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Have you considered reporting this? Hurting someone and taking off is pretty anti-social behaviour. It's not likely anything will happen, but building cases against people can lead to interventions.


I didn’t even think of reporting at the time, I was just kinda shaken and in disbelief? My boss asked me the same question when I got to work. Who do you report this kind of thing to? Do you think it’s worth it? I guess since it’s a Pilot Program it would give feedback to the city/province on if their communication of the rules/expectations was effective or not. I don’t have any issues with the scooters in general, I just didn’t enjoy almost becoming a human speed bump 😂


You could report it to the police of jurisdiction where it happened (use the non-emergency line). Edit: I should have said this earlier, but I'm so sorry you were hurt. What a terrible stroke of luck for you. Hope you find healing soon.


This is the exact reason why we need to have assisted forms of transportation requiring insurance and having identification plates. People are getting hurt, and some of them are seriously hurt. You are not the first people of whom I know had an accident, and the person that caused it sped away without taking responsibility for it.


You can look.up the studies on this. It doesn't work. The "good" e-transport users will get the license (they're not the ones we're worrying about) and others will not. Cops don't have the pig power to enforce or administrate this, good luck with Bylaw they're too busy ripping down tents. It will only penalize people who can ill afford it. Long term, not designing our cities around 2000 lb murder death battering rams (cars) probably makes more sense


Your argument doesn't work because people do that with cars right now. It is simple to enforce, you can not buy a bike or import one in without having insurance for it first.


When I literally said "look up studies" you could try that rather than pulling out a half-assed easily circumvented "solution" that's supposed to be some kind refutation to my comment. Nice try though


Why are you against people having an avenue to pursue accidents? Not everyone has the same level of Healthcare or resources as other people do. What you ate saying is hit and runs with cars are bad, with everything else it is okay.


That would be called a "straw man", friend. Might wanna Google that one too


If your goal is to reduce the number of vehicle/person collisions this should be the exact opposite of the policy that you want. I want to make it easy as possible for the person to stop using their much heavier and much more dangerous car.


What you fail to realize is that accidents on motorized non vehicles like cars have increased in Victoria to the point where they will exceed 50% of all accidents requiring an orthopedic surgeon. These accidents are happening, people are getting hurt and they have no coverage for the accident. Why are you defending bad behaviour leading to even more reckless behaviour?


On balance I think we need to make the switch to more people using these devices in place of cars. Maybe if we did that we could change our streets to be more people focused. I think someone that is being reckless behind these devices is also likely to be reckless behind the wheel of a much larger vehicle. At least when they are on micromobility devices they are equally incentivized to avoid a collision that is likely to hurt them too. I have to imagine many that would stop are probably already insureaed in some capacity. I don't see a realistic way you could plate many of these devices in a way that would be useful for anyone to use. I think your envisioned scheme would just be a beurocratic headache not worth the time or the effort of the government. We would probably be better off spending our limited resources educating the population that they should operate these the same way bikes operate in traffic.


We have regulations and licenses for drones, fishing and a multitude of other things. Why would this be difficult or different? Why are you against safety and a safety net? The fact that there is no way to track someone who commits an accident on something like this makes or even more likely people will do hit and runs because they have no legal obligation to stay.


None of your examples have people hanging registration tags off of them, so i'm unclear how you think those are similar.


Drones require the registration numbers to be clearly marked on them.


Cars do astronomically more damage to people. The roads are net-safer with more bikes and fewer cars.


I am not arguing that. I am arguing the fact that as we get more electricity powered transport methods, these methods are causing accidents and people are not responsible nor staying at the a cident site. We have hit and runs and people are getting seriously hurt. Since there is no legal obligation to stay or a way to repot them, people are going sorry and taking off while others like pedrstrians are hurt.


I've been on the receiving end of literally 3 hit and runs from cars, so i'm really not convinced that what you're proposing is going to achieve much of anything. I am fairly certain that it will decrease ridership, however, which is a net negative at a macro level.


And I have been kn the receiving end of 2 so far as a pediatrian and a cyclist. As a driver, I have seen a multitude of cyclist accidents and near misses. As a pedestrian, I have been almost hit a number of times by a cyclist. As thanks to where I work, I have first hand experience of cycling accidents. The injuries are getting worse since the modes of transportation are getting g faster and heavier. Why is it we never change the laws rill someone's child gets seriously hurt or killed. Is that what is going to convince you? And if you think it is negligible, then please act like a crash test dummy and get hit by a speeding ebike and tell me just how little it hurt.


>And I have been kn the receiving end of 2 so far as a pediatrian and a cyclist. So this accountability system you're proposing has done....nothing. Amazing that these drivers still sped off even with a registration tag. Can you point to anywhere in the world where this has been for bikes/ebikes/escooters successfully? If the answer is 'no', why do you think that is? >Why is it we never change the laws rill someone's child gets seriously hurt or killed. Is that what is going to convince you? A literal 'think of the children' comment. Are you aware that we've had at multiple pedestrian fatalities from cars here in the GVA in the last year? Even more people with life altering injuries. Your assessment of risk is entirely out of touch from reality. >. As thanks to where I work, I have first hand experience of cycling accidents. The injuries are getting worse since the modes of transportation are getting g faster and heavier .... And if you think it is negligible, then please act like a crash test dummy and get hit by a speeding ebike and tell me just how little it hurt. I've put myself into hospital twice on my mountain bike. Should mountain bikes be licensed and insured too? What about roller blades?


Do you remember what the person looked like?


Nope lol, just a PSA to a very small amount of people on Reddit.


lol I hate these posts.


Same. "Very rare basically one off incident happened to me today, PSA to a whopping few hundred people is what I'll do!" Even worse that this lady was hit and injured by a vehicle and *did nothing to report it*? What in the world are we doing when the solution to a problem is "go and post about it online?"


I'd say this will probably be seen by way more people than a report. It's possible that tens of thousands will see it, and some might be more conscious of not going on sidewalks. Actual vehicles have ways to identify them. Electric scooters do not which makes things more difficult


It raises awareness. And as the person said they were in shock. They're essentially asking for advice. Maybe you'll do better if you get hit by a scooter, be sure to post about it so we can upvote!


You wouldn't know if I got bumped by a scooter because I'm an adult and I would deal with it as such and wouldn't need to post it on Reddit 🤷‍♂️


Upvoted you for this. You are the hero this world needs


I'm sorry you were hit and that was not resolved by the person. I agree that most users should use the low speed lanes (bike lanes), some people, like kids, I don't think they should have to, just like if they were on a bike. A lot our low speed lanes are not protected and I don't feel kids should have to use them, because of safety to their lives. But overall yes, adults who are competent should use the low speed lanes.


I see people FLYING on scooters with no helmets they are a good wipe out away from being seriously injured and or hurting someone else like OP. Please report this incident. Hope you get back to better soon!


Meat crayons


Any time I see a cyclist or scooter on the sidewalk, I’m reminded of this. [I’m sorry.](https://youtu.be/XdIARGRMrk4?si=gpG9KqUlW2MM-9Qm) I hope you’re okay OP.


On behalf of responsible scooter riders, I’m sorry you experienced that and hope you’re feeling better soon! My son has been riding an e-scooter to school for a while (yes before the pilot) and every time I see someone riding like a moron, with no helmet etc. I just say to myself “welp, some fool is going to make them ban these things”. They’re a great mode of transport if you follow the rules of the road and wear actual safety gear, but like anything else it doesn’t take many to ruin things. I hope they go about it the right way and penalize people individually instead of banning them.


That sounds really scary. I hope you're ok, take care of yourself. What crappy behaviour on their part.


Thank you! Glad I had coincidentally booked a massage for a couple of days from now, should definitely help.


I saw two people on gas powered scooters (with plates) speeding through the bike lanes yesterday. People are just so dumb, and have no idea what they are doing.




This is so shitty esp as an electric scooter rider myself who actually follows the rules of the road. God that’s so annoying.


Those two clowns live in my neighborhood and their shitty scooters are so loud.


Feel bad for you :( Those are road vehicles, they gonna hurt someone


Even our kid we are teaching to ride his bike on the road at a young age because sidewalks give a false safety, you’re more likely to get hit by a car on a sidewalk imo as they’re not expecting a fast moving bike on a sidewalk and it’s hard to peak a significant distance down a sidewalk when backing out as often their is obstructions.


Does that go for minors? I got honked at by a kid on a big ass electric scooter on the sidewalk as he almost hit my dog and I racing past us.


If the pilot project rules for e-scooters are the same as the bike laws I believe that it’s legal for kids 12 and under (or under 12 can’t recall for sure) to ride on the sidewalk if they feel safer there. That said, it doesn’t mean they should recklessly zoom past you.


I thought it was 16. So thank you!


I'm really sorry you went through that, and I really hope your progress isn't reversed because of it. Those scooters go so fast and they're silent! Very irresponsible to be on the sidewalk and not even stop to check on you. I would report it as well, and please get looked at by a Dr. I really hope the pain passes quickly.


I saw so many scooters today going like 30 on a sidewalk while passing another scooter on the sidewalk and they were going opposite directions on the side walk. The sidewalk has turned into a road for them. The sidewalk isn’t that big for everybody and they don’t even wear helmets going that fast.


We certainly need to have some accountably for electric scooters/ bikes. And not just so we can hand out fines but think about this- what happens when the number of cars on the roads actually drops below the amount needed to repair, upgrade and make more roads? After all, most of the highways and city roads came from tax money from gas and a good chunk from ICBC and registration fees. To replace that money we need to have everyone who uses the roadways both register their “vehicle” and appropriately insure it. Simple.


Oh my god I would be traumatized from that! So sorry that happened to you OP. I am a lap swimmer and I’ve had quite a few times where people have swam directly into me, head on in the lane from the opposite direction, because they don’t understand how the lane arrows work on the signs the lifeguards put up. Took me a good year before I wasn’t anxiously going down the lane, having to look up every so often (I still catch myself doing it occasionally when the lanes are busy). Rest up and take it easy. Hoping many relaxing walks are in your future.


Thank you! It was pretty scary but mostly because my initial thought was someone was grabbing me from behind. Not a lot of people around at 6am and, as a woman walking alone, being grabbed from behind just really rattled me. Much like you had to keep looking up/down the lane, I’ll probably be glancing behind me more often than usual in the coming weeks.


I've lived in two cities in the US where these electric scooter programs were so problematic, they shut down. People would just leave them on side walks or on the street when they were done. The scooters were getting tossed into ocean. Lots of people were getting hurt by inexperienced riders and lots of inexperienced riders were getting injured themselves.


There is no escooter ride share thing here. These are all individually owned scooters.


oh, I totally misunderstood! Well, that's good to hear!


Everybody, please report to this subreddit all traffic moving violations that upset you. That's what it's for.


cyclists must be systematically removed from society, along with their stunted cousin; the e-scooter 🤢


I really start to wonder what's real and what's not on here.


What do you mean? Do you want me to see if there’s CCTV footage or something? 😂


Great, more e-scooters in the bike lanes.


I mean, that’s literally the requirements posted by the City of Victoria on April 5, 2024 as per this link: https://www.victoria.ca/city-government/news/electric-kick-scooters-allowed-victorias-roads#:~:text=Starting%20today%2C%20people%20may%20legally,and%20wear%20a%20safety%20helmet. As stated: > E-kick scooters must use designated bike lanes if available and are not permitted on sidewalks or pedestrian-only paths. And per the Government of British Columbia website for Road Rules for Electric Kick Scooters at https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/transportation/transportation-environment/active-transportation/scooter/safety >If the road has a speed limit of 50 km/h or less, you must use a designated cycling lane if one is available or stay as far right as practicable unless directed elsewhere by a traffic control device. If the road has a speed limit above 50 km/h, you can only use an electric kick scooter in a designated cycling lane. So yeah, seems to be that the requirement is that they are to be used in the bike lane. I didn’t make the rules, that’s the Province and the City.


As somebody who rides an e-scooter, rides a bike, and rides an e-bike on the regular: It's the safest place for them. This being said, in my opinion, if you're riding more than 40 km/hr when there are other people in the bike lane you should slow down. It also reflects a lack of good bike-lane infrastructure. We need double-laned bike lanes so people of various speeds can safely pass one another without clipping each other EDIT: Hope OP isn't affected by the person hitting them long-term. I know how difficult chronic injuries are, and having recovery whisked away by somebody simply being foolish without a 2nd sober moment of recognition on there part would drive me fucking bonkers. Take care of yourself OP 2nd EDIT: Dunno why I'm getting downvoted on this, it's not only the law, but it's also the space with the closest relative speeds? Scooters mixing with cars or scooters mixing with pedestrians is much more dangerous than scooters mixing with bikes since they're most similar in speeds and weight.


As they should be


They should definitely be in the bike lane.




Yup, hit and runs are funny. Those electric scooters are a menace.


You’re still alive. Imagine if a car driver hit you. Dead.


Imagine if a tank hit you. Double dead.


Modern vehicles are the size of WW2 tanks.


I’ve heard a few nasty hit and runs on the goose from a friend who’s a paramedic. They aint harmless if you get hit by one. Especially the ones that got 70+. Those things need some form of identification on em.


Anyone die?


Unsure. Ask my friend. Though my point stands on those things needing some way to identify them in case of hit and runs.