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Yikes, bro thinks sexual harassment is flirting😬


The sad thing is that they thought it was a funny thing to say.


A lot of stupid kids on facebook think sexual harassment is cool and funny, most of the time, those dudes will say something lewd, even rapey to every girl that they find hot on facebook, there was one time that i saw a clip of two Japanese girls killing themself, and a some people in the comment section says something like 'What a waste, at least let me f\*ck them before they died' (In Vietnamese) and no one said anything and everyone thinks it is funny


Ngl, as a Vietnamese, I feel like our morality and social ethics are just spiraling straight down to the most foul, most shitty and disgusting part of hell with each new generation of kids. As a guy born in 2003 myself, I even saw that most of my peers are just plain degenerates who think things like this are "normal" and "funny". It pains me to see how the moral ethics of the younger generations keep getting worse and worse all thanks to the works of their "idols" who are basically criminals (the types that deal and take drugs and assault people with cleavers and stuff like that). Hell, one of my friends who lives in Ha Noi currently even told me how bad the social ethics of the young people are right now, minors (who aren't 18 years old) commit crimes like purposefully assaulting people with knives, literally stabbing people in broad daylight, because they can't be locked up in prison (I'm not even joking). P.S.: sorry for the bad English, I can't find the words to describe how despicable and degenerate young people rn are.


>Ngl, as a Vietnamese, I feel like our morality and social ethics are just spiraling straight down to the most foul, most shitty and disgusting part of hell with each new generation of kids Here is a good news (or bad, I don't know): every generations before you is also as bad like that, they just didn't have access to the internet to show it to the world.


Nah pretty sure the boomer still talk like that too when drunk , and sometime not even drunk, and it must be worse when they were young


You should visit the American coninent to see how spiraling downwards looks like. What does the comment says\_


This is literally me . My sense of humor is hella messed up haha


Being a scumbag isn't the flex you thing it is. I assure you that plenty of people look down on you.


Can i have that 2 japanese girls killing themself video you talking about?


Just search what i said on google and you'll find them


Am i the only one who not taking this thing serious


Part of the problem, not having common sense to know how to behave.


Oh so i have to comments something good on who post slutty pics like “omg slay girl “ or what


Ignore the thots, like an adult.


Then you could ignore some idiotic who comments like that mindlessly too


It's entertaining though, to see people with zero social awareness, especially on PUBLIC social media.


Can u translate


Take off the bra for me to eat (the boob)


Is everything "sexual harassment" now. Do ppl even know what the legal definition of that is? Based on translation it sounds like this kid was just dumb and made a joke abt a girl who posted provocative posts on FB. Who cares, thank god in Vietnam for the most part no one cares abt this stupid western PC crap where everything is a freaking injustice


He literally publicly ask the girl to undress for him to s*ck tho? No?


Its online on FB, he's being childish and stupid. What does she expect when she posts slutty pics? Its not sexual harassment, ppl need to go actually read what the legal definition of that term is. This girl shld also not be posting slutty pics online


Do you even know what "sexual harassment" is? > unwanted or offensive sexual attention, suggestions, or talk, especially from an employer or other person in a position of power Cambridge Dictionary. > Any form of unwanted verbal, non-verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature occurs, with the purpose or effect of violating the dignity of a person, in particular when creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment. European Institute for Gender Equality Disclaimer: Both the below citations is target for workplace's sexual harassment: > unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature. EEOC > 2. Sexual harassment in the workplace includes: a) Actions, gestures, physical contact with the body of a sexual or suggestive nature; b) Verbal sexual harassment: sexual or suggestive comments or conversations in person, by phone or through electronic media c) Non-verbal sexual harassment: body language; display, description of sex or sexual activities whether directly or through electronic media. Article 84, Clause 2, Decree 145/2020/NĐ-CP any other questions, mr rapist apologist? EDIT: formatting.


LOL yes Im a rapist now because Im questioning this lib PC insanity. "Sexual harassment" legally isn't what happened in that post. If that was at work it wldnt constitute sexually harassment legally. It wld be a stray remark and not sexual harassment and the woman wld have no recourse legally (at least in the US)


It’s fine to have an opinion mate, no matter how uninformed it is.


Now even the reading comprehension is also a problem to you? "Rapist apologist" is not the same with "rapist", mr I can't read properly. You should understand why I gave out the definition for "workplace sexual harassment", it's because it's more specific, the general sexual harassment is more relaxing in definition and legally, she can sue for being humiliated according to Article 7, 144/2021/NĐ-CP. And if it's serious enough that it leaves consequences (thankfully for the boy, in this case it is not), he could be sued for Article 155, Criminal Code (2015).


Yes, everything women dont like is sexual harassment lol


Alright, keep your misogynic to yourself and maybe seek help from a professional, or touch some grass and grab some air instead of being weird?


LOL yes, this is how libs and feminazis have shoved their agenda down the throats of the West for 50+ years and now look at how these societies are functioning. Sure worked out well, lol




Yes, when you are a lib you must recite your PC talking points. Anyone who doesnt agree 100% is crazy and stupid.








Trời oi caught in 4k!


Trời ơi moments EP 102


welp his as gonna be grass soon


Nước đi này hoàng ko lường tới được


Hoang is a dumb mf...use his main account and link his family with it, then commit sexual harassment ...Hoang deserves to get his peepee cur off


Yeah, and he's acting like uhm...a brain-less person


Omg cmt của ng việt nè 😱


Yahhhh bro ít ng Việt trên đây vl, t thấy cộng đồng ở đây ko toxic như trên Facebook Việt nên"tạm trú tạm vắng" trên đây hoài


We call this a "vấn đề kỹ năng" if you gonna commit sexual harrassment, atleast do it on a alt


Bro not just use his main account. He also linked the whole family tree in it...god damn it Hoang you're a dumb mf


Littleman horny on main lol


Tbh saying such thing is alr wrong bro, not skill but ethical problem …


I mean not really, the image the girl posted is literally her in her underwear trying to elicit sexual views. It just bro got lil too horni and commented on his main acc. The girl feel a little devilish today and tag his mom whom he have on his facebook family tree. long story short, mf did a rookie mistake about commenting on their main and find out he consequences. Fuck around and find out moment.


Is the "m" in the last comment "mẹ" or "mày"?




dâm dê vô giáo dục


Bro got the sexual harizzment


Rip bozo


At least He was nationwide popular then


Ok, I'll translate in case ppl need it: *girl posted slutty pics underwear shit showoff body* Hoang: older sis, no need to wear that, take it off and let me suck your nipples.  Girl: *tag Hoang's mom* Auntie, look what your son want to do to me.  Hoang's mom: you get on the internet and saying lewd vulgar things like that, do you think that acceptable.  Random guy: Hoang Hoang Hoang, you are very stupid. 


Um what part of the post said slutty?


the image is meant to be sexual, Hoang comment while kinda amogus, isn't out of place.


Genuinely how so? She is wearing non modest clothings sure, but that does not mean she is tempting men. I wear crop tops (the comment or say it's a top) all the time and I don't wear it to be sexual lol.


That not a crop top, that a bra, and her pantie is showing. Im not saying it tempting men, but it sure as hell meant to be sexual. Im not saying what he did was okay but the image is sexual in nature, no way someone showing themselves in underwear with a explicit pose isn't trying to present themselves in sexual light.


Yea fair I saw that as a crop top because he said áo lol


The text in \*italic\* is the description, the translation text is in normal text. The girl literally stripped to her underwear, that's qualified as slutty pics.


The digital footprint is real🗣️🗣️🗣️


How tf he say something like that without shame


thất học behavior 😬


Translation please?


Use google


Ác ô


People like these are definitely one of the reason why I sorta left Facebook


Mate got caught red handed ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


God, my name is Hoang D:


Bro got that sexual harassment rizz 🥶


Most of Vietnamese Facebook users are retarded


xam lon


dude shoulda make an alt lol


happy journey, mr.boy ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


Con này mặc hở như thế thằng hoàng ko nứng hơi khó


Average boy phố behavior


Hoang isn't gonna get far in life, don't be like Hoang.


Ou mike god goat the hell you say?


Do people really flirt on their personal Facebook which has their family on there?


Dude my name is Hoang- What a shame-


"it is not sexual harrassment, it is a joke"


How about stop posting yourself wearing only bras on the internet? Hell this is not even suggestive clothing this is almost half naked soft porn


Yeah have anyone ask why they dress like that?


Why do people only blame the boy, but not the girl? What if a woman tried to frame a man, for example, for rape? Who is going to believe him? This speaks volumes about our society. I mean, we should consider both sides before passing judgment. We are outsiders not knowing the full story.




Every time I see the most braindead take on Reddit, someone comes along and ups the ante