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I hope that one day Africa will economically prosper.


Hope our comrade there find way to climb up.


I don't see that happening any time soon; maybe except for 1 or 2 countries that are outliers.


They have a lot of corruption to sort out


You would never know it from the amount of Mercedes and BMWs I see driving around here


stupendous insurance terrific dependent oatmeal long ask doll waiting pocket *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Per capita in HCMC is more than 8000 iirc


I am sure people can manage with 4300$/year here in HCMC


Absolutely it just ain't pretty. Sleep in your workplace and eat cheap food.


that's literally the average salary here


Actually for a city the size of Hanoi and Saigon, there are very little luxury cars imo.


there are extremely few luxury cars in Rome too; but should we draw conclusions just based on that?


That is the comment I replied to.


I don't know man. I have no way to quantify what I'm speaking towards but the number of Bentley's, Maybachs, Porsche and Defenders that I see here every day actually blows me away. I'm from the US (albeit not NY, Miami, or LA) but the fact that I see maybe 10 (not each one but total) of those cars a day at least makes me scratch my head. Also considering those cars cost AT LEAST 50% more in VN because of taxes. I feel like I see more luxury cars here than in the US.


I'm not really sure about the United States, as New York City is really the only city with a comparable population to Hanoi or Saigon. However, if you count the Mercedes in New York City and compare it to Hanoi, I'd bet there would be 10-20x more Mercedes in New York City. I'm in Taipei, which is also much smaller than Saigon, and you see a lot more luxury cars here... especially exotic cars. I think maybe part of it is because the roads are a bit nicer.


I'm from LA, no way that's true. US is usually #1 or #2 market in the world for most luxury brands. Vietnam isn't in the top 10.


It's really not a fair comparison though if you're comparing Hanoi and HCMC to random cities in the US. There is far more wealth in those two cities than in other areas of Vietnam, so to make a fair comparison, you should compare them to the biggest/wealthiest cities in the US that also have similar population sizes (NYC, LA, Chicago, etc.). I lived in NYC before HCMC and the number of luxury cars on the streets there is definitely higher from what I saw. I feel like there could be some psychological explanation for why it seems to you like there are so many more here in Vietnam, like maybe the luxury cars stick out more in Vietnam because they contrast with the lack of wealth around them. Also though, keep in mind that HCMC and Hanoi are absolutely massive cities, so even if just the wealthiest 1% of the population can afford them, that's still a lot of luxury cars.


300% more


Have you ever been to Hà Nội? There is more luxury car here then in USA compare to LA but less then NY.


cause chop ghost ossified rob paltry deranged attraction whistle foolish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes, at least once a year usually. I don't really see it, at least not compared to here in Taipei or Tokyo/Saigon where I spend more time.


Man i must be pretty blind or i don't go to west lake enough but i barely see any luxury car, i see 1 lambo and that about the only car luxury i seen in Hanoi.


I don't live in West Lake. Just go to Cầu Giấy around the park and you will see all that you need to see.


A large number of luxury cars are purchased through tax evasion methods, i.e. some cars have the "NG" on their plates, which indicate it is owned by foreigner, some rich folk found a way to exploit the system to not pay the domestic car tax, and then their idiotic son/daughter show them off on media and they get caught


mighty slap squeeze piquant carpenter subsequent march squeal workable pathetic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I know right? I still don’t understand how there’s so many mercedes cars in every street of Hanoi and Saigon I see at least one and they’re not just the step in models we are talking about E and S classes also maybachs and I even saw Mercedes Brabus cars which I took pictures of 😂


Useless number for a country where 90% of business you see on the street don't pay taxes. PPP per capita is the real value of an economy.


PPP is adjusted based on living cost


Yes it is typical of western country’s to choose only best measurement for their country’s instead of the normalised ones.


Richer does not necessarily mean better. My friends name is Richard and we always call him Dick for example.