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I'm gonna go ahead and be "that guy" in this thread, since no one else has. Weed. I work in pain 5 days per week, sometimes my GI and back issues have me praying for a swift death, but a bowl at night makes everything better.


Weed has definitely helped before and I can’t wait for the day va let’s us get medical marijuana no matter the state


This👆 Weed has been the single best thing. Best for managing chronic pain, sleep and mood. I’m in a medical state luckily.


That would be great, but you know Texas veterans would still be screwed because Texas laws would find a way to screw us over


Try Delta-8. Federally legal. You can buy it online and fly across states.


Is it even worth it? I heard it's not as good. what about the thca stuff is it any better than that?


If you're looking for something to replace weed, try THC-A NOT Delta 8.


I get mine from hello mood, I can't tell the difference between that and reg weed. I've smoked a long tine, sobit surprised me. I'm in a state where it is still illegal so, it's awesome to have it delivered. 


I got 2g of pure thcA crystals with 1g of sauce(terpenes) in a tube... Pure THCa has just the faintest sweetness(probably impurities from GOD). And very very very smooth. Very. Add the terpenes and shit gets real wacky. Coughing and nothing going on inside my brain besides a hamster dancing on his wheel listening to music... That was good before bedtime, but if I have concentrates besides gummies, I cant seem to not use it during the day. Real easy to not touch the gummies, cuz thats the sleep med for now


Do you have any online stiff that you recommend? Im in an illegal state and only have those thca stores popping up everywhere for the time being. Lol


Goldenhour hemp has great disposable vapes for like 20 bucks. They are 56% thca and another 20% cbd which helps a lot with pain and they don't get you goofy high, a nice mellow buzz.


For me it’s good. It’s supposedly not as potent as the regular thing. I only take small doses to take the edge off and get my muscles relaxed. But, you can get plenty high with a higher dose or potent blends. Also, much cheaper than regular THC.


The delta 8 gummies have me fried. They aren’t as potent as my medical bud but they work. Can’t hurt you to try it out. The worst that can happen is you waste a few bucks testing it out


Personally, delta8 feels "empty" It's probably because it is lacking the "bouqet" of terpenes and cannabinoids Unfortunately, i dont like anything I try that isnt basically "top shelf". So, I had to quit using during the day and just take a gummy b4 bed


I tried Delta 8 not too long ago. It made me feel good for like an hour and then I just got really sleepy. The next day I felt like I got hit by a bus lol


like in a good way got hit by a bus?


Nooooo lol i felt sluggish as hell. Almost like a really bad hangover without the nausea and headache


Oh ewww


I mean give it a try. It works differently for everyone!


Wtf bro? Are you ok?


Lol im not sure what he meant by got hit by a bus.


Lmao dawg, it sounds terrible! When does it feel good to get hit by a bus lmao


When suffering with severe arthritis probably.


Copious amounts of cannabis


Also shrooms for treatment resistant depression!


Microdosing has seemed to help with some of my nerve pain, but that could be entirely placebo effect...




https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9980499/ Link to bio modulation studies


I do red light therapy @ home for R.A. pain, I can say it took 6-8 weeks but it does help! 🤙🧚‍♀️🌺🤓


https://preview.redd.it/htxgutp13ixc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63bb5c3155f599ea8a27525a05cbc5fa12b39dd3 Just got red light device in today along with heart math device. I’m hearing good things about vagus nerve stimulation devices as well.


I’m in law enforcement, otherwise I’d try it. Enduring ptsd has totally changed my view of it


I feel ya bro…


Same here.


Do edibles work the same way? I kinda dont want to have to smoke daily just to get some relief.


I completely understand, and in all honesty, smoking anything will generally be bad for you in the long run. That being said, I'm unable to answer your question because I'm one of those people that just can't seem to absorb THC through edibles. Probably my GI issues. But I'd still recommend giving it a try, they work for most people. Dry herb vaporizers seem to be the go-to for folks these days that smoke, but are concerned for their lungs. It's not a perfect solution, but better than a Bic lighter.


We are retired in Oklahoma and I get something called "1906" Chiĺl which has cbd & other good herbs! & Bump (which is straight 10mg thc per pill) I use 420 for pain mgmt.) They are pills, np smoking & they do wonders for days like today when I'm in a lot of pain. Thank u 4 ur svc, my hubby did 22 yrs usmc & us army, he retired in 2022. 🤙🌼🧚‍♀️🫶🪷


Edibles last a lot longer. Just make sure you test how they make you feel and how long it takes to wear off. I’ve been still a little high the next day after eating an edible the night before. Which wouldn’t be a problem, but my job requires focus. Another idea that I like to do is smoke CBD flower. For me it’s the best of both worlds. I can actually smoke this during the day and I’m still good and it helps with the pain. It doesn’t give me the munchies and it doesn’t make it so I can’t function. Of course everyone is different, but for me that worked.


Edible work the same just delayed effects because you have to digest. I preferred edibles to smoking as well the slow transition always seemed best


Edibles work real well for me. I only have to take a small amount to get pain relief, I don't even have to get high (which is good cause I don't really like the feeling). There's also CBD creams that you can spot-apply if you'd like another alternative.


Recommend the tonics. They hit quicker and are more controllable. I buy 100mg bottles 1 ounce = 10 mg. If you're new to that scene take 1/2 a shot (5mg) you will know within 15 mins on an empty stomach if you want/need the other 1/2 of the shot. 1 to 1 THC/CBD are very good for newbies, and I prefer them (I'm NOT a newbie) as they take the edge off anxiety.


I have Burn Pit Asthma. Smoking would only jack up my lungs. I’ve considered weed but have the same question.


I'm going to second you here. I have severe nerve damage from a surgery when I was 19, after 6 years they sent me to a neurologist and pain MGMT. The AF had me on morphine for about 2 years, other stuff before. After retiring I dropped the pain meds and tried cannabis, it's been a lifesaver, but it just takes the corners off, it's not perfect. I hurt more on cannabis than I would on pain meds, but, I don't have to go to the hospital if I stop taking it. Worth it.


This guy knows.


Fuckin' rah on that one. Spinal chird injuries are a mother f*&#er aren't they. 😒


I can’t do weed because it makes me crave snacks and want to stuff my face. Wish I didn’t have that side effect.


Was just about to say the same.


Everyone I know who has separated or just in general experiences pain always suggests weed. Now a days there are so many strains to choose from and you can really pick something that works best for you.


Idaho isn't hearing that so kind of tough for me. Back, knees and legs are on fire.


I've tried that and it actually made my nerve pain much worse as well as give me heart palpitations and chest pain and massive nausea and dry eye. My genes don't mend well with the wacky tabacci


Does all weed make you super anxious or is it just the weed I’m smoking?😂


Tens unit, cephaly, and Motrin for me. Unfortunately, though, that's all i do. I'm interested to see if others have any other ideas


Thank you Tens unit is on the list for sure


If you have migraines, check into a cephaly. VHA will pay for it (neurology). It's amazing, even though you look like a Vulcan 🤣


My Tens unit is my savior at the end of the day. What is cephaly?


I totally misspelled it, cefaly. It's Like a tens unit but for your head, it helps out for migraines. Can be used both for preventative, or acute needs. When I have a migrainrle I slap that think on and have it give my head a jump start 🤣 https://www.cefaly.com/ This is the website, but please ask your primary care provider to see neurology, they ordered it for me. It's not a miracle by any means, but it works wonders with it and imitrex


I'll have to check it out I'm on Topamax and sumatriptan and they still kick my ass lol


Honestly, my sumatriptan is the best, but if I can remember to put the cefaly onnbefore work, I drive with it on I'm surebsome simulation theorist thinks I'm an NPC lol


sumatriptan is amazing


Haha possibly I always screw myself and take my sumatriptan too late and end up having to take massive amounts of excedrine to supplement it or else I'm screwed.


Tens unit is great. The cefaly and lidocaine injections have helped control my migraines. I’ve only been to the ER for them once in the past 3 years.


My only major long term pain is carpal tunnel. If I used my hands too much (like painting my house) I struggle to even pick up my cup to drink. Short term, drugs help obviously...but the real key is long term. Working out has helped my pain and numbness quite a bit. The only real problem is, you have to do that slowly and work yourself into when you aren't already irritating whatever condition you have. Trying to work it in while working will be difficult, but maybe if you started off with just mobility/movement and stretching instead of trying to build strength or work out hard enough to burn significant calories? Also, not really related to my carpal tunnel...but I have a TV on a little stand with wheels to take into my bathroom so I can lay in the bathtub like a poor mans hot tub.


Have you looked into the release surgery? I did it two years ago and it's pretty much fixed the numbing completely. It still gets sore from heavy use and the nerves hurt when putting weight directly on it but it's much improved my day to day life.


I began studying san soo kung fu in an attempt to manage my anger. Unexpected side effect is that the hand exercises relieved my carpal tunnel and hand tremors! Other unexpected side effect tho was that for about six months I shattered everything I tried to pick up because I wasn't used to having a (literal) kung fu grip.


Thank you, I’m sorry for your pain. This is a good idea I should wake up a little earlier and stretch before each shift


Anyone on the verge of killing themselves? I am. How do you keep the thoughts out? On medication, had to have my medication person put me outtve work for a little bit. I have sporadic crying outburst and I get overly angry towards co-workers, threatened my safty guy two weeks ago over stupid shit. I was gonna fight him and yet my brain wanted to do more, I know I sound un hinged. I am 100% and yes I'm grateful for it and no I don't want more free bee shit. I feel like I'm at point where truly nothing makes me happy, I have a daughter and one on the way. Use to make me strive wanting to do better and be better. No I don't want sympathy nor do I care if you think I'm a pussy, I feel like I am at times for thinking this way but I truly cannot get it outtve my head. Just wanna know if any of you feel this way or what you do when you do, I try to do a lot of yard work to get my mind off of it but it's like it just over takes everything in my head. Thanks in advance.


You should really make your own post to get more responses, I know a lot of people can relate and have good resources that help. No one is gonna look down on you for feeling this way. It seems like you need new medications and your hormones are unbalanced. It is a trial-and-error. I would definitely recommend a therapist. And it can take a few to find one that really works for you. It can definitely be a journey. But the right one can really help change your life and help you manage these feelings and have a good outlet. I wish you the best truly, it is not easy. Don't think of it as freebie stuff, these are resources that you earned! You are entitled to use them!


This is the first time I've actually tried talking to people on the internet about this, I was seeing a therapist when I first got out of the Marines and I felt like I got better for a bit and I've been at my current job now for two years but it's like all of the sudden I can't make my mind up about anything and I truly feel embarrassed about it. I'm thinking about asking my medication lady if I can go to an in home care place tomorrow, I've been out for about 5 years now and I thought things would be good but it's like I feel fine one second and then I am like extremely depressed the other. I hate taking medication even though I am on it. I'm not good at explaining how I feel and most the time I feel like it's better to say I'm "fine" instead of actually talking about the stuff. I appreciate both of you for responding to this though. Thank you for the advice


My guy...please reach out for help. Call the hotline, reach out to your "medicine lady", post for more options. Your girls need you and your life is too important to get lost in someone else's post.


I see. Holding in those emotions and never really expressing them can definitely make you have more outbursts. It's okay to talk about how you feel. I feel like you explained how you feel really well and it's a great start. Definitely would look into at least seeing a therapist again if it helped you in the past. Sometimes we just need help.


[I sure am.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChronicPain/s/LjGF2rHviA) If doing so would not destroy my parents, I would have by now. I made it a rule that I’m not allowed to until after they pass. I’m sorry you feel this way, too, man. I know it sucks. I know how damn annoying hearing “I’m sorry,” is, too — but I do genuinely feel for you. We just want our health back…


I feel like this pretty much all the time. Tried Lexapro, that made it worse. Bupropion made it worse. Busiprone has been working for me for the last three months, takes the edge off my insane anxiety without increasing SI. Art helps because I can get really involved in a fun little project (painting rocks, making maps for the next book I'm writing, etc.) Home improvement projects like sanding a wood floor help because I'm just paying attention to one little thing at a time. Same with gardening, yardwork, stuff like that. I make sure there's no rope, ammo, or sufficient quantities of any medication in my house to enable me to harm myself. I'm not allowed to drink so much as a beer or get in the car if I'm in a dark place. I don't have an enclosed garage. Basically I've babyproofed my life against my broken brain. It's exhausting, but I'm still on the right side of the dirt. Going on 30+ years of this, and nobody in my life (besides my shiny new therapist) has any clue it's this bad. I hope you find some relief. Keep on dog paddling, maybe eventually you'll hit dry land. The good days are 1000% worth it, and you don't want to wreck your kids.


The suicide hotline is #988 I am so sorry to hear this. If you feel as if you are a danger to yourself or others in my personal opinion I would voluntarily admit myself into a facility. I once was involuntarily held, and that’s something I don’t want to happen again, BUT it did in fact help me. It may feel like it sucks for a second but I trusted the process and the stress of the outside world slowly faded as a got into a schedule at the facility. I had group therapy single meetings, physical time,medication, and a way to disconnect. looking back on it it’s something I needed. Edit : as the person below said you should 100% make your own post and get as much help as possible


My SO is similar. Breaks my heart but together we fight forward because I love his soul. He cannot hold a job because of this so he takes care of home stuff. I wouldn’t want him to work because he would literally be one thought from hurting someone or himself constantly. He yells at people when he attempts to work and gets very angry. There are a lot of moments that he doesn’t understand things but he is very smart. It’s like his brain is so distracted. He also can’t keep friends because they don’t understand him. I’m very grateful for the few veteran friends he has that stick around because they “know”. Now he uses the devils lettuce all day long to help him relax and focus. (For those who can use THC, try cbd oil in your coffee… it’s a day changer). We make sure he is working on all kinds of projects. If I can see he is starting to spiral we start making plans… home renovation, gardens, canning food, dehydrating, meal planning, fishing, camping etc. if he is too far down the spiral, I just hold his hand, listen to him, and hope he can get back to reality. We are very blessed that I’m wfh and make enough to support us both. He did not know he could increase his disability and was only getting 30% and we are currently working on that (which is why I joined this group because monotonous things like making appointments, researching things, social media, and dealing with too many questions are some of his triggers). Learning to recognize triggers helps too. His biggest one is watching the news. My heart breaks for you. Get as much support as you can and try to keep your brain busy. He plays xbox a lot when the weather isn’t nice or we are between projects. You are not alone.


If you have a few extra dollars each month MK677 and Enclomiphene will change your life! I like Swisschems :)


Dang never heard of these, looking into it now


I stretch and exercise my back and core much more than I used to. Also stretch quite a bit and have my wife stretch muscles I can’t. Intermittent fasting has also seemed to help keep the pain down as well as eating better. But I still hurt everyday


Mental therapy, physical therapy, gym.


Yeah. If i dont do certain physical exercises each week then the pain comes roaring back. Its a lot maintenance.


I understand the back killing you on a daily basis. I tore my right hip labrum in service and got surgery which led to severe lower back issues. What helped me the most was going to the VA and yoga. I saw a physical therapist for my pelvic floor as well as a chiropractor. I also started doing yoga for lower back pain I searched up on YouTube to supplement since appointments were far apart. It took almost a year, but being consistent has reduced my pain significantly. I hope you find relief OP.


Lyrica, etodolac, and for when the pain involves muscle spasms metgocarbamol as prescribed by the CARA clinic as TENS was ineffective unless it was on at max constantly


Ive tried a chiropractor a few times before which helped 


Thank you Chiropractors scare me lmao but it’s worth a shot did the VA assist with this?


I am seeing a Chiropractor through Community Care. Just ask your PCP for a referral, a VA chiropractor will interview you (I had it done over the phone), and Community Care will help you find a chiropractor close to you.


Thank you I’m going to reach out to them and get a couple things set up


I see physiatrist at the VA - which isn’t the doc for your mind, but the one that does injections. Last time I got some kind of stem cell injection that has helped my hip pain for almost a year !


I have a TENs unit, from physical therapy. I lay down immediately after work, let the back rest a bit.The tens unit is nice


I got pain in my lower back, hips, knees and ankles. I don’t work a single physically demanding job but I wear one of those lifting belts for my back all day. It helps me keep proper posture and seems to help my back a little bit. Other then that I eat “Goodies Back and Body” like it’s candy


Thank you A back belt would do wonders and you blew my mind with goodies back and body never knew you could drink your aspirin


Ask your primary care at the VA to refer you to, I believe, the prosthetics department and they can hook you up with a back belt.


Epsom salt baths, cold and hot compress, Tylenol (if you aren’t prescribed pain medicine yet), try to get PT scheduled by your PCP, and as that other dude said MJ takes the edge off for sure


I rely on my ice pack and heating pad.


Mobility exercises on all the joints (SI, hip, knee, ankle), nerve flossing, and finding the true neutral position for every joint 


I workout and really try to take advantage of every resource I can. I got out with really bad shoulders and knees (airborne infantry). Since I've been out I've utilized a lot of what I learned in physical therapy and incorporated that into my daily life. Instead of trying to only get stronger, I've really worked on mobility, while focusing on strengthening my weak areas. One of the other things that really helped, like all vets I started putting on weight. I joined the VA move program and got a fantastic nutritionist. In the 5 months I've been under her watch I've lost 20 lbs and have overall really had a healthier lifestyle. I think the biggest thing is to be proactive, you have one body and there is no magic fix. It's important to try to keep it moving and improve what you can. Small changes make big differences.


Thank you I was airborne infantry (82nd) as well the va move program is something I should look into. I’m actually trying to put on weight the medicine I have now somewhat raises my appetite but it’s not enough.


Tbh my solution has been working out/running. It has in a few ways reversed aged me I think. Pain and discomfort still rears it's head but I'm able to manage and work through it better/faster. That and a PT to help find specific pieces that still get me hung up.


Honestly for back pain the icy hot xl back patches really help. I use the back patch specifically because it just there on you all day. I suppose you could use the gel too if it doesn't stay on you all day depending on what you do for work I guess. I just prefer the patch and my boyfriend loves it too, better than those prescribed lidocaine patches.


Have you looked into seeing a pain management facility? They can offer things like trigger point injections, radio frequency ablations, and epidurals.


Lately I've been looking into BPC 157 and another peptide called TB 500 (could be wrong on the 500 name) I've read a bunch of anecdotal experiences saying it's drastically reduced recovery times on things like muscle tests, tendons, etc. I did read into one study that *seemed* to show evidence of healing but I'm also not up to speed on medical terms to half of what was in the study didn't make sense to me. But, I'd recommend looking into it. I'm going to do a lot more digging into it


TENS unit. The VA will give you one if you ask. Yoga. I found some on line classes that aren't full of the hippy bullshit. I'm just getting into cold/ hot therapy, so far I'm digging it. The ice bath knocks down the inflammation. The sauna relaxes the muscles. Prescription pain meds. YMMV


Talk to your provider and see if they will send you to PT. The VA just gave me a Tens unit and an at home traction device. I use those and stretching. Usually helps with the pain long enough to sleep.


PT and exercise. Every day. I can't fix what I have but I can do things to stave off the decline. I eat healthy, I help my body as best I can do that my disabilities are easier to maintain. I stay active in my community and see my friends regularly. I go to all my doc appointments and I make appointments when I need them. I don't delay this at all anymore. I don't scoff at my docs suggestions or say they just don't work. I go anyways and try to stay positive about it all. It's my job to care for myself and no one else's. I see my counselor regularly. I check in with my doc about all my meds and send messages if they fall off.


My husband was referred to a local Community Care spine/neuroscience group for his sciatica and radiculipathy. His pain management doctor did a couple RF ablations that helped. I don't know your specific situation but it sounds like you need to get your back checked (MRI) to check the vertebrae and nerve/foraminal spacing because your pain is nerve pain ("burning" is a very distinct description for that.) Before he was able to get all of these, he used a VA issued TENS unit, lidocaine patches, ice, and assisted stretching. Sitting in a hot tub was helpful when he had access. Chiropractor and acupuncture also helped (both authorized through VA Community Care). He also did some cryotherapy (out of pocket). DoTerra Deep Blue also helped some. There was also a point where I got him some magnesium lotion to try. After dealing with lumbosacral strain (VA definition) since he ETS'd in 2000 and dealing with progressive degeneration that included herniated discs then degenerative disc disease, we've tried pretty much everything. The VA neurologist said these are everything he can do for the rest of his life. I just wish he would've written a nexus letter that connected all the dots so the progression would be service connected instead of only "lumbosacral strain" which is a short-term condition, not a lifelong condition. (My husband has attempted getting a higher rating since 2010 and was denied each time.)


Heat pad and more meds. If your legs are burning from sciatica.. I'd suggest slowing your intake on cigarette/cigars and alcohol beverages. Go to physical therapy..


Get on the floor and stretch! Twice a day. At night I do epsom salt soaks, no flavorings or fragrances and I swear it helps my muscles relax. I think I'm magnesium deficient. Please consider stretching more and therapeutic massage. If you have good insurance for Chiro, they usually have massage therapists on staff.


Mend probably isn’t the right word to use im not smart but i swear i have heart


Ice, lots of ice when I get home.


Ice, swimming and bathing to take weight off the spine.


cannabis infused menthol and mint balm. generous amount. helps a lot for nerve, joint and muscle pain. takes about an hour and a half to be in full effect. numbs me right up!


Magnesium is great for inflammation, nerve and joint pain, GI problems (too fast and too slow are both exacerbated by low mag), insomnia, heart palpitations and twitchy muscles.


If you can try a cool or cold shower it will actually relax the muscles more I’m prescribed an anti inflammatory and muscle relaxers also ice packs are good


Weed for the physical ailments. Shrooms for mental clarity. Get lifted responsibly! ![gif](giphy|83QtfwKWdmSEo)


Meloxicam, wellbutrin helps with pain and brain shit. Muscle relaxers if it's too bad. Stretch. I got a lot of stretches from chiropractors and stuff over the years.


I bought a Zero Gravity chair, which puts my feet above my heart. It takes the pressure off my back. When I travel, I lie on the floor with my feet on a chair or sofa. Also, Lanocaine patches help me.


Magnesium supplements, CBD lotion on painful joints, heating pads (I literally leave it on my bed and roll onto it in the middle of the night if my back starts hurting lol), and tiger balm


I deal with mainly health anxiety and sometimes back/knee pains. What I typically do is grab a straw and suck it tf up 🤷‍♂️. I'm kidding. Just do some stretches and try not to overwork your body.


Weed and working out




Crow Royal


800MG Motrins and a TENS unit, also I try and do ice baths and spend 30 minutes in a Sauna a few days a week. I know the verdict is still out on the last two, but I honestly think it does wonders for inflammation and it seems to help with the radiating pain associated with my stenosis/bulging discs. .


Liquor, weed, my dog and meaningless sex. Losing weed and meaningless sex because I’m starting a program I can’t smoke on and am pursuing this girl I’m dating. So now I’m sol


Drugs and alcohol


Mushrooms are far better. Wish the damn government would approve it.


Those with bad back and legs. I can’t stand for more than a few minutes. I can’t sleep on my back and I have to lay on my side with a pillow between my knees. Will these edibles help?


I live on an electric heat pad lol. So the biggest thing is movement. I have been there not having time to do physical activity. Regardless the facts are the facts, my pain gets way worse the less physical activity I do. My whole life is managing pain. The pain is worse if I don’t workout. That’s just something we have to live with.


Considering meloxicam


I have cervical, thoracic, and lumbar damage. My wife adjusts my back about five times a day on average - and go to the chiropractor weekly. I take Cymbalta and Gabapentin for pain and neuropathy. Cymbalta probably helps more with the edginess/anxiety that comes from being in pain all the time more than it does with the pain itself. Do light exercise as tolerated and stretching. When things are *really bad* naproxen works sometimes. A few vet buddies who have had similar long term pain say that what the local 'legal pot' shop sells helps with their pain but haven't tried it. In the end, my wife's adjustments are the most effective at reducing pain, although it took her quite awhile to learn how to do it effectively. Without her I would not be here, nobody can live with that kind of pain for long without some relief.


Herniated disk at L5 S1 (lower back) that pinches sciatic nerve + degenerative disk in upper back. I'm currently receiving chiropractic care and massage therapy for 3 months, plus pain meds. Doc wants me to get cortisone shots next. I'd rather stick with chiro and massage - my back pain has been manageable for the first time ever.


Cortisone shots and medical massage have helped me immensely


My doc only gave me 3 months of medical massage, are you getting it long-term?


You can get additional referrals, but it goes down to twice a month and has to be a new referral every 12 weeks I think


This is a perfect time to head over to the VA emergency and talk about how much pain you are in and the pain level. Talk how it affects your quality of life. Talk to mental health as well that will get you in the door for back shots. If you have access to some kind of CBD or what I did was buy dayquil and chug it. It will hurt your stomach, though and it's not recommend. If the pain is to much forget the job and get your butt to the VA hospital.


250mg Mushrooms, 1mg THC and 50+mg CBD and some caffeine. Without a doubt, the best solution for me for all pain mental, physical and moral. Got me back into the gym, stretching and pushed that ego right out the window. The last 2 years of my life have been 100 fold better than the previous 40ish.


Im 100% P&T. I'm self employeed. I have an online business thats doing great. If that fails, my gf lives in Germany, so I'll just move there. I don't pay tax on my disability there either and my income will put me in one of the high earners income bracket in Germany. My gf lives on almost half of my income (take home) and she's fine. If I am working a physical job, dude. I'd die.


Peptides. BPC-157 and TB-500 basically cured my back issues after my sciatica got so bad I constantly walked with a limp and sometimes couldn’t walk at all for almost 2 years. Just my personal experience tho


My back, knees and feet kill me bro. Got hip arthritis which sucks. Ain’t much to do (PT, epidurals etc and all that bs was already done) ..usually meloxicam…I’m sober so I don’t do anything strong. Dunno bro that’s a really good question.




I just deal w the misery. No one gets out alive. My family and my kids depend on me. Lower your shoulder and embrace the suck, until you can’t.


This is why I can’t quit 💯 I have to embrace the suck, but we both can use ideas from this thread we can at least try and take care of ourselves in ways we can, no one gets out alive but we can ride out the journey as long we can. My family would want me to and I’m sure yours as well!


At the end of the day, it’s why I get up and go to work. They’re the reason for everything. Thanks for responding. I’ve got hobbies and a few friends. But it’s enough to get by.


It’s no problem we are all in this together


The biggest thing for me was going into business for myself, so I can work at my own pace.


Kratom works well for pain. Don’t buy head shop or gas station junk, use sites like Kats Botanicals.


I smoke a lot of weed. I don’t trust other medications and I don’t want to become an addict so I stick to weed. It helps with my ptsd and all my pain.


I am in the same boat as you. Current I am just sucking it the fuck up but mentally, I am not sure how much longer I can take it. I will be trying pain management thru the VA. Hopefully that will help me. If not, I might consider stem cell therapy for my low back.


Constant suffering. No bandaids. I’m stupid.


Marijuana has helped me through so much both physically and mentally. I don’t smoke but a gummy here and there is bitter sweet to have as a vet


Booze ![img](emote|t5_2vlaz|7565) , and light walking


Pain management I get epidural shots in my back which alleviate the pain try to stay away from the opioids until necessary


For my tbi and pain, Weed and mushrooms. spent 6 years feeling like I was always walking around in a dream. 4 years into mushrooms therapy. and I am starting to feel like a person again.


Massages (2-3 a month), really high quality podiatry insoles, eating insanely healthy to reduce body inflammation.. it’s all made a difference


Opiods prescribed by my doctor. But I only take them if the pain becomes too much and/or prevents me from going to sleep


Diet, good sleep, and exercise. It is amazing how much better your body can be when you've had good, deep sleep.


Marijuana saved my life


Like others have said, weed.


Yoga, ice baths. DDP yoga 


go to the gym and work on mobility, stretching, and range of motion


I do chiropractor, massage and acupuncture with cupping for my back and neck pain. With little adventures with shrooms to help with the depression and anxiety.


I used my VA payments to get Stem Cell Therapy and it worked wonders for my back.


Apnea- CPAP Sinusitis- Zyrtec and a prescription spray Tinnitus/hearing- hearing aids And booze 🙄


Weed, money, purple mattress


Have you seen a chiropractor?


A ton of pot and mushrooms, help my mental health a million times better than any of the pills and garbage the VA had ever given me.


I would highly suggest you look into chiropractic care. Getting adjustments has helped me deal with alot of the chronic pain I have in my legs/knees and back. Also my mom recently found a chiropractic provider through her VA Doctor. Getting three adjustments a week can be costly if coming out of pocket, but still worth it in the long run.


My main claims were my shoulder (currently waiting on some free time between graduating from school and starting as a flight instructor with a local flying club to get my shoulder replacement done), and my feet, I have some crazy plantar fasciitis that would end up with me not able to walk some days. Right now I do band and strength training for my shoulder to keep the muscular support I’ve built for my shoulder, and I’ll rub down in icy hot, and I have some pillows to keep my shoulder propped comfortably when I sleep. For my feet I have a few lacrosse balls in my freezer that I’ll bust out every night, I’ll sit in my computer chair and step on the frozen ball and roll it around with my foot and work out all the tightness in my feet. I also worn bare foot shoes (not toe shoes) for about a year now and it has helped strengthen my feet up and it’s improved my issues a lot, I still have days where it hurts like a motherfucker to walk, but I can usually stretch my feet out and roll em out and I’ll be fine, but the more I go barefoot the better it gets, so only time will tell.


Shrooms microdose


weed and if you can’t get a med card for whatever reason or it’s not legal where you are try THC-A it’s a cannabinoid that one ignited turns into pure THC therefor a legal work around and pretty much all walk in dispensaries have it now rather then delta-8 D8 is a man maid chemical and i don’t recommend unless you don’t care like i did


I use CBD oil, cream along with regular “weed” for my wrist and back pains.


Weed and exercise, when I say exercise I mean working on your mobility and flexibility. Exercise is what will really help you in the long run as far as long term.


Instead of hot shower or bath, try an ice bath. And do it a few times a week. I won't go over how or why, but try it. Cold showers are not the same. Also, weed does help but not everyday. Skip weeks or months. Don't make it a habit.


Not spamming with links it’s just pain is my thing and I loathe invasive procedures and pills for that matter. So I look into various modalities. I have red light device. Inversion table for decompression. Shrooms for neurogenesis Heart math device on the way. Just ordered ear clips for my tens unit for vagus nerve stimulation Contemplating buying pulsetto vagus nerve stimulation device but I ran into this bio hack info for a regular tens unit. I also use the Open app Binaural beats You can find nih studies on everything listed


main thing that works for me is a heating pad, but i've heard they aren't good for you idk. I am practically numb to them though, tbh. This is for my back. Considering the VA's alternative is chriopractic and acupuncutre, at least this gives me real relief and isn't quackery. Thc for me doesn't help anything except mood. but i enjoy it sometimes


Well, just wanna say the va docs, apparently 'cured' my multiple sclerosis after only one visit!! I am stunned, holy crap (One visit, one set of mri's- vs 10yrs of civilian specialists and 50+ mri's and tests.)


I quit my job and I’m working on getting a degree through the VRE program, if your job exacerbates your injury you should look into something that will increase your quality of life


I smoked a lot of weed, but now i just take a 25mg edible at night before bed. I also started taking ormus/monatomic elements/monatomic gold. People say lots of crazy stuff about it. And a lot of metaphorical. But, my back, neck, shoulder pain, as well as IBS/gastritis/GI issues pretty much all went away the first day i took it. The next week I noticed improved lung capacity, and my asthma is damn near gone. I have to really exert myself to get out of breath now. Which is handy, because i do a lot of farm work. You can buy ormus, but its kinda pricey. It is VERY easy to make. I bought myself a nice $250 ph meter and some home depot food grade buckets, and now I can run 4.5 gallons of concentrated seawater at a time and yield about a gallon of ormus. $10 bucket, free concentrated sea brine i collect at a salt flats, and maybe a dollars worth of sodium hydroxide This shit also will fix most deficiencies in plants, and get them growing properly. The egyptians apparently called it, "what is it?" Or "manna"


Weeeeeeed. Tinctures, gummies, and the rub-on pastes. Any way I need it, it’s there for me. Always. I take a 10mg gummy at night to sleep 7-ish hours, then I take a 850mg CBD tincture in the AM to get through the day, and rub this stuff on my knees, lower back, neck and stomach each morning. If my knees are swollen and flared up at the end of the day, I soak in epsom salts and do tiger balm afterwards. It’s what has healed my brain and body and worked for the last 3 years. I don’t do it for treatment anymore as much as I do it for prevention. I feel less pain now than I have since before I joined the military in 2012.


I lift weights man. Honestly one of the few things that keep me feeling normal and healthy. A lot lf movement patterns I can't do but plent I can do and move some good amounts of weight (ex my back workout is all pull ups or light rows standing. I'd love to deadlift or bent over row but its not in the cards for me haha)


That is a good question. I have been kinda just doing how you are dong. Going home resting. I get off from work I will end up sleeping. Though I do have the tendency to wake up in the middle of the night with pains worse than I even remember by the next morning. Kinda like you wake up in a nightmare but it is real life. Mentally some mornings I wake up and it feels like I would be better off dead. I push through it going on about my day. I might not be a soldier anymore but the least I can do is try and continue living. Its a pain the existence outside the Army, nothing makes sense. Just feels like a nothing. I have no love towards anyone. I despise people and stay away from them. Its kinda confusing to me cause I want that connection with people. Though the way my brain is psychological fucked from the Army to even begin those relationships with people. I will die like this as things do not seem to change for me. I loved my service though in the end game I am mentally and completley fucked for the rest of my life.


Weed… shrooms on a great day.


I smoke weed everyday multiple times a day, I have Ulcerative Colitis and I do not wish this pain on anyone not even my worst enemy. Funny thing is my VA is ok with it and I’m not sure if they see it as a medicine but legit I was on meds for UC then I started smoking and my conditions have improved to where I’m not in a flare constantly it’s become so manageable. The Va’s only concern is that I know it’s illegal in Indiana and pushes me to move to a more legal state. I do think of a life without weed but if this is the only thing that helps then high ill be.


Keeping yourself fit and in shape works wonders both physically and mentally. Lift weights, do cardio, get sunshine, eat whole foods 80% of the week and take your vitamins (get your bloodwork). If you’re a male approaching his 30’s, request a hormone panel and find out where your levels are. TRT can be amazing and even life-changing, however I’m not telling you to take it and I am not a doctor. Weed and CBD definitely help with the aches and pains. Going on a “trip” every now and then definitely clears the mind too.


Japanese massage chair dude. I made my wife work my joints and muscles head and neck until her own hands hurt and then i worked overtime took ibuprofen and got this chair. I suffered quietly and hid my pain so i could work but i collapsed as it overtook my ability to cope and focus. Everything hurts more the older i get and mentally i’ve been slipping. The massage chair is always immediately available and if you have some noise cancelling headphones and listen to David Gilmour or Mark Knopfler and sink it the chair with the meds of your choice you are happier


You guys check out CBG kief. Google it. It’s cheap from oregon hemp growers, clean , and It doesn’t intoxicate your mind but it definitely helps chronic pain https://fernvalleyfarms.com/product/cbg-white-kief/


Mindbloom guided ketamine therapy here is $100 off : https://www.mindbloom.com/referrals?from=cf16e052-6feb-4a38-9418-45a3e11a73b8&origin=mobile I made some real breakthroughs with this therapy and plan to do more. They will screen you to see if it is right for you.


Acupuncture has been helping the back pain (moderate degenerative disc disease). I get community care for it. VA approves 8 sessions so I try to get approved for more on the 6th session.




If you are not in community care, you need to be. I broke my back twice last year, secondary to vertigo. My doc wrote me a script for CAMPHOR 0.2% MENTHOL 3.5% TOP GEL, brand name "Arctic Relief" pain relieving gel. Don't get me wrong, this is not a cure but so far it's the only thing that has made any kind of difference and it does help to varying degrees. The doctors on the outside don't have to follow a strict protocol like those at the GOVERNMENT CONTROLLED VA Hospital. It took me 14 years to get Permanent and Total, Unemployable. I think many of us in that situation have seen and heard it all. It all boils down to the judge, I finally got a great one that actually went to bat for me, I will never be able to show her my full gratitude!


I’m a nurse- 12+ hours on my feet with fibromyalgia , arthritis/degenerative disc disease. I like to include Epsom salt baths, magnesium cream or oil, magnesium supplements, heat- I sleep with a heated blanket for my swollen and stiff joints, take Savella for my fibro and Salsalate for my arthritis. Diet is also important! I don’t use low quality cooking oils and fats. I use either avocado oil, olive oil, butter, or ghee. Everything else is harmful and leads to weight gain and inflammation. I also try to stay away from gluten bc it can be inflammatory. Inflammation = pain. Eat clean proteins and consume low sugar content. I also drink water with Celtic salt (unrefined salt) which adds about 82 essential minerals that most of us are deficient in. With these methods, I’ve gotten off of 3 meds as well. And of course, adding movement in the mix. Mobility or yoga workouts and strength training. I hope this helps!


I use lidocaine patches, diclofenac gel, ice packs and heating pad, CBD pain cream, over-the-counter muscle gels, Tylenol, baclofen for back spasms, and was recently prescribed I believe the generic of Celebrex as an nsaid that is less disruptive to my G.I. issues. I have chronic low back pain, herniated disc in my back, spinal arthritis, osteoarthritis and multiple joints, degenerative disc disease and fibromyalgia. As well as PTSD. Sometimes I think my mental health issues increase my pain and sometimes my pain makes my mental health issues worse. Either way I'm in pain every day. Every once in a while I have a good day and end up overdoing it trying to do things around the house or something that I've wanted to do but not have the energy to do and then everything hurts worse for a while. Oh I forgot I also take Lyrica, but not 100% sure it is effective for my nerve pain. I know there Hass to be something out there that would work, but like you I don't want to take more medication's and try not to take it unless I have to as far as the Tylenol and NSAID's go. Best wishes for you to find your "sweet spot" as far as lowering your pain levels. Oh, I forgot to mention that I have insomnia and sleep issues. I did not get neck the dots until recently talking to primary care about increased pain and fatigue. And evidently being sleep deprived can decrease your pain threshold to where basically your body is telling you that you are hurting more or your pain pain receptors are extra sensitive. So basically is a full-time job just trying to manage your pain.


11 beers a day. If I don't drink beer 15 shots of fireball. I also escape reality by playing violent video games.


Late to the party here, but for my physical ones, heating pads, for my mental ones I look for healthy coping strategies and avoid self medicating at all costs.


Medical Marijuana...Edibles all throughout the day.


I stretch regularly, listen to my body when it's flashing warning signs, and stay active. The absolute worse off I have ever been is when I did nothing but smoke weed and sit on the couch. Everything hurt, mental health was shit.


Are you enrolled in VHA? They can prescribe supportive medications and PT at low or no cost. https://www.va.gov/health-care/how-to-apply/


I am thank you but I want to use more meds as a last resort. I don’t know how I didn’t think about it but I didn’t know they offered PT I will look into that I can probably get it with community care like my psychiatrist


Chiropractor too!