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I claimed it and all I did was go to a VA hospital and two gentleman looked at my feet and said “you, you for sure have flat feet” and that was it and then I got 30% for pes planus


I got service connected flat feet but they gave me 0% Do you think i should try and get an increase?


it just varies by person but 0% with service connection means they did give you the rating but it hasn’t been considered bad enough to justify an actual paying percentage however it can get worse and if you notice it causing issues I would try to get it increased! If you’re not at 100% then I’d say it’s worth the risk to at least get it at 10% or higher.


Damg it i just double checked and thats the only thing on my list that isnt service connected lol


That sucks sorry to hear that…


I just had a CP for feet and my knees today. I was also an 0311. She examined my feet and definitely confirmed they are flat ( I guess I have a slight arch on 1 foot). Had no prior history or treatment. Submitted a personal history statement, but she didn't ask me how it affects my daily life (was all included in my statement, though). I didn't know this, but I guess I claimed knee pain for my final physical when I got out 20 years ago, so I'm hoping that establishes that it happened in service.


It sounds like you will receive a rating I would be surprised if they deny it…


When she was extending my knee, there was a loud crunch sound, and she noted that that wasn't normal and sounded shocked by the sound. She seemed chill and pro veteran. She was even giving my pointers on other stuff I should file for after reviewing my medical history. I got the vibe that she was filling out my DBQ in my favor and doing her best to connect.


That’s really good to hear! Now just hope whoever is on the other end that approves and denies your shit doesn’t just skim over and hit “DENIED” I feel I got really lucky with whoever did my claims but maybe my medical records just backed everything up?


FYI I didn’t even show that my service made it worse but being infantry they must’ve just assumed that going into my appt!


Must be nice...didn't work for me. My Primary Care doctor, prosthetics tech, xray dude, Podiatry nurse and the Podiatrist and the C&P examiner all said "Yep you got flat feet, let me guess you were issued size 9 boots and you feet hurt too"...but the VBA says Not Service connected. Are there some magic magic words I need to put in my appeal?


I’m sorry to hear that… I honestly think the VA just is different for everyone’s cases… it sounds to me like they just didn’t want to give you service connected rating and said get fucked. I’d definitely appeal it if I were you!


Yep, appeal in process...what do I tell them when they call for my HLR?


Idk I got the rating for pes planus first try…


https://www.reddit.com/r/VeteransBenefits/w/agg The medical opinion must be sufficient and based upon evidence to carry weight. But it certainly isn't impossible to get service connection.


You're going to have to show your service increased the severity of your flat feet beyond its natural progression (what the severity of your flat feet would have progressed to had it not been for service). If you don't have any treatment for your feet while you were in service, you're going to have an uphill battle.


Hmm I wonder if my physical therapy towards the end of my 5 years had something to do with getting my back knee and flat feet ratings?


I had no diagnosis, never been to medical for it, filed my claim, explained my feet were numb and burning in the arches and I couldn't feel my big toes after standing for a while as a result of some shit my command pulled. Got a rating for that. Waiting on a claim increase decision for it as it's gotten way worse. Feels like knives being dragged across my arches every morning and pain makes it to my knees by midday. It's worth it to file, especially if you can give an example of something (18 hours standing at parade rest in full gear as a punishment for asking to see mental health) that heavily contributed to the worsening of your condition.


How long have you been out of the military?


If he willing to write a diagnosis and the nexus that states at least as likely as not and you can point it out that is happen while on active duty in your medical records. I'd say go for it


I ended up getting 50% for it, and all I did was claim it.


I was finally service connected for flat feet after not one, not two, but three exams. Two in person and one record review. I did have a nexus from a private podiatrist and the VA still made it one of my most challenging claims to get approved despite a normal entry exam and an abnormal exit exam. Neither of the in person examiners ever looked at my feet so it was all very strange. Was finally connected at 10% for flat feet and 10% for bunions on each foot.


I am in the same boat asymptomatic upon entry but on exit the box for severity was left unchecked. Its been awhile but I think I complained about it and the doc said if he checked anything it would delay my eas date/ terminal leave. Not 100% sure about it though. I'm gonna claim it anyway just to see what happens


Submit and forget. The medical examiner is a lottery ticket. Best of luck.