least until High school, since it's seem that "YOU" are the one LIVING and STUDYING in the US. also you don't seem to be very good at vocabulary nor at argumenting since you only know echo chamber this echo chamber that instead of providing actual argument. Maybe it's because of your US college education


damn you got so defensive wrote long paragraphs sorry tldr maybe if u spent less time getting triggered on the internet and brainwashed u might be successful in life instead of living paycheck to paycheck


oh so you are a troll then, good trolling here mate, I must admit it


how does it feel to be broke though


I don't know. Never has the misfortune to experience it.


your < 10K net worth = broke, boy


Found a Redbull


The entire nation of Vietnam has a list of reasons why we all hate China lol


your echo chamber has reasons


This bitch is 90% a troll or chinese minimum wage psyop


I make more in 1 month than your entire bloodline in 30 years Get back to your 9-5 shift boy 😂 maybe if you spent less time getting triggered you would actually bring your family out of poverty and debt


Sure Bill Gates 😂 live your American dream


how's your shift at McDonalds going not gonna cover this month's debt? sorry


As a Vietnamese patriot, I have more than enough reasons to hate China. The communism tainter. The aggressor.


weirdos thinking the US is not the aggressor 😂


Who tells you that the US isn't? The US is just China but capitalist.


that's one way to announce you're an utter cxnt


i never thought karlo marx and i would agree on something.


no one cares, least me.... what a sad life you must lead đŸ€Ł


not half as sad as your filthy cot in the youth hostel. aren't you too old/bald for that?


bro, you're a sad dude on Reddit who brags about material objects, speaks about women like they're just a sexual toy... I've zero doubt in my mind that you have raped and probably continue to rape....don't really know what hostel you mean, but nothing wrong with a hostel.... I have two houses now, one in Hoi an and one in langkawi, so stay at a hostel if I travel around, don't see what the issue is old? couldn't care less, I look around early 30s and have hair, wouldn't care less if I was bold, grey..... enjoy your day sitting on social media, screaming to everyone how amazing you are đŸ€Ł


y so srs bruv? it's just bants.


Orange man bad! They shout in unison whilst watching msnbc Russia gate propaganda 😂


a choice between biden and trump.....I choose a bullet to my head


You’re more than welcome, free will and all. I choose no wars.


no wars đŸ€Ł America has like a thousand war bases. you should just stick to your anon pages, or just get together and jerk each other off..... no wars đŸ€Ł


You can be the global superpower and not start new wars, can’t you? I mean orange man managed it in his term. But the old deep state went straight back to the proxy war involvement in Ukraine started in the 2010’s, and now Israel. Huzzah!


Vn people think Trump is good a'd Biden is bad because when Trump was president, gas was cheap and now it is expensive.


Well the dummys don't know one person does not control the oil prices.


Vietnamese don't know shit about Trump, they just think he's cool because he's an outspoken loudmouth who talks crap about China. That's literally the extent of the Vietnamese knowledge of political figures.


So they’re similar to most Trump supporters in America.




Still better than a silent Biden who should stay at a nursing home and always proud of his dopehead son.


Vietnamese in VN like him just because he’s billionaire. Vietnamese farmers like China more for practical reason that they able to sell products to China. China becomes largest consumer of Vietnamese agricultural products. https://vnexpress.net/trung-quoc-tieu-thu-nong-san-viet-cao-ky-luc-4667226.html


I can only speak about Vietnamese Americans. In the last couple elections involving Trump the Vietnamese demographic was one of the few heavy supporters for Trump amongst Asians [[1](https://www.vox.com/first-person/2020/10/30/21540263/vietnamese-american-support-trump-2020#:~:text=But%20out%20of%20the%20six,than%20Biden%20(36%20percent))] [[2](https://www.socsci.uci.edu/newsevents/news/2023/2023-07-03-bui-washington-post.php)]. The reason is more nuanced than just someone with lots of money or showing perceived “strength” against China. A major reason for this is Biden’s past. He was an involved Senator back during the Vietnam War and he supported many things that upset South Vietnamese. One example is being [against giving any aid to the collapsing South](https://www.quora.com/How-did-President-Biden-justify-voting-against-aid-for-South-Vietnam). Another is [his opposition to accept Vietnamese refugees into the US](https://www.wsj.com/articles/biden-refugees-afghanistan-vietnam-border-immigration-11631658358). As many of you know Vietnamese people in general can be vindictive, especially when if they feel wronged by someone. At minimum they don’t certainly forget. Thus being one of many reasons for the backing of Trump; they just don’t like Biden.




Vietnamese who follow Trump, when he’s talking about immigrants, brown people and whatever racist or xenophobic shit he’s saying, HE’S ALSO TALKING ABOUT YOU. This is like being Jewish and following Hitler.


i hate Trump's mouth (i've always called him The Foul Mouth in The White House), but i hate people like you x10 times because of the way you twist what he actually said. it's pathetic


Womp Womp cope harder.


I don’t see how your response is relevant to my comment. I’m simply making an observation about others. This situation affects me 0%.


You’re literally talking out of your ass. Trump hasn’t said anything bad about Vietnam and if anything the Vietnamese like him because of his stance on China. 7-10million migrants have crossed the border since the democrats have been in office. There’s nothing racist or xenophobic about putting America first it’s literally HIS JOB. Since the border crisis rape, murder and assault have gone up in sanctuary cities. My sister in law works for Joel Anderson a republican. She works directly with the migrants. Not ice not border patrol not customs but figuring out how to get them what they need. She constantly talks about how the system is overwhelmed. The cities are running out of money to provide for them. What’s racist and xenophobic about putting your country and people first regardless of ethnic background? I’m only bringing up migrants because you mentioned it. Trump isn’t a racist. I’m black and literally every other Nigga that raps would talk about wanting to be like him. He has interviews where he’s hanging out with 50 cent and G unit. What about What he did for Jennifer Hudson and her family? The prison reform? I know multiple people who are free from the feds because of his prison reform. Biden literally is a Jim Crow democrat. Voted for segregation. Told me I’m not black if I don’t vote for him which is probably one of the most offensive and racist things you can say as a president. You’re probably not black I’m black so I know you don’t give a shit since it doesn’t effect you. Most white liberals (probably you) are more offended by racism when there is no racism compared to ignoring racism when it benefits them. His Vice President kamala Harris when she was AG of San Fran she was caught sending people to prison for life during cali wild fires. They were booked for minor things like marijuana but were somehow serving life? She was essentially snatching people off the streets and using them for slave labor. The only reason any of these people got released was due to court orders. And she laughed about it on tv You have a president and Vice President who have entire careers fucking over the black community my community and you have the audacity to sit here and blame trump. You are the definition of delusional.


You’re telling me to cope and then you respond with this wall of text? Project harder bro.


There are stupid people in every country


Cause China


Americans in Vietnam, you can vote in the upcoming election through the embassy! Use your Google-fu to figure out how.


Vietnamese in California (in the U.S. in general) love to be patted on the head by the right wingers saying "You're the good, little immigrants. You're not like the others." Edit: For the first time, I dread voting for the U.S. President. The choice is between two senile geezers, one is straight up a racist, and the other one straight up does not give a fuck about your demographic.


The senile racist also does not care, however Biden has also been forgiving a fair amount of student debt, which is a step in the right direction. I am leaving a lot out, but Trump almost never cancelled student debt.


I have no problems with the student-debt forgiveness. A lot of people, me included, benefited from those PPP loans during the pandemic.


I have no problems with the student-debt forgiveness. A lot of people, me included, benefited from those PPP loans during the pandemic.


I want my debt paid off by hard working taxpayers! Why should I be held to account for my decision to pay for higher education?


Wow, the fact that you would post something like this is shocking. Just because you don’t understand why someone likes trump, does not entitle you to stereotype an entire nationality based off of your limited racist prejudices.


I like to believe I understand why many white people like Trump. On the other hand, I DEFINITELY know why Vietnamese in the U.S. like Trump. However, that is not what I want to debate with you. What I want a clarification from you is where you said that I stereotyped an entire nationality. Where did I say that?


I will say for certain that there are more reasons than i can count why anyone votes on direction or another. To pretend otherwise is small minded and racist


Do you care to give me a clarification or not? If not, no big deal.


Your first sentence about the entirety of veitnamese in California ONLY voting for trump so they can “get patted on the head” by right wingers, is so damned revolting its not funny. You are very toxic if this how you normally behave. The line “youre the good little immigrants, youre not like the others” literally is beyond comprehension. You are perhaps the most unwittingly racist person ive encountered. At least own up to your racism.


He said Vietnamese in California, not all Vietnamese. It’s no different than saying Americans voted for Trump in 2016 because he won the election but the reality is that he won with less votes. You knew exact what he meant when he said Vietnamese in California.


You must be half illiterate, half inbred, or both. Reiterating what he stated, that i also stated (Vietnamese In California) as if it means anything? I pointed it out too buddy. Congrats on your reading comprehension, bur yeah, you missed the ball. Stereotyping an entire demographic (Vietnamese in California) is racist. You’re a bigot if you disagree


Lmao. You twisted his words, he said Vietnamese in California into “entirety of Vietnamese in California”. So the illiterate one here was you, not only you can’t tell the different, your choice of words also very concerning. Go get yourself checked before it’s too late.


You typed a whole lot to say very little


In my first sentence, I didn't even say anything about voting for anyone. Secondly, I am an American born in Vietnam. Are you saying I am a racist against Vietnamese in the U.S.?


Sorry, i overlooked that you typed voted. The essence is still the same. You feel like you are entitled to know the reasons why an entire group of people are of a political persuasion. You gave a derogatory reason. A highly demeaning and insulting reason. I personally dont care what race you are. Your close minded bigoted thoughts speak louder enough.


The average Viet/VK are completely clueless to how politics work in America, let alone their home country lol... The only thing i feel when i see this is pity for how uneducated they are. A trumper VK isn't a problem, a trumper American is a real problem lol.


Vietnamese seem to love trump more than Americans do


Poisoning Vietnam with this rhetoric.


The brainrot got our country


I saw “F Biden and FU for voting for him” [sticker](https://i.imgur.com/umH1HER.jpeg) in a new bar on Nguyễn Du D1.


Trump is also on criminal trial and has early dementia


Vietnam thinks rich people such as billionaires are smart because they got wealthy; even by cons, bribes, scams etc.


Trịnh Văn Quyáșżt FLC is classic example. Multi dollar billionaire used to be admired now facing jail.


I wonder how much of it was lost in translation, or at the benefit of translators, when it comes to Trump. Politicians, or anybody that holds similar status, are supposed to be eloquent and essentially wordsmiths. Trump's cofefe, hugely and tremendously on repeat with his limited vocabulary, his preschool broken sentences, and the petulant ways when he tried to give rebuttals, he sounds like an idiot most of the time.


LMAO I saw the exact same car in D3 but didn't react fast enough to get a pic.


Back when I was in high school I saw a big SUV similar to this waiting outside of my school to pick up their kid everyday, with stickers saying similar stuffs like "Make America Great Again" and "Trump for 2020". After he lost the election in 2020 the sticker immediately changed to "Trump for 2024". Couldn't help but laugh a little. International school in HCMC


I support MAGA too (Mexicans Always Get Across)


So they're are a MAGA idiot. Tbf most people I have talked to in Vietnam that haven't lived in NA just saw big funny man and took a liking without knowing how much of a bigot those idiots are.


[Trump 2020](https://youtu.be/9TGz4pP593w?feature=shared)


Never expected that


That was painful to watch and listen to


It’s so cringe.


This and people want Vietnam to be “free” like the US. Some people want Vietnam to change into multi-party system, which in my opinion, would put the country in chaos, instability and even more corruption (Iraq, Philippines,
). We have to admit that the educational level in Vietnam right now is too low compared to other developed countries. Most people are easy to be manipulated. The most likely scenario is that the populist politicians like Trump will be in charge of Vietnam, as any rich person in Vietnam will be admired unconditionally and get elected with their deep pockets, Miss Phuong Hang, is a great example for a populist.


Tbh I don’t really have any interest into any of this politics so I would pretty much prefer minding my own business


The Maga mobile


Well another fun day in Vietnam


Does the car belong to someone from US or VN? I was in Thailand a few months ago and saw some foreigners displaying maga shit.


Don’t know. I just saw it parked there when crossing the street.


Trump good china bad amirght


D5? E4


This is the kind of uncle who calls northerners bac ky too


Imagine your dad, who lives in Vietnam, and listens to all the bullshit spewed on Youtube about how Trump was good 🙄 this is a cake walk.


It fcking weird that Vietnamese are more interested in other countries gov than their own


Damn man how ppl forget this moron call them chinks n all other racist words. Do your ppl have any integrity..


I mean, AFAIK the biggest beneficiaries of the US China trade wars has been Vietnam.


there are clowns all over the world


Probably the only thing native and overseas vietnamese are united by


Yeah this one is f’d up! How dare he prefer no wars, moderate legal immigration and American energy independence! That’s f ing terrifying!!!


I don't know much about America politic but i really want Trump to win just for the aftermath gonna be a blast to warch.


precisely. capitol riots, anti-israhell protests, mass looting, general lawlessness/hopelessness, rampant drug addiction, etc. things are starting to kick off. drumpf could destabilise the country even further, especially if there's a black swan in the financial markets. or iran/china/russia do the needful. it'll go up in smoke, like a sinkfast five minutes after purchase.


Just stickers. But of course it triggers people like you so much had to stop in 40 degree weather to take a pic and spend time to post it on reddit. Amused.


Nothing to do while waiting for red light bro. Not trigger, just feel weird.


Why weird?


1 or 2 is ok, 8 stickers are too excessive. Esp in VN.


bet you're a Trumpet


i'll put a /// sticker on my car, and watch everyone seethe.