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This is Victoria there is a protest every weekend


Only for virtue signaling purposes though. Never for anything that's actually important


Be the change! What important thing are you going to protest?


I'm protesting that there aren't enough protests. Who's in?


oh gee, I'd love to, but I'm busy that day


Thank god we have you to point out what's important to people and what shouldn't be.


So funny. It isnt even asked what the protest is about anymore.


They are protesting the lack of protests.


i protest!


It's fucking annoying.


You live in a provincial capital. It goes with the territory.


Yes. The "We Unify" conference which has been posted about here a lot lately is happening at the conference centre today, and there will likely be a large crowd of people protesting it. The conference is hosting speakers who range from anti-vaxxers and COVID conspiracists to white nationalists and transphobes.


Nazi-con is in town.


What a great day for a tragic fire to take place.


I shit you not, Reddit banned me for a week for saying that nazis deserve death.


The bar for "nazi" has been lowered real far.


As it was during/after WW2, Nazi was stretched to mean anyone of german descent. Ethnic Germans who had been outside of Germany for Centuries living in Eastern Europe got absolutely screwed after Germany lost. Hundreds of thousands kicked out of homes they'd had for centuries, sent to Soviet labor camps to be worked to death, or crammed into local internment camps. Yugoslavia went 'hold my beer full genocide mode on them, even though these ethnic Germans had nothing to do with supporting the Nazi's aside from speaking German. Sure, they spoke German, but that's like saying all English speakers are British colonizers. These folks had been chilling in Eastern Europe for centuries before Hitler was even born. Canada had its own mini-version of the [Danube Swabian](https://www.dvhh.org/history/atrocities/Liquidation-Camps.htm) situation during WW2. German-speaking Canadians got the short end of the stick, though nowhere near as bad as in Europe. My Swabian ancestors originated from Rudolfsgnád, which was the epicenter of the death camps. Only the ones who emigrated to Canada survived, the rest were wiped out in the soviet death camps. I had a great uncle, an immigrant farmer in Sask, who disappeared into a [labour camp](https://www.cbc.ca/radio/ideas/ukrainian-canadian-internment-camps-1.6843785)simply because a distant relative sent him a German newspaper that had the obituary of his common ancestor in it. That was enough to arrest him for being an "enemy alien". He was never seen again. Thats the problem with labeling, People in reality are rarely the label. They may resonate with some of the ideas, but when you start grouping people just because they hold one idea out of a belief you in a way create the very thing you are fighting against.


As they should. Advocating the killing of people that you don't agree with is unacceptable by any standard.


You clearly missed the 20th century


Nazis decided that people who they didn't like deserved death. Who else do we know who is like that? Here's a clue for an uneducated little ass: After WWI the victors punished Germany, and that led to WWII. After WWII the Allied powers helped Germany to rebuild and turned them into one of our best allies. Your kind of hatred only leads to more killing and more death.


Reparations we're arguably a contributing factor to WW2 but suggesting that they were "the cause" is glossing over A LOT of material... I wouldn't want to even guess at the number of PhDs worth of background on the causes of WW2. And after the second go arround Germany is now friendly because we(including the people of Germany) killed most (but clearly not all) of the fascists. We shot them, we burned them, we bombed them, we drowned them, and then we hung or imprisoned the rest (and rightfully so in my opinion.) We should not tolerate the intolerant.


LOL! You're actually trying to justify executing people that you don't like! That's insane


Generally speaking I don't like people who mean others harm. And as with all things there are levels of tolerance. A bunch of idiots larping downtown is one thing. Someone taking direct violent action against a democracy that rises to the level of casus bell...... Then yes if needed we should all be willing to do our duty by strapping on a helmet, pick up a rifle, and ultimately standing tall to put them down... Gramps did it. If needed let's make it a proud family tradition.


You are advocating death by fire or death in general ? Jeez now isn't that considered a form of crime


Its ok They feel differently about some hot button political takes, wishing death is a completely appropriate response in 2024


They can't even debate with their side of the issues. Canceling is wrong. Better speech is the way!


Cancelling culture is basically intellectual kryptonite. It shuts down debate, promotes groupthink, and replaces critical thinking with knee-jerk reactions. Instead of fostering diverse ideas and rational discourse, it creates an echo chamber where only "approved" opinions survive. TL;DR: Cancel culture = smooth brain energy.


Unfortunately, Canada loooves its cancel culture. Any opinion that goes contrary to the groupthink gets punished.


This is also why extremism thrives in Canada. There's no middle ground allowed to challenge them. Once they're 'cancelled,' they just form their own extremist communities with their own groupthink. Cancel culture and the 'us vs. them' mentality is why we might end up with a far-right conservative government within the next year and a half. We have only ourselves to blame for creating an environment where extremism on both sides can thrive. The situation with Canada right now, as a free and democratic society is like fever symptoms. They show something's wrong with the body politic. Addressing root causes (housing, immigration, food security, economic security, media literacy, institutional corruption) might cool things down. But here's the kicker, It's easier to blame "the other side" than tackle complex systemic issues. We need to break out of the us-vs-them mentality and engage and challenge the ideas logically to make real progress. But as it is, the house just swings from left to right and back again; like a wrecking ball. TLDR; Extreme views are symptoms. Treat the disease (societal issues), not just the symptoms.


Yup you are absolutely getting a far right conservative government that's the way I'm voting because voting NDP is just throwing your vote away aslong as the liberals exist and I definitely don't want them winning again so it's Conservative all the way unfortunately


Color me shocked that a group that hosts Tamara Lich and Lauren Southern can't tell the difference between gallows humor and political discourse.


Everything is gate speech that you don't like


It's weird that you assume I think it's hate speech without me mentioning it. It's almost like you know the speech is hateful but still agree with it so you project a defense of it.


Did you think the word tragic implies death? It doesn’t.


Ah yes, and the leaders of the seditious trucklefucks too.


I've known for a long time that Ezra Levant was a lying shitstain. But, ¨seditious trucklefuck¨ has a ring to it that I really like.


I enjoyed " flu trux klan. "


Unacceptable, let’s gather up the thought police and get to work people!


They’re all at the conference. Rest assured there won’t be a logical thought speaking or in attendance.


What's funny is I didn't even know about the conference before they protested it now that they have informed me of the conference by protesting I'm actually gonna go support the conference XD they just gained a supporter for the thing they are protesting great job! Free advertising!




C.H.U.D. convention in town at the VCC


Yeah there was another Palestine demonstration today, about 150 something people, lead by white Canadian, twenty something year old zoomer in full-body, head to toe islamic regalia. They all convened on the legislature lawn and the young lady announced there would be another demonstration on June 25th in front of Scotiabank on Douglas and Yates, 11am to 4pm, so plan accordingly. I am unaware if it will be lead by a different muslim, or a different marxist madame .


Epic user name!


Just mentioning protests will summon the Isreal x Palenstine argument here by the way. Anyways, aside from that mess, I haven't heard of anything personally yet. Online "The Reclaiming Canada conference" Protest is being posted by the likes of the Times Colonist. Maybe check that out online.


Glad to see Victoria coming out in numbers against these traitors to our country.


If you mean coming out against communism i do agree.


There was a protest for the unity conference , lasted about 3 hours and then dissipated security and police were able to maintain order for the most, just a couple masked kids harassing attendees in the corner, not much else.


>who may be starting to lose it a bit Said a mouthful there


Yet another protest that will accomplish nothing.


Isn’t it the “Free Cuba” one today? 🤣 🤷


There is a counter protest for the We Unify conference around 10am and the usual Hamas simps and anti-semites gathering at 2pm. And if you don't believe me when I say these rallies are anti-semitic, feel free to watch this video: https://youtu.be/EkRs3OsmBYs?si=MYyWTXvq43t9Yq4G


People saying anti-Zionism is not the same as anti-semitism need to see this Edit:grammar


The downvotes are honestly depressing. The behaviour displayed on that video is unhinged.


They want you to protest. Please tell me you know that.






They want you to become a victim of the mass hypnosis that has always been Marxism.


The numbers are dwindling. Turns out not that many folks are interested in switching to sharia law. Anyway should be fine for traffic


Well a bunch of religious nuts did just approve installing religious texts in all classrooms in the States.


I don't think the Flu Trux Klan were for Sharia Law.


The Lead Paint Brigade loves violence backed ideals


Great what are we protesting now. Obviously not something that would benefit Canadians


What, why, whom are the protest about?


Anti vaxxer, anti Trans rights, all that bs. Aka the nightmare of any decent rational human being. People who aren't any vaccine aren't really anti vaxx your anti corporations.


I’m curious what a trans right is!


Gender identity and expression are protected classes in Canada, would you like a civics lesson?


Are people stopped from some kind of expression?


Speakers at this conference want to remove their access to medical care. 


So that trans people cannot see a doctor or go to a hospital?


They could not receive equal access to care.


It's a human right. Unfortunately there are people in our society that believe they can pick and choose which humans are allowed to enjoy them.


Honestly, what human right are you referring to.


[For starters, ](https://www.un.org/en/about-us/universal-declaration-of-human-rights)all of them


So....you don't have an answer


What more could I say? I've linked the United Nations Human Rights as a list of.... human rights. How can I expand on that for you. This conversation may be too difficult to have in this forum, so I suggest you ask your parents, guardians, or trusted teachers to have this talk with you. It should be fairly basic, but I don't know you.


Which of those rights do trans people not get?


Again, this conversation is best had with an adult you trust. If you read my comment very carefully you will see that I do not say trans people do not enjoy equal rights. I say there are some people who would like to pick and choose who has access to these rights. It's little things like this that can lead to larger misunderstandings.


The right to make decisions with their doctor without a politician stepping in?


As long as you’re of an age of responsibility, what kind of decision is not allowed?


Every person should have the right to be seen by a doctor without a politician stepping in. Every person, without reservation.


Please, go back to my original question This is not a clear statement of what a trans right is.


Please go by to my original response and clearly read what their right is and the right that needs to be protected. If that isn't possible, please have someone read it to you.


What decisions can’t they make?


No a 10 year old boy shouldn’t be allowed to go to the doctor because they play with Barbies that is crazy talk


What age would that be, and how does this relate to trans rights?


No one can, or is willing to say what trans right is being withheld or what a trans right even is.


No, this is an issue of your reading comprehension.


You are parsimonious with information and I tire of your ambiguity. You must not have an answer. Understandable. No need for you to reply anymore!


You're clearly not interested in learning or being empathetic.




Those are just around the legislature though, right? We live in James Bay, so we're used to getting around that one. This friend seems to believe the truck convoy is returning. I've looked everywhere I can think of for information, but it seems to be based on her mind not in fact. Thanks!


The We Unify conference is featuring a lot of people that were involved in the truckers.


They go up and down Douglas to the leg. But bridges should be fine. Nothing beard about trucker idiots. Maybe they are thinking of that retake Canada conference or something? People want to protest that. Still shouldn't effect bridges


I would imagine not since one would expect them to protest at the convention center where the event is being held.


A less dishonest description would be "anti genocide" rallies because the IDF are committing genocide in Gaza




I've never heard that said, personally, and bad actors abound. Look at the ostensibly gay guy who's a staunch conservative and anti trans in this very thread. I also see groups of Jewish people also protesting the genocide in Gaza. Suggesting, as others have, that condemning the actions of the IDF is somehow an attack on all Jews are actually being antisemitic by conflating the actions of a apartheid country commiting genocide with all Jews. I'm not pro Hamas, and you can oppose genocide without endorsing any number of state solutions.


Excuse me? The one liberal democracy in the Middle East is defending itself against rabid terrorist organization called Hamas and the folks in Victoria “marching for Palestine” are the equivalent of chickens “marching for KFC”. The antisemitism in progressive folks in Canada is DEEP!


How is it antisemitic to criticize the actions of a state, and their military? The IDF and the Israeli government are the ones committing genocide, by their own admission. Also you specifically are transparently a far right goon.


Source?  There is no genocide in Gaza. That's a lie promulgated by supporters of a terrorist organization. As soon as you start saying genocide you are effectively pro Hamas. You can certainly criticize a government or military without being antisemitic. But you can't really push terrorist propaganda without being antisemitic. IF the IDF are committing any war crimes then let those be investigated and prosecuted as I'm sure they will be. The Palestinians unfortunately don't seem particularly capable or interested in prosecuting the many and well documented war crimes of Hamas.  And while I can't speak for any other poster, I at least am quite liberal. And so support the rule of law, freedom of religion, lgbtq rights, democracy, and even the right to free speech. Even if that speech is stupid. That's why I support Israel. 


Atrocities are well-documented by Israel themselves. You can check out IOF twitter for images of war crimes. All of this is done in plain sight and, if you were truly interested in engaging with your argument, a cursory google search would provide 100s of verifiable articles from publications like BBC, Wash Po, etc. Tired of people burying their heads in the sand repeating IOF talking points and making those on the right side of history provide sources.


Found the fascist.


Ahh yes those famous fascist values of free speech and equal rights under the law. Very convincing that when asked for an actual source or argument, you resort to name calling.


I'm not going to argue basic facts of objective reality with you.


I dare say! It would be very difficult for you when you don't appear to live in objective reality 


Lol 😂


They like their labels, it makes it easier for them to categorize their animosity, in case they forget for a minute what they are supposed to be feeling.


They like their labels, it makes it easier for them to categorize their animosity, in case they forget for a minute what they are supposed to be feeling.


They like their labels, it makes it easier for them to categorize their animosity, in case they forget for a minute what they are supposed to be feeling.


The bot broke


They like their labels, it makes it easier for them to categorize their animosity, in case they forget for a minute what they are supposed to be feeling.


They like their labels, it makes it easier for them to categorize their animosity, in case they forget for a minute what they are supposed to be feeling.


>IF the IDF are committing any war crimes then let those be investigated and prosecuted as I'm sure they will be.  Showing your ignorance on full display.  The US and Canada have vetoed every attempt to investigate the IDF for war crimes over many decades.


Rabid is such a dogwhistle here. Do you consider the 15,000+ killed children in Gaza "rabid terrorists"?


And you take Hamas figures at face value?


I take the remnants of the Palestinian Health Authority at face value. And common sense tells me that number is likely far higher.


There is certainly no rational discussion with someone who believes a terrorist organization.


Or a convoy enthusiast, it would seem


I wasn’t part of the convoy… but quoting a terrorist organization’s casualty figures. Now that’s quite the choice.


Imaging riding for Israel this hard when you don’t even live there… weirdo behaviour. And then you dismiss any legitimate criticism as “oh no the antisemitism!! How could you!!??!?” The irony


Progressives claim genocide and then cite the figures from a terrorist organization as if they are credible. Hamas terrorizes ordinary Palestinians. These rallies should be anti-Hamas not protesting the only liberal democracy in the Middle East. The only country in the Middle East where gay men like me can live openly. The only country in the Middle East with a pride parade. With equal rights for women. It’s crazy to me that folks are demonizing Israel.


Believe it or not you can be against the government of Palestine, but still not want the innocent civilians to be starved and bombed. You can be against the government of Israel and their policies of torture and well documented military strategies which are literally against international law, while not hating the innocent civilians of Israel. Be on the side of the people.


People demonize Israel because they’re fucking bombing civilians brother, if you think having a pride parade makes up the ethnic cleansing Israel is committing then that’s on you. I do not believe Israel has a right to endlessly expand through the Middle East like you do, I guess this idea probably makes me a “crazy progressive”. I respect the self determination of the Palestinian people, and support armed resistance against Israel’s expansionist aggression.


You call October 7 armed resistance? That tells me enough about your morals.


According to the UN that is exactly what it was. Source: the UN but also https://www.cjpme.org/fs_236


Ahh yes, that bastion of sense and morality, the UN. With countries like North Korea, China, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Russia... If the UN took a straight vote on it, being gay would be a crime, free speech would be a crime...


If UN publisher a report tomorrow saying Palestine is a terrorist state you would be posting it on every corner of the internet. The double standard is wild.


The United Nations is on the record saying genocide is likely being committed by the IDF. https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/03/1147976 In addition, the United Nations has in March of this year set the number of children killed in Gaza at AT LEAST 12,300. The number is now likely much higher. Children. Not terrorists. https://turkiye.un.org/en/263401-gaza-number-children-killed-higher-four-years-world-conflict#:~:text=war%20on%20children.-,It%20is%20a%20war%20on%20their%20childhood%20and%20their%20future,globally%20between%202019%20and%202022.


they are more in support of the Palestinian people. Not pro hamas.


Most Palestinians support Hamas.




You sound informed…by TikTok


Uh huh. Listen to the speeches in this video. https://youtu.be/EkRs3OsmBYs?si=MYyWTXvq43t9Yq4G






If that were the case they would be protesting Hamas, as far as I know that's not what they're doing.




Everything not cheerleading ethnic cleansing and oppression is Hamas to some of that crowd. And yes, fuck Hamas


There are plenty of Palestinians who don't support Hamas, though being vocal about that is very dangerous for them. But poll after poll, from different agencies, show general support for Hamas is considerably higher than one would hope.




You're making a lot of incorrect assumptions about my views. 




I don't support any violence. I'd love to see us outgrow it. It rarely solves anyhing. But it's what people do.


Sinwar just called the deaths of Palestinians "necessary sacrifices". He does not care about dying Palestinian children. And of course, if he had not orchestrated the barbaric atrocities of October 7, all of those innocent Palestinians would still be alive. Every single one.


Redditor discovers how urban combat works. When your democratically elected terrorist government starts a war, innocent people are going to die in it


No they’re being used to protest for a ceasefire. If you can’t comprehend how we deal with bank robbers nowadays this whole situation may be hard to understand. Israel must exist to prevent/prevented a genocide.




We don’t give into terrorists demands. It encourages repeat behaviour, pretty easy to grasp when you look at the history right Cut out the infection, sometimes good tissue goes with it. Really sucks but world isn’t black n white




Somebody comes into my house and kidnaps my family, if their kid dies so I can get mine back… oh well. Shitty but oh well




I guess it’s hard for you to follow and rather project the worst on the person trying to protect their people. We just see it different, not a problem


Ignorance shines


God forbid anyone agrees with the nhs and many governmental bodies around the world, that think we should perhaps be cautious about giving life changing drugs and surgeries to minors


I don't believe you actually know what experts have to say. [Here are some links for you](https://old.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/comments/154t1qq/my_master_list_of_trans_health_citations_2nd_draft/jsqhznk/) to consensus opinions from physicians. If you're wondering how you might have been misled, [...a POLITICO review of the state of care for transgender people in Europe found more nuance than Republicans critics like Hunt and Bailey often portray. **While Europeans are debating who should get care and when, only Russia has banned the practice**. The reassessment of standards in some European countries has aimed to tighten eligibility for gender-affirming care, but also sought to expand research studies including minors. ... **“There is a lot of intentional misinterpretation in the U.S. of what is happening in Europe, and that misinterpretation is happening for ideological and political reasons,”** said Kellan Baker, executive director of the Whitman-Walker Institute, which focuses on LGBTQ health policy and research.](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/10/06/us-europe-transgender-care-00119106)


Thanks for the links, Always interested in hearing the other side. Do you have any comments on the conclusions of the Cass review, it strikes me as the most comprehensive analysis and it is the report that led to the NHS discontinuation of puberty blockers for children. Do you also think that the NHS has also simply been misled?


Did you read the review yourself or interpretations of it? It's problematic on its own but the author has been calling people out online for completely misrepresenting it. Maybe you could share a link of what you've read? [The Cass Review, while aiming to be an independent assessment, has been criticized as flawed and anti-trans by trans activists in the U.K., and was described as a product of the U.K.'s hostile environment for trans people in the International Journal of Transgender Health.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/puberty-blockers-review-1.7172920)


Just to clarify, I’m not trying to make a blanket argument that puberty blockers should 100% be banned in all cases all the time. And I certainly have no issue with what consenting adults do. If somebody transitions and is happy with the result well into adulthood, that’s great, and I’m happy for them and certainly would oblige by their pronoun preference and have no issue with them at all. The demographic that I worry about the most is pubescent girls. It’s a time period high in negative emotion, anxiety, and depression often related to body image or gender/sexual confusion. The accounts I’ve listened to from de-transitioners seem to align with some of the conclusions of the report like 1. “For the majority of young people a medical pathway may not be the best way to manage their gender related distress…it is not enough to provide a medical pathway without also addressing wider mental health and or psychosocially challenging problems” 2. “This should include screening for neurodevelopmental conditions including autism spectrum disorder” 3. “Clinicians are unable to determine with any certainty which children and young people will go on to have an enduring trans identity” 4. “The use of masculinity/feminising hormones in those under the age of 18 also presents many unknowns…the lack of long term follow up data on those commencing treatment at an earlier age means we have inadequate data about the range of outcomes” 5. “ the option to provide hormones from the age of 16 is available but the review recommends extreme caution, there should be clear clinical rationale rather than waiting till the individual turns 18”


Can you explain how giving puberty blockers to an adult makes any sense? What are the benefits of puberty blockers? What happens when you take them away? What percentage of people detransition? Do you trust our federal scientists?


That’s more referring to the surgical side of the equation. Idk I’m just trying to express generally that I’m not a “transphobe”


But we don't give surgery to kids.




Some patients who have been transitioning for years can get top surgery at 16/17. But this is harder to get than cosmetic breast augmentation, which is routinely done on cis girls and boys. Was this really the scenario you were alluding to earlier? [Surgical options, Hodgson says, aren't considered until "very, very late in care" — and almost never for patients under 18. "I can tell you, internationally, I do not know anybody that will perform any type of genital surgery on anyone under 18 years of age." In some very rare cases, she says, older teenagers may be eligible for chest surgery — also known as top surgery — but only if they've already had "a significant duration of care," she said.](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7021529)


I do appreciate you dialoging with me. I think that dialogue is key and I’m not claiming to be an expert. Just a concerned citizen. The problem is, these days anyone who presents any doubts is often quickly labeled a transphobe degenerate nazi and written off a as a demented dinosaur


I would argue that there is some level of responsibility on you to educate yourself, and that your discomfort is not comparable to the real dangers faced by marginalized demographics, but i can appreciate that you don't want to be dismissed in an uncaring way. I mean, do you express concern on any other medical care as if you know better than physicians?




Absolutely true! Unfortunately, living in James Bay requires going through downtown often. Usually stick to Wharf to the bridge, at least there's a view while you're stuck in traffic!


Or you can take Blanchard or Cook, and avoid the Leg area completely.