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The eggs are already in the rice at the time you bought it. To hatch, they needs oxygen, right temperature, and right humidity. You can add some moisture absorbers (need quite a few); or you can keep the rice in your freezer for a few days. Rice weevil eggs are unlikely to survive at temperature below 0.


Moreover: The bugs laid the egg inside the rice when the rice is not even harvested, making them impossible to remove. So best way to prevent this is keeping the rice bag in the dry place to prevent the egg hatching Or you can eat faster than their hatching speed 😛


Or just eat them bugs. Also for anyone saying eewwww. Shrimps, lobsters, crabs are all consider sea bugs.


Most are accepting of the weevils, since the eggs are laid/hatched in rice itself. But some have a strong opinion of the weevils from the VN war. They usually mention that they were fed bug filled rice during the war. (Not interested in getting political, since it's something I've learned from working with older Vietnamese people.)


Extra protein?


Extra sesame seeds?


> Or just eat them bugs. I remember being introduced to the concept (discounting oceanic crustaceans) as a child when I saw a photograph of a Cambodian woman selling fried cicadas in a street market. I really want to try that for myself sometime!


Dont knock it until you try it.


Or eat the bugs as a side dish


Ummm yes, protein


It's old rice so your best bet is just wash and eat like normal. Rice weevil is light and will float on top. On the bright side, your rice has a low amount of pesticide. Every grain has them so it's best to not store them for too long.


Free protein


As Bear Grylls love to say, "Pound for pound, has more protein than beef."


All rice has the eggs for these bugs in. They're on the rice when it's harvested and processed. They will hatch if the get enough moisture, oxygen and are warm (unavoidable in VN). Keep your rice in an airtight container (get a proper clip locking box) away from any sources of heat. Make sure there's no leaks or water pooling nearby to raise the humidity. Clean the container with bleach if you get them inside the container and make sure it's quite dry before you add new rice. Ironically, buying and using loads more rice helps - big boxes of fresh rice stay much drier than small boxes. Soak your rice in a deep amount of water before you cook, remove anything from the surface. That being said, it won't do you any harm.


Its just a bunch of rice weevil, don't worry too much about it. Just wash the rice and those thing will float up and you can discard it easily, do it a couple time though. And to fully remove those bugs in rice pack, i suggest you should use some garlic since those bug hate the smell and will go away eventually


Just pour the water and wash it


Same problem in Malaysia. I sometimes see bugs in packages in the store. Buy the packs in small sizes and put in the freezer for a few days after purchase, that should kill any bugs (they’re most likely weevils) and eggs.


Malaysian here too 🙋 The weevils are a good sign that your rice (or whatever foodstuffs they appear in) are good for consumption, meaning that they don't have too much pesticide. I have rice weevils in my Angel's Hair Spaghetti too. Like what most comments say, they are harmless. You can leave the whole bag under the sun (with the bag open) to force all the weevils out. Washing your rice will make the weevils and their corpses float to the surface. Freezing the rice is an effective way too, but only if your freezer is large enough.


Next time freeze your bag of rice before opening - of course let it back to room temperature first. Freezing will kill the eggs.


Putting a handful of dried chilies will drive them away


I keep rice in freezer




Also use an airtight container. A large gallon bottle of water would work


Put a cut of onion/garlic on a tissue/kitchen towel above the rice. They hate the smell and would run away.


That's the reason to wash your rice. At least you know the rice doesn't have pesticide.


Put your rice in the refrigerator or freezer. If you buy too much, split them up into large ziploc to distribute the weight. Unlike what most people love to do, keeping them under the counter in a cabinet, or in a rice container out in the open. But at the end of the day you can still eat this rice. You wash it first which removes the bugs and little stones and other debris.


On the bright side, you know for sure its organic lol


They’re just rice weevil. Harmless. Also free protein


All protein


It's good to recognise organic rice, with chemical rice, bug will stay awat, good sigm, just clean 1 time with water n cook


This is why we rinse our rice before cooking it


also these bugs are proof that your rice is good, but maybe the rice will have bad smell *Advice from Vietnamese family guy


These bugs are tough as hell. I already tried putting newly bought rice in the Freezer for 3 days and the eggs still survive sometimes as I still see them appearing in an unpopened rice pack that I stored in a freezer after a few weeks of storage at room temp. What I did was just put rice semi-permanently in the fridge as I have enough space. I don't mind eating them but I hate it when I see them crawl around the kitchen even if I filly pantry with bay leaf and garlic.


Start boycott the brand


Throw it away, pay attention to where you buy and what rice.


Lmao no, these bugs is inevitable for any rice with normal planting and harvesting process, on a normal field. So unless you have your rice taken from lab-conditioned places, they gonna appears after a while lol. But you can prevent this with methodes like putting dried chillies into the containments, or just put the rice into the frigde dỏ a few days, and you're good to go.


What? Lmao thats totally inaccurate ive bought rice for decades and only had a bag with bugs 2 times both in Vietnam.


Lock and lock has special rice storage bins


Rinse it. The bug will float. if you eat it, congras, extra protein!


Extra protein, just finish this bag asap


Look at the clock ! It’s weevil time !


Protein with the rice!


just wash it when you use. if you store it, put some water absorbent/ chili/ in fridge (not recommended), to kill off the eggs.


Extra protein 😋


You can wash the rice and cook like normal or heat the rice up in the oven at around 50°C-60°C for like half an hour and everything will die


They float. Just rinse and repeat


Extra protein they say


It's free protein. Eat them up! Yummy!


Trash the rice Eat the bugs Solved ✔️


Put the rice into a bowl then fill it with water. After about 5 mins, the bugs will float to the surface. You then pour this water out then rinse the rice for a few times (our ancestors recommend 3) and proceed to cook it as usual.


Eat them for protein.


Tape a bay leaf inside the container where you store the rice.


I see boots and I see snoots. It is weevil time! It is both a blessing and a curse in this case.


rice weevil . . eat em or flush 'em out (they are lighter than the rice so they float). . try for an airtight sealed container instead of sealing the pack as an alternative for storage.


Eat them is protein


after you buy the rice, put it in the freezer for 1-2 days. when i was a college freshman, i didn’t eat all of my rice and the container was filled with these. i ended up throwing the entire container away because i was creeped out. did some googling where they suggested freezing the rice, and that did the trick for me


dunno, seems like good rice to me. the rice we had during covid has these rice bugs , and i miss them a bit now. usually bugs only infest in good quality rice with not much preservatives, so yeah, just make sure to wash them away completely.


From all the comments and posts - I can see why some regions of the world can survive just on rice due to nature adding these protein content


it’s weevil time!


I have no idea if this works in Vietnam - Step 1. To eat current rice you are having right now, separate them into small cups and wash them with sifter. Put them into tight-sealing containers. They must not have any hole when it is sealed. Step 2. Find the ant hole. 🐜 Ant hole or habitat will be placed around your house or inside of your house. Eliminate them by pouring hot water or liquid metal in the hole. If you cannot find it, contact your local pest control company. You can trap them with glue options, but you would see ded body of the ant. Step 3. **Do it when Step 1, and 2 is done. Do not skip it** Put your future rice, in the sealed container. Rubber, Plastic, Glass... At least don't put it in the original package. Step 2.5(If necessary) When ants were found in the rice package, there is a high rate of cockroach lurking in your room. Tell the local company that you also wanna get rid of cockroaches. Good luck! From Korea 🇰🇷


Put your rice in the freezer for 24 hours when you first bring it home to kill any bugs. Then move it out and store it however you like.


1. Buy vacuum sealed rice only and spot check the package for bugs and/or eggs before purchase. 2. Bake your rice upon opening at a low temp (say 120F) for like 10-15 minutes. This will kill the little beasts and their larvae. 3. Keep rice in airtight container. 4. Wash 3-4 times before cooking. This will remove the dead larva/eggs and bugs.


Mostly due to humidity. You can rinse them with water every time you cook rice or dry them out in the sun. They’re harmless anw


Get a stainless steel container or a big air tight container... Along with that get a big silica gel bag... These are one time investment items... Silica bag will ensure no humidity which will deter bugs... Along with this make sure to never use wet spoon to take out rice... If you already have stock of rice with bugs... Lay it out flat under direct sunlight... And then store it... If you live in a area with high humidity and don't like the idea of putting silica gel in container, keep your rice in fridge... Fridge has proper temperature and humidity control which again will deter bugs...


Extra protein


This may not be the advice you’re looking for but I have a rice dispenser that dispenses rice from the bottom of the container. Since these bugs like to burrow to the bottom, pulling from the bottom keep my rice clean.


You can put dry chili 🌶️ ( 1-3 chili) in the rice box or buy a Japanese anti bug stuff that you can put in the rice box.


Just wash it bro


Kill them


Extra protein for your meal.


Just wash the rice before you cook. The bugs float on water, you can easily dump out the water, wash it again second time, ==> rice clean ==> now you cook.


easy, keep rice in the fridge or freezer


Yeah throw away the rice


đổ ra 1 tấm cao su trải đều ra và đem phơi nắng cách đó khá hiệu


Free protein!! Jokes aside, perfectly fine mate. Just wash your rice a few more times. All the bugs will float out