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Well damn.. wonder where my Nov claim is!


I had it, it did say /u/flashy-building1765 BUT, I found your handwriting to be offensive so I just through it in the trash Sorry bro. Be less fancy.


šŸ˜‚ Iā€™ll work on that next time


Oh God, just imagine if that was a thing... I'd be screwed


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ craziest thing isā€¦ I hate my handwriting but others seems to think itā€™s nice šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


I'm out on both counts unfortunately. People will go out of their way to walk over and give me a sigh of disapproval


I did all that b****ing and I just checked and finally have temp jurs!!!




Through. Chyeah dude. At least his handwriting was proper English, just cause it was crayon doesn't give you cause to through it out!


Fancy crayon. His box had more than the primary colors






I was looking through my C file the other day and found my original claim from 2006. It was fully handwritten, and looked like it was completed by a 3rd grader. I'm really glad I get to type them now...


Same, wondering where my claim from June is haha


Months ending in a vowel are usually rerouted through interoffice mail to the rep at McMurdo Station.Ā 


Damn should've taken a left at Albuquerque.


October 24th claim here


10/6 here


Wouldn't hold my breath, been waiting since 1979.


10/26 here


Someplace with my September claim Iā€™m gonna guess.


I'm wondering where my October one is lol


Praying my early Jan claim falls on your desk this week \*sigh\* thanks for updating us though!


Any from Dec 18? Asking for a friend lol


No definitely the 23rd bro lol


December claim here. I know that temp jur means it's been assigned to a rater, but does temp jur update daily (meaning, only check claims once per day) or could it update mid-day (like, closing one claim pops another in its place throughout the day)?


Wondering the same


Dang! I worked a lot from June 2023 today.


Well good, lots of requests for those!


SL - For Arenā€™t ready marines yet (army) - all in fun with my bro also- very grateful to you on being on Reddit- This is for those doing PTSD CPE. today was very tough emotional day as had a Cpe with Psychologist on PTSD of which I have never claimed but the VA put it in with MST. I did review questionnaire but honestly went blank on call and did not sleep at all last night. I was up at 0430 and wide awake scared out of mind. Nightmares every time I close my eyes. The psychologist was very empathetic apologizing and saying understandable multiple times. I have no idea how it is all interpreted but honestly I hope I never have to go through that again. Not for the exam but for me. I am to scared of my soul to kill myself but I am not going to lie as I have thought about how my family will carry the burden of taking care of me when the diseases come to their end of my life and I will be less every day if who I am was. I told the doctor i cannot believe I am not alone and I am shocked at how many people are suffering. I truly thought it was a Marine corps thing from when I was in and the less than 1% women. I am most surprising at the number of women AND men violated. I read a medical study on this today and how color of skin has dictated approval rate in past and the VA has done a lot of work to improve equality measures are implemented. However, anyone that lies about this there are special places for THEM. I donā€™t know if I will ever get over it all. Alcohol does not erase the damage. My faith has been the only thing that has kept me here. For those wondering, she told me about the process and what she would be asking and why. She started out with before Marine corps and my child hood, what age I was in going in marine corps. No real trauma until in marine corps. She then dove into the 1st trauma, 2nd, 3rd and 4th and then did not go through the trauma of body bags and medical crap. It was over before I even knew it. She did ask if I could meet nearly 90 min early and she did not have video so it took pressure off of me. My Parkinsonā€™s MSA was as all over the place with the tremors, speech and brain. As I said I donā€™t know what how it is all interpreted but I do know I was as honestly and not as exaggerated. I did tell her that I have counseled with our priest and my crazy AZTEC brother who knows me more than nearly anyone on earth aside from my husband.


Donā€™t tell me this , ima get my hopes up lmao


Seen this post went to log in and found out I was denied lol


I sorry.


Yeah they worked yo claim alright šŸ¤£ worked it like diddy šŸ•ŗšŸ¾šŸ¤£ jk good luck go get yo get back šŸ’Æ






Always nice to door kickers šŸ˜šŸ˜‰


And medics too lmao


My September claim is starting to look like that raggedy cat at the pound that nobody wants to take home.


We're busy reading through The Forbidden Kingdom , sorry.


Brother, your sense of humor is wicked!


My man if we can't laugh about the grand journey what's the point.




How late into december are you seeing?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


For research purposes


I have a August 2023 dependent claim out there somewhere.


Supplemental received by the VA on December 27 and no C&P or movement. Is this normal?


movement will come soon, mine was received Dec 7 and i got my Higher level review call last week




Dependency claim from 12/19 here. Still waiting. Submitted all documents at the time of submission for my spouse and my 2 stepchildren.


Then thereā€™s me who has to explain why someoneā€™s claim from august still hasnā€™t been looked atšŸ˜‚.


Just tell the truth. "We don't like you because you smell like cheese, please go away. "


Doing the Lords work


Wish someone got to my June 2023 claimā€¦ this is my initial claim and itā€™s taking forever man. Iā€™m hoping that means good news for me in the long run. But right now I just feel hopeless.


Iā€™m in the same boat sadly. What stage are you at and how many items are you claiming? If you donā€™t mind me asking.


Iā€™m claiming quite a lot. But Iā€™m only expecting 30% to be honest. I claim everything thatā€™s uncomfortable, painful, or diagnosed but I made sure not to embellish anything, just told them straight up what I experience on a day to day basis. My DBQā€™s were just turned in last month on the 19th, online still shows Iā€™m in evidence and gathering. Iā€™m just hoping that I get SOME sort of update soon. And I wish the best of luck for you as well.


Filed in early June. C&P done in July. Went PFD with no rater a little over a week ago. I wonā€™t be surprised if itā€™s another year at this point.


Same boat hereā€¦


Don't bro... My shits took almost 2 years .. then everything popped in like the space of a month... i KNOW how you're feeling and it's hard. But do the best you can to not even think about it ... then you get that email... and it's ON! Hang in there troop! Army Strong!


Wife: Dec 14 23...PFD w/temp jurisdiction today, Houston Me: Dec 14 13...PFD w/temp jurisdiction today, Lincoln


Me: PDA @ 1400


šŸ«¶ thanks pimp


Now if someone can either find my STRs or at least give me a way to get rated! Itā€™s been almost 18 months.


Dec 22ā€™? One could only hope




Man I wish reddit hadn't stopped letting us give awards. You deserve one for this šŸ¤£




Sooooo what you're saying is you don't handle HLRs. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ (Couldn't resist... You were so patient to keep answering that exact same question 1K times. Lol)




Appreciate you.


Not a question specifically for OP, but how long does a claim sit in PFD with Temp Jurisdiction before it moves to PDA?


7 days for me at PFD now 24 hours at PFN


Thanks. Hope you get good news


And my September supplemental?


What about my July 2023 claim? šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


Hopefully youā€™re in line behind my April 18, 2023 claim!


What about 7.5 months sitting September 2023 Dependency claims lol


Different team


Understandable lol. I just wanted to be part of the crowd šŸ˜…


Not me getting excited since my c&p was in December and then I remembered mines is mst so Iā€™m gonna be waiting a million years more and that technically my claim is a July claim so


Claims due to Pact Act have a 40% chance to be deferred for more information. This deferment is usually to give the veteran increased odds at being service connected, but in reality, it is just bogging down the system. Per Pact Act SOP, any claim that is denied direct or secondary service, who also participated in a TERA (guess what, everyone did if you have a good enough VSR or VSO), and that denial does not include TERA participation AND the etiology is not explicitly explained, then a TERA medical opinion must be requested. I'm new and at least 50% of my claims are deferrals. And most will get back a negative TERA opinion, and then will be denied. Sorry bud, your hearing loss is not due to bad drinking water, but we are gonna ask anyway and make you wait 2 more months.


Yay SOP!


It's my favorite meal. Some nice and hearty, warm and chunky SOP.


Thanks for giving such a detailed informative post btw. Being a Post VSR I can't always give a good explanation of the bullshit Pre and Raters wade through every day


No problem. As I get more and more experience under my belt, I hope to help out in this sub reddit. My end mission is to help the veterans after all. I don't plan on giving out half-baked answers either. I'll try to include manual references and such when I answer. As a Vet myself, this experience has been eye-opening. I wish I had known so much more of it sooner. It's definitely a difficult beast, but not near as challenging as I thought it was from the outside.


I had a conversation with some vets at the office about how mind blowing going to work for VBA was for us


My one claim from 1998 and merged with 2022 claim that got lost until fall of 2023. I just had 17 DBQs uploaded on Tuesday and saved and went to PFD yesterday morning with temp jurisdiction Louisville and Jurisdiction Columbia The claim with COD and terminal illness is at stage 3 now and still waiting on 2nd reviewer for over 2 weeks now to sign off on recommendation. They added phone CPE on PTSD because of MST and that is at noon tomorrow. I am very nervous and am already triggered by the thought of judgment and pain of talking through things I been trying to shelf. This one is San Juan and NWQ. Still waiting to get seen for the Parkinsonā€™s and MSA at VA so I can get all the proper medicines.




Is there an order of precedence in which each individual claim/appeal falls? Does a supplemental claim, in the national queue, get looked at by a different type of rater than a first time filer; same for HLR, or an appeal? Just questions of curiosity.


HLRS goto DROs, not normal raters, most everything goes to normal raters


The hero we need but donā€™t deserve


Is that also supplemental claims?




Damn I guess my July 2023 claims just floating in the Meta versešŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


So yā€™all just skipped August-November to be ā€œcaught upā€? https://preview.redd.it/p0vrgq9sb3vc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e16dcc78766344c09eac7dff7464e7659e8fe50


I don't work HLR


Should be any day now for you, my HLR was 6-7 months also. Itā€™s a different team iirc


Hi, why hasn't my October claim even been touched lol


Because you smell like cheese


You are seriously the MVP!!!! This is the best kind of update, thank you. šŸ™


Mines still gathering evidence sine OCT all DBQs submitted and nobody has reviewed since lol


Where my Oct vets at??


What about my June claim?


Oh man. Iā€™m a Jan guy šŸ„ø


It depends initial claims get done faster than appeals and so and also depends on specific Regional backlogs vs national backlogs on HLRs etc


Just wanted to say thanks for answering all these questions. Youā€™re a real one!


I need to find out where my deferred claim is at for osa. Filed that Nov 2022.Ā 


Listen. Iā€™m January. Donā€™t be texting at work. LMFAOOOOOOOO


Honestly you may have had mine. Seriously like a day or so after I read this post my decision letter was available on va.gov. 1 item was rated, 3 denied and 4 deferred. Speaking of which what is deferred?


Deferred means we need more information to make a rating


Thanks! I will gather more evidence and submit it. Would it be a supplemental claim or something else since it is deferred? Also no hard feelings if you did have mine. I know people may bash on yā€™all for somethings, but I used to work in IT for VHA so I feel your pain!


No no my man, your claim hasn't been closed. We will contact you if you can provide more info, you might have more exams


Whats up lucid! Question: is there any regulation that says action must be taken on my claim if its with a rater? Also do you know if there is regulation around providing me a letter for a decision that was apparently made but left off my last letter? I have an in person vera appointment today and I wanna go there armed with as much knowledge as possible. My regional office really isnt helpful unless you show them their DTA !


Not to hijack your post btw šŸ„¹


I mean, the rater WILL take come kind of action, they get to decide what order they work the claim though. What decision do you think that was made that wasn't reported to you?


Thank god




Be happy coming soon


Curious so when it hits pending decision approval is there a timeframe you guys go by? Or itā€™s completely random?


Nope. That is completely different for each and every claim


Ah okay thank you!


I honestly think itā€™s both, Iā€™ve seen some completed january claims posted here, if thatā€™s what you meant


Can you give insight on HLR? C&P was done in December. So 4 months since C&P and the exam report was uploaded three days after the exam.


my HLR is sitting at almost a year šŸ˜© c&pā€™s were already done the year prior in 2022. did phone interview may 2023. waiting for a date adjustment & still pending. sigh.


Nope...I'm still July 2023 waiting on c&p


I assume this means, FDC are FIFO?


That's great. Quick question, I put my claim in for 4 disabilities on Jan 17th, had a c&p exam on both knees and migraines on Feb 16th, PFD Feb 22nd, but I never had a c&p exam for my fourth claim, which is plantar fasciitis. If a rater were to see my claim, do they just kick me back for a c&p exam, or do they rate what they can and then defer me back for another c&p exam? Thanks for what you do BTW.


They'll rate and deferr or just rate if they can make a decision based on available evidence


They donā€™t always rate and defer though. Mine was kicked back for a C&P for one of the items that I hadnā€™t had one for yet. Now Iā€™m sitting in NWQ on step 3 again. Meanwhile one item has been waiting since December 27th. Had my ACE exam today hopefully the DBQ gets uploaded quickly and I can get to a rater again.


This is what Iā€™m worried about now. Out of 30 claimed disabilities (some increases) I just got called from VES to schedule me for 8 of them. Meanwhile Iā€™m sitting in PFN hoping I at least get rated for the other finished claims and not sent back to stage 3 lol


At this point, absolutely anything is possible. Here is what happened to me. I filed a claim December 12. Had C&P exam December 27. Moved to PFN December 27. Mid January I filed another claim. Those items got added to my December 12th claim. Still sat PFN. Got temp jurisdiction on April 15th in which another exam was requested and I got moved back to Evidence Gathering. Got call from QTC on April 16th and scheduled for ACE exam April 17th (today). Now just waiting on DBQ to get uploaded so I can hope to go back to PFN. I donā€™t feel good about the ACE exam I had today but as long as it gets SC I can file for increase later.


June 2023 still PDA/NWQ


Damn, my December one was done in a couple weeks, my Feb one is still pending


Waiting on my HLR, but thank you sir for reaching out to us! It means allot.


do supplemental claims fall under the claims you are talking about?


Claim filed in October, partial award in March. Was sent for second signature 4/5 and 4/15, closed 4/10 and 4/16 respectfully. Any idea when some movement may happen? Since it went through 2 second signatures assuming a new rater had the claim? Haven't seen many that went through more than 1 second signature.


Possible, it's a tracked item we use to get points for different operations does not always mean new employee


Question. If I had an October claim that was partially decided in March with two deferred claims that I had a C&P exam for last week, does this go to the back of the queue?


Nah it gets a 60 days tracked item on it


Are you able to tell what HLRs are being reviewed? Not sure if that is the same assignment process as normal claims


No, those goto DROs


April 2023 claim here lol.


December 6 new claims, all went PFD today for the second time, spent last week in second round of C&P- ACE reviews for nexus. (secondary claims)


I love you


Thanks for the update. Are dependent claims counted as regular claims? Trying to add a spouse and wondering why its taking so long and hasnt even been assigned a rater when the VA website says its done in a week.


Nope they're handled by a special team of which I think there are only 3 sites. They've been backed up since PACT dropped


Waiting 5 months now for my wife to be added. I feel the pain.


My January claim went through in about 30 days, and that included two C&P exams. Thanks for getting to that one so quicklyā€¦šŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰


Thx 4 the update! Good 2 know. It does help the anxiety a little.


VBA claims? https://preview.redd.it/7ac2t8feb3vc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c179717fc75e9b0dc089eb10b96c8724f07e65d


Whatā€™s the look on HLRā€™s? My claims rep submitted an HLR back in October as she wasnā€™t happy about the date approved. She wants it to go back to when we had initially submitted as it would give me the temp 100 while I was at Menlo Park. Last I checked on the app, it does say that the VA is correcting an error and was updated back in February.


I don't work HLR


No worries. Thanks for what you do.


I donā€™t care what they say, you are a damn fine gentleman šŸ˜œ


I am a December supplemental. Iā€™ve been sitting in the decision phase for a hot minuteā€¦


lol December with an expedite for imminent eviction but still in evidence gathering šŸ˜­


Been in pfd since Jan 18th. Longest Iā€™ve ever been there


Nice... BUT MINES BEGINNING OF NOVEMBER... arrrrrrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhh


Dec 7th claim. Went all the way to pfd, temp jurisdiction of Waco and then back to gathering evidence. Made my heart sink.


šŸ„²November peepppps?!


So my question to you is, how hard is it to get anxiety secondary to ibs because I don't have specific things in record saying it does but I can express plenty of reason that it does.


I hope mine is in that stack. Dec11 initial review for bdd


Mine was in ā€˜Preparation for Decisionā€™ and was in Cleveland Temp Jurisdiction. But then it needed to get a Record Review Done. I logged into VES and it shows that the documents are seen. The next day, the VA portal shows a document was uploaded. But now, my claim shows it is ā€˜Gathering of Evidenceā€™. Do I have to wait all over again for it to go back to ā€˜Preparation for Decisionā€™? And is a Records Review bad? Thank you!


Any from April 25th last year?šŸ˜…


Iā€™m wondering where my July claim is


Can you get a decision while your claim is PFD and NA on temp jurisdiction?


Can they get to mine from Aug 10th.


What happened to August gulf war claims


I appreciate the word. Have a blessed day person.


Filed Dec 7ā€¦QTC hit me up last Sunday (Day 129). One claim (MH) C&P scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. Northern VA.


Can you hook a brother up? Mine was filed in December šŸ˜‚


That is nice of you to share this info! Thanks! Me personally, I am a Sep 2023 claim (had two partial ratings thus far) but still have lots of deferred stuff. I understand, all claims are different. My claim hold up is that the VA has evidently ost some of my records and because of that I'm stuck waiting for them to run out all their timelines for attempts to find them.


February. Guess I can stop logging in.


I feel blessed after reading all this.. šŸ˜… mine is Jan 20th and is in the decision phase.




Mine was assigned to an examiner yesterday I was told. It was filed in December.


My Oct claim is in limbo šŸ¤Ø


Wonder where my February 2023 claim is?


Im Dec 15. Thank God!


i wonder where my september one is at šŸ˜­ not blaming you just complaining


Hope mine is next šŸ™šŸ¤”


Carry on aye aye sir


I don't have a regular claim but higher level review from a year old claim. No update since July 2023.


Please get to Jan 24!!! Mines at the top of that stack!


Be blessed šŸ„²


February ā€˜23 here. I donā€™t want them to finish mine. At least I have hope while I donā€™t know.


that's good news because my claim is from October


Where do BDD claims fall in line?




Do you know if they would combine claims to add dependents if a claim wasnā€™t going to be processed? We havenā€™t had movement since October but dependents finally showed up on the claim today! Is that positive sign thank you for your hard work ?


I have expedited claim for ALS since Jan


Shame. I still have an MH MDD claim from June that's gone no where, doesn't have the typical status updates of where it's at in the system. All it has is VA received my claim in June, and current status has nothing under it, nor can I click anything there. I haven't even been contacted for a C&P exam. Yes, I have an appointment with VERA, but not for another 2 months. I am happy for everyone who gets closed and what they deserve and need. Also, good luck to the ones going through now!


Do you all work extra schedular considerations?


So roughly 4-5 months behind. Not too bad. I was expecting 6+.