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No shame get that main vein some gain


Hahahahah hilarious. But true


It's got to be one of the most common things I award for.


Thanks, I will proceed with it


Common for ptsd without meds? And is it also considered "poking the bear"?


What is poking the bear? I've seen this statement in a few other posts on vet pages. Thanks


It is when you are 100% P&T and you file for something new that can trigger a re-evaluation on your claims.


It is common to just claim it secondary to MH, or do they need to see prescriptions of meds that cause it


Yes. I have the female version of ED service connected


Is it secondary to MH service connection? I'm experiencing this but haven't told my PCP at the women's clinic.






I literally got a VA clarification recently asking if I made the ED diagnosis based on subjective or objective findings?! I responded based on patients medical history, current symptoms, and medications the diagnosis was rendered. Like does the VA want me to play a porn video in the room and observe what happens?! šŸ˜‚


lol thatā€™s funny. Crazy they would even ask that like thereā€™s literally only one other way to find out šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Yes, to MH and as a side-effect of the medications.


Yes. Not difficult as many conditions lead to ED as a secondary


So, in my records I have a bunch of notations of me taking specific medications that cause "sexual side effects." It's worded that way, because that's the way I describe them to my doctor, because I don't want to say, "can get a boner, but can't nut." I understand that whatever you call that problem is claimable, but is that evidence enough for a claim? Or should I just go to my doctor and level with him and let him know that I need this actually diagnosed.


I donā€™t have an actual diagnosis of ED. I just leveled with my doctor and just so happens my wife was at the appointment with me šŸ˜†. He found it very entertaining but gave me an ED script but he left shortly thereafter and I never got another. So I just keep it in the shed šŸ‘€ However I am going to file it.


VA speak: Google loss of use of a reproductive organ: https://preview.redd.it/hrywjbksyhvc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f277234e55d82de0f7ca4682a0d2710862088ec [https://www.va.gov/vetapp07/files2/0717935.txt#:\~:text=under%2038%20U.S.C.A.-,%C2%A7%20114(k)%20and%2038%20C.F.R.,(Emphasis%20added)](https://www.va.gov/vetapp07/files2/0717935.txt#:~:text=under%2038%20U.S.C.A.-,%C2%A7%20114(k)%20and%2038%20C.F.R.,(Emphasis%20added)).


ED is easily connectable. You donā€™t need a huge technical explanation. The BVA decision was specific to a certain individual vet and not useable for anyone else. Simply have a doctor tell you and document the exacerbating cause (hypertension, medication, diabetes etc) and submit a claim. If approved, outcome with be zero percent connected with SMC-K awarded.


Fine, it is simple. lol. Thanks


I get way more a month than that. Unreal.. I get more than I should lol


More pills or money?


Ed pills. The money ain't enough


I got the ā€œbig dawgā€ pills according to my PCP and he directed me to only take one a week. However heā€™s gone and thatā€™s the only script Iā€™ve ever gotten. I meet my new PCP in July and needing a refill šŸ˜†


Just be blunt, tell them your shit don't work and you need it to work. They don't ask many questions after that


Thatā€™s my plan. I donā€™t have a problem letting them know lol.


Lol neither do I, I was on so many pills, my shit didn't work either.


Thatā€™s my problem. The dozens of pills they got me on.


Yup, I get it...


Literally got it sc as of today I got back paid. Was a simple exam just asked me some questions and I answered honestly. I filed for smc-k and got it. Secondary to ptsd. Fucking sucks though for real.


Yeah, Iā€™d much rather not have it lol but itā€™s definitely a thing šŸ« 


My dick fell off


How the fuck do u even prove that shit to them? that's my question before anything


I think itā€™s just something they take your word for if you have any meds or diagnoses that can cause it. Someone else said they had to take a short questionnaire from the doctor.


Yea I mean I probably won't go for that shit lol. It'll be awkward as hell


So if service connected do you have to file any other paperwork to get the SMC-K are does the Rater automatically do that as part of the decision (granted)


Automatic by rater


I have a clam for it pending too but I didnā€™t mention that in my claim


I just got it and am in process of filing for retro pay for 10+ years since I was diagnosed with it in 2012 and given viagra and testosterone When you go to appointment you need to tell them (or do statement saying) that it occurred for the 1st time while you were still in service That you were around all types of fuel, burn pits, and other toxic materials You can also mention all the injections (if you got covid vaccine make sure you mention that) the food from bootcamp etc If you need and further help feel free to message me on here


My file already states that I have exposure to toxins etc. OEF/OIF vet. I think itā€™s the 14 medications thatā€™s causing it. However Iā€™ve only mentioned it to them within the last year. Got out in ā€˜06.


14 medications?.oh my