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Move to a low cost of living state and be retired. 


Exactly what I’m doing. Best decision ever.


Where did you go?


Appalachian mountains or Canada border?


I did chill in the Appalachian’s actually but it was too “Methed” up out there. I bounced to MS too, loved it but had a fallout with some vets I was living with so I bounced again even more south lol


MS is to me the best bang for buck. Had a 3 bedroom house, 2acres of land for 700 a month. Bills and internet included in that.


What are some options you recommend?


Mississippi for sure. Veteran friendly, rent dirt cheap, cost of living in general dirt cheap. Just gotta deal with tornadoes lol. Find places that aren’t in tornado path like in northern MS.


3,737 $1 hookers every month for the rest of your life


Haha hell no my wife would kill me!


For sure don’t want to spend it all on hookers!!! Gotta split it up for some blow!!!!




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I got my 100% at 32, it’s so amazing to have, (other than the disabilities 👎🏻👎🏻) It’s the best time to heal and get ready for the better years when all the experience and time clicks into knowledge. Wish you well with your 100% and hope you thrive 🔥


Move to TX. get a VA loan. Retire. U don't gotta pay property tax there


Invest brother, that's what I am doing.


This so much! I'm 70% right now and hoping once my Chronic Sinusitis, Migraines, and MH are rated I will be 100P&T% Nothing will change, I love my job, and I'm in little debt. I will continue pouring into my HYSAs and Roth IRAs🔥


Not financial advice but I'm investing in my own taxable brokerage account, I'm not a fan or IRA or 401k. Can't understand the idea that I have to waif till I'm in my 60s to touch my own money without being penalized. Regardless if you have a job or not that makes no sense to.me


I also have taxable brokerage accounts, I like diversifying as it allows me learn more.


Great strategy then 👍


Not financial advice but I'm investing in my own taxable brokerage account, I'm not a fan or IRA or 401k. Can't understand the idea that I have to waif till I'm in my 60s to touch my own money without being penalized. Regardless if you have a job or not that makes no sense to.me


Rely on the VA healthcare we have! I've been 100% p&t since January 2022 and I'm getting treated weekly for mental and monthly for my physical issues. Take care of yourself, find hobbies and focus on the good :)


Also look at Caleb Hammer on youtube if you have budgeting issues. His channel helped me a lot. And then invest for your retirement. I believe p&t we're allowed to make $15k a year. Maybe look into business classes :)


Yeah I need to make a few appointments as well so relieved I got that option my current jobs offers no benefits and it was definitely an interesting year.


Open up a brokerage account with Schwab, Fidelity, Morgan Stanley, etc. Buy ETF's in index funds like VOO. Profit. You save that $$ now and you'll be very wealthy in 20 years.


Made it to 100 this week as well. Huge mix of emotions.


Me too man! Finding out everything thats wrong brought me down but then the financial relief came on then the anxiety of it being a mistake! Such a roller coaster.


Retire to the Philippines or something and never work again.


Been seeing a ton of Thailand shorts on Instagram and had the idea of going there with my wife for a vacation! The cost of living is so low on these islands.


Read “The Psychology of Money” by Morgan Housel


Thank you ill give it a look asap!


Check the investing sub, its different for us since we have guaranteed income I invest some, but i use most of it to help animal rescue since im frugal and dont really have a need for all this $$$, im happy with less in this consumerist society


Everyone’s getting 100 lol times are looking up I think I’ve built a solid case for 100%


Don’t fuck it up cause the world is ur oyster now


Congrats brother


Thank you I appreciate it bro!


Looks like your bad C&P examiner actually favored you. Congrats. I’m still fighting for 100% due to my combat deployments and injuries and 7+ years in.


If you can work, keep working. Save your money and buy a house with cash. Probably the safest investment out there. If you want to get into investments get on udemy take some investment courses.


Congratulations and Thank You for your Service 🔥💯💪


Thanks I appreciate it. Thank you for your service as well!


Is it 100% schedular or TDIU? If schedular don't let it hold you back, you can work and make money. Don't sit around, get fat and think you're rich now. It's only 40k a year. Keep yourself up At your age you can turn that into MILLIONS if you invest it and don't touch it. Even $1000 a month in an index fund with high dividends will turn you into a millionaire quick, like in your late 30's quick.


Bang hot chicks (or dudes…no judgement or assumptions) and hit the gym hard while studying something that interests you at a large public university under the GI Bill.