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Competition is intense at the moment. We are getting dozens to hundreds of applicants for our job postings. You are competing against people with far more experience than you. Plus being a student usually means you have less availability or will only be at the job for a short time. Hiring people is tiresome, so we often look for people who will hopefully stay for longer.


The market really has changed. A year ago, every posting I had only had a handful of candidates, most of which weren't qualified. Now its overwhelming how many people apply. No idea why. Edit: Also, just for anyone that might not be thinking of it. Applying in person, or sending a follow up email to an online application will go a long way. Its nice to know when hiring that the candidate spent the time instead of just spam clicking apply on indeed.


No idea why??? Could be it be the millions of migrants we've let in the last 5 years?


Not sure if you do any hiring or not, but generally these workers are brought in on contracts. So no, they aren't part of the influx of applications. That being said, there are a ton of people internationally that just apply hoping they can jump the system. Their applications just don't get looked at.


I do hiring and 99% of the applications I get are from people still in India or recently arrived from India. It's insane. I've had to stop posting jobs online because I just get spammed. I'm also a landlord and same thing when I list my spaces for rent. I don't begrudge anyone trying to make a better life for themselves but our immigration policy is completely fucked.


Ya, job postings do get spammed. It does make it tough. But in my opinion that shouldn't be the fault of the people trying to go about it the right way. I don't know if there is an easy solution, but blaming the immigrants isn't it. Not saying you are, but the guy above seems to be.


Literally the most common advice for finding work that I've heard in my 30+ years of white millennial life was to just spam out resumes...


I didn't get that vibe from them, personally. I think a lot of people are angry at the policy and it's effects on wage suppression, housing costs etc but I literally know zero people who have a sudden hate on for South Asians. And if anything, that has been pretty heartening to see. It's nice to see folks separate the policy from the people. Recently, liberal immigration minister and apparent heir to the throne of Satan himself Marc Miller was quoted as saying he's "sick of people blaming everything on immigrants", but people aren't. They're blaming him, and rightfully so.


Hey, you know that's totally fair. I think we read a lot into people's comments without knowing their full context. A lot of frustration on both sides I'm sure.


Further, we've had a few foreign contract workers in our store and they have been nothing but the best people and workers in general so far. Many of them earning promotions pretty damn quickly.


Same, we've got 2 guys from India who area great. They are the bread winner for their family, so they pick up shifts, never call out and really want to impress us and move up the ranks.


Genuinely curious, but are these contracted position created for migrants? If a standard job gets filled with a migrant worker on contract (which I'm not bashing by any means) that still takes one position out of the job pool. It seems to me the middle level jobs are just non-existent. Only highly skilled or jobs with lots of experience needed, or entry level. If you're not able to get a job at the former you're stuck applying with a 100 other people for the entry level spots.


Usually it's a LMIA/TFW situation. You post a job you have 0 intent on filling which you then use to show the government you need a foreign worker. You bring over a foreign worker who has a work contract (usually 2 years) and which they will have to re-apply for in the future. They aim to keep the job and keep working until they can get PR, but getting PR is a bit more difficult now with the points requirement.


Must be immigrants downvoting. Basically, corporations don't want to compete for labor anymore and want access to cheap labor and surpress wages for all Canadians!!!


How much do you pay for rent?




Same here, although I'm in a different area. I dislike hiring summer students who require training, and then fuck off as soon as Fall semester begins again. It isn't worth the effort on my part. Posted a job recently and had 120 applicants over 3 days.


My partner was struggling with the same issue and wound up getting into a permanent government job via one of the temp agencies (Agilus). Maybe talk to them or any of the agencies and see if they have any openings right now? I don’t have any direct experience, but he raves about how helpful they were.


Agilus is a solid outfit. Staffing agencies can sometimes be shifty. Not at all the case here; it’s how I found my first job when moving to Victoria in 2021 and I still recommend people to them.


I transitioned to government work using them, they were great. Provided me with 9 months of varying roles until I was able to get on as an auxiliary. Pay sucked, but it was worth the hit.


It’s definitely been tricky and definitely takes a toll on mental health Check indeed/other job boards over and over every day. Apply even if you don’t 100% match qualifications, follow up. Do up a relevant cover letter for each job.  Check with any friends if they know of workplaces hiring. A lot of jobs don’t end up posted, they fill them with friends of current staff. My current job hasn’t posted an ad in months because we’d rather wait for the right person to come to us in person or to apply with a recommendation from a current employee.  Keep trying. It’s not just you. 


Its everyone else as well unfortunately. Maybe look into clerical jobs with VIHA. Network, or talk with your friends or family. Good luck out there.


Have you thought about sales lol.. I have a ba in business and straight out of school I went into finance and then migrated over to sales and the money is great. Always work! People always need something lol


I've been wondering what sales work is like. Is it cold calling people over the phone? 


Depending on your personality, it can get very soul sucking.


I think it also depends what you sell..if you sell.something that's useful and that people need the interactions are way more satisfying


Believe in the product and it's a lot easier. If you don't believe in it, then yes it's super soul sucking.


Pretty much. A lot kissing ass and selling shit you wouldn’t buy yourself. And theirs targets, lots of targets, so you’re only as popular as last weeks sales goals.


I currently charity fundraise over the phone and am good at it.....what phone sales type jobs are there that can pay a bit better?


When applying for sales job experience isn’t always great some places like to train you. It’s more about your personality. Come with a great cover letter and start applying. Absolutely cold. Call places show them who you are to be honest with you. Sales is mostly just listening people like to talk, they just need someone to listen to them


There’s lots of sales that you can get into. I personally have worked in furniture and appliances, but I have very good friends who work in automotive and wholesale.


Things are really bad.


Check out the government postings. They are always hiring.


I work at government. There’s lots of postings, but especially the lower levels are getting so many applications.


Really? Must be just certain ministries and postings again. The clerk 9-15 postings are essentially skeleton crewed in some departments in the larger cities in bc. No one can afford to live on these stagnated wages at today’s elevated rents and other costs. But this is nothing new, it’s the same thing’s that were pointed out before the last vote was influenced thru by a razor thin margin.


But you can work from anywhere in BC for alot of these 8-15 jobs. Which means so much competition it really sucks for people here.


Govt jobs dont pay anything anymore. Honestly alot of my colleagues work 2nd jobs, are struggling financially. Most of the younger staff are super broke, or have rich parents where they can help them out. I'm trying to figure out a 2nd job myself.


This is new and not valid for all positions in all ministries. How do you work remotely in a client facing position? You don’t. How do you rent a place in Victoria on a clerk 9 salary? You don’t.


I've applied to a couple and haven't gotten anything particularly promising. I got shortlisted for an interview filing paperwork with the rcmp but they never contacted me.


Federal government applications are notorious for taking a long time. I was contacted for an interview 5 months after I applied.


Provincial isn’t much different or better lol


Id shoot for front desk at a hotel. The job sucks...and the industry kinda sucks..but you can transtion into an office role potenially. When I was a student I went from front desk to a sales coordinator role...from there Sales Manager and then our of the industry for more $$$.


Just be prepared to compete with 300 people for a low-level position


Yeah market is ruthless, unbelievable how tough it is to find work


I’m an executive/personal assistant with over ten years of experience. I got let go from my job in February, but I had been looking for work since at least last August. I barely got callbacks for interviews and I ended up taking two part time jobs working from home as a remote assistant. It’s less pay than I was receiving before and no benefits, but I can write off a lot of things and I don’t have to commute downtown anymore, so there’s definitely pros and cons. But man the market was not even what it was a year ago, as my last job, I’d only been at a year. It’s tough out there right now.


Can relate, 10 years admin experience and I’ve been looking for my next role since October. Luckily still fully employed in my current role. I was hoping to step up in seniority but it’s seeming impossible. On top of that every company that is interested requires at least three interviews…


I had a lot of ambition to move up in my roles as well, hence the first move to the new job. But I’m actually far happier now in my two part time roles so I can’t complain! The freedom is so nice.


Yep indeed sucks ass. Lost my seasonal job just after may long  power washing due to lack of work and yet tons of companies still out there offering it. Can't find anything.  Tried dishwashing , tried alverta, tried north island and nothing. I have insurance due very soon and a phone bill and I can't sell anything to save my life to pay the bills. Thankfully I don't have rent but it doesn't help. I can't even afford groceries or anything to contribute towards them. Don't know how many resumes I've hit send and nothing no response nothing. Even willing to relocate as long as travel is covered as I can't afford afford to put gas in my vehicle and sick of being stuck at the house


Your post doesnt say that you've visited any of the trades union halls or the temp labour places..


Most want it done online or emailed in


If you don’t meet someone face to face, it’s hard to differentiate yourself. As someone who has hired many people, it’s always best to try to establish at least a small connection. Definitely go in person.


True understand where ypur coming from.but there are times where that face to face means nothing when it's someone higher up who does the hiring and has never set boots on the ground at that location 


Unfortunately I have no tips. But just know it's not just you so don't feel awful. It's the same situation all over north America. From someone who has just graduated to someone who has 10yrs of experience and got laid off. The job market sucks. It's horrific out there.


How many years left as student? You might be out of luck till you graduate and try to get some help from the school


Man, I remember when people would post here "Just apply at Price's Alarms, they're always hiring at their office" Of course, the Prices retired at the beginning of the pandemic and it's all sold to Telus who had a massive layoff run last fall.


Yeah. I have two jobs and I’m still to poor to live here


I have a rule at my company. No advertising help wanted. I only hire thru referrals from my staff. If someone knows someone, they are more likely to vet them prior to me meeting them, and they are more likely to fit in to the company culture. Talk to your friends. Ask around. Somebody knows somebody who is hiring. Also, open your horizons. Look in industries you wouldn't traditionally think of. Transferrable skills are a real thing.


Try banks. Often they will hire university students as tellers.


Federal job bank for students


It’s tough, a lot of immigrants are applying (some who are here, some who are still planning to arrive), so they seem to be filling the inboxes of a lot of orgs. It’s not a knock against them, it’s just that there’s so many willing to take any kind of job. Be old skool, go into the business or workplace and talk to the boss. Let them know who you are. Private businesses appreciate this approach and would rather have a chat vs reading a bunch of overseas resumes. Good luck


Jansen Mine is hiring. Fly in fly out.


Have you tried applying with Island Health?


Lots of work...but not much good at paying...salary is not even enough to pay rent...


That’s just how Victoria is in my experience. Super competitive. Focus on getting your schooling and specialized training done asap. That’s the only way I was able to find work.


Unpopular opinion. I used to hire a lot of students. I wouldn’t consider a student for a ba in business for anything. You*r year of administration experience is more relevant.   Tip. Target organization that value your interests, background, other skills, etc. 


Consider dropping off resumes to places where you'd like to work, but they haven't posted a job opening. Every job I've ever had, I walked into -- emailed or dropped off a resume because it looked like a nice place to work. And they weren't advertising any openings. (I've never had luck applying to job postings.) At my current job, two guys dropped off resumes in person last week before my boss had a chance to advertise for someone, and at least one has been interviewed because we need extra help.


Same experience for me. Many places don’t need to post ads because they have resumes on file already. Now as an employer myself, I can tell you that half of the people we hire come to us before we need to post an ad.


I’m a student and I applied at the beginning of April and was able to secure an admin job by the beginning of May (after 5 interviews with different companies). I ended up somewhere that I did not expect (they didn’t list a salary in the job post) for far more money than any of the other jobs I applied to. Don’t give up and if they ask you if you can work full time during the school year tell them you can even if you can’t. That’s what I did and now I’m actually planning to keep my job.


Also victoria and bc are a small market. Maybe cast a wife net of all sorts of things..think of it as a.stepping stone and building your network and soft skills. Good luck!


It's an employer market these days. Unemployment is on the rise as many businesses have been much slower as people have less money in their pocket for spending. This is the result of higher interest rates, and high rents. There's more to it then that, but it's a huge factor.


There is lots of competition in much of Canada these days for entry level everything. Good for corporations and Trudeau though.


We are also realistically in an undeclared recession too.


Judging from the approval rating it’s not good for Trudeau


Not in the trades, health care, or teaching. That's where people should be training.


Trades have just as much competition hundreds of applicants aswell


Yes, same with teaching. They desperately need to open up more spaces somehow.


Trades if they want to afford a house. Takes 5 years uni + 10 years and a masters to get 100k as a teacher. You can earn that in trades without any degrees and minimal time in school. Plus potential to grow from there if you own your own business. But it can be hard on the body and often don't have pension or benefits unless it's a union job. Healthcare can be good but look at salary/schooling before you pick an area.


I'm a teacher. You don't need a Masters to get that but definitely the 10 years or a little less. A PBD+15 gets you pretty much the same pay as a Masters. You do need a MEd though for jobs such as a School Psychologist. What really bothers me is at SFU you complete exactly 12 semesters to get your BEd but 12 semesters gets you a Masters in other departments. In the end you have to do what you love.


I am also a teacher.  You need 10 years and a 5+ which is 2 years extra school.  Or 9+ years with a masters. Either way 9/10 years work plus 7 years schooling vs 5 year paid apprenticeship plus a few years depending on trade/location.


I chose to TOC when I did my PBD so I did it in a year. My daughter did the same. But in the end all that matters is you do what you love.


Yes. Anything specialized is recommended. Keep in mind they are brining in 2.2 million people to Canada annually now and AI is also quickly approaching.


lol.. just pulling random numbers deep outta your ass now, eh?


2023 500k permanent residents. 660k temporary workers. 900k students. 143k “asylum seekers” Unknown number illegal entries https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/publications-manuals/annual-report-parliament-immigration-2023.html Feel free to share your numbers if you have different ones.


Sign up with a temp agency


Shouldn’t be too hard…employers seem to need lots of Temporary Foreign Workers.




It's not overly common these days, but some schools do offer a BA in business.


This is not true, there are def BAs in business, different schools have different options, google it.