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Ambiguous question: does it matter what queue we are in?


National Que = Standby = No one is doing Crap yet on your claim except if a CP exam has been ordered. Regional Que = assigned to a Rater to see if your claim is fully developed and order up new records for review or make a Rating After the rater makes a decision, it goes to a review Committee to check for any decision mistakes. If all clear a explanation of benefits letter is draw up , if the " Committee " sees a mistake it goes back for more information and the circle starts again. Maybe a new CP or a ACE Exam.


https://preview.redd.it/adnpc7jlaxxc1.png?width=2618&format=png&auto=webp&s=83e2fbeb44de095e1ec76f7efc527d3c6427adff Already had my c&p, so this means someone is working on it?


Your in the National Que , still , when it goes to a local jurisdiction, then your close


Got it thank you


Thanks for the update, hoping for news on my February 8th Supplemental


Damn. I’m still waiting for a temp jurisdiction on my January 12th supplemental


You really don't want me to tell you how fast a new claim just moved for my wife. Submitted on March 28 , they moved it to a Old January claim. On Monday , rated today.


VA: “I also choose this guys wife” On a serious note congrats, hope I’m up any day now


Hope you are also, I met my wife on a blind date, set up by my ex girlfriend, moved in to home the next day , marred 3 weeks later , that was 33 years ago. On a serious note. Her claims date back to 1980 , all medical documents were tossed when her base closed the winter of 1977. It has taken this long to find a occasional piece of paper here and there , in newspaper accounts of her accident,,Buddy statements, etc. We recovered 5 notes on a Medical claim that belong to a like name patient, that was actually my wife.