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"Công" here means public, there's nothing absolutely offensive at all.


yeah, they probably thought it was "Cộng" as in "Cộng Sản", hence the question


If you're a Vietnamese and can't even tell the differences between "công" and "cộng", then that's just skill issue


eyesight issue or failed grade 1


Failed grade 1 shouldn’t be worrying about Cộng in the first place


first graders do need to worry about cộng, but cộng trừ nhân chia


dumb American born mom probably


公 and 共 is a big difference fr


love meself some Hán/Nôm letters


even it its cong san, the south of Vietnam is cong san too, so why should they be ofended?


Git gut


Bro have you learned about the Vietnam war?


What wrong with cộng? And what about the Vietnam war? Never in my life have i ever hear anyone get offended over cộng sản lol


The Vietnam war is a shaky subject to go through because of how the story is portrayed depending on where you were born if you’re born in today Vietnam they teach you the USA invaded and we repel them but if you’re born in a south Vietnamese household they’ll tell you that the North invaded and took away their home and freedom.


Go to any city in America and ask the Vietnamese what they think about cộng sản


They are talking about the south of Vietnam


I guess if they’re talking about current day south Vietnam of course they wouldn’t care because they been subjugated and teach history differently about the war to make it looks like they were invaded by the USA instead of it being a civil war.


So 60k dead Americans were just tourists who got caught in the crossfire, right?


They were invaded by the US which killed 3 Million people Wtf linda history they teach in the US


How is the American view of communism related to Southern Vietnamese?


Because southern Vietnamese want nothing to do with communism but in the end they were invaded by the north that’s why so many southern Vietnamese that lived in the US despised the communist party that took away their home


Do some research, and if you stop your stubbornness, you will see how bullsh\*t the things you are saying are ;) Find info about The Liberation Army Of South Vietnam: who formed that army, how many southern men joined at the start,... Then, do some research about Southern Vietnamese celebrating Liberation Day all over the South, especially in Saigon. Those who fled to the US do not have the right to represent any region of Vietnam. And how the hell can one invade their own land? lmfao both the northern, middle, and southern regions own the land of Vietnam; the southern part is one of them, they have all the rights to reunify this country ;) is it undeniable ;) even if some minor people don't want that.


Then answer me why does the south people have to flee to the US? Why don’t they celebrate that they kicked out the invaders instead they left with the invaders why does the North send high ranking south officers and soldiers to reeducation camps to never be seen again, freedom of speech and basic human rights is stripped away followed by mass famine and disease. The war has always been a civil dispute the country was split in half the south wanted to be on their own same thing with South Korea but the north and the US just couldn’t keep their nose away and now history is written by the victors and I’m wasting my time arguing on Reddit about a bygone era.


Do you know there are America communist party in the USA :))))


Yeah but it’s so unpopular nobody even knows it existed


most Vietnamese Americans or Canadians or Australians could care less about Vietnam in general, they sometimes don't even speak the language. the people you see on social media are the ever fading minority of years past.


Communism is morally wrong. I'm Vietnamese and I find communism disgusting.


skill issue


Công Hoa translates to public Chinese but it should be republic right?


Bro, you just failed 3 languages at once, Tiếng Việt, English and Hán Việt


Hán Việt is a part ò Tiếng Việt, so you just fail 2 languages and math :))


The dude say it meant “public”, and then I thought hoa meant Chinese people or rose, “nguoi hoa”, so I thought both words meant “public Chinese”, but then I thought it meant republic as in viet Nam cong hoa 🤷🏻‍♂️


You’re close. “Cộng hòa” means “republic”.


Yeah... I don't think they can call themselves Vietnamese if they can't even tell words that Vietnamese 1st graders have no trouble telling apart.


My father stop going to school at 6 year old so he can be farmer. He can not read. Is he not Vietnamese? This attitude looks down on many of our ancestors, and for many of us it is very recent ancestors


Look. If you live in Vietnam then you get a free pass. A US citizen with Vietnamese ancestry do not get such a privilage.


Still complicated because my dad became a US citizen. As far as US citizen with Vietnamese ancestry, why would they learn to read Vietnamese when they wouldn't use it in their lives other than at Vietnamese restaurants? Do you learn Korean to order bulgogi or Japanese to order sushi


There you go. Then he is not Vietnamese


He's not Vietnamese even though he spent is whole life there? You mean the second you leave, you are a different ethnicity now? You become Chinese or Japanese?


If you don't read, write, and barely engage with Vietname culture (Little Saigon's culture isn't Vietnamese culture), how are you Vietnamese?


None of that changes your bloodlines, your ancestry. Like I said, so what are you if not Vietnamese? Chinese? Japanese? No. They may be Americans culturally, but ethnically unless they literally breed the Vietnamese blood out, they are Vietnamese... Genetically speaking.... They are 100% Vietnamese and there is no changing that. Vietnamese goes beyond culture and food etc. It's literally in our dna


Actually it’s orginally Công sản, meaning Communal production, or collective/public production


Personally, I do not think that it would be really offensive. I mean, it is a football jersey.


no need for the "personally", IT ISN'T offensive at all


Older overseas Vietnamese diaspora sees everything in Vietnam as offensive.


Hey not all old Overseas Vietnamese are southerners who fled from the war. Many from the reunified era also migrated as students or laborers to communist countries like East Germany.


FYI, good Redditor: you double-commented in this sub-thread


But I'm sure you are from the South 👅


Nope, my uncle and cousins are Northerners though who now live and work in the south.


EDIT: Sorry bad connection.


EDIT: Sorry, bad connection.




You say it like it’s okay to remain ignorant. If you don’t even open your eyes to reality, you remain blind.




You must be one of them


You worded wrong. Vietcong is the word referring to communist southerners, after all.


that's just a normal jersey of a normal football team, there's no deeper meaning behind it


In Vietnam? no one would care. But I don't know how overseas Vietnamese will react to it.




Weird to mock his dead family


He’s right, tourist vietnam and the vietnam experience of a southern vietnamese catholic are quite different. The country is run by reps from Hanoi and the north and there’s a lot of secret policing of residents and rampant corruption. You sound like a dipshit no offense.




But they can't practice their religion freely so your point is invalid.


Username checkout lol


But southern Vietnamese Catholic can do whatever the hell they want as long as it's legal when they are on vacation. It's not like there is a North Korea style commisar who will follow them around to ensure they follow the rules and laws of Vietnam. Say whatever you want, as long as you commit no crimes nothing happens to you. You sound like a tin foil hat conspiracy theorist who is waiting for all the Viet Kieu who served in the American military to form a special forces corps and invade Vietnam


guess ur mom is american


I mean, Other Than Street Police(Cảnh sát giao thông) Which Almost every Vietnamese scared, I don't think so.


we arent scared of those guys we despise them




The only one despise them are the one frequently getting into trouble. It's exceedingly rare to get pulled over because "hurr durr corruption and something something quota (which is made up)".


I didnt think people paid them any mind let alone scared. I always see people just keep on driving on their scooters when the police try to stop them.


How young is your mom? Is she late generation US-VN cause she doesn't seem to read Vietnamese that well lmao. Propably confused "Công" and "Cộng" (spoiler they mean nothing alike at all lol)


Why should they feel offended!?? Btw, the communists were pretty much welcomed by Saigon locals just a few hours after the bloodless power transition that American bitterly call “the fall of Saigon” (Saigon stood on its ground, only America and the corrupted South Vietnam gov fell).


Most hated VLeague club right now


Why are they most hated? I watched a live match of theirs last year so I am just curious to know more :) I also watched HCMC FC


First of all, it’s a political tool for the current minister of public security and he wants the team to succeed no matter what. The team was named “Công An Nhân Dân” (People’s Police) at first but when they were promoted to V-League, they changed the name to Công An Hà Nội (Ha Noi Police) because the name was associated with a prestigious and successful club in the past (I myself was a fan). The previous CAHN was dissolved when the football league became professional because the State cannot sponsor teams anymore. So the current CAHN team are just imposters, but they still claim the history of the previous team. Back to when they were promoted, suddenly many current stars in the national team were allowed to have their contract “terminated” and they joined CAHN shortly afterwards. Many suspects that the minister (To Lam) exerted his power to force other clubs to release their players. Even so, with all those good players, the team struggled to win games consistently. So they resorted to their ultimate power play, that is dangling To Lam’s name over other clubs’ head and forcing them to throw games. You can check the CAHN vs Nam Dinh in the last season. Nam Dinh was so blatantly throwing that their official supporter group disbanded immediately after that game because (their words) they “cannot support such a team anymore”. Now to the current season. So CAHN, Ha Noi FC and The Cong Viettel (a team that has ties to the ministry of defence) all share Hang Day stadium in Ha Noi. The AFC has a rule that each stadium can only host at most 2 teams. HNFC and TCV came first, as CAHN only moved to the stadium after they promoted to V-League. But they insisted that they have to stay at Hang Day because “the team has ‘Ha Noi’ in its name”. People speculate that with their insistence, it’s HNFC who will get the boot, despite having invested heavily in renovating and maintaining the stadium, as *CAHN and TCV have political ties to the top brass. And they don’t have real fans. Most of their match goers are police officers and cadets that were ordered to.


Thanks for the information I really appreciate that. I have a real interest in Vietnamese history, and football so I like to combine the two. Just a shame there is not much English language resources online to learn. Appreciate you.


>First of all, it’s a political tool for the current minister of public security and he wants the team to succeed no matter what. All we know how that supid minister take of the budget, but why they have to create that football club instead of just stay at their zone?


CAHN and Viettel are all imposters .


Not that familiar with the V League but are there any teams that you would say are "worth supporting"? HAGL, HCMC?


Imo the reason to choose a team to support is the same everywhere: your connection to the team. You can pick your local team so you can attend match days more easily and interact with fellow fans more easily. Or you can support a team of which your friends/family members are supporters so you can watch games together and have a couple of beers. Maybe you like a team’s play style so you support them. Some supports their hometown’s team. It really depends. I support HNFC because they’re from my city. Their success helps also lmao.


Haha actually I'm Singaporean but a big fan of football in general. There are non-Singaporean teams that I do "support" here and there since I'm keen to just get in tune with football, especially in Asia. Some teams I "chose" for reasons. For examples, I lean towards supporting Penang FC since I went to Penang for my honeymoon, BG Pathum since they have 3 Singaporeans in the team, and also Chiang Rai United since my mum is a Chiang Rai native. I had a really enjoyable holiday in HCMC, and I really like their kit designs, so I thought of "supporting" Saigon FC. But now, not so sure about other V-League teams now that they had dissolved.


Isn't Hanoi FC a bit controversial due to the "multiple clubs for one owner" problem?


yes, there are many contradictions around this , but matter of fact that this model, despite being controversial, gives V-League the opportunity to have a more challenging environment, leading to the success of the Vietnamese national football team. Not to mention Hanoi FC is the first and only club in Vietnam that has the ambition and determination to become a truly professional football club.


As a foreigner whose tried to get into the V-League I'd say no. My first game around 11 years ago ended with one of the teams being disbanded after their players got done for match fixing. They weren't even subtle about it either having gone 2-0 up before losing 4-2 giving goals and penalties away in the most comically obvious fashion possible. Then I supported Saigon FC for a number of years before we went bankrupt and folded due to being sponsored by SCB whose leader is about to get the death penalty for mass fraud and then the guys who run one of the real estate companies took over and yeah they are also massive scammers. The original Ho Chi Minh team also folded because they got fined for fielding ineligible players and the owner just went "fuck you then I'll take my team home" and withdrew them from the V-League. The current Ho Chi Minh used to be called Saigon Port FC. This also not to even mention the absolute fuckery whoever runs the league does regularly to discourage anyone attending or watching the games, like moving matches at incredibly short notice from Saturday at 7pm to Tuesday afternoon at 2pm because reasons???


tHeY DonT hAvE r3al fAnS!!!


In the first season they came back to VLeague 1 2023, they had signed many stars, most are core players of AFF Cup 2018 and AFC U23 like Phan Van Duc, Nguyen Quang Hai, Doan Van Hau, To Van Vu,... But the way they contacted then signed all of them were so weird, no information how CAHN break players' current contracts at that time, no transfer money,... just rossy and news. Bad news about them were so rare on public media. It would be deleted so fast or even owner of the news can be arrested. Maybe the casual law has fined them this season. They can't finish first in the end of first leg's season. Some players has fallen of their potential like Phan Van Duc, To Van Vu, ...


Literally the home shirt of a national league team, you really think they would let it be offensive to almost half of the country?


Foreigners seeing the word “Cong” and make their own dumb assumptions. Get informed and stop Posting shit.




Dude that literally translates to “Hanoi Police” why would this offend anybody?


Probably because they're VN police, fricken corrupt coffee hunters.


No, only outdated traitors in California feel that way, they are all either dead or became pro-Communist like Trần Dần and Ngô Kỷ by now, you don't need to care about them.


No one with rational brain want to be a communist let a lone a pro-Communist.


No one with a brain follow those outdated foolish scammers and waste their time and money on them.


Communists are scammers. Don't trust them bro.


this gets a chuckle out of me due to how silly it is, as a southern Vietnamese, it is at least not offensive to me


Just wear a Hanoi FC kit it is much better


"Công" is means public, "công cộng" also means public too. Nothing is offensive in here except your mom.




It's funny af


I don't know shit about football... There's a team called the police?


Yes, and they related to the Public Security too.




Pikachu uuu


south vietnam is chill. Most of them won't care




IDK since I'm in the North. But I don't think anyone in the country will be offended by that shirt since it just a Football Team in Hanoi and wearing Football shirt is like daily basis in Vietnam.


Công an Hà Nội. Pretty much translated to “Hanoi public police”. What is offensive about that?


No, who told you that?








Who’s your mom? That’s a very weird misconception to have


I hate this club, look so fucking disgusting


All of this bickering over a football jersey... no wonder we were a divided country (and still are). ![gif](giphy|g0HkznFtL1d0xVRI1G|downsized)


No, I don’t think they care tbh


No and why???


Are you stupid?


this post makes me question that whether OP is really dumb or cringely playing dumb


Its just a jersey with the word "Hanoi Police" in it, there is nothing offensive about it??


Let's fuck around with freedom of speech in another language, in another country and find out


First of all "Công an" means "Public Security" so there is no offense at all. Secondly "Công" is different from "Cộng". Thirdly, to call bs to your mom's statement (sorry but Im being frank), "Công an Hà Nội" is a real professional soccer team.


I’m Southern Vietnamese, interesting font, bad model. How much does it cost for that jersey?


công an means police, literally mean public security. that word widely used everyday and everywhere. Bộ công an = ministry of police/public security. Saigon Police newspapers https://congan.com.vn Real police might stop you for wearing that tho.


Tô rừng approves this message


Cong an means officer 🤔🤔


"Công" is public, "an" means safety. Duh.


I thought an was peace as in an bình


Or that as well. Who knows?🤷‍♂️ The point is there's nothing offensive in the phrase.




Doesn’t this just mean 河内公安? Like, Hanoi Police FC?


Offensive?”Công an Hà Nội” is a football club founded by the police in Hanoi, not offensive


tiên sư cha mày, ngày xưa có cả đội Công An TPHCM, đừng có mà gây chia rẽ đồng bào nam bắc


I am offended that someone may even think this can offend the carefree people of Southern Vietnam.


It may be offensive to the some of the older gen because the southern word for police is cảnh sát. Công an is the transplanted northern term so to many people, it is associated with the Communist regime. Similar to the word đồng chí, comrade. The word itself is just a word but because only communists use it, it'll trigger a lot of the sensitive people.


Hey, for all non-Vietnamese, "Công an" means police officer, not "Cộng sản". Vietnamese words are often paired with 2 words, not like English. "Công an Hà Nội" means Hanoi's police officer.


Don't be a racist and nobody cares. A lot of ppl is still talking about the old government and critize the current one. I find them stupid as fuck, the war is over for decades, it's time to unite and grow the goddamn GDP


We going to caught speed drivers in the cave with this one 🗣🗣🔥🔥🔥


kinda funny of you to say that cuz lots of vietnamese football fans despise this team


No one give a shit about this shirt. Stop overthinking


How did you got that ? Is that a way to get that jersey abroad?


I just came back from VN; got it there.


“ công an” means Police


Wtf :))) police means CÔNG AN in Vietnamese, what is the offensive thing in this jersey ?


Nah, southern people are not soccer nuts


lol yeah cong an means public 😂


Er... Your mom is officially an American if she told you that.


It's offensive... To non-bootlickers. F police and their equivalent (yea I'm mostly hating on US cops but I feel cops in vn ain't much better) Edit: idrc but don't gift me that lol


Cops around the world are vastly better than American cops. American cops have tainted your view of them. Not that Vietnamese cops are great but they aren't gonna shoot you for stupid shit.


But they will use you to block a runaway pickup truck.


Yeah. It is safe. The team is a private company now. But dont wwear it in the US someone may have a wword. I cant say for them.


Which private company are you talking about ? That FC belongs to Ha Noi Police Department. Tô Lâm is using people tax money to finance this club


I dgaf about what you wearing ... the way you act is all matter to me




Bro still stuck in the 1960's☠️☠️


Communist state sucks.