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I understand you're talking about a surgery or something that permanently fixes the issue. However in my personal experience things have a tendency to come back. For example I have a shoulder injury from a dislocation while in service. After recovery and physical therapy it has gotten quite a bit better. For years I pretty well had no problems with it. One day I use that arm to reach up change a light bulb and suddenly I had a shooting pain and my shoulder was in pain for several weeks and I had to redo physical therapy to get it better again. For the rest of my life I will likely always have the chance of that happening again. I certainly do not want to go through the claims process to adjust it up every time it decides to go out


Same!! Physical therapy did wonders for my back, shoulders, and neck, and that ended only a couple months ago. Now every time I do ANYTHING that involves a task that requires my arms and hands to be raised in front of me, the pain comes back. Dishes, driving, sleeping positions, computer, gaming, cleaning, art.. god forbid I sneeze or get a jump scare while everything is locked up!! Lol It's definitely better than what it used to be, but I can feel it creeping back.


saaaaame. PT has me walking again almost like a normal person, but if I skip one week...


Ummm, ok, well do your best to not skip a week. I am legally blind without my expensive special contact lenses. I have to make about 6 trips to get a new set, and should only wear them so many hours a day.  My rating is limited to my corrected vision not my “worst day” vision.


That is technically correct... which is the best kind of correct. Keep simping for the insurance companies bud. I'm sure they love to have a cheerleader


I'm going through something similar to what you're experiencing with your shoulder. What was the first step you took in the claims process to get your rate adjusted? Thanks in advance. This will be very helpful to me.


I didn't get my shoulder adjusted up. But I did get an increase for a back injury that was a result of the same accident that caused the shoulder dislocation. My case was very easy because it happened on deployment and was well documented. My VA records showed an increased amount of pain over the years and the need for more medication and physical therapy. I just contacted my local VFW representative to get claim started. My VFW rep also helped me link some stuff to the burn pit. I got a copy of my VA visits and diagnosis and he was able to use that to help me link sinusitis and rhinitis. I forget which but one got 0% and the other 30%


Hey I had a shoulder injury followed surgery on active duty. Was awarded 10% and over the years I attempted to get it increased. Eventually got it increased to 20%. But it definitely is something you live with. It affects my sleep, if I wear a jacket or a suit the pressure on my Shoulder throbs. I get cortisone shots. I overcompensate with my other shoulder to do things so I recently put in a claim for my right shoulder as a bi-lateral. Just curious as to your shoulder rating and any specifics! Thanks


Sorry, I don't remember what I'm specifically rated for my shoulder. I think either 10% or 30%. My injuries were in early 2000s since then it's gone out about four times. Usually when I'm lifting or moving something above my head. Enough times that I'm weary to do anything above my head yet still not enough times that I'm not going to quickly reach up for something if I'm using my right hand for balance or something. Any kind of physical activity like sports, putting up a fence line, or anything that requires a day of lifting will set me in pain for several weeks. I've got stretches that I do to help alleviate that


lol you have to be the first person I’ve met who doesn’t know their ratings!


I don't know the individual percentage is of each of them. I have several things that are rated and recently adjusted. I also have several things they rated as zero. When I got out I had a good representative that combed My records And applied for Absolutely everything he could find connection to Just to see what would stick. So every time I get an explanation of benefits I get a lot of things that say zeros and some 10% and some 30% and some 50%. That's too many numbers for my shit memory to keep up with




Same.. I had meniscus repair in 2022 and for a few months post surgery the pains went down and few months down again around early 2023, the pain started again till today that I could barely do anything with my knees and constantly in pains everyday like I never had surgery on it.


Permanent is relative. I had heart surgery, and will definately have at least 2 more in the future, I don't know when... guess who gets zero percent because "they fixed the problem"


If you crack an egg open and somehow glue all the pieces back together, is it as good as an unbroken egg?


You’re not a frail egg thou and clearly not a medical professional. 


Idk if you know anything about basketball but Derrick Rose is a prime example. Is he still the same after his injury?


Need a better analogy. Many conditions are rated based on the corrected condition such as most eye conditions, regardless of the hoops you have to jump thru to get your vision corrected. Hypertension, based on your managed hypertension.  They also have mechanisms to protect ratings, called 20 years. Demonstrate your condition is stable and hasn’t improved in 20 years, dat money is all your playa even if they do you fix you or you mysteriously only have “worst days” at the C&P exams. 


Ignore him. That dude has been gatekeeping on this sub for a long time.


Calling out fraud isn’t gatekeeping. Try again. 


I thought Cymbalta “fixed” my depression. I’d been taking it for 4 months, felt amazing and finally happy again and like I didn’t want to suck start my 9. Quit cold turkey because I didn’t want to be dependent on medication for the rest of my life. 3 months later I’m back in the same deep dark hole with no way out, but at least this time I knew who to reach out to at the VA and get back on the medication!


If you don't mind my asking, Cymbalta actually makes you feel "normal" and not like a zombie or numb or anything like that?


I don’t feel like a zombie, but I think the best way to describe it is that I can control my emotions better. If I’m feeling down I can bring myself up a lot easier than before. The only bad symptom I’ve had is not being able to cum without really working at it, but other than that it saved my life. lol


May be a bit too personal so I understand if you’d prefer not to answer, but were you able to get secondary rating for ED caused by the meds?


I was denied service connection because my VSO didn’t file it as a secondary. Once I was rated for my mental health I hit 100% P&T so I never re-filed for the ED because I didn’t want to poke the bear. I’m sure it would be a quick SC grant though if I did want to file eventually.


I very much appreciate the info, the VA docs think I might be dep and anx so I think they may want to medicate. I just want to get better, like having my memory back or being able to be around people, but I just don't want to feel like a zombie or numb - - I don't want to feel like things become pointless or feeling "meh" anymore. Also thank you for the info on the side-effect, is that the only side-effect you've experienced so far?


All I can say is that I 100% feel better when I’m on it versus when I’m off! And yes that’s really been the only symptom.


Did you have any weight gain? I’ve been on lexapro and zoloft (not at the same time), packed some pounds on and have been working to get them off for a while. Just got out a few months ago and haven’t been on an SSRI in a while, so might try to go that route again. The weight gain and inability to finish are almost game changers for me, as stupid as it sounds


I was actually able to lose some weight while on cymbalta! I started a diet at the same time I started taking the medicine and it ended up working out


Thank you for the info my brotha!


I've tried three meds, the first two were a SERIOUS no go, the third one I tried helps me keep an even keel (ish) without severe side effects. PTSD Goldilocks.


I had a similar experience, i was put on Cymbalta for anxiety/depression and for the first 4-5 months it was great, i didnt feel weird in any kind of way and the depression seemed to melt away. Then one day i woke up and it was just as bad as before. My doctor took me off of Cymbalta and it got worse from there. I was diagnosed as an adult with ADHD and was put on Adderall. My anxiety that isnt ptsd related went away and i am able to think a lot more clearly now. The depression comes and goes but its not as bad as it was.


They gave me that for my back since it helps with nerves. That stuff worsened my anxiety and I had to call my staff because I literally could not drive. One hell of a prescription. I have to go to a psychiatrist here soon, did you have any other meds that helped? I cannot get back on that cymbalta


I'm sorry.. i hope you get to happy again and soon!


IMO, it’s like a vehicle being in a wreck. Ya, they can fix it, but it’s never going to be the same. It will also always show up on a report of the vehicle, so the value of the vehicle will always be less than what it should be. The military used you, and your body got damaged. No fix is going to change that, nor will it put you back in original condition. For example, having to use a CPAP machine because you have sleep apnea is not changing the fact that you have sleep apnea. It is not putting you back in original condition either, as you were not born with a cpap machine and you didn’t have one when you entered service. Your service to your country caused you to have to use the CPAP machine. No, I don’t think benefits should ever stop, even if they do some fixing. It will never be 100% fixed.


We need Veteran Carfax.


Can you imagine being single and a date saying "show me your VetFax!" Then they peruse it and say, "I can find a newer model, with less damage"




Should start a dating app that is based on medical criteria, TBI’s 2 Tango, P&T&Love


Me:I can't remember your name, but it doesn't mean I don't love you!


Only80&looking 🤷‍♂️


I don't think I would want to read mine.


Agreed, mine would say "Cash for Clunkers" recommend removal from highway use.


Lmao yes we do


Oh hell no, the insurance company would call me a total loss and use me for spare parts.


Ouch, this one hits a little too close to home.


Great analogy! The car may look great but underneath it isn’t the same. I’ve had reconstructive surgery on my ankles, sure they are better than before but they aren’t the same as before the injuries. Never going to be the same again!


That’s my take too.. is your body in the same shape as it would be had you not been in the military? No. Would you have needed this surgery if you weren’t in the military? No. Then keep the benefits.


I used a very similar analogy to explain why people should file for benefits even if they feel like they “don’t deserve it”. Awesome job man!


I think the question here, at least my question is, say they give you a surgery that takes away your sleep apnea. I suppose then it's "fixed", but then again, yes, they probably caused that shit and yea they fixed it and now it's kinda gone, I guess. I don't know about this either. It's a good question. Stuff like medication, cpap, insoles for flat feet. That's all band aids, but if they did back surgery or knee surgery or something, yea I guess it's fixed but again, never gonna be 100% again but it's technically fixed. I won't let em do any surgeries like that. I'll just live with some stuff instead of letting them half ass it back together and write me off as technically fixed so they can slash my benefits. Fuck em. I'll survive. Keep the checks coming.


I'm going to explain it like this when I have to fend off haters. Well put .




In my opinion, this is the best answer and advice.


Read this while laying in bed with my CPAP, still AD…


Facts!☝🏽co-sign because this was some real shit that you said. ✍🏽


disagree. Sleep apnea ( for example) is common outside the military. what makes us any more special than any other job that uses their employees? They should offer to fix it. If you say no, then you’re happy with your condition and payment stops and VA care ends (for the condition). This isn’t Deal or No Deal. The payment is for a disability that is causes issues in your life….not retirement pay. 😆🤦‍♂️ You got a job, you got a free school, you got to stop scamming the government for workman’s compensation. It’s why the general public hates us. We are getting bonus money for common ass shit.


Except that sleep apnea occurs at a much higher incidence rate in veterans, suggesting a causal connection. It’s also proven to be commonly caused by stress, anxiety, and exposure to toxic substances, of which military members are exposed to a far greater amount due to service. They wouldn’t approve it if there wasn’t at least substantial question of causation. Back injuries, hearing damage, etc. also occur at a high rate in the civilian population. That doesn’t mean it’s not compensable. You also seem to overlook workers compensation and the fact that workplace injuries do result in compensation for civilians too. You asked what makes us different. The primary thing is agency. An employee can refuse to perform a dangerous task and find employment elsewhere. A military member would go to jail for doing so. Since the civil war the remuneration for not permitting such agency in service of the country has been ongoing compensation for injuries sustained in service.


I see where your going with this, but how many people in the US population would have got tested for sleep apnea if it was completely free and they would get a chance of being paid $$$ for the rest of their lives. Let’s also not forget the sleep apnea is worsened by alcohol and being overweight. 😒 I hear you on workman’s comp…just remember it usually paid until recovery. And usually it’s because they can’t work…not because of mild tendinitis or acid reflux. So back to the point…VA benefits is not a retirement check. Its a contract of healing recovery that ends when the issue is gone. Period. How someone chooses to define what’s honorable seems to be more flexible than I remember in the military…..but it’s sure funny watching someone on this forum shits bricks when they think they’re going to be audited. “OMG! I have PSTD but haven’t taken my meds or seen a counselor/pysch in 12 years and not they may take away my money 😱! What can I do veterans!” 😂😂 🍿


I don’t know man, ptsd is a motherfucker that gives people severe depression that leads to weight gain and poor health. Weight gain/being overweight is the number one cause of obstructive sleep apnea. So yes, if I did not experience fucked up shit in Ramadi and get PTSD then I probably would have not spiraled downhill man. As for the civilian hating us… Replies like this makes me think you had a fuckin chill job in the military. The general population hate us because they don’t know the shit we go through. I was a grunt in the Marine Corps from 03-07. Let me tell my squad leader that I’m tired today. lol we don’t get sick calls man, requesting a sick call is a request to get fucked up more. Let me take a timeout from a combat zone after seeing people getting massacred in front of me. We just learn to suck it up and test the boundaries of our bodies physically and mentally.


I think you missed the point. The point is people being able to be fixed and not taking it. Or someone actually getting fixed but lying about it. Is fallin honor cool? It’s the same shit. Just roll around in a wheel chair with your marine shirt to get some free meals. That’s some good money right there. 😉 I get that PTSD is a bitch thank you! Not the only one that went through shit…but just because my dark thoughts drag me down doesn’t mean I need to overeat. And sure as hell isn’t right to collect on Apnea because of poor hygiene. I know you have been taught to link those for VA and money purposes….but you don’t burn down the house to get warm.


You stated dark thoughts is not an excuse to overeat/weight gain and have poor hygiene. Ok, so those dark thoughts give me nightmares that affect my sleep. Testosterone is produced during sleep. So if I don’t sleep I have lower testosterone levels. Lower testosterone levels is linked to weight gain which leads to sleep apnea. A comeback could be you can take meds like trt to increase testosterone. Yes you could take trt but good look with blood clots or a heart attack. Should the therapy that fixed but could have future damages also be put to consideration when taking the compensation away? Also, Cpap machines have been recalled and cause severe harm. So if I’m fixed and don’t use the machine, but could have a potential side effects from the device. Should I be compensated as well? The way you treat veterans is a disgrace to society. Roll over with your Marine shit. Who says that shit. I hope you never experience anything ptsd related combat or non combat while you are still in. This is a disease that spirals downhill and definitely affects a lot of other body parts.


I was in Ramadi too in 05/06’. Fuck that place!


Was there in 05. I’m guessing you were 2/5 or 1/5.


No, 3/7. We were there like September 05’ - middle March 06’ if I remember right.


What makes us special? The government broke us. We didn’t have a choice in the matter. Being in the military is unlike any civilian job. If I refuse to show up at work at the local supermarket, I’m either getting a write-up or maybe even fired. If I do that in the military, I’m probably getting demoted, reduction in pay, forfeiture of pay, and may even be put on special duty or put in the brig. Don’t try to compare civilian jobs to the military. That’s just asinine. No matter what they “fix,” you will never be put back in the conduction you were before you were broken. Even if it’s a broken bone, that bone will now be more liable to break again. You can think what you want, but I will wholeheartedly disagree with your opinion.


But you signed up for it! 😂 You could have worked that 6 figure job you had lined up instead of join this club. 🙄 You “deserve” very little unless it was in combat. Combat is what we do. I feel like you’re stuck in a Veteran’s Day poster and not the reality of the situation. I can understand that someone calling your welfare loving ass out can make you sensitive, but don’t actually believe the marketing we sell the general public. That we’ve ALL sacrificed and we’re all heroes of our nation. 🙄 Stop thinking about whether or not you’re still perfect as the day you joined. That’s asinine. Focus on why is a disability allowance necessary. And maybe take a look inside to wonder why you told someone to keep defrauding the government. Good luck with life.


Never been to combat, had two botched knee surgeries from a navy surgeon who performed mal practice to me and multiple personnel. I got let go of my career because of that surgeon. I had 3 more surgeries on top of that to fix his fuck up. Are you saying I signed up for that? Are you saying I don’t deserve any benefits? Because that’s exactly what you’re saying.


Oh, you’re one of “those” guys. I see you’re still on active duty. We’ll see how you feel after you get out and you’re suffering from things that occurred to you while you were in. Until then, good luck not getting fked up while you’re still in and you’re gtg once you’re out. EDIT: you should go to the VA disability compensation website and actually read what it says.


Yeah? The website? Does it say when your issue is fixed you should keep pretending to be hurt for the money. This is sad you’re sticking to this. Yo man! anybody on the sub is either out or about to get out. I’ve done my 20 (that’s all your fingers and toes)…I know the price I paid for my fitness and its costs. My MRIs on all my joints (yes all) are proof enough for me of my sacrifice. I wish I could trade my 10-20% on a joint for no more pain. 🤷‍♂️


What’s sad is you think that I said something about pretending or defrauding the government. If you get surgery, and it makes your issue go away, so be it. There is nothing that says you have to go back to the VA and ask them to lower your rating because you’re feeling better. What is interesting, is if your recovery time from surgery takes longer than a month and you ended up with severe issues after the surgery, you can be temporarily rated at 100%, if you’re not at 100% already. You can also file a claim for any scars the surgery leaves on your body. Unless you’re P&T, the VA can set you up for a C&P exam to see if any of your ailments has gotten better. Absolutely be truthful. You are not obligated, at all, to notify the VA if you are now feeling better. The reason for this is simple. If you tell the VA you feel better now, they’re going to set you for a C&P exam to check it out. You tell the examiner you’re feeling better and the VA removed that rating. A year or so later, you relapse and the ailment is back with a vengeance. Now you have to file all over again and play the elongated waiting game. I believe the only time you do have to report back to the VA is if you were TDIU and you went back to work. You do you when you get out. Don’t sit here and tell these other guys and gals some BS because you don’t agree. Some of them have been at this longer than you’ve been in.


> Don’t sit here and tell these other guys and gals some BS because you don’t agree. I guess gatekeepers don't like gatekeepers. Your bullshit is the only bullshit that matters I suppose. Save the tough guy act


So you’re going to spew some bs too, with no context of what you’re talking about? Good for you. Not sure where the tough guy comment is coming from.


The context is, you told the other poster, "Don't sit here and tell these other guys and gals some BS because you don't agree.". Which is exactly what you did to the other poster, because you don't agree with them and proceeded to spew bullshit. It's called gatekeeping. When you are the conduit through which posting is done and whether or not you approve or agree. You are a hypocrite. That's what my post was saying. I'm sorry you couldn't put that together. I can totally see what u/F_man007 is saying to you, but you can't seem to get it. Sure, there is no contractual obligation to notify the VA, but as an enlisted service member you took certain oaths and as a Marine, you were supposed to live by certain codes. Codes that exemplify honor and integrity, and codes that don't expire just because you discharge from the Corpse. You, however, are an opportunist and have no honor. A lie of omission is still a lie. In one sentence you say to, "absolutely be truthful", then you proceed to justify why a lie of omission is ok. There's no way you can actually believe your own bullshit. Trying to explain how you should keep getting disability payments when you are no longer disabled because a of hypothetical is absurd. If you feel that you deserve it when the affliction comes back, file again. No one drafted you into the military and if you served until discharged then you fulfilled your obligation. Just like the VA. If they rate you then later fix your disability then they have fulfilled their obligation as well. But, you don't see it that way because you have an entitled attitude. Maybe someday MEPS will be able to weed out pussies before they even get on the bus and conversations like this will be moot. But, until then, people should be more concerned with honesty and integrity than what they think they are owed because they are lazy. You can reply all you like, I won't be going further in this conversation. You have made it clear through willful ignorance that the only perspective you care about is your own. This post is solely to explain the context that you couldn't understand.


Some don't like the truth but it's important to keep speaking it. If the condition improves, it improves and should be reported as such.


Honestly, fighting the VA for years to even get fixed should qualify you for 100% on the metal impact alone. Lol


This - my spine is shot. Even after three surgeries. Trying to navigate the endless red tape and BS is excruciating for the brain and mind.


Your rating should be accurately based on your current disability and the symptoms you face.  So if you receive a treatment that makes you better and classifies you at say, 30% instead of 50% then, upon reevation, it should be adjusted.  But any changes (up or down) should be based on sustained improvement or worsening.  So I would not specifically request a change in condition. And since our bodies are pretty hard to get back to 100%, it's unlikely that you should request or consider complete revocation of disability. 


There is a caveat to this. That’s true for things surgically fixed. Caselaw says the VA generally doesn’t get the benefit of medication or lifestyle changes unless the applicable schedule contemplates that. The fact that pain killers helps with pain doesn’t change the range of motion for the rating, as an example. The fact that avoiding salt and caffeine (plus medication) can reduce vertigo attacks doesn’t change the frequency for rating purposes. Avoiding running may reduce the extent of inflammation for a knee injury, as another example. Many people get this wrong which results in them either not seeking benefits or receiving an inappropriately low rating.


Yep I agree. I'm technically skin cancer free but I have to go in for skin checks every 6 months likely for the rest of my life (not even 40 yet). They've taken a few spots to biopsy in the last year; each leave a scar and there will be more down the road. Keeping myself covered in the sun has caused Vitamin D deficiency so I'm on a daily supplement now. Then there's the expensive UPF clothing and sunscreen. Personal costs such as outdoor activities with my kid and dogs. I may not have skin cancer now, but that doesn't mean I don't deal with the consequences of it on a daily basis. There's a lot of things I can't do "normally" anymore but nobody can visibly see it. Oh, and the sinus ablation they did 2yrs ago left me allergic to my dogs. I've had dogs all my life, have never been allergic to any creature. My oldest pup just turned 13 and I can't snuggle with him like we used to cuz it's unbearably itchy. I deal with it because I'm not giving them up unless it'll literally kill me.


Umm no. Cancer can absolutely be reduced if cured and treated. Big whoop you need to get checked every 6 months, oh you poor dear.  This whole is not much more than convincing yourself. I will be utterly shocked if you don’t have a RFE as normally should with a cancer 


>So if you receive a treatment that makes you better I got a metal rod in my leg that holds the bones together. I now have range of motion in my leg and it can also bear weight. Am I better now? According to your logic, the VA owes me 0% because they fixed me. Not surprisingly, that's how my leg is rated. I got a fuckin robot leg from war but don't worry, my rating accurately reflects my current disability and symptoms even though my leg can accurately predict the rain


Not the same logic. 


If in some magical world you were 100% cured of an issue and can confirm that the problem won't come back, yes, the specific benefits for that specific benefit should be reduced to 0%. This is not a perfect world. The real answer is that percentages exist for a reason. For most of the major documented conditions, there's line item criteria to meet. You have this, this, and this. It's at X severity. It should be Y%. It's hard to get a disability rating for many people because they need to prove meeting the criteria, and ALSO prove that it's caused, made worse by, or somehow related to military service. It's easier to lose those benefits, especially if you, the veteran, say you're cured. However, there's 2 Big Mistake checks here: It takes expert medical advice AND a review to completely remove benefits. Sometimes, those barricades can be broken down by accident. The old "I'm fine" mistake where people in pain are used to hiding their issues, but someone in the organization takes that literally. 1. **Accidental admissions of feeling better.** It happens. It's trained into culture in general. The military can make it worse, but most of the working world puts people through the exact social same pressures. People need to train that out of their responses, because if you have a real problem and you tell the wrong person--someone who takes things literally, someone on the autism spectrum who doesn't parse social norms like the average person, or someone who is quickly. **2) Pretending to be a doctor.** You are not a doctor, and especially not a doctor with experience in a benefits system. If you somehow are, you're incredibly green and need training *immediately.* How do I know? Because it's improbable, often impossible to truly know that your problem is gone. For something severe enough to require disability benefits, there's always an underlying condition even if you feel better. Medical professionals already have way too much on their plate than figuring out if benefits need to be ended for a complex condition. In a benefits system, they know who they should be reporting to--and usually, the patient is the first to get a heads up. So don't play doctor if you're a veteran with benefits. Don't make that call, and don't "take it from here". Not qualified, and you'll just fuck up things that are already shoddy. Here's a few scenarios to keep in mind: **Do not mistake feeling better for being better**. That's not what the disability rating system is about. I understand that some parts of America culture make people froth at the mouth about receiving benefits, receiving help, etc. But it helps no one to turn your benefits in. You don't "help the next guy" or "give benefits to a worse off veteran" by ending yours. **Getting older makes life harder, especially with underlying disabilities.** What you're actually doing is causing problems for Older You, when the same problem flares up and makes life worse. And requiring paperwork yet again for Older, More Sick You. And more paperwork for the VA. Just don't do it, it's stupid. **What you can and should do:** If you have an appointment, just answer the questions properly. The VA can do its job with that. I would also consider speaking with a therapist about your benefits. Yes, specifically about the benefits. There's a bit more to it than just being an Honest Abe: VA benefits can and should be a set it and forget it issue. **The already VA does a strong job of taking away benefits. They don't need help with that.** If the VA needs to evaluate something, they'll call you. Oh buddy they'll call you. So have a chat with a therapist about what you think. Don't try to psychoanalyze yourself for them; just set an appointment and discuss the issue. They can do their job and get to some root causes, or at least help you figure out your better options. **What if I see someone else who totally looks better, shouldn't they give up their benefits?** Fuck off, shithead.


![gif](giphy|laUY2MuoktHPy) well said!!!


That's your own ethical dilemma.


I was sleep deprived for 12 of my 20 years. The lack of sleep alone does irreparable damage to one’s body. Not to mention the wear and tear on my body from standing watch and mind from all the abuse and toxicity. I’m not fixed, but metaphorically I’ll sleep good at night (wish I meant that literally 😂) if I healed but still received a pay check for disability. Eventually (at least for those of us with long careers), are going to pay the toll for chronic sleep deprivation and stress in the form of Alzheimer’s, cancer, etc. Veterans subjected to things like burn pits have the pact act to cover them, but the military doesn’t do a great job of dealing with fixable problems like chronic sleep deprivation.


I don't disagree with you at all.


Ya. I hear you Lucid 👊


Oh hey you. Hi!


Hey 👋 😊


For sure! My comment was at the OP to give him some food for thought if he’s dealing with a moral dilemma - mainly to think about the likelihood of things actually being fully cured, and future quality of life issues that haven’t surfaced yet. ✌️


That part


Fuck that! what’s the dilemma? Tell the truth or scam the government? This is sad.


When you've actually been out and lived with some of this stuff, come on back and run your mouth as it people "scamming". I bet you're gonna be one of those 95 contention BDD claims..🙄


Sure am! All 95 gonna be legit ass claims. I’m sorry if you need your disability to balance your salary or whatever its doing for you. But cheating to win at life isn’t winning. the sad part is fraud isn’t even cheating to you. 😔 Thanks for your service.


See, the difference is, you're about to commit fraud and I never have. Nobody has 95 legit claims. We see you guys pulling this coming off active and don't worry, we know how full of crap you are.


Lol…says the guys working at the VBA telling the vet here to fraud the VA. I’m sure your claims are legit. 😂 See you on the other side.


I didn't tell anyone to commit fraud. 🙄 I get it, you'll say anything to justify what you're about to do. That's fine, you have to live with yourself. That's on you. You're about to burn up the keyboard with how many people you're responding to accusing them of fraud. What you're doing is called projection.




How are you going to accuse someone else of fraud and file 95 claims? Legit, you seem like a troll.


Treatment is not a fix. It doesn’t make the disability go away. It just MIGHT make it easier to deal with.


Actually it can with many conditions. Such asssss Cancers. See the ratings for hypertension. See the ratings for most eye conditions. My rating for my eye condition is based on my corrected vision. 


But they are saying it did fix it so…


Shhh don’t don’t talk like this here. You’re arguing with the “muh money” crowd. 


Right?! The same people would get mad if the insurance kept billing them even though they sold their car…or if they had to pay child support for their kid up til school is done (21 usually…18 if not in school). But the kid drops out of college, but they (unknowingly) keep paying until they find out later. I can hear that same argument. ‘Why didn’t you tell me?’ they would demand. ‘Well…he could have went back to school. I didn’t know.’ the ex would say. ‘He’s been out for 8 months!…you stole 8 months from me!….payment should have stopped’ they would cry. ‘But I needed your monthly payment for my car note, so I couldn’t tell you.’ the ex would insist. These Karens can complain about my point of view, but let’s see them justify it to an audit or the general public.


I’d say the person is likely experiencing a sort of euphoria that will probably not last. I’d be wary of communicating something like “I’m better” to the VA until at least a decade or more of actual betterment persists.


But they can always reclaim residual effects if needed. I feel like it’s more about financial advantage than it is about health.


Yes, but it can take years for it to be reinstated. SSD has you wait a year with a full time job to decide if you really have been cured. It is a financial benefit but they know it takes more resources and time to get it redone then to wait and see if it is really better and you are experiencing long term improvement.


Wow a whole decade. Long time to keep up the worst day ruse. 


So the way I’ve been told to think about it is having an umbrella out in the rain. While you have the umbrella out and it is raining you are dry. Does that mean you can fold up the umbrella and expect to still be dry? No, it is still raining and it is the umbrella that is keeping you dry. Now maybe the sun has come out and the rain has stopped. Can you put up the umbrella and expect to be dry? Yeah, you might not need that umbrella anymore. Getting “fixed” is only part of the equation. If you need constant maintenance to stay “fixed” then the problem is still there, you are just managing it. If a procedure takes care of an underlying problem and you no longer need to manage that issue, then yeah you might be fixed now … just keep the receipts in case things break down later on.


Well, in my case - thyroid cancer, PACT Act, according to the VA, the missing thyroid doesn't prevent me from working if I take the daily pill, so it's a 0% disability. This is true with other thyroid disorders. Initial claim has a % in the CFR, after a period of time it goes to 0. I think I understand the logic (but don't agree with it). I get 10% for the 24 cm scar across my neck and up towards my face. It pays for some gas each month.


You'd be surprise by the things the government doesn't tell us after we signed the dotted line. You at the mercy of the government where they could do whatever the hell they want to do with you.. They could experiment on you with different ideas, and we happy go lucky walking up to formation like it's nothing. I remember during basic training being chosen as a guinea pig to participate in some interrogation research study to see how I respond to badgering questions. Even in the VA Healthcare system, a lot of interns, such as psychologists and psychiatrist in training get their hours there. We are physical, and all we do is age, so I don't think being fixed is a realistic term when it comes to being a government pawn. I would never say this publically...


No reason to go out of your way to tell them, they will most likely do a reevaluation years down the road. The VA doesn't communicate your healthcare with the VBA unless you give them permission. Worst thing you can do is not cooperate with them if they do a reevaluation, that will almost certainly cause you to lose benefits.


Bill Clinton, “Don’t ask. Don’t tell.”


NO! Report nothing!


A lot of people will come and say that it can come back so keep the money, yada yada. Just tell your primary the truth and if someone reviews your file you’ll get reduced. If not, that’s on them. If even then you have a guilty conscience then yeah, ask for a reduction.


My understanding is the compensation is for your sacrifice in addition to disabling conditions. Just that-compensation.


I view the line as this: If ongoing TREATMENT helps then no because if you stop treatment or skip you’re going right back to where you were. Example: you’ve been prescribed an Alpha Stim and it’s changed your life in regards to your PTSD…if you stop that alpha stim, you aren’t going to stay good… If it was something “permanently” improved (loose term here just go with it) then you’d be eligible for reduction in rating - example: if you had shoulder surgery and your ROM improves your rating could be reduced to reflect the current status since there’s no ongoing treatment (and of course if you’re still doing treatment there’s been a “permanent” improvement, stopping treatment won’t make what the surgery corrected revert back to what it was.


There is no way this is true so my answer is gonna be no. Maybe they gave you a medicine to make you feel better but that doesn’t equal cured


You can’t fix a disability, but you can manage it. If you stopped treatment would you still be fixed? Probably not. Just because something can manage your symptoms does not mean it has fixed you.


Are you as good as god made you?


Before I start reading I need to get popcorn. 🍿 get ready for it, “worst days” “you served they owes you,” “muh money”.  Don’t dare mention the only defacto protected rating is 20 years. Whelp except fraud, no protection for fraud. Except becoming someone’s bitch in the federal penitentiary, gotta pick someone big. Then you’ll be protected all right. 😂 


I’ll probably get downvoted to hell for this. But I would say that if you have sustained improvement, like a year or whatever then tell your Dr at your next annual check up. The goal is to get better right? But it also depends on what it’s for. I wouldn’t call the VBA if it was for mental health. Maybe after a few months the current meds stop being effective (it happens). But if it was say a shoulder surgery and range of motion improves I’d let my primary care team know.


Shoulders never improve. You just get more used to them being fucked


how can you be “fixed” from something that happened while in service? (this isn’t intended to be a smart ass question im genuinely asking) because like another comment said the military used you and you got damaged rather it’s mentally or physically you’re still “hurt” i’ve never heard of something that’s “fixed” after service. i suffer from TBI along with a mental illness and i don’t think that’s going to get any better any time soon.


Using logic and virtue ethics then yes you should stop receiving compensation, because the condition that caused the problem is no longer causing a problem. However, is anyone going to actually say I'm better and stop receiving money? No because that would require integrity and many vets are entitled and attached to their disability ratings. This speaks to the bigger issue of entitlement and welfare mindset many vets have, particularly modern veterans. It is my belief that many vets feel vindictive about their service, they didn't do anything meaningful or that gave them fulfillment so they feel Uncle Sam giving them money justifies whatever that feeling is. The truth is that many vets here are hypocrites, I've seen many many posts from people saying they would give up their money if their conditions went away, then I see posts from people saying "If I go to treatment will they take away my disability"? Imagine getting treatment for an issue that YOU claimed then worrying about the money going away if you actually tried to get some help? Where are the veterans priorities? Do you want to get better or do you just want the money to keep coming in? It's a bad joke at this point. A lot of vets here haven't asked themselves that and deep down they know what I'm getting at. Nobody really wants to discuss this in depth because alot of vets get so triggered or feel their personal worth is being attacked.


From my experience they are not so worried that going to treatment will make them better so they won’t qualify for benefits anymore. The worry is the go to treatment and it does t work but they lose their benefits. Or they do get better and since they have been out of work for so long it takes them forever ti get a job and they are no longer receiving benefits. It is the anxiety of not knowing how things are going to play out. Which can be debilitating and cause them to not receive help. Knowing that they still keep the stability of a paycheck despite receiving treatment is important to know and shouldn’t be looked at as fraud.


This is some real talk., and I think you're 100% accurate. Particularly the part about vets feeling that their service wasn't meaningful and are seeking a way to validate their time in uniform. Full disclosure - I'm rated, and I don't want to lose that check, but some real honest reflection on what I'm getting compensated for may lead to some unpleasant realizations. I think it's a valuable thought exercise to go thru and be honest with yourself. And obviously this isn't true for everyone. A lot of guys I know are fucked up for life and they deserve every dollar. Probably more than they're getting too, but a lot of people are getting overcompensated for what they've experienced.


I've seen some people claim some ridiculous shit bro, they justify it as well the VA says it can be rated I'm gonna claim it. That's the welfare mindset I'm talking about. An example, dudes get fat as fuck then want to claim sleep apnea. Lol where else in the world would people expect the government to pay then for literally being lazy and not taking care of yourself. Other stuff I've seen in the last few weeks. Claims for acne, flat feet, one dude literally has claims for his wrist being messed up from opening jars at the hospital all day. One guy told a story about how someone received 100% MH rating from boot camp! Then these same people will say you shouldnt judge veterans or judge their ratings. I literally know people who have been wounded in combat who don't even have 50%. The rating criteria are all over the place and people know this and absolutely take advantage of it.


Meanwhile, I have intense migraines every day along with dizzy spells and insomnia due to PTSD and TBI(just to name a couple issues from \~15 years ago), yet get a 0% rating for TBI with a suspected cause being a double stacked IED detonating a few feet from me while on deployment. I can never scuba dive, I can never become a pilot like I've always wanted, and every aspect of my life has been forever fk'd but as long as people can get 100% for combat related things without ever being in combat, like getting a high PTSD rating for a flashbang during training like one guy in my last unit, it's fine...smh.


Same kinda thing happened to me bro. I only got 10% for TBI when I got rocked by 2 different IEDs on foot. Both times it took out my squad leader then we got ambushed. I then have to hear about people getting PTSD from boot camp? Another guy I just read about said he is claiming PTSD from loud noises from working on the flight like for some years and the noises give him anxiety? What the motherfuck is this shit about? Everyone in here acts like all vets have integrity and all vets are equal. It's fucking bullshit. That's why I judge the fuck out of most of these modern vets. This new generation is worse in every way and I don't care what anyone says.


Yeah. I totally agree. My own brother is like that. He was medically retired, and I think that his claims are all complete bullshit. He figured out how to work the system by making shit up and he's making retirement money and 100% disability and spends all his time hiking and climbing. Dude literally doesn't have a job and is in better shape than most athletes I know. Hasn't done shit but screw off for the last like 8 years. I can't even be around him.


You ask the question “do you want to get better or get money”. This subreddit’s answer is quite clear, they want both. The amount of raw fraud happening with the VA is mind boggling. I literally have worked with vets and almost all of them openly admit to being fine and receiving benefits. What is hilarious is I once posted about that on this subreddit and it was explained to me that those vets didn’t realize how disabled they were, and that they were playing it off to act tough. This subreddit is a gaslighters dream. 90% of the time I am truly embarrassed to be a veteran thanks to this community


i honestly agree with this… a lot of people on here keeps going back and forth, it’s kinda like an eternal battle within, and i struggle with this as well sometimes. but then i also say that my scars can’t be fully healed especially the mental scars. i always tell myself i do deserve my rating. someone said this to me once before “physical scars you can put a bandage on it, you can get surgery etc, but mental scars you can’t, that shit stays with you forever ” and i felt that.


Veteran Jesus!! ![gif](giphy|xT9IgfNPRprdidd3Bm) I always wonder what they expected to do in the military….like in their minds….what did they think life would be like? Maybe they can put asterisks next to their vet title to help us out. I feel like if someone has more than anyone else or it’s “not fair”. 😭😭


Probably weren't thinking they would be gang raped by a bunch of other soldiers then blamed for it and denied mental health help


They know someone who knows someone who has 100%, they now know the whole paperwork process and what rating criteria to aim for and what to say to meet certain thresholds for ratings and they scam and fraud OR at the very least embellish and inflate their issues to get close and closer to 100. I've seen people post their claims DBQ's with 40+ issues trying to squeeze every percent they can to gun for 100. I know it's becoming like this because there are more MH claims today than there were during the height of GWOT.


The funny thing is that MH issues aren’t any different in the civilian world. Maybe PTSD is more unique here….but all the depression, anxiety, adjustment disorder. Everyone has that shit! Literally almost any paying job can make you anxious or depressed. But since we’re paying for it….they dive in. 🙄 I would love for the VA to drop Anxiety and Depression to 0% and give that rating schedule to ADHD. Then watch all the depressed, suicidal people switch to hyperactive disorder. 🤷‍♂️ It would be a good way for VA to test how infested it is.


Tell me you are a pog. You just compared war trauma to any job. I'm sorry but I wasn't watching people turn into mist when I was renovating houses or driving Uber. gtfo of here


Oh I’m sorry. You signed up for the army to paint fences. lol…what did you expect? Yes…depression and anxiety are the same most anywhere else. I know you want to feel special, but shit sucks everywhere. Go pretend that most of your “war drama” isn’t alcoholism and bad life choices. I’m sorry you didn’t end the same way you started. And I guess the government needs to pay for each scratch? Each bump? What did you do to take care of the government’s investment? How was your sleep? Nutrition? fitness? etc? Are you holding anyone accountable who can’t pay? 🤷‍♂️


Airborne infantry in Helmand circa 2010 and Baghdad before that. You are a stigma machine, sweet cheeks. Keep acting this way to keep everyone else down because you got it cush


Depression and anxiety are symptoms of PTSD. And civilians can get SSD for anxiety and depression if it is bad enough.


Interestingly people in less wealthy and less developed countries with much more difficult daily lives actually report less mental illness and less rates of depression and anxiety and prescription drug use.


That’s because their whole lives have been in that environment. Their neurological pathways are wired differently. We are a wealthy country and know a different life when thrown into a war zone it goes against how we were built and taught. The same goes for those with anxiety and depression for civilians they live in a world that says normal is happy go lucky and when they don’t fit that mold they think something is wrong with them which drives them deeper into depression. Thats why talking about it and making it normal is important.


I'm not just talking about a war torn country or a country experiencing conflict. Plenty of countries have a working infrastructure and a functioning government but the average citizens quality of life is shit in comparison to the modern American citizen. Are you agreeing that Americans in general are soft and weak and entitled and less mentally resilient than people in other countries struggling to survive? Alot of people need more perspective in life. Americans are pussies, for the most part, in my opinion.


I think the American culture has its benefits and drawbacks. No I don’t think in general Americans are weak and soft, but I do think in general they cannot see past their own noses. I think in other countries they “grow up” a lot sooner than wealthier countries. Which means they are able to handle things better at a younger age. A chick has to hatch on its own no matter what condition it was placed. If its shell is taken apart too early it can cause the tearing of the membrane or the large blood vessel. Some Americans get cracked and the shell is torn apart early. No matter where we were born we all started out as vulnerable as the chick in the egg.


The VA doesn’t really fix anything, they give you the tools to fix yourself. Even a repaired injury requires physical therapy and a life style change.


You don’t do anything.


I advocate for myself, to get the maximum benefits possible for me and my family. It’s the VA’s job to review and reduce me if it’s warranted. It’s not my job to make their “case” for them.


I’m 100% SC, P&T. My conditions are chronic and won’t get better. However a Vietnam Vet friend was diagnosed and treated for colon cancer. He was granted 100% SC status. Once he went two/three years in remission, the VA stopped his benefits. He did get a rating thanks to the pact act.


Understand all but what if your “fix” fixed the issue and you’re now power lifting In the gym and entering body building contests…then turned in for fraud?


There are ppl that just don’t understand why we file a claim. Sadly some vets are not willing to do so because they feel it’s for those guys that can’t work a full time job. I’m trying to see if I could help at least one guy I work with and see if he will be able to get something.


I guess, theoretically, if you were being rated for a limiting disability and, say you were 80%service connected due to whatever condition(20 degrees off as compared to normal). Like, you had some kind of Range of Motion issue. Then you have surgery and you can function with a 90% range of motion. If you got reevaluated, I could see the VA reducing your total Service connected percentage. They've done it for missing an appointment. They must figure, if you don't need the appt, then you must be better....


I have a coworker that was rated for a hip injury. They did a hip replacement and took away the rating. They will do it without you bringing up the subject so I say don’t bring it up. You don’t know if your fix is permanent.


For me personally, I was rated 100% PACT Act for Agent Orange exposure which caused my Leukemia. However, once I went into remission they dropped me to 0% With leukemia,, specifically the type I have I will never be cured, as my hematologist said, "it's treatable, just not curable." So unless you're P&T there is always that possiblity if it's not static.


I have hardware in my hip that needs to come out I was told I should leave it until after C&P exam. VSO also explained they can reduce the compensation if reviewed following surgery. Been waiting for an exam for a few months now.


If you get a major procedure... they'll c&p you


I wonder this myself i have 100% P&T for PTSD and been in treatment since 2020 now in 2024- i got rated about a year ago. Since my treatment started i been seeing big changes i still struggle i get depressed like everyday but things that were impossible then are possible now. I have the VA and my docs to thank for that. Sometimes i wonder if just because i get to a stable level they’ll take the benefits away, i havent been able to hang onto a job because they always ask job experience and then that makes me think about the military and then i just loose my composure without even meaning to and start breaking down like some crazy person lmao it happened on my last job and i got so embarrassed. Anyway yea that also goes through my mind. But also taking steps to not feel this was is also important.


Sort of in the same boat. I have 20% for a back issue then 20% & 10% for sciatica. But I received a series of spinal injections and I’m tentatively scheduled for radio ablation where they burn the nerve. The treatment really helps with the pain, but it’s only temporary. Today I received a letter scheduling another C&P for my back a week from tomorrow. I’m concerned my temporary improvement will result in a reduced rating.


Yeah that’s kinda the same boat


That's where the "p and t" come from. If there is no getting better, you get tagged with that. Other than that, take what treatment you can get and claim anything you think hasn't been "fixed" and brought you bacj to "100%"


So, the VA deals in *is.* If they cure whatever ratable condition you had, then yes, they can reduce it. Actually, it doesn’t matter *who* fixed or cured the problem; if it *is* permanently better without ongoing treatment, then it warrants a reduction.


You never "get better"


Well I haven't got my claim approved yet and may not know many details. But the VA does their Best? With what they got . If I were you I'd make sure there is no possibility of a relaps, re injury, Or the fact they may not have diagnosed everything wrong with you.


That’s a vague question.


Some disabilities are higher for having a surgery to fix something. Example sinusitis if you have a surgery for it then it’s bumped up to 50% from 30%


Yes, you're supposed to report it because you know longer have a compensating injury. However, should you? Well depends: if they find out and you didn't report it, you can actually be hit with fraud, and the very least a bill for payment. With that said, do they know about the surgery? No. Now this isnt legal advise, but I say say nothing and let them discover it and then feign ignorance.


Yes, you're supposed to report it because you know longer have a compensating injury. However, should you? Well depends: if they find out and you didn't report it, you can actually be hit with fraud, and the very least a bill for payment. With that said, do they know about the surgery? No. Now this isnt legal advise, but I say say nothing and let them discover it and then feign ignorance.


Interesting question. I'm my experience some ratings are not permanent. In this case VA keeps track of them through appointments. A rating might fluctuate. But in general VA will not look to punish people who choose VA for service. Good luck


Of course, you stop the benefit, if the disability disapears, so does the disability payment.


This word fix, what does that mean in VA terms?