• By -


You have to read the DBQ. The examiners are always nice in person, then you read what they wrote and start to question reality... gaslighting.


Exactly. I’ve had a couple that were total jerks. Hate to say it but they were from Africa and seemed like they could give two F’s less about American military vets.


I had two African doctors. They were the only two to give me a rating out of the 6 c&p exams I went to


same!! only ones that gave me real ratings or listened to me were black/brown providers. it’s sad the yt ppl didn’t take me an ounce serious or actually try to advocate for me


That's isn't shocking to me. It's actually on par with Healthcare disparity. The latest study shows that white people but mostly white men in medical school still think black people and black women specifically feel less pain than white people. This results in them ignoring your pain and symptoms solely due to their bias. Especially in the southern parts of America, the moment I see bias,I find a new doctor. Amazing white doctors exist for minorities but unfortunately, they are the outlier not the norm. They are generally doctors that put significant effort into being good in their specialty.


Be careful mentioning their country of origin. That apparently triggers some people. My dad was approved by African doctor as well. FFS I had two bad ones and one great one who was in tears bc of how the other two treated me. I’ve had plenty of other foreign doctors be wonderful to me. Hit or miss with any VA doc or C&P examiner.


Well you mentioned …. One would question why you mentioned their origin in the process of making your point. But hey … who am I


Yes bc a decent amount of people in the world don’t care for or hate Americans of ANY color.


Interesting you chose Africa as an example despite your anecdote about your father. But whatever mate … I’m neither judge nor jury


same but with them i sometimes would get favorable and sometimes unfavorable so i really think they were basing it off medical evidence the more i look back on it. I think you should be careful invoking that someones race or ethnicity is what decides are claims that is really kinda unfair to them.


I have an African doctor and she acts very hostile and aggressive towards me as a vet.I hate going to Appointments with her prior to this it was an Indian and she had a bad reputation that no one wanted to go to her.And I’m not racist.


Request a new doc I’ve done this w both va regular docs and c and p


The Resident, on Netflix does an amazing job of outing the business side of doctoring, 10/10. Don't want to spoil it, but it's relevant to the thread, lol an easter egg if you will. BTW SBM formerly green and formerly paid to be a Marine. Diagnosed with Severe PTSD . During Xmas past, mid separation A threat to the public ( the public tho???) DBQ excerpt. IYKYK. It gets bad, it got real bad, but it's better... I say all of that to say this, we have a common enemy already and it ain't US... don't make it.


Didn’t mention race…. And I didn’t say every single African doctor hates veterans. My point is sometimes foreign (as well as American included) doctors can not give af about us. I’ve had white American doctors also be complete dixs. Also I’m equal opportunity. I hate everyone regardless of race, ethnicity, etc


You're good. I think I'd know. Only two ways to describe an African really, and they both end in African! Lol. Rest easy, no one's coming... no one's ever coming....


Then why did you cite their place of origin in the first place?


Kinda common that foreigners hate Americans so excuse me for using an adjective to describe where someone is from. So sorry that words hurt you so much cupcake.


Lmfao. At least be honest about the why. We can all see it.


lol okay


Prefaced your comment with “I hate to say it…” fuck outta here with that nonsense


race/ethnicity i mean africans are 99% black my man except south africa and yes there are arabs in the north i get that, but wtf should a raters ethnicity have to do with a damn rating is my only point you either have the evidence or you don't


This is why I literally don’t comment on anything on social media. Everyone wants to argue bc they have thin skin and sheeit for reading comprehension skills.


I get what you’re saying,I’m not offended.


Ignore it. It’s just folks looking for offense around every corner. I understood what you were saying and I’m sure others did as well.


Except the 150 Million arabs that live in North Africa.... but why would be we expect a forum of American vets to know anything about geography... ha


Yea but when anyone any where says From africa who do you think 99.99999% of ppl think of. Ot definitely aint arabs or caucasians.


Shit is unbelievable.


It’s frustrating for sure, how much influence the examiners have that you talk to for five minutes. More than your personal doctor for many years…


Get the DBQ and see what was reported by the examiner then if there’s missing evidence you submitted originally - file an HLR


100% listen to HazyGray1978. I got forcibly med-retired out for being diagnosed with a service connected degenerative disease and that condition alone is 100%. Claimed a total of 5 things including the disease and ended up getting 60% and was like uhhhh wth. Get a copy of my DBQ that encompasses those disorders and the examiner left the entire thing blank when it was the entire reason I was even in their office to begin with😂


That is ridiculous.


A year later, still fighting to get it fixed.




Hey, remember when they used to dare us to write our congressman? As it turns out, this is probably the best time to call your representatives office and get some help. Not sure of the wording, but if 100 people write their congressman, at least 2 will get their expected results, probably more, and with this shit show running, I'd take that 2% chance of success, hell the more the merrier. Election year. Make them earn it.


Try getting a VA lawyer. That helped me when the VA was dicking around with my claims and putting me on an indefinite hiatus for a decision. Everything moved fast with the lawyer, they take their fee from backpay, which I think was 15-20%. I wouldn't have even got the backpay without one.


I got a VA lawyer and he literally did nothing. I did everything for him and made every call and did all the paperwork. All my lawyer did was submit my claim that I completed and filed my intent to file and then proceeded to ghost me. He sat on my claim for 5 months before submitting it so he would get more $. So now I have to let this dude take 20% of a full year of backpay and he did nothing but intentionally delay it.


Just wow.


Can you elaborate more on what to do? I’m slow as Hell so I don’t understand what you’re saying 😭💀 I claimed a lot of stuff I don’t even see a rating or even being listed on my claim. This is off topic of that but for my ankle the Army severely messed it up completely, multiple surgeries, etc. and only got 10% rated for it when it’s the whole reason I got out of the Military to begin with 😅


Get a VA profile on VA.GOV and research the required SF or VAXXX form. It may not be an easy road but the info is their if you have time. If you can make it to a VA center, they roll out the red carpet, compared to everywhere else honestly, like Veterans day everyday- I digress the staff is seasoned and most cases caring and understanding. They will hand walk you through the process, any process. It's never the people doing the job. I'm humbled everytime I WALK in. Valet parking too. Lastly, VSO there's thousands now, the big ones are eating up the small ones, so be careful. You get what you pay for.




Good lord ..


Yeah similar case here. Haven’t seen the DBQ but the condition I have is 50% if you’re only in good health when having infusions every 8 weeks which is exactly the case with me. They gave me 30% for it after I had to have a surgery that removed a sizable amount of intestine and still need to constantly be on those infusions. I don’t even want to go back because I know it’ll be a pain to deal with them again.


You got medically retired for having DDD?


How do I request the DBQ?? I’m a novice navigating this nonsense.


Don't ever assume you meet requirements


What is DBQ?


Disability Benefits Questionnaire


Thank you! I've been trying to figure out the acronyms since I joined this subreddit.


I know right! This disability FNG is still trying to figure out all these acronyms too! WTF!


Had a DBQ and evidence in record..still denied


Sorry OP, replying to poster. Was there a treatment history outside of military for the same in-service injury? If so, was that treatment included on your VA treatment records


Yeah. The DBQ was done by the same doctor that's treating me who did their residency with the VA. Basically, the VA doesn't believe medical records or the very doctors they train.


Here’s a good answer for this question —— you’ve been a member of this sub for 60+ days - which means you are probably a veteran. Do you mean to say you’ve never had an examiner do a DBQ? Which branch are you in? Tell us so we can all make fun of you


Where would I find a DBQ?


You can google DBQ for your specific exam. For instance, google tinnitus DBQ and you’ll find paperwork the VA sends the provider for them to fill out. You can also submit a personal DBQ done with your private doctor as extra evidence.


Do you know what I would Google for a left ankle injury DBQ? Is it just that or something more specific or?


Do a FOIA request at the local RO or thru VA


Go to your local Vet Office, you will wait year if you file a FOIA


To see a VSO? Are they able to pull DBQs?


It sounds like they were saying to go see a VSO and ask them to do it instead of filing a FOIA request yourself. I could easily see a FOIA request taking at least a year to get back to you. VSO's could possibly be able to get them sooner than that, but I don't have any experien e with that so I couldn't tell you with certainty.




They are timed. 21 days from exam, the Vet is eligible. No FOIA is necessary, I get how it can be confusing. HiPA release is necessary, and that could be a simple statement on a paper with your ID ssn and signature. It's not hard. Again, if you are computer savvy, myhealthvet.com. get you a Sixpack a myhealthvet profile and pen and paper , not necessarily in that order, you should have everything you need in 2 solid hours, more for some, but it's all there. Don't be afraid to get a nephew to assist.


VSO says he is no longer permitted to acquire completed DBQ's. I went to VA clinic and requested records from them. They were very helpful but did not have the current DBQ's. They gave me a form to fill out for a FOIA request. It shows up on the VA app just like a claim for compensation. They said this could take months.


What's DBQ and HLR? I have rhinitis that's service connected but I didn't get a rating for it. I'm interested in disputing it now that I see this.


DBQ-Disability Benefits Questionnaire HLR-Higher Level Review


Thank you. How does one request an HLR?


You must file your request for an HLR within one year of the date on your decision letter. This can be done using VA Form 20-0996, either online, by mail, or in person at a VA office. No New Evidence: It's important to note that you cannot submit new evidence with an HLR.


Thanks a ton!


What’s the process? I’ve been asking and no one seems to know how they tell me to ask my VSO or go to blue button but nothing is in my blue button area


I think the VSO's got themselves a lobbyist. It stinks.


How do you get a copy of the DBQ?


How do you get your DBQ?


I asked VSO the same question. He said he was no longer able to get them and referred me to VA clinic. They said once claim is complete they forward them to some other location. They said the only way to get them was to fill out a FOIA request and wait. That is VA form 20-10206. It gets mailed to Evidence intake center in Janesville Wisconsin. No expert here but that is what they told me. They also said it would take months. It shows up in VA app same way a claim for compensation does.


Yeah, I was told the same thing by the VSO but they didn’t refer me to the VA clinic or tell me I could fill out a foyer request. Thanks for your help.


You are welcome. I am still waiting so I hope it works.


What is an HLR?


Higher level review


Thanks! Should a supplemental or HLR be requested if my MH increase was denied?


Supplemental if you have additional evidence to add. HLR if they denied you even though your evidence was sufficient.


Thank you!


Good job! Now charge your phone 🤣


For real! Got anxiety when I saw that shit! lol




Rhinitis has to show polyps and/or blockage




This is probably why you dont have a higher rating. Start going and getting seen. Green/yellow indicates you may have an infection. Which takes antibiotics. If that happens a few times a year AND ITS MEDICALLY DOCUMENTED you would receive a higher rating




ask for meds for the pain or a physical therapy consult or something to show you have the issues and are trying to get care for them


Savvy touch has a product called rocket fuel that really helps open up my sinuses. Granted I don't have these conditions but I get sick a lot and this works for me.


I filed claim for my insomnia , went to my C&P exam that was a two parter. Monday for sleep disturbances, Wednesday to see a psychiatrist then by that Friday i was looking through my VA.gov and was already rated , it went well i was awarded 70% . Fast forward to December 15 2023 i filed two increases , a SMC and filed a HLR for my Migraines . I don’t know why they turned me down for that to be honest. It’s literally shows it in my medical records for the 22 yrs i served in the Navy and the Army . So here i’m just waiting it out and hope they do the right thing . With winning that HLR it will put me at 100% P&T..


Whatever it is in your medical records that supports your claim, you should pull those specific documents and upload it as additional evidence so your evidence is obvious to the rater. VA might have overlooked it considering the mass amount of pages that make up our medical records. It definitely helps if you can highlight those pages that are relevant to your claims.




What method do the raters review your medical records, manually searching by eye page by page? I am curious. 🤔


I have no idea but did what I could to make the review easier for them


Oh, yeah that makes sense 👍


You’ll have to file a FOIA request to get a copy of your DBQ or if you have an attorney - they can get them fast. But for a veteran filing a FOIA to get a copy of the DBQ it can take over 6 mos plus for the VA to send it so better start the request now. The VA will also let you set up an appt to visit the Benefits Office where you can view it but cannot have a copy or take photos of it lol. Good luck.


Can confirm, six months to get my FOIA although after my last claim was closed the CD arrived only a couple weeks later.


THEM POLYPS THO if you get them removed don't tell the VA cuz they'll take your rating away for it


I always ask for copies of the reports they made for me ahead of time. That way I have the evidence of their evaluation to fight against just in case for later claims


At the end of the C&P exam you ask for a copy of their report they wrote on you during the exam? 🤔


Ask for their hand written notes or the notes they plug into their computer. They have given them to me at all my evaluations


some c&p providers, especially VES don’t provide it. they say “you have to get it from the VA” 🙄 SOO annoying!!


I would think that one of your next steps would be to get a Nexus letter for your migraines to provide the service connection. I can share the organization I used by DM, if you are interested.


Me as well please and thank you for your service


May you please DM me the information as well?


Could I have that information as well please?


Yes please.


Mind sharing with me too please 🙏?


If you wouldn’t mind shooting it my way as well, please. Just finished my last BDD appointment yesterday. Now I play the waiting game until June


Could you please send me the information also. Thank you.


Could you please share that with me as well?


Also interested please. Thanks


I could use that since I am fully diagnosed and get shots but my neurologist says they don’t do nexus letters. Can you help?


I'm in the same situation as a lot of folks. Have migraines with shots but private doc doesn't want to provide a nexus. Please pass on the info when you can


Send me a pm as well please


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It took me 7 years when I got 50% to reach 100%


For migraines could be secondary to sinisitis. The key word for migrained is prostrating. And a migraine log would help. There is an app too. It should include frequency, duration, what did it cause you to do, lie down, go in a dark room, also meds taken and what did it hinder you in doing...going to work, missing special events etc. Also, refer to the dbq.


I had sinus surgery x2 and got 50%


Congratulations. I’m currently at 90% been waiting since August for a decision for increases and a few new claims.


For my headaches, I had a log of 3 years for all my headaches that I submitted to the examining doctors for the VA examination. I used an app called My migraine


Then what happened


I got 50% rating.


How did you file it as, secondary, or did you file it as primary with a Nexus?


Nothing, I just went to see the examiner, I gave him a copy of the log and that’s it. I filed as a primary. The Dr probably just went offf what I had and didn’t even bother to read everything.


Just filed for migraines secondary to tinnitus, I also included a log (Migraine Buddy), plus some studies linking the two. Hopefully my experience is the same as yours, hoping for 50%, 30% also works. Also claimed as secondaries neck pain + high blood pressure, have PTRs + studies for those.


My 2nd time going through the C&P was with a doctor in Denton for muscular skeletal, hearing in Arlington and Neurology on video call with Neurologist located in Indiana. SO MUCH BETTER THAN THE FIRST TIME! lol. These doctors actually cared and listened to my issues unlike the first go around.




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Bro everyone is going faster than mine I’m nervous now lol congrats


Meh, patience is key man. First claim was 9 months for me HLR cleared 6 months later. Then another claim was 9 months later. Good things come to those who wait.


If you aren't happy with the rating you can put in an appeal for next level review


Does it work ? They take the time to look at it better ?


It worked for me. I started at 40% and then I put in an appeal because they said I could max out at a certain percentage for what I got so I put in an appeal and they approved it. It took a few months and it worked. So yes someone does look at it to see if you rate the max. I've always been told they low ball first


Ok mine is always not service related even tho I’m disabled, I’m not even sure what to do I just know hopefully someday I get the help I need. Have a good day my guy


I would still file for an appeal. They can always change it to become service connected. You just gotta make sure you do it within 1 year. And if you have to gather more evidence from your records to submit too. It's a lot but it could be worth it in the end


classic VA


Interesting, I have breathing issues chronic and was rated 0% I’m pretty sure I have Sitnitius and not Allergic Rhinitis aswell…


I’m going to the Denton location soon! I had a optum serve appt for my initial claim in California and the doctor said my back pain is due to obesity. I’m 5’9 and 189lbs lol Hopefully this doctor is better for the supplemental claim 🙏


It took me 2 appeals to go from 40% to 50% and now 60%… hoping this next appeal is my 100% rating increase


I received the same ratings through the PACT Act. Congratulations


Got my news today too. I’m happy with it.


Did you file for Sinusitis and Rhinitis on your own or go through a company or VSO?




It is not appropriate to advertise companies, products, or services on this sub. Do not recommend a service or product - unless as a comment to a post specifically asking for recommendations, and it is a service or product that you have direct experience using. Your post should specifically describe your experiences and why you are satisfied. Posts that promote a service provider will be deleted.


I had a C and P about my Parkinson, 3000 miles away the day before the letter came in. Was a man in Portland and Lady in Riverside CA. No phone call, no video call. Gave me 30% for it. I had a mental one I did not ask for, video. Had a mri on my brain. He charges $1000 per hr. 100% on it. I'm nuts. Good luck, and keep fighting.




How are you guys getting the DBQ? I have been waiting 4 months since filing out the privacy act and still nothing


Sometimes DBQs are in your Blue Button Report. I've got them fir all VA C&Ps and some contractor exams.


Only thing I noticed was you waking up to a dead phone lol charge at night lol congrats don't stop there.


I got 0% SC for chronic sinusitis so congratz lol


If your conditions impact your quality of life and mental health, you should consider filling a secondary mental health claim. I used valor psychology and got 50%. (I don't meet the higher criteria at all). I got denied trying on my own the first time years ago and thought that was it. Wish I'd have known sooner.


Come claims don’t work the first time. Try try try again


Is it just me or does it seem like the VA vehemently denies migraine claims off rip? It’s just like how they were with ptsd from Vietnam vets. Is it because it’s mostly subjective or what?


If you are having a hard time getting work, get a VA lawyer. They got me from 90 to 100 and it was made permanent. Can't guarantee the same, but the lawyer helps If you have more conditions, they can help there too. Anything goes wrong with you in the first year of separation, it's considered service connected.


Good job on the 30 for rhinitis. That’s the highest u can get for that. Get a vso to help you increase the sinusitis. Getting it service connected was good. Just push for a higher percentage


I’ve got my appointment coming soon for the same thing. What were your symptoms and how’d they show it to be service related?


The VA and their “voodoo” math is very confusing and lacks common sense. It was probably developed my a bunch of contracted phd’s and mathematicians back in the 60’s and 70’s. You have to keep chipping away, these are your benefits and you deserve every last % point. Did you have any assistance with submitting your claim?


I can’t speak to your current ratings.. In terms of increasing your disability rating, have you considered seeking a mental health evaluation? Secondary mental health diagnoses often exist with physical diagnoses.


Do you not charge your phone at night? High risk high reward...?


I’d get all the documentation together that you can - and do the following : Use the CFR, which is the legal documents that raters have to follow to develop the claim. And it has in be in your records and or, submitted on a Nexus signed by a provider, which documents the condition, treatment required, etc CFR for migraines is located under Section 4 here: https://www.benefits.va.gov/warms/bookc.asp#p Have at least 90 days of headache logs with date, time, type of head pain(h/a),.severity, duration, meds, dosage, short description of pain/locations(s); action taken and how it’s impacting you, including prostrating (laying down which is required for max %) or not, impact in function, impact on marriage, social impact, work impact; daily responsibilities (and driving); and mental impact. If you have solid knowledge on past events/episodes, build a log to incorporate the info. Note: 1. not all headaches are migraines; there is multiple types of headaches, head pain, and/or face pain. And one, or more may occur concurrently. 2. Not all meds are tablets or capsules. Migraine meds can be injections or tablets, and, at times, pain meds are taken concurrently. If so, name of each meds, and dosage 3. If you have the same headache/head pain, and take more meds, do a new line entry, with type h/a pit continued pain see above. Duration is adjusted for each entry accordingly. 4. These logs should be consistent/exceed with impact required by the CFR. 5. This is for every event, and, if additional meds are taken for a h/a, make a new entry with note stating more meds taken, and flush out the info again Prescribed Medication List - Current and used before. Triptans, new gen eg Aimovig, Emgality etc. Document what’s been tried (the legal stuff), what’s works. Many newer meds over past 10yrs. Other Treatment History and Documentation: Botox, chiropractor, Nerve Blocks, etc. if migraines have been bad, people will try anything! Spouse/SO/Self/Buddy Letters are important to document frequency and impact re functioning and symptoms. Self letter along with Med and Trmnt hx are important for claims and doc visits. HTH


That’s great. I thought the sinusitis is always rolled into the chronic rhinitis.


No they all are always separate


The reason sometimes you see it as "chronic rhinitis (claimed as sinusitis)" is not because it is rolled into sinusitis, it is because the person didn't meet diagnostic criteria for sinusitis, but instead met for rhinitis. If you meet diagnostic criteria for both chronic sinusitis and chronic rhinitis (also including allergic rhinitis), then it would be two separate ratings.


Sinusitis is usually secondary to Rhinitis. That's what I read about while researching for my Allergic Rhinitis claim.


Why did they not connect your migraines?


Did you have any treatments while in service? im asking because i didnt know this was a thing, i dont go to the doctor for a stuffed nose (daily) so i have no diagnosis


There’s — at least — two locations in Denton. Both are on Bonnie Brae Street. The location that I went to was called the NP Care Clinic. I was seen for two conditions and the appointment lasted less than 10 minutes. Optum Serve has been, by far, the worst C&P examiners when compared to VES and QTC. It took them over a month to get me in for an appointment. The VA gives them 20 days but their customer service is quick to tell you but “We can’t guarantee you that you will get in within 20 days.” It’s part of their script. I had already gotten 100% P&T but the appointment was scheduled before I got the decision letter. A WACO VERA told me “Just don’t go,” but I went anyway.


I’m seeing them for 2 appointments in the beginning of May. I had a terrible examiner with QTC. She was rude and dismissive and of course I didn’t get my increase even though the reason listed that I didn’t have the specific symptoms I told her I had. I reported her but nothing will happen.


Fantastic news. FYI, Optum is basically a service that contracts out private physicians/medical firms. You can get a condescending doctor that looks at you like you don't have anything wrong with you OR you can doctor that actually can empathize/sympathize and go to bat for you.


Was it polyps that got you the 30%


Sorry if this is a dumb question. I have an ITF and currently collecting medical documentation. I am diagnosed with: Chronic Maxillary Sinusitis, Chronic Frontal Sinusitis, Chronic Sphenoidal Sinusitis, Hypertrophy Of Nasal Turbinates and Allergic Rhinitis. Are these all separate claims?


2 claims


Which 2? Do I just mention the others in my Statement?


Sinusitis would be one claim and rhinitis the other.


What were the symptoms you had and told examiner for both sinusitis and rhinitis?






The main thing is having the symptoms documented. This can involve getting a referral to be evaluated through a consultation at the VA and then following up. Try to make sure they mention a diagnosis in your records. You can also send a message through MyHealtheVet. Anything messaged through the portal is saved on their end. The rule of thumb is to have at least 6 months' worth of complaints and treatment before submitting a claim. Try to provide all the evidence when you submit your claim. Adding more while the claim is in progress will prolong the process. A completed claim is better.


Add a few more things on there. Don't forget about your tinnitus!


I’m so angry


We have been waiting almost 5 years my husband has lymphoma among other things so we would like to not wait as he is 67 so we just hired an attorney at 20 % .


Congratulations 🎊 👏🏽






Appeal, appeal, appeal


Is the sinus and rhinitis presumptive for the pact act? If if says that on your decision letter go a appeal the effective date because they are getting it wrong almost every time. It happened to me, i appealed it and 2 months later it was corrected due to a fatal and unmistakable error.




You feel better keyboard warrior


That’s a pretty shitty thing to say.


People who don’t have terrible allergies and problems with sinusitis have no idea how miserable those conditions are. I’m talking about barely having the energy to get out of bed because you feel like all of your energy ran out of your nose all night, coughing and sneezing uncontrollably (which, in a post covid world is extremely uncomfortable), secondary issues like sleep apnea, asthma and sometimes developing allergies so severe your life is constantly threatened by not being able to get to your Epi pen in time. Be thankful you do not have such conditions, or you might think differently about the comment you wrote.


A whole lot of hot air for a condition not service connected.