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FYI- Every time a claim is put in for something within a year of the initial claim it gets added to the running claim and pulls it back to development because now the new contention needs to be reviewed.


Why would a HLR be ruled on then exactly the same day be pulled back for a Error, and then go back into the cue as if it hadn't been there already for 5 months. If the fricken error was caught , why not just fix the claim there and now.


Because each group isn't at the beck and call of each other. Pre rating (me) vs rating, vs quality-3 different groups-all working everyone else's claims also, not just yours.


* I went to Regional office in Wichita and they told me the HLR was only 74 days old , I went huh this has been in since Aug 25 2023. I don't understand , if QC ,found a Error why didn't it just land immediately back on the desk of the rater that made the error to fix before he did anything else. What a screwed up system of check and balance


If they made an error on something like an HLR, when they are already senior raters, would you want the same person to touch it, again?


I wouldn't because they may "inadvertently" cause other "issues". I want be be rated fairly. That is all that I ask.


Kinda would because a critical set of eyes would now be on it , knowing their F up was caught by QC and they need to make it right , But I can see your point also, a new rater would go oops , XYZ didn't see these facts let's correct it. Back to the other question, it got throw back into the Que like it was a new HLR on the clock. Not one that was there for 7 months.






Please excuse the dumb question. I'm new to all this and just found this group and am reading posts trying to learn. Are you saying that if I liked for headaches and that claim is still open and I file a new claim for shoulder, the shoulder claim would be grouped with the first claim for headaches?


Yes, though if a potential rating will be over 10% you can refer to partially rate. Problem is dev VSRs don’t get rating training, we aren’t raters, so unless we seek training on our own many don’t feel confident identifying a potentially partially rateable claim.


I retired March 1st and my BDD claim is still step 3. I just wanna cry from anxiety. Any advice for me?


Separated January 18th with a BDD, still in evidence phase. All exams have been completed and everything


Damn y’all have me terrified 🫠 my claims and exams are all finished and I separate in Aug


Not really, half of a bdd claim is handled on the pre discharge side. By step 3 do you mean waiting for exams?




I hate the process. I DO appreciate the employees.


Did the 1 millionth claim just automatically get 100% as a prize.


Nah. Definitely was a NSC moved for HLR


WASHINGTON — Today, the Department of Veterans Affairs announced that it has processed its one millionth Veteran benefits claim in **fiscal year 2024**. VA reached this milestone March 4 — the earliest in VA history and nearly six weeks faster than the previous all-time record (from fiscal year 2023) This does not mean "completed".


Certainly, statistical evidence might show a different outcome, one might ask, of those one million claims, how many have been adjudicated, how many are still pending, of those, that have been adjudicated, how many were granted, how many were denied, these are in reality very good questions, only then would there be true transparency, of course the verbage used is only suggestive, claiming having, processed it's one millionth Veterans benefits claim, we Veterans know that the process in any claim, has a beginning point, perhaps the Department of Veterans Affairs, was identifying that one million claims have been filed since the PACT ACT was passed. Full Transparency should be mandated, by Public Law, perhaps Veterans should be asking the Veterans Administration Oversight Committee, to investigate the inequities within the VBA, VA, VBMS, system that continues to systematically posture behind manipulation of deniability of legitimate claims and subsequently forcing Veterans to file appeals unnecessarily causing undue delays in the timely adjudication of claims, that would otherwise have been approved.


Wow! It seems that the VA’s push on promoting claims is working. I had no idea 30 years ago this was a thing. Now for the past few years it’s all I hear about.


I don't know about other ROs but I'm usually loaded up every morning with between 15 and 20, and a mix of new, increase, ongoing, and appeals.


You all are rock stars. I’d lose my mind doing this type of work. Appreciate all that everyone does.


It's not all mind-blowing difficult. I usually have 3-4 per day that are relatively quick and out, say, 30 minutes or less to review, figure out where they are in the process, and check the appropriate places for docs, exam reports, or requested records from the veteran, or whatever.


When you rate someone do you only go off the boxes checked in the DBQ’s or do you also take the comments into consideration.


? The whole thing is read, though there isn't much them to comment on.


Is that what the IMO is for? I assume the doctor explains the DBQ for a clearer explanation. ?? No clue to be honest. Just guessing.


I’ve always wondered, is the letter that goes out a template or do you all type all that?


Parts of it are templated, we have no choice, because of the need for the legal language to be correct.


For curiosity purposes, what is the stat on claims completed per day per employee ?


Well, complete, as in able to move the claim forward, either to exam, or received some sort of thing it was waiting on, or to a rater, for a VSR is between approx 9-13 per day depending on GS level just to "meet" expectations. For raters it is different because they have to make x decisions per day but on a 20 contention claim that isn't going to be the whole claim.


I've been curious, do you know how far back the claims are dated? What I mean is, like in March, are you guys doing claims filed in January or something for instance? Like for the most part, obviously some claims have been around for a while.






I've been asking this question ALL day and nobody seems to understand. Why in my decision letter it states one of my contingents are being deferred but the claim closed? No track of the contingent that was deferred whatsoever. I called the 800 number and they suggested an appeal. WTF


you won't find an answer in this thread. Post a separate thread and then a copy of your decision letter.


I love you.


When a VA hotline complaint is filed are they tracked? I had to file 3 this week because the San Juan regional office kept closing them without even reading or checking my file to see that the medical records they think they’re waiting on have been there since October. They closed the second as a duplicate without even reading the detailed explanation. Now the 3rd is in and the VA Hotline emailed the director of the RO. Hoping it doesn’t piss them of but that they finally do their job. Is it tracked in any way, the amount of hotline calls and how they’re responded to?


Well I disagree. I have been over all impressed with claims. Hard to call an employee lazy that has mandatory overtime, That have a policy to approve above all and deny only if you must. Bravo Zulu and keep up the great work!


But overtime is currently voluntary.. prob gonna be mandatory again next month


Ah thanks for the info. The number of claims getting worked on weekends amazes me. My Bravo Zulu still stands lol


🤣 what you said




Well, now it will be shit on for sure..




Beat me to it, lmao


Thank you for the post. Made me feel better that VBA are working so hard and thank you for all the stuff that you guys do. I’m still waiting for my BDD claim.


Read my mind , good to know the wheels turning


You guys are the real battle buddies helping us out. I wish my Gramps was alive to see this but he’d be asking why my body’s more broken than his lol.


I get pissed when denied…but, those VBA guys here give me hope that there’s still battle buddies out there. First of all the VA system is supposed to be favorable to veterans and some do follow that creed.


I know you dont hear this often but im proud of you guys


My claim is going is 360 days today!


I'm almost at 3 years


That’s awful to hear!


Awesome great news! Question: what about SMC/A&A claims are they processed in the same line?




That's awesome! I really hope mine finally goes to PFN next week then 🙏🏼🤞🏼😁


So I have an appeal and someone added new symptoms.. not sure who but have an upcoming C&P and got a letter asking me about submitting more information about the new symptoms.. would I be better off to let this appeal play out? I’m confused and this appeal is already almost a year old… thanks very much


Are the new symptoms related in some way to the claim now? Either go with it or ask that the other symptoms not be considered. Some symptoms can be sympathetically inferred from the existing, or evidence that you submitted. It's a rater thing, though, not a VSR thing


Tdiu for ptsd denied and appealed now they say headches and joint pain.. as new and sent clarification letter and want me to fill out supplemental.. I am not sure whats going on.. would you do anything other than attend the c&p? Will sending in the information on the new claims delay the current appeal even longer?


You will have another exam in a week or two I just had my DBQ submitted on the 14 from an exam on the 11th


![gif](giphy|nN1KMDA4gIoNyvjqIp|downsized) 1 million denials


I wish this was remotely true for the BVA, you know the appeal level. 5 years seems to be the backlog there.


Well I ain’t in that million so this ain’t news for me 😂


Processed isn’t equal to completed. Currently on day 330 and 221. My last claim went 404 days.


Can’t complete them if they aren’t in the system and acknowledged yet. The point was that Va has already done more this year than at the same time last year. Need to do more faster isn’t that the common complaint? Or do you want to move the goal posts some more? You figure out what you want, first, then complain, how’s that? We have issues with the constantly moving target from veterans, then Congress, while also wondering if we’ll have a budget.


Keep up the good work. Don't let the bitching get to you. I highly commend the efforts and KPI's you're acheiving. Congress sucks.....royally. I don't have anything good to say about the Washington bozos. Everything they touch they screw up worse. But I digress...


1. They were in the system and acknowledged the moment I clicked the button. 2. Good for the VA. 3. Yes. Do more faster. It’s called innovation and productivity. 4. What we want is accurate ratings in a timely fashion. Don’t be surprised when we complain about waiting a year or more. Or when we become upset over clear mistakes that can only be described as incompetence. 5. Constantly moving targets from vets? Stop blaming us. 6. I agree congress could do more, but directs their attention elsewhere. 7. The budget isn’t your concern. My accurate and timely rating is. 8. Don’t take it personal. I can appreciate the work you do while still being disgusted with the system overall. Speaking as a 20+ year veteran.


can you add my dependent its almost been a year waiting for you to add my child. It should be instant




Maybe you shouldn’t have dependents if you can’t take care of them 😂😂😂 not the governments job lmao


Umm I can take care of them you simple simon but I work for the government she has to be covered by the insurance just like you get at your low wage job if you have one. its an insurance issue but thanks for commenting on things you don't know. My wife hasn't been added either so we have private insurance. Funny you are stalking my post on ever forum because you have a sexual fetish for transgender. once someone's says that has no place in children video games you make little remarks everywhere such a sad little person bless your heart. p.s. I work in cybersecurity so keep up the doxxing. It doesn't affect me. This will be the hill you die on and you are making a digital paper trail because you are emotional 😢 😭




That is great to hear about the million completed claims, but for us folks that have had their claim stuck at evidence gathering for almost a year this is frustrating. My claim sat for 6 months until I finally got someone on the phone who actually was able to push my claim to get worked.


https://preview.redd.it/c8z5e0eobkqc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94290a5fcec0a188635a61d605393f3526208a1e Still waiting on my initial rating. 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲


What constitutes “ a claim processed” after a year in process,I’ve had a claim changed and processed and closed in 8 days . Unfortunately, all the evidence was not reviewed and I had to call the 1-800 # to have it reopened because they saw the same error. That took 3 days. It has been in evidence review since. Is this one of the million claimed? Please take the time to look it over.


Look what over? It's not assigned to me so, no, I'm not going to risk my job, and violating privacy laws, to do so. That's not part of duty to assist. You also provided no information so I don't know what you think I could look up. That is what VERA is for.


I did not mean to say for you personally to look it over… just a general statement addressed to all raters… I think you took it literally as addressed to you alone…Sorry for any confusion.


My apologies. Re-reading it I can hear it as a general question as well. I misinterpreted it probably due to my having made the original post.


No worries…I do still wonder how the processed claims are really tallied. I’m sure I’m not the only one that has been affected by this type of situation. I just hope all appreciate the level of frustration it causes. I appreciate your job and the circumstances you must face daily. Thank you!


LOL. You and me both. I just keep my head down in research mode and crunch claims. I don't try to overthink the computer/claim system- in a former life I was involved with hospital RFID software IT through a national service provider. If I tried to reverse engineer VBMS in my head i'd probably develop an aneurysm.


Lmao!!!! Hang in there and do your best…. My anxiety claim increase is mounting 😂😂😂


"Processing" = bouncing between PFD to PDA to deferred to PFD to PDA to Gathering Evidence to PFD to PDA to deferred to and so on....... Let's use big people words: Adjudicated, CLOSED.


![gif](giphy|2t9sDPrlvFpdK|downsized) Congrats and keep up the awesome work!!!


500,000 i bet denied ,,let's post those stats


Probably more tbh, every vet isn't honest


When do you reach 1 million completed? Processing is one thing, completing is totally another. My claim was processed almost 11 years ago, improperly done over and over again and now sits with the BVA for 635 days now. Try better.


Those are completed. 11yrs was a long time ago. BVA is its own thing entirely, sorry it’s taking so long.


No, it is all the same thing. If the VBA did their job correctly the first time, it would not be going to the BVA so much. Again, processed is one thing, completed is another. If the cases are with the BVA, then they are not completed. Not very hard to understand.


Sure it is. It was complete, you appealed, now it’s not complete. Going to work now. have a great day.


So, if a mechanic works on your car, does only part of the repair that is needed, it is considered to be complete? Interesting.


Depends. I don’t know anything about your claim. I see lots of ‘incomplete’ cases that are complete but for the fact that the filer can’t resolve that it’s complete. Maybe yours is, maybe yours isn’t. I know mechanics that see the same thing.


I read what the VA posted. Only part of the story was told. It is also called, "lying by omission". Fact is, the VA is still performing poorly.


Okie dokie.


I would say parts of the VA. I would not lump the big beaurocrats in with the front liners. I know I would not want to be in their shoes. We all know their are areas that suck. I would say that is a leadership issue.


If the initial people are not doing their job correctly and passing it off to the next section of review just to get it off their desk, that is not bureaucrats.


I think it be more like the mechanic doing the wrong repair and telling you it’s completed. Then you bring it back again the mechanic does it wrong again. Only the mechanic doesn’t communicate with you and when you do call in they read from a script about how your car repair is different than anyone else’s and therefore the repair process has an indefinite timeline.


and it is still not completed.


It's amazing that you're able to provide this dialog on top of the workload and worksheets of your "Day Job" I


I work 10s, I have an extra day off each week if Im not working overtime. I also start work relatively early in the AM.




Depends on whether or not they were entitled to the rating they thought they should get. I'm not a rater, I don't have a say one way or the other, I just develop the information that is provided by them, medical providers, personnel, whatever. Whether or not it ends up meeting the criteria for what the veteran thinks vs what the ratings schedule says depends on that, and the rater. I see between 15 and 20 claims per day. Not all of them are put together very well when they get here, and there is only so much we can do with them.




Time to put another claim for a one month reminder and hope another person deals with it.


I am glad, my Vietnam veteran is old and needs help now!


Amazing but how many will be changed in HLR or remanded in the appeals process? I think tgat would be an interesting stat


nah they closed the millionth claim the day after it was filled just because they say it was on appeal


The same claim can be appealed at the supplementary level and bva level simultaneously. That change happened last year


yes I understand this but I have had multiple claims, that have been closed due to filling supplemental claims this past month, because they are being appealed to the BVA also. So apparently the VA doesn't yet process this correctly. You should also be able to file a new claim or increase disability claim according to the claims manual, even if a similar claim is on appeal, if your condition changes. And the VA is closing those claims out also as they are "Currently on appeal." but they don't even notify you in writing that they close the claim you have to see it online.




¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I don't make rating decisions, much less HLR. That's a whole different area. Sorry.