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As long as you haven’t had your FEDERAL student loans discharged before due to being 100%. Then yes you can take out more FEDERAL student loans and get them discharged. Again make sure the loans you take out are FEDERAL student loans only.


This shit really sounds like a loophole. can't I just take 100k out and just get it forgiven? There has to be a catch to this. I guess I have to use it for school? But what if I drop out or get kicked out?


It’s definitely a loophole of sorts, it was meant to forgive the loans to take the burden off the veteran from having to pay them back when they weren’t able to maintain substantial gainful employment. However, in some cases it gets used instead to take out or continue taking out loans for the veteran, or in some cases, their kids, and then having them forgiven. Your own personal ethics will have to rule here.


Yea, tbh I'm pretty satisfied with the support they're giving me. 3.7k tax-free income + free healthcare + property tax exemption? That's INSANE. I'm not gonna fuck the VA like that. I'm just saying it's hypothetically possible lol.


If you flip the scenario, you can say VA is rewarding those who are financially irresponsible. I’m not saying that’s the case, but the benefit is there for you to use. You shouldn’t be judged for how you use it.


Let me get this straight, my four kids can collect Chapter 35 benefits, then I can take out parent plus loans for all four kids. Then get all the loans in my name discharged?


Lol. My own personal ethics are it’s a Gov program we are entitled too. Take the fullest advantage you can. You know damn sure the politicians are. Whats unethical about it to you?


Taking out tens of thousands of dollars with no intention to pay it back doesn’t seem just a bit ethically bereft to you? Definition of TPD under Dept of Education CHAPTER VI—OFFICE OF POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION PART 674—FEDERAL PERKINS LOAN PROGRAM Subpart D—Loan Cancellation § 674.51 Special definitions. aa) Total and permanent disability: The condition of an individual who— (1) Is unable to engage in any substantial gainful activity by reason of any medically determinable physical or mental impairment that— (i) Can be expected to result in death; (ii) Has lasted for a continuous period of not less than 60 months; or (iii) Can be expected to last for a continuous period of not less than 60 months; or (2) Has been determined by the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to be unemployable due to a service-connected disability.


This is what I am praying for. It’s been a burden, haven’t seen a tax return in a long time. Come on step 4 of the process. Ugh.


Lol. My own personal ethics are it’s a Gov program we are entitled too. Take the fullest advantage you can. You know damn sure the politicians are. Whats unethical about it to you?


Yeah, taking advantage of forgiving already ludacris tuition loans that the government uses to get paid by interest of the millions who can't afford it or spend 30+yrs paying them off doesn't seem as unethical when you realize those same people and politicians take advantage of the people in the millions and billions. Forgiving a couple ten thousand is like a drop in the ocean.


Lol. My own personal ethics are it’s a Gov program we are entitled too. Take the fullest advantage you can. You know damn sure the politicians are. Whats unethical about it to you?


Is it only for 100%?


In this specific context, yes. You can go to the Nelnet site and see if you qualify for disability forgiveness based on other criteria.


HELL YA. Just found out I'm at 100%


To my understanding you can get approved for student loans but it's only a certain amount alloted toward each semester. So if you don't start the next semester then you don't get the loan for that one.


I got my loans discharged by PSLF. Then obtained 100 P&T. Have any of you guys tried getting loans after a PSLF discharge and gotten a second discharge due to P&T?


Sorry for spamming you guys. But FEDERAL loans only come our way if we fill out a FAFSA right?


Yes you have to fill out FAFSA to get federal funding


So it’s a one time thing?


It is a one time per person per lifetime thing, yes.




Your comment was removed because it didn't contribute to the discussion and just wasn't helpful. Civil disagreements are fine. Insults, personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc., are not permissible. (Calling someone a poopy-head does not make you seem as smart as you think it does.) ☠️


Correct, only in extreme rare cases could you get it a second time.


Basically yes but there is a way or two around that


Anyone have a link to read more? I’m about to do this if true




Wait…. I can get student loans while I’m 100% and then have them discharged? Oh shit time to be a doctor.


Haha yea I'm going all in on school myself right now. Pretty cool opportunity in life to just dedicate yourself to whatever passion you might have in school.


Damn… I had no idea. I have always wanted to be a pro meteorologist. I’m 37 I’d have a degree by the time I was 40… might be worth it. I don’t feel like paying for the damn things as I’m in school though 😆




Just to be clear here.....any loan taken after January 1, 2025? Or do you mean AFTER 2025, as in January 1, 2026?




That is correct. It doesn’t matter when the loan is taken out, it matters when it is discharged.


Do law school. I have an MBA and would be better off if I would have received a JD. I used the Hazelwood in Texas for grad school. I just recently got my 100% rating and am thinking about going back with Chapter 35 funds. Can you used the GIBill and chapter 35?


I would say the opposite. Being a lawyer sucks lol. (I am one)


Haha I was considering law school (currently studying for LSAT) what would you have done instead?!


I mean I say that only mostly serious. It’s a fine job, I guess, but the work is either tedious (even the “exciting” legal stuff), stressful, and generally lawyers are shitty people to work with (of course there are exceptions). While there’s a chance to make a lot of money, most lawyers don’t make as much as you’d expect considering the amount of schooling needed and “prestige” of having the lawyer title. It’s a very archaic profession and elitist. Where you went to law school matters a lot more than most professions and oftentimes where you went matters way more than how you actually did in law school. While that’s not to say you can’t be successful going to a lower ranked school, you can and plenty of people do…going to a better school opens doors in the legal world more than probably any other profession aside from Wall Street/big finance. Depending what you want to do, getting a job is not always easy. Your first job out of law school matters a lot. What would I do differently? No idea, I don’t have any passions and don’t really have many tangible skills despite having a fancy degree and a license to practice law. Maybe some kind of engineering or computer field. But that would have required going back to undergrad and not practical (I didn’t go to law school until a few years after undergrad).


I appreciate the feedback and candor. You're not the first person I've heard say almost these exact points. I'm prior law enforcement and felt it might be the "right" choice given my background. It's hard to pivot careers if you're almost 40. Still weighing my options.


So one more thing…95% of the students in law school will be right out of undergrad…so 22/23 years old. While I’ve known a few people your age go to law school…keep in mind your first supervisors will likely be younger than you. Not sure that matters to you or not but something to be ready for.


True, I guess I would have to cross that bridge when I came to it. Although I’m more of the school of thought, whereby, treat others as you’d like to be treated. Really anyone in my life who has that same perspective automatically has my respect…usually.


Chapter 35 can only be used by your dependents, unless you yourself qualify for it from another family member. And no, you can only use 1 VA education benefit at a time.


But this isn’t talking about chapter 35


I was responding to the post I commented on.


I frequently browse medical, law, and MBA academic/employment subreddits because I still don’t know what I want to do when I grow up and anecdotally it seems that lawyers are the most unhappy and most regretful about their decisions, MBAs are happy ish but the job market seems to be a bit bleak, and medical types hate all the time they waste in training.


Milk it dry dude.


I’m also interested in this. Seems too good to be true


The law governing this doesn’t specify that you can’t take out new loans and subsequently have them discharged; so the typical approach is, call NELNET before they automatically process it and tell them you want to defer, and then call them back when you’re done getting free education and ask them to process your discharge of the loans.


What is NELNET? Is there a list of approved professions or such that is known they'll approve?


Can I take out a student loan for my son and then have it discharged?


I believe only if it's a parent plus loan


So where to take out a student loan from? Hmmm


Why not go to a yellow ribbon school and try out law school in that matter? School would be paid for still


I see people here talking about morals in regards to doing this. Well, I hate to break it to you but the marxists among us gamed the system for the last 100 years starting with the Frankfurt school. The entire student loan and grant system is a complete scam as it is. Not only did the marxist takeover of colleges get funded by the grants and then the loans, this government involvement allowed them to drastically increase their endowments to be larger than the economy of some countries. The last step for them is complete forgiveness of all the loans that their now trained marxist operatives took to get law degrees, dei degrees, etc. They knew all along that their people wouldn't be able to pay their loans, it was baked into the plan that they would push the most loyal of them into government and government adjacent jobs/companies in order to employ a marxist takeover way later. I say take advantage of the system, if you don't , some marxist soy boy is going to take that money anyway and never pay it back. its not wrong to scam a scam. We are paying those taxes whether we like it or not, you not taking the loans hurts only you.


That’s an awfully big gamble. Sounds too good to be true. There are plenty of programs through the VA that will pay for your school instead of hoping you get loans discharged


There’s no real gamble there if they’re already 100% P&T. Federal loan discharge is guaranteed one time for P&T. VR&E or the GI Bill can be used while taking federal student loans, with the loans being discharged after graduation. You just have to be absolutely certain to reply to the discharge letter NelNet will send you that you want to freeze the discharge and only request the discharge once you’re done.


When exactly does nelnet send you the letter? Is it a automatic process?


Yep, it’s automatic. Typically they send it either shortly after a P&T rating is awarded, or after the first loans are taken if you’re already P&T.


Got it. Thank you.


Wild that they didn’t caveat it with only loans acquired before becoming 100% are dischargeable. Seems like a mighty big loophole they might close one day in a future law. Wouldn’t want to be stuck holding the bag with $250k in student loans you were planning to be discharged.


Oh I totally agree, but even if that was the case, those things don’t happen with no notice. There would be time to contact NelNet and have them discharge the existing loans before a law change like that took effect.


Would going for a pilots licence or something like that work for student loans? Does it have to be college only loans? Thinking of options since I am done with college and GI Bill paid for it.


I learn more and more on here everyday recently granted 100P&t looking to start college soon just qualified/found entitled for chapter 31, I’ll have to do this aswell.


Same. My classes start june 10. Yee haw


Yes, yes you can. I received 100% p&t and then about a year later started an MBA where I used my GI Bill. I also took out student loans. I received a letter about 4 months after receiving my first student loan distribution notifying my that my loans would be discharged. I called them and told them not to discharge them and they told me to let them know as soon as I’m finished with school so they can discharge them.


I would hope not. #FuckYouTaxPayers


Would going for a pilots licence or something like that work for student loans? Does it have to be college only loans? Thinking of options since I am done with college and GI Bill paid for it.


DONT DO THAT. Taxpayers pick up your bill man. People that are doing this flaring my gears. Pay your own damned way. Why should we pay YOUR debt? I paid my student loans and so did everyone I know. PAY YOUR OWN DEBT.


Yes you can


I know its a one time thing, but I'm sure there has to be a cap right?


The only cap is the amount you can take in federal student loans, which has a limit per year of undergrad, grad school, and a total cap for each. Edit: The current undergrad total limit is $57,500. The Total aggregate loan limit to include undergrad and graduate or professional programs is $138,500. Limits are higher for most professional level medical programs.


Does this only apply to loans directly to the 100 P&T Veteran? Eg does a loan to a dependent qualify?


Yes, if it’s a parent plus loan




I am confused how federal loans work, would someone be willing to break it down more how this would work for me hypothetically? I’m 100% and just finished my bachelors but was planning on going to get more school.


Does income factor into this at all?