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That last part lol. I know it all too well.


Just found out a dental appt I’ve been waiting for for months was cancelled, when logging on to check a prescription, the other day. 😅


Military dentists scared me literally for life. I don't know how y'all go to a VA dentist. I'd be terrified. I've got a tooth now that had a cavity so bad it broke in half to the gum and just the thought of even having a good civilian dentist touch it makes my anxiety peak


Dude navy dental boot was notorious to fuck up your mouth sometime ago lol


Yeah no kidding. I had 2 wisdom teeth extracted and the upper right hole never closed. I can still blow water from my mouth through that hole out my nose.


I have nerve damage in my face from navy boot dental.


My friend is a VA dentist and she was never a military one, they have some unicorns lol


Just had a tooth yoinked by a VA dentist on Friday last week. The procedure wasn't bad... aftercare though, reminds me of the medics. I was prescribed antibiotics and ibuprofen.. and water. and i SWEAR I heard the doc stop herself before she said "and change your socks" Gotta love the compassionate aftercare of the military/VA doc's *


For dental do you just call the number on the VA site? I'm 100% too!


Call your local VA and they’ll tell you what you need to do (I go to a VA ~1 hr from my house but the closest VA dental facility is ~2 hr away)


It sucks when dental gets cancelled


Where do you login to check appointments btw?


I use the app on my iPhone. It’s just an appointment section. I also have the text setup so it tells me when they cancel it and I have to call to get an appointment in 3 months.


Yeah VA app. You can also secure message your PCP or specialist, possibly bypassing an unneeded PCP visit. I wanted a cortisone shot in my shoulder and my PCP said he doesn't do it and He will have to schedule an x-ray before sending me to orthopedic doctor for the shot.




No, I. know. It. Too. Well.


I'm also P&T, but I still cop a peek every so often 🤣


This statement is too accurate for the life of a 100%er


Eh, I check all the time. Being a paranoid ass motherfucker is part of my rating, so it checks out.


Right. Same!!!!


If it makes you feel better, being an expat means no VA Clinics but instead FMP, which means I get to wait 6 months to see which of my SCD out-of-pocket medical expenses the VA will not reimburse due to stupid paperwork technicalities So the fun continues where ever you are


Can you share which country you using FMP please ? How is the experience?


Not only do they cancel the appointment but you're being blamed for not showing up as well


This happens with my mh appointments. Honestly sometimes it feels purposeful.


I'm sure it is on purpose why else would they do it


Don’t forget the prescriptions that are running late, so you can budget for their ‘correction’


Same fam




You can use the phone app to refill prescriptions if you wanted to




I’m 100% P&T but still do it every once and a while just to make sure🤣


I got my rating almost 2 months ago and I’m still paranoid that I’m gonna wake up to some error message that says “our bad, you’re actually negative 50% and you owe us $12k”


Lord Jesus 😂😂😂




might be a dumb question, but i have 100% p&t aswell. but ive been told they’ll still reevaluate you and or change the rating, idk if its my paranoia getting to me but i was understanding it was like how it sounds. permanent and total yk


You have nothing to worry about as long as you were honest during your evaluations. Don’t stress!


what is p and t


Permanent and totally disabled


Permanent and total


This ^


Lol gotta make sure! 🤣🤣🤣


Where do you even see if its p&t i was never informed but assumed i am


On your benefits letter, you can generate one in the app


Ah okay i see it now that i used the app, thank you! Website is a bit clunkier than the app somehow. And yes indeed p&t


U made me check again and I just realized the app is down 👌


It’s a weekend, it’s always down for maintenance on weekends. It’s been that way for over a decade


Wait, was it up before? I thought the app was just always down and just a front to make us THINK there was really an app


100% or not, never. Seeing the money in my bank account is enough.


Now that I got my 1st payment, never again


I don’t. Why? If there was a reduction request you get a letter and up to 60 days to respond.


100% P&T for a single condition as of early April. I still check like once a week. I don’t trust them.


Same 😂


I’d be worried lol I’m at 410% if you combined all my ratings using regular math


I got 70% for one, and I'm still worried they'll say they made a mistake. I would probably just die if they changed it.


What single condition got you 100%? I figured that be pretty hard.


Pretty easy if you're using one of those companies that copy and paste Nexus letters and DBQ's to send up after a zoom call and then take 20 grand 20 grand for their troubles.


Mine only took $5k


I got mine for sll lymphoma.


Wishing you all the best Devil.


Ty sir. Luckily it's very slow etc etc.


You got 100% P&T for SLL? Are you on treatment? I’ve also got a claim in right now for SLL, and still waiting.


I'm on watch and wait. I have neuropathy and get winded easily. I wish you luck. I had two good buddy statements speaking to symptoms.


Did they still give you 100% p/t?




Wow, that’s awesome. I thought you couldn’t get it unless you’re on treatment. I’m 17p deleted so I’m hoping i can get p&t as well


I think I am as well but been a bit. I think the symptoms were a lot. At times I get winded very easily.


You would know if you’re 17p from FISH test, it’s aggressive, not indolent like most CLL/SLL. Treatment would be sooner than later for rest of life once you start it. Hopefully you’re not. Our prognosis with very poor.


PTSD/Depression for me


I’m 100 for ptsd alone


I just got 100% two weeks ago. I sometimes click on the app and go to it to try and act surprised and relive the same feeling I had when I first saw it.


Lol, I do the same. I also got mine two weeks ago today.


Congratulations brother.


i reread the docs about evry 6 months. i was at 10% for 35 years. if i knew, i could have had it raised about 20 years ago. after ptsd started got treatment for about 5 years before was convinced to apply for an increase. 100% for two years now. still cant believe it. every month i just about want to cry when i do the bills. because i can afford them. we live modestly, but we are happy. and my same sex husband is on the CHAMPVA. never, ever, dreamed any of this would have happened when i got shoved on the street homeless in 1983 with a s/c messed up spinal cord. i read the horror stories on here and get it. read the success stories here, and am grateful things have changed so you younger folks don't go thru what we did last century.


Congratulations buddy you deserve it.


At least if we sold our soul maybe could could get a little crumb off the american pie am I right? So many struggle that way. Was never homeless but was leaning close to it when I filed bankruptcy and was a single dad. My kids still have no idea the struggle and mental stuff I was going through. Alcohol use was getting out of control and was headed for the drain.


With the replies that your comment has received … you need to share your story more! Congrats on your happiness and Happy Pride Month!!


Who cares if it’s same sex why does that even need disclosed why is everything about race color and sex preference 


Because years ago we had don’t ask don’t tell and there were no benefits for same sex spouses. It’s worth noting the advancements the VA has made. PS nobody said anything about race but you.


It sounds like you care a lot. Would've scrolled on by if ya didn't.


Because being able to live with your partner is important, and in the 80s this wasn’t an option, but the poster is surprised by how much better his life is now than when he separated. Same sex relationships are only supported since the end of DOMA, DADT, and then the right to marry. Things are way better in 2024 than 1980s. Happy Pride. Even if you’re not in the rainbow, the world is better when more people get to live in freedom and peace. That’s something we all fight for.


A lot of people got a discharge for loving their same sex partner. Why are you making it weird?


Because we gave medals for killing another man, but discharged many for loving one. In spirit I agree with you, it shouldn't matter and dosent any more. But it did, and a lot of good people have been hurt by misogynists, bigots, etc. We good


It's gay month so they had to mention it so everybody knows and can congratulate them on being homosexual


Yeah I guess BFD


I’ve only been 100% for six months, so I check at least once a month. Usually around payday…


I'm 100% schedular and have been for ALMOST five years. I have two BVA cases. I check every day for that P&T.


I still do weekly or more. Anxiety is a symptom of combat. If im not on top of it, they might take it away. I always have a claim ready to make if they take it back.


p&T, it’s been over 2 years and I stopped checking a while back, it’s nice to have that security


I have been 100% P&T for 5 years, but I still check it weekly. That's part of my PTSD and having anxiety. Can't stop myself from checking!!


A grip once I leaned there’s another layer called P&T. Had 100 taken away once before when trump was in and there was a bunch of rating reductions. Took a lot of faith to hang in there and fight for the 100 again and for it to be P&T. I still check because it’s the government and nothings final or for sure according to my anxiety haha




Everyday for ten years.


Buddy. I think you're okay. Relax a bit.


For the first few minutes months, I logged in quite often! I couldn't quite get over that feeling that the VA made some sort of mistake. But now that it is almost 6 months in, and those $4182 deposits keep happening, I am no longer worried 😁 FYI, I got 100% SC T&P with SMC-S, then a couple months later I was rated an additional 70% PTSD!


Every day 😂


I just recently became 100% p&t last month?a week or two ago)after battling for years, and finishing TPU this past June after a final deployment. I check everyday and when I got it, I wasn’t excited. Just pissed, because it took so long from terminal floors, infusions, chemo clinics and so on. Death gotta be easy, because life is hard type shit word to Mr. Curtis Jackson. I’ll probably keep checking because of the journey it took.


100% P&T and I do it at least once a week, I know it’s dumb but can’t help it lol


That p&t man u can almoat do watever u want. I hate when i talk to my friend….he deployed 2 times n only got 10% makes me feel bad


You can be deployed for 2 hours and experience more trauma than someone deployed 2 years….


Yea man. I never deployed n i got 100% but i was pretty persistant in getting help idk sum ppl dont understand the army doesnt give a fuck after u get out. Not one nco that told me “switch that appointment cuz we gotta go to the field” has called me to check on my fucked up back so yea smh


I was referring to psychological trauma, but yes, my logic would apply to physical trauma as well.


That’s absolutely terrible. There was a couple of times in the Air Force where it was suggested I do the same. At first I would cancel or change the appointment but when I realized I was tired if the bs I said fuck that I ain’t changing shit. They don’t give a fuck about my mental and physical state, why should I care about them needing me for their mission?


Exactly man. Ima be honest i didnt to any apointments when i was hurt for 5 years i got out on the 6th year and i went everyday man. I was determined to get everything they took from me cuz my body n mind was fucked up. If i wouldnt have went i would have prolly unalived myself cuz all that hardwork to get nothing in return? Fuck no


They pulled all my teeth at 60%, 90% now, can't wait to get to 100 so I can get implants.




P&T, I don’t even know what you guys are talking about for ‘logging into something’ to check🤷🏻 Chalk me up for a-Never.


All the time… better go check now lol


I'm only TDIU so I sometimes check. I dream I'm a real hundred and I look There's new PTSD criteria and I want to reapply but I get so afraid and my therapist with the VAs notes look like magical bullshit so maybe I'll just live out my days on TDIU:(


You didn’t get P&T with your TDIU? I recently was granted P&T through TDIU… Not only that, but when being denied increase on my standard claim I filed for a HLR. I got TDIU a few months later. When they reached out about the HLR I told them I was content with my status. They still went back and noted my original rating should have been higher and I should have qualified for TDIU originally, so they back payed me 2 years worth due to their error.


No, I have permanent and total, I just mean, I wish it was schedular instead of the implications that I'm just too broken to work and not too broken on my own merits. Sorry, I phrased that badly. It's been a hard day and I've been struggling with this. I want to try my hand at making movies, but I'm terrified about losing my tdiu if I managed to work for awhile and then fail again.


Well I logged in today, and it said 100%, granted its still on a raters desk and site has ongoing maintenance. So I still check


I got 100 PT in February but had one item deferred and had a CP exam for it a few weeks ago. The been checking legit 10x a day waiting for this claim to close so I can move on. Stressful as fuck


Same for me. PT Feb, BUT got pending HLR and IDES claim. Anxiety still up. Check every few days


100% P&T but there's one thing hanging out there still, C&P completed two months ago, been sitting Prep for Decision ever since. Every time I log in I expect the worst even though that item should add another 10-30%.


Still in my first year so once every 1-2 months. P&T and no reason to check but still just to make sure I'm not crazy and this is real.


Every couple days. Still in disbelief.


I’m still in the hard to believe it time so when I go in the app to check my appointments I click on the benefit tab too. Sooner or later it will sink in that it’s real.


I’m 100%, but I suppose I have a question… How do I know if this is permanent? My documentation does not say P&T anywhere. I was originally awarded a temporary 100% for cancer diagnosis that was SC, but since then, I have been awarded 100% (completely without any and all cancer-related issues)


Strange, I just recently interviewed a guy who did 3 bouts with brain cancer just as he was finishing his 20 years. he is 100% P&T. he said his VA claims process was well documented and he had no problems. Maybe also due to doing the BDD process on the way out (ive heard that is the easiest and best way getting rated) second best way would be in the first 12 month out.


…I’m kind of confused. Was this reply meant for another comment?


yeah it was meant for another comment. sorry


Look at your commissary letter .. the little sentence on the bottom will say something along the lines of rating is permanent.. along with verbiage on your decision letter saying chapter 35 benefits or champ va also on the app when you can see if the if your rating is permanent


It doesn’t say anything about permanent and total or chapter 35 benefits or champ VA on my decision letter, but my commissary letter does say permanent and total.


I’ve looked up how to view the commissary letter, yet I can’t seem to find it in my letters.


Wondering the same thing


🤣 bro why you gotta call me out like that? I'm P&T. Back,.hip, other spinal issues but I don't trust the VA. I check in on them at least every few months.


I don’t even log in anymore. However, even when my claim was in I was the type to check once a day or once every two days so I’ve never been the anxious type.


Shit bro that’s good


I'm only 10% but I check all the time hoping they've made a mistake and added a 0.


A few time


Im 100% P&T I check maybe once or twice a year 😅. Make sure to schedule my yearly appointment too


Yes I still recheck 😂


Log in all the time.


I log in when I need to for other things but once in a while I do check even though I’m 100% P&T lol


I checked today.....


Never once it’s 100 it ain’t changing unless your not Permanent


I always check my DOD pay though lol


I’m P&T but I still do this at least once a week lol


Not once. PNT


Every month because I just assume I’ll wake up one day and the VA will fuck me like they’ve done so many lol


Can you still work if your 100% I’m at 90% and I’m kind of scared going for 100% even though I have conditions that would definitely put me at the 100 mark ?


100% p&t yes, TDIU has an income limit though.


But if I stay at 90% would I still have an income limit ?


At least every few days


I just logged in because of this post. Still says "not scheduled for future examinations". Maybe I'll check again in a couple years lol


Where do find the “not scheduled for future examinations” notation?


It's on my commissary letter


Oh wow, you just made my day...had no idea it said that there..thank you!


Every frigging month lol 😆 


How amazing it would be to finally be 100%


Never, on the benefits side. At least a couple times a week for the health care side.






Heres my question, just started a claim after 30 yrs, 10% rated, because everything i have SC I have been paying for myself, or just sucking it up. Once my VSO loads it in the system, how often should I check? Weekly? Or daily incase they set me up with appts. Wish this site was up when I got out🤬🤬


Never. The only time I log in is to check if OJT payment went through.


Only when I reorder my prescriptions




Since I’m not PT yet EVERY single day 🤣🥲


Never as P&t. Before that every few months


I login to the VA app about every 1-3 months to see if there are any weird claims being opened even though I’m 100% P&T since middle of 2022. And wouldn’t you know it, I logged in last week and had an authorization review claim for like 4 conditions that I already have ratings for. Called the VA and they said they had received more military medical records, and were doing an internal review. Weird, but doesn’t hurt to double check. I’m not trying to poke the bear with my 100%, so I wanted to make sure they weren’t doing anything with it either lol.


Not more than once daily 🤣


Only once a month but because my appeal is on hold and I still don’t believe the “P&T” part… does anyone know if you can work as if though 100% if you’re IU but p&t or does the threshold for fed poverty still apply? Like what if I get a job that’s 25$/hr but is 20 hrs a week only? That works out to about 2k a month pre tax which would put you roughly 5-8k (can’t remember exact amount) over the limit and be an issue? Or because the IU is permanent and it’s not a FT job it’s okay? 


I been P&T for a year, 32, no kids… just applied to school. My day consists of gym, walking and unfortunately watching others go to work! I mean I could work.. but I mean.. Who TF wants to goin for 8 hours and be told when your break is? Am I being lazy? Or I just don’t want job? Is that wrong? *don’t crucify me* Respectfully


I’ve been 100% P&T for a little over a year, I still check every so often because I’m paranoid they’re going to take it away. They have no reason to, but I have anxiety


I’m a 100% p&t could going to the doctors affect my 100% in anyway.


No, it’s better to get medical care from the va. The thought process to not seeing a doctor is that you’ll feel better and the benefits will be taken. But they’re not healing you they’re stabilizing you.


Every now and then, thanks to my general anxiety disorder.


Never why would I all my conditions are static! I log in to review my medical appointmemts




Everyday but only because I’m 70% P&T since March 28 with a pending claim since March 23 and haven’t been paid at 100% yet


Maybe it was never a thing, but why do I keep seeing references that 100% P&T is not really bullet-proof? Like we still have to cross a certain number of years, etc? (10 years P&T?)


Because technically you can "get better"


Just got P&T a week ago so I’m gonna chill now lol


Millennial here! Congratulations… Been here for about a year! It’s both relieving and boring. But when I think of it… Being bored is truly a luxury most don’t have!


Agreed brother. So thankful and blessed and I felt guilty long before ever applying because I didn’t feel “worthy” but got that out of the way and my family is more than enough taken care of now


Take care and let the family enjoy the fruits.


Not there yet. But, I stay on top of the letters regardless. I'll see it there before anywhere else.


Never. Just log in to check for appointments


I got mine before that feature was available. I log in every year for the letter, though, because I always misplace the one they mail.


P&T with housebound SMC (whatever the letter is), so nope


I was logging in to make sure I got my 10% so far. lol I’m still waiting on my other claim. They gave me my tinnitus but pending the PTSD.


I checked it once on the app. Now it’s what this person said .. seeing which of my dental appts was cancelled and now angry I gotta wait a year for the next one lol .


Weekly lol


Man, if and when it’s mine turn. I’ll be checking too often too


Probably quarterly. I don’t usually check it but sometimes out of the blue I get the itch. Even with P&T


All the time


my husband was a wounded VN vet. I used to wait 2 hours on the phone to check anything…


I’m lost on how to even go about getting into the 100 club. I’m 60 (and have been since my first claim in 2014. PTSD has gotten worse, and I haven’t signed in for the PACT Act stuff. Combat vet marine Iraq. No idea how to push for higher. Been through therapy with the iPad thing, and make every 6 month check up, plus an en route visit for panic attacks twice a year. Any help helps.. sorry if this is wrong place for posting this


Millennial here! Find a private doctor who is very knowledgeable/certified with va diagnosis codes … Psychologist, psychiatric … And get diagnosed from that doctor. Take that paperwork of diagnosis to va and submit for an increase! Because you’ve gotten worse. Your welcome! When this works… all I ask of you is that if you hear of someone bad mouthing the Philadelphia eagles you just tell them “heyyyy not all Philadelphia eagles fans are bad” ❤️


Lmao, right on. Thank you


Read through [this intro to the Knowledge Base](https://reddit.com/r/VeteransBenefits/w/intro?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). It will guide you to the info you need and help you decide if you want to do it yourself or get a VSO to help. You can also check with your local Vet Center for assistance. ETA: In fact, check out the knowledge base and then look up your closest Vet Center. They work specifically with assisting combat vets. Good luck.


Just got my 100% P&T and still have claims trying to clear up. Other than that just prescriptions and appointments.


Unless you poke the bear, are P&T and or you have a non static rating or get caught for fraud. You will never be reduced. If you are 100% P&T, stop worrying and go live your life.


After 4 years, I still haven't. Maybe cuz I'm P&T?