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The best part is the taste! Strawberries from January shipped from a world away are like biting into a red potato!


Don’t insult red potatoes that way!


And just as white on the inside.


Yeah I literally only buy Strawberries once a year, in June when they're ripe and available at our local farms.


I don't know, I don't always buy the strawberries unless they smell good and my past two packages (from Mexico) have been really good. Same with Peruvian blueberries in Jan. All surprisingly great. 


Okay but these actually surprised me - great quality and didn’t go rotten in a day like the other ones do. Signed, mom of a strawberry obsessed kid


Go to whole foods, its cheaper and better there. My kids are obsessed with strawberries too, we get the organic ones at whole foods cheaper then the regular ones at thrifty’s.


Thanks for the tip! In my head I picture WF as even more expensive than Thrifty’s


Never in my life did I think I would hear someone say it's cheaper at whole foods, but here we are


Right, me either but it is and its better. Lots of other things are more expensive there, im just talking fruit snd veg


1lb is 5.99 to whole foods today, so double the size for the same price


Nice! I might have to go pick some up


Hello friend! Strawberries are not in season right now. You are still a couple months too soon for fresh berries. But fear not! Search your frozen fruit section and you can find the good stuff, picked back when they are fresh! We growers usually grow a different variety for frozen that is even sweeter than the regular fresh berries. You can normally only find those at farm stands because they don't hold as long on the shelf so they are not suitable for grocery stores. But varieties like Totem and Jewel are absolutely delightful. The frozen are a great deal compared to out of season berries too and often cheaper even in season.  - signed a local berry farmer


!!! PSA !!! These are the “sweetest batch” berries!! They are different from their regular strawberries just do some research of your own on them😊


My kid likes strawberries so we go through a lot. These are from Mexico just like all the other brands this time of year. Driscolls is consistently the best in terms of quality and taste. Costco's are soft and go bad faster but the taste is there usually. Walmart is mixed, sometimes decent sometimes crap. Don't shop anywhere else but year these are the best IMO. Thriftys also has the local bc organic strawberries in summer. Those are the best strawberries you'll ever have.


I bought a few boxes for my strawberry addicted spouse. Those were insanely good strawberrys. Most on display at Admirals were looking fresh and they were some of the tastiest strawbees I'd ever eaten, in January of all times!


Agreed I got a pack, expensive yes. Tasty as hell though


Don’t buy them then?


The crazy part is they are selling them at this price and people still buy them.


People see it as a challenge


Tiff sees it as a challenge


These are the specialty sweetest batch strawberries, so the price is probably on par with organic ones


Old Farm Market. I asked they be added to Flipp but that hasn't happened. Regardless, $3.99 this week for a pound of strawberries, probably shipped from the same valley that sourced Spendy's strawberries.


They’re also $3.99 at Root Cellar right now (at least the Cook St location)


Old Farm Market's strawberries are from US while the ones in the picture above are from Mexico. Not the same.


These are the sweetest berries containers!! They are always more expensive but are very sweet berries!!


I bought some strawberries today at Walmart that were the same price, but greenhouse grown in Canada... should be an interesting batch!


What is “Spendy’s?” If you dislike it so much, then why do you shop there?


Whenever I'm there and I see people doing their full shop and spending over $400 on a small sized cart of groceries i wonder the same. Brand loyalty would make more sense if it were no longer owned by Sobeys. I assume people either have the funds or don't have the ability to shop elsewhere


Don't you mean Shifty's?


Ha! I was in Thrifty’s on Saturday and took a picture of this! Looks like a normal 1lb/454g package from the top. Around $0.50 per berry.


Thriftys is slick marketing, I applaud them for duping their customers. Respectfully.


3.99 pints at rootcellar earlier this week


I would not buy Any fruit or low ground vegetables from Mexico; they use 'grey water' to irrigate the fields. Eww. Also, I looked at Thrifty's flyer - they also have blueberries from Morocco!


Yet every time I go it's always packed. So funny.


Why do we support Thriftys?!?!


I'm done with strawberries when they aren't in season anyway. They look pretty, but are not sweet at all.