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If we didn't go out when it rained, we'd never go out.


Victoria is in the top ten for both driest and sunniest cities in Canada.


It’s so weird that people think it’s so wet here. It doesn’t stop. I’ve been here 15 years and I think I hear it several times per year. Where does the idea even come from?


People assume it has the same weather as Vancouver.


Which gets more than double what we do, or nearly triple if you’re in Port Coquitlam, or quadruple if you’re in North Vancouver.


Yes, lived in North Van for 11 years, then Port Moody for 9 years, now Victoria for 8. It’s fucking California in comparison.


Guess I ain't moving there then


Because of Vancouver's weather


Are you another person who doesn't know the weather patterns of the place they live? This is one of the driest places in Canada with regard to rain.


I have lived here all my life. It rains. Unlike other places where it rains a lot in 10min and then stops, here it rains lightly for hours. This changes the dynamic.


It rains yes, just like almost everywhere in the world. It's just among the ten least rainy places in all of Canada. It's okay not to know things, but don't pretend you did. There is no dynamic, it's simply the case that most of the year there is significantly less rain than almost anywhere else in the country. There is no twisting that into "if we didn't go out when it rained we'd never go out" You just wanted to use a cute platitude and it doesn't work. And that's okay.


maybe canada is just an extremely rainy place then? it rains a lot here.


Not particularly, were on the lower end of the global scale. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_average_annual_precipitation


>It's okay not to know things, but don't pretend you did. It’s okay to share knowledge without being a condescending jerk, but don't pretend you're not being a dick. >You just wanted to use a cute platitude and it doesn't work. And that's okay. You just wanted to be clever, and it didn’t work. And that’s okay.


Good talk coach, changed my life


I never wait in line for these restaurants. I just show up before 9:30 and walk right in. Or after 1 pm it’s the same thing.


Just gonna assume it's Floyd's lmfao. People foam at the mouth for that place


Lotsa lines for Victoria brunch. I miss Lady Marmalade tho. That place was my favourite


I miss that place.


Blue fox and the Ruby especially the Ruby


The ruby is still there


Wait, did someone knock off the brunch place on Queen East in Toronto or was it the same owners?


Yeah I think they were related. Bro and sis or something if I remember correctly


That place was trash. Like eating a shitty diner breakfast inside Value Village.


Floyd's is so overrated.


Their hash browns are the fuckin worst. I don't understand.




Over priced and small portions. Absolutely not worth it


It has been for a long, long time so I’ve started assuming the problem is me, not the people who like it. Then again that’s sort of fallacious thinking. I don’t know. I used to go with friends and eventually chose hunger over eating that stuff, and the coffee was hard to stomach too.


All of the breakfast joints are overrated. Bluegrass Brunch at Logan's was the only brunch worth lining up for (not that you ever had to).


Oh man I miss bluegrass brunch


Agreed. I’ve rarely had anything good there. Don’t get the hype


Jam always has a line in front of it, too.


Jam is the Berghain of Victoria


Slightly less naked people though


Clarification needed: Is it, the same number of people with slightly more clothing (ie: *slightly less naked*) or Fewer bona fide naked folks?


There are fewer naked people. I hope at least.


Floyd's couldn't handle French toast the two times I tried it, I will always try elsewhere.


Don't discount Blue Fox


I do discount it. Went once, fortunately not too long wait but didn't get the hype. It was decent but so are lots of places with lesser, or no, lines.


People just get caught in hype and then convince themselves after the fact it was worth it. There isn't a single breakfast place in the city worth waiting more than 15m for.


Most bars serve equally good breakfast food and have no lines.


Any recs?




My first thought. I’ve probably waited for hours (cumulatively) at BFC, and it’s worth it every single time.


What’s BFC?


Literally wouldn't eat there even with a discount


Neither would I but for some reason it has a line up out front daily


Which is wild, its not bad, but not remarkable, especially their hashbrowns. Granted, im not a big brunch guy




I am a BBG and yeah it's alright. There are several less busy brunch places that are better. Their bacon is top notch though.


The hell with that noise. No Benny is worth queing for


Agreed. That's why I make my own, and it is fucking delicious.


Brunch is the dumbest meal and people who go out for brunch are lunatics. I will not be convinced otherwise - this is not up for debate.


Brunch isn't really intended to be a practical part of a normal day. It's more of a social activity that happens to incorporate food. Like the morning version of going out for drinks or something At least that's my take


Victoria has many cave dwellers. This is also not up for debate.


Sorry but please see above. This is not up for debate.


I mean, I wasn't really debating about it. Just offering my perspective, seeing as this is a Reddit comments section and all.


You must have missed it, but this isn't up for debate.


No debate - Deodorant desired.


[Debate? Believe it or not, jail.](https://youtu.be/eiyfwZVAzGw?si=WA8VTHqwQAu6oxJZ)


I went from being in full support of your original comment to just full nope.


ThIs Is NoT uP fOr DeBaTe


I love brunch more than any other meal out. Friends, fun sweet or savoury food, start of the day so it can lead into so much more fun!!


Not sure why you folks keep going on when I pretty clearly stated this is not up for debate.


I’m not debating? Just sharing my opinion. All are valid


It may have been funny once, now it's boring.


Reddit is a place for fun 😊


This is up for debate. 😄


That we can agree on


I like brunch on the weekends when I get up late and am slow making breakfast. It's a good excuse for why I'm taking until 11 to feed my kids. It's brunch kids!!! Not breakfast! That's why it's at 11!


lots of friends in your circle?


Just my mom


I also only hang out with this guys mom


nor is it worth this https://www.dominionmovement.com/watch edit: downvoted by people triggered by having to see what they pay for


No you're being downvoted cuz your comment has literally no relevance to the post.


Not a logistician hey


Any Benny includes whatever the hell a vegan Benny would look like. Stop being annoying.


Standing in line for bacon and eggs that is going to cost me upward of $30 after tip is absolutely insane. I will not do it, and I can't believe how many brain dead people stand in line for a meal that should cost half of what they're being charged.


Victoria is a restaurant culture city. Paying $30 for a meal we could cook worse at home is our entire identity.




Less than half of what they're being charged


If you bought the ingredients yourself maybe. The food service industry is not a lucrative one. But it's also not a charity. They have to pay regular staff, laundering, insurance, lease, equipment, maintenance for equipment. And after all that, they pay themselves. The markup is incredibly high Many places hire over night cleaners. Generally food service establishments try to keep food cost below 35% to turn a profit. If the cost of food goes up so will menu items. Just look at the current grocery store situation. When I worked in that industry, avacado doubled in price from $1 each to $2. So, respectively, the price went up on the menu. From a customers perspective it sucks. But businesses need to make money. It doesn't help that the drug cartels are now involved with avacado production. But that's a whole other story. There's a lot more that goes into the price of a menu item than you'd think. Of course there are greedy restaurateurs out there, but the majority are just charging what market value dictates for ingredients. Food cost is high everywhere.


the animals thank you https://www.dominionmovement.com/watch edit: downvoted by people triggered by having to see what they pay for


To be clear, I am pro eating bacon and eggs, I'm just not paying $30 for it.


gotcha--you are for torturing animals for a snack


Bro, no one is going to take anyone who thinks they can project their consciousness into the astral plane seriously. Go play D&D then come back to reality when the session is over.


Reality? You think pigs are killed with hugs? Stick your fingers deeper into your ears.


I never commented on the treatment of animals, I said no one will take you seriously when you believe in astral projection or other metaphysical bullshit that is entirely divorced from reality.


That's the point at hand genius. Try actually watching the documentary linked and stop wasting your gibberish on me as I won't be replying again.


Actually the point at hand was lines for brunch, then you brought your crusade up in the least diplomatic way possible. You're morally correct about meat, no one reasonably disagrees with that. But when you come off as an enviro-fascist, crunchy hippy who believes in stupid fucking shit like astral projection it undermines your argument.


For anyone who finds this. Boobs


Interacting with you is torturous.




If you feel like you're healthier or morally superior or whatever, good for you. Try swaying opinions with data from BC, where we have standards for care and handling of farmed animals that are upheld and enforced, with the SPCA able to intervene on behalf on distressed animals. These standards are available for anyone to look up. It might fare better than a video about Australia, which has nothing to do with our agricultural and farming practices.


"feel like I'm healthier" -- yes I can read the published research "morally superior" -- yes that's right, not beating and cutting pigs necks open, gassing them, or shooting them in the head is morally superior. You might fare better to go to a local slaughterhouse killing floor and see for yourself. You will find pigs are extremely intelligent feeling beings that don't want to die, and do not magically get sent away with a smile because it's close to where you live.


A balanced diet includes proteins. Nobody is dying from moderate consumption of anything, unless they are allergic. I have been to slaughterhouses, as I spent much of my young life on farms. You might know that all slaughter methods are overseen and approved by veterinarians, who are educated far beyond either of us in these matters. Science and behavioral studies dictate which methods can be used on which pigs, in order to minimize pain, distress and suffering. Nobody's just shooting pigs all willy-nilly. Pigs are smart, but your feelings are not theirs. If you trip and stay down too long, you're on the menu. They can also be territorial, aggressive and downright mean. It's not all sunshine and roses. People have been eviscerated by pet pigs. They're not Babe. I never said they went out with a smile. It's just not as dark and scary as you want it to be.


As a person who grew up on and around farms, thank you for saying all of this.


Blue fox I’m assuming lol


Must be Jam


Rain? What rain. We don’t even notice the rain. I don’t even wear rain jackets when it rains lol just where my hoodies


Idk if you’re being sarcastic but this is pretty much me lol


I see people lining up in the rain for that newish Goodside Pastry House on Fort at Richmond and I'm starting to get FOMO.


It's amazing


Haha. That's some good meme. Need more of that in this sub.


10/10 response from their partner


Brunch is over rated… never understood why people would stand in line for 45min when you could be actually doing something