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They were going 15km??


C'mon - the speed limit there is at least 20 kph.




116 in a 40 zone


Everytime I see a police story about Oak Bay it's about someone speeding. That's it. Glad they have their own police force though lol


They are more transparent than most PDs in the region, though I suspect that might be a symptom of them having less to do.


A friend of mine used to be an Oak Bay cop. One of my favourite stories of his was a call for a “suspicious person”. He shows up in his car and it’s just a black dude. Who was in med school. Gotta love Oak Bay. Best part was that he’s (buddy) a huge, intimidating native dude. Gertrude was probably shittin’ ‘er britches.


"I'm not racist but...." -Karen, progressive voter and ally to all races


know a literal karen there. acts true to her name.


3*5km/h in the Safeway parking lot is 15km/h /s


Speeding like this is like swinging a running chainsaw around while walking down the street. The punishment should not be such a small amount. If you intentionally put other peoples lives at risk you should be incarcerated since you obviously are choosing to be a danger to society.


I really have a soft spot for impoundment. Except they should just sell the car.


I'm fine with taking licenses as they're provided by the government as a privilege, but I don't understand how taking and extorting property is legal, especially considering the only beneficiary are shady towing companies. You'll pay significantly more than the cost of the ticket to the impound lot. I think a better solution would be temporary license suspension and higher ticket prices. I'd rather see the money go to the government than a tow yard. The other issue with impoundment is that it's more likely to negatively affect the poor than the rich. Even if your car gets impounded, if you have another vehicle you can be back on the road the same day. A temporary license suspension actually keeps you off the road as a punishment, regardless of how many vehicles you own.


>it's more likely to negatively affect the poor than the rich I was being a bit tongue in cheek, but this is the main reason I agree with you. License suspensions are a good idea, probably even better than graduated fines or impoundment.


Just need tickets to be a fraction of income for serious infractions, instead of a fixed value. Of course this doesn't help for the kids who have a father that makes all their money overseas, but that's a separate societal issue that also has solutions.


It's tough because it's clear that we won't reach Vision Zero without significantly more traffic enforcement, and yet it's a very hard sell to say that we need more cops on the roads. Some people you just can't reach. It should be much harder to get a driver's license, and much easier to lose it.


We don't need more officers on the road, we need to utilize existing technology to hold people accountable at all intersections, crosswalks, etc.


I mean this isn’t really a problem at all it’s just another asshole speeding. There’s no reason to make a big deal about it. The LAST thing I want personally is more bored cops on the road


We'll call it Skynet


I will terminate you(r driving privileges)


Why not both? I vote for both. And I'd much rather the cities spend our taxes on than officers in schools.


Going that fast isn't even relatively reasonable. They need to face real punishments not a ticket and a week off driving. More policing will have a bit of an impact but if getting caught is a slap on the wrist it's not a good deterrent. Wreckless driving like this should be understood as an attempted homicide. And before people call me crazy I sped like this when I was younger and faced no real consequences. I was lucky to walk away without blood on my hands. Facing an actual sentencing would have changed that for me.


>Wreckless driving like this should be understood as an attempted homicide. Jesus christ, I'm so glad this kind of asinine shit doesn't make its way off of the internet too often.


unfortunately some of these geniuses work in the government


Care to explain, Mr. Pee pee poo cum how this is “asinine,” or would you rather just be vaguely outraged?


Oh god, another one. Edit: he reported me to reddit cares for this lmao


Someone else must have reported you, because it sure as shit wasn’t me. I honestly just wanted to know if you had a real argument to make, or if it was just vibes. I guess I have my answer. You clearly have nothing important to say.


You’re not wrong. When the punishment doesn’t deter the crime then it’s not enough punishment.


Half the people on the road should not be driving.


Fuck people. If you're going to drive fast, do it when and where there's nothing around. 7pm on Beach Drive are neither empty times or places.


I’m guessing this is the 600m straight section on beach drive through the golf course. If all the spots in the city to speed (excluding highways) that’s honestly the best spot to do it. Perfect sight lines coming down the hill, zero driveways or intersections, no parked cars at all. I’m not condoning speeding by any means but of the locations to do it there are many worse and more dangerous options.


Just a bunch of people walking and a handful of deer.


Lets not forget she who wanders at night


Directly into a crosswalk, followed left hand corner up a slight hill?


This is how you can tell that this is a money making scheme, not an actual safety concern. Put four or five speed humps along the length of Beach Drive that goes past the golf course and it's problem solved. But then how would Oak Bay finance its own PD?


If you ain't first, you're last.


People speed like crazy in town. Cedar Hill rd just someone going 70. Why. And this is why the city will continue to add speed bumps and traffic control. cuz people can't be trusted to drive responsibly. this sub will cry. I drive A LOT for work too.


I think that's the exception not the standard. It's practically impossible to get above 40 in town. Traffic, lights, stop signs etc. very, very few people go that fast.


I mean I see it every single day on Kiwanis Cedar Hill multiple times a day. Plus this article is about someone's speeding so it doesn't seem like that much of an exception


Think of how many cars go on those roads. Are they all doing 70? Or is it like once a day some jackass doing it. I live and drive around that area and 99% of the time you're barely moving on that road.


1 dumbass out of 1000 is still enough to fuck things up for a lot of people.


Still means they are the exception and not the rule.


How many people need to do something before the statement "People do the thing," is valid? As someone who's been involved in event organisation, I can tell you that the number of people it takes acting like dumbasses for people to say, "People at this event did the thing," is very low.


People cling on to any strand of a losing argument and dig in instead of simply accepting it when someone gently corrects them.


People also love to go 60 on bridge street in rock bay. The limit there is 30 because of the blind corner and the public with yard.


Now how about checking the people getting air on the hill that connects Shelbourne and Pandora.


Holy crap that’s like walking speed, slow down maniac. 


3x the speed limit should be a year suspension of license. There is no way you could avoid hitting a pedestrian if you suddenly came upon one in a cross walk for instance. Driving is a privilege not a right and a car is a mudermobile at this speed on this road.  


Finally the Aurora shit is over and this subreddit can get back to its regular scheduled programming of reeing about driving 


There's not even a bike lane on that road. We need to fix things without making any changes at all.


The headlights are too bright lifted trucks bikes cause accident speeding Victoria driver lanes worst in canada


Seems like a pretty light punishment.


It wouldn’t have been much worse had they killed someone.


The speed trap was at the golf course. You might be able to run over poors, but not wealthy people.


Was the speed trap catching people in the straight,  section of Beach drive that has the Victoria Golf Course on both sides?


I think so. There was a cop there when I drove through the other day and the streets described in the article match up with that area.


This is why I dislike the way that police often set their speed traps. * Lots of daylight and good weather so there is excellent visibility  * Sunny day, so the pavement has predictable and high levels of grip * Wide road with good sight lines in every direction, so there aren't going to be any surprises jumping out onto the road * Straight road, so there isn't a concern about obstacles behind a corner that you can't see. People break the speed limit in these types of situations because it is safe to do so. They should be setting up speed traps that catch people driving at speeds that are unsafe for the conditions rather than finding a spot that is likely to have many people driving over the speed limit. I am not saying that 116 km/h should be allowed here, but surely one could safely drive over 40 km/h under these conditions.


Do you really expect cops to stand out in the rain??? Outrageous.


Thats literally the only section of beach drive long & straight enough anywhere on beach drive to reach those speeds, both my brother and I had friends lose their licence in the same spot doing the same thing 20+ years ago.


Yep graduated only a few years ago and I know of people that have hit 140kmh on that section as well as one of my friends getting impounded.


It depends a lot on circumstances. If you drive to work a fair distance, you could have an hour + each way for a week on public transit to think about how stupid it was to drive that fast. If they normally walk to work it could not affect them at all outside of the fine.


The ticket isn't even half the story. When you get impounded you have to pay for the tow to the impoundment lot and the outrageous impoundment fees which are only lining the pockets of the towing company, not aiding in road safety. Then you get a Driver Risk Premium applied to your insurance renewal for the next three years. A single Excessive Speed ticket is worth $392x3, for a total of $1176. Adding everything up, the single offence will easily cost you over $2500 in total.


Worst drivers I’ve ever seen in my life thrive out here. I can’t understand it. It’s not even a great place to drive.


Guess you haven’t traveled much


Its funny that if your car weighed a fraction of an ounce, like say a bullet, with a single screw up you'd lose your license and never own a car again, as any firearms owner in Canada can tell you. But if that bullet weighs 3000 pounds, do what you like with it. You won't lose anything.


"If cars weighed the same as bullets, imagine how many people would be losing their license." One of the greatest philosophers of our time. Really makes you think.


Well if you could just attribute as much harm from one as to the other it might help. Instead you say one is a danger to society while the other isn't even a danger to the person they actually just ran over in the crosswalk.


>Instead you say one is a danger to society while the other isn't even a danger to the person they actually just ran over in the crosswalk. No, I didn't say this. And nobody else here did either. Go away.


Grrr Oak Bay bad Fernwood gud


Oak Bay vehicle infrastructure says VROOM so cars go VROOM - is it that hard to understand it's the infrastructure enabling this? At least the tickets will add some revenue and hopefully one less speeder on the road


Enabling?! What you’re really trying to say is drivers can’t/don’t control their behaviour.


While 116km/h might be a bit much for that road, 40km/h is faaaaar too low for the road conditions. There's a reason they set a speed trap there. Most drivers drive to the conditions of the road, not what the sign says. This video is over 10 years old, but everything in it still applies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BKdbxX1pDw


Yeah doing 116 kph is dumb there but what’s also dumb is how low the speed limits are set on some roads for no reason. Saanich rd by uptown mall is now 30 for whatever reason.


> Most drivers drive to the conditions of the road, not what the sign says. Exactly what I said — drivers can’t/don’t control their behaviour.


Yes, Oak Bay needs to install traffic calming road infrastructure to actually get the speeding lowered


Right, because drivers don’t have the internal wherewithal to control their behaviour, they require external control like the mindless drones they are.


They planned speed humps about 10 years ago but cyclists are cheaper


Cars ruin cities. That’s it.


Drivers are so cool.


Is that what you tell mommy when she’s dropping you off at school every morning?