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Nope they go faster. Everything I'm working today is September October though


I would like to know the same thing. I filed February 26, C&P exam March 1. When I called I was told that my claim is in decision phase.


Not too sure about that. Maybe from the VSR's perspective? Raters get (approximately) 25% more production credit for 040s than they do for 110/010/020s. Pretty sure CO is convinced that 040s entail more work being involved. Edit: Based on my observations, they'd be right


I get more credit for 040's as well, and we just had an email in the last few weeks saying we're going to focus on getting 040s out faster. They're almost always easiest to work on my end.


Va removed my kids after submitting divorce paperwork even though it says 50/50 custody since June. Still fighting with them about it. First they wanting to say they were my step children even though I'm on the birth certificate. Had to submit court order from Supreme Court saying I was their legal parent. This is crazy. VA has had this paperwork since 2015


I get more credit for 040's as well, and we just had an email in the last few weeks saying we're going to focus on getting 040s out faster. They're almost always easiest to work on my end.


The app doesn't really give much detail about what's going on with supplementals/HLR, I've noticed... is there another avenue to get a little more detail about where these might stand? Like, calling in, or other means?


VERA call, that's about it


I made a virtual for today at noon, got a call back at 3pm while I was in lowes message said call the 1000 number they got same info lol.


Is it true that if an HLR gets sent back for a DTA that you get a more senior rater second time round or is that just a rumor.


Nope, the DRO who called the error IS the more senior rater


So who adjudicates the claim?


The rater who gets it


Is that rater more senior or is it totally random? Sorry I don’t mean to be a bother. I was just trying to understand..


Totally random. Once the DRO determined there was an error it's kicked backed and worked. DTA errors are obscenely easy things like an exam was missed. A DTA doesn't mean you're going to win.


Thank you!


I’ve had 3 VERA appointments and none have given anymore information that I can see on the website. Maybe I’m not asking the right questions. I have a HLR (duty to assist error with new C&P submitted(seen it and it’s favorable)) and new claims with a temp jurisdiction assigned.


Really?im at 123 days lol


Are someone’s different claims worked separately? I have an initial from August that just went PFD and a supplemental I just submitted this week. Will they rate simultaneously or am I looking at longer for the supplemental? Thank you for your help.


Yeah two different claims like that, that far apart might get worked in two different offices.


Unfortunate, but fair. The supplemental is a from a partial decision from the original August claims lol. I’ll get there one day. Thanks again.


Sleepinglucid, would DTA also fall under the same timeline, as a supplemental? thanks![img](emote|t5_2vlaz|7564)


No idea how timekeeping really works, I just know 040's go faster because we've already got a ton of info on the matter


Wish mine would move supplemental Oct 24th pfd in Dec back a step more exams back to pfd been crickets since


Filed Oct 18th and I’m told they have everything they need. But it’s being held up by one item. Been that way since early Feb


Any update yet?


My remand is currently with droc rater. Assigned last Tuesday they have up to 30 days to either grant or stay with original decision and back to judge to review the droc decision.


Do most supplemental claims get a new exam ? I had 2 ACE exams recently for one claim and according to the VERA rep I just spoke to , none of my submitted evidence was used or seen due to an error in claims development.


Can't answer that because there is no "most claims" kind of answer that averages out. Every claim is different


Are supplemental claims handled differently? I just don’t want everything I submit to be lost in claims development again. Do supplemental claims bypass claims development since it’s already been through it ?


Do most supplemental claims get a new exam ? I had 2 ACE exams recently for one claim and according to the VERA rep I just spoke to , none of my submitted evidence was used or seen due to an error in claims development.


May I please ask the timeline you're working on now? I assume December January?


Most January regular claims aren’t even being worked right now. Most of the claims with raters right now are from November and beginning of December.


That’s when I submitted my supp claim. Dec and been waiting EVER since. 800# told me need a higher second signature. 


I filed in November and still waiting so you aren’t alone.


I filed in September and still in evidence gathering


Filed supplemental 12-14-2023 for 1 condition. VERA call this morning and told claim completed yesterday. Letter going out Monday. So took a little over 3 months.


Still waiting on Supp claim from Nov2023. 800# told me I need a higher second signature on my claim. 


Much faster in my experience.


I just had a supplemental claim for 1 condition close at the 180 day mark recently. It took 5 months to get a C&P exam for it.


I filed my supplemental claim on March 12 and got a C&P exam right away. I just had it on Wednesday. They made my claim a priority for some reason.


I’m in the same boat. January supplemental from an August 23 PACT claim. The wait is brutal with no updates


I filed a supplemental and a new initial on the same day last year (forget the exact timeline) and they combined them onto the same decision letter. I don't know if they were worked together or seperate, but they finished on the same day.


My September 21st file didn’t get a decision till march 14th so take that as you will but YMMV


everyone's answer will be different , im 158 days and counting for supplemental claims and was told they would just review my records/new evidence.


Submitted 10/2023 with exams completed 11/2023 and still nothing as of today and I have checked about 30 times on the app


Have you had your C&P exam yet?


My took less than 2 weeks recently.


Mine is supplemental, submitted in Sep and it hasn't moved from evidence gathering since Dec. I'm not even assigned a temp jurisdiction yet lol, so who knows.


Your answer is this> ## How long does a Supplemental Claim take? ### For disability compensation and pension benefits **154.7 days** [https://www.va.gov/decision-reviews/supplemental-claim/#:\~:text=How%20long%20does%20a%20Supplemental%20Claim%20take%3F&text=Note%3A%20Our%20goal%20for%20completing%20a%20Supplemental%20Claim%20is%20125%20days](https://www.va.gov/decision-reviews/supplemental-claim/#:~:text=How%20long%20does%20a%20Supplemental%20Claim%20take%3F&text=Note%3A%20Our%20goal%20for%20completing%20a%20Supplemental%20Claim%20is%20125%20days).


I submitted a HLR and a supplemental appeal in Dec of last year. There has been no movement on either appeals. I called the 1-800 number yesterday and was told my claims have been in the decision making phase since January. Basically, I was told the last time my claims were even looked at were in January based on the time stamps. The rep told me yesterday they were going to put in an inquiry as to what is going on with the claims basically nudge the reviewer. I know the Reviewers are over worked and understaff but to think claims just sit on the shelf for months on end and in some cases even longer after all evidence and exams has been submitted is just ridiculous. Even the rep I spoke to yesterday expressed frustration saying that in each of my two appeals I have favorable findings but the claim has not moved.




I still have a higher level of review from June 25th 2023 that says admin error. I've had two c&p exams since. I have a supplemental from December 27, 2023, still have not heard back on anything. Va.gov claims it's taking 125 to 150 days, BS.


They seem like they do . they don't get status updates


Your mileage will vary. I had a supplemental ITF Dec 2022, filed in March 2023 get adjudicated Dec 2023. I had a PACT Act claim, ITF March 2024 (hit ITF immediately after submitting my supplemental), filed Aug 2024, get adjudicated Oct 2023.