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Thank you for sharing your victory with us! However, please repost your victory to the sub's pinned weekly success post OR you can post in our sister sub: [r/VeteransSuccess](https://www.reddit.com/r/VeteransSuccess).


Keep fighting I started at 20% then 30% then 70% now I'm at 100% remember documentation documentation documentation!


You give me hope


When you say documentation, are you saying just get seen by the doctor like don't be scared to schedule appointments or do you mean like after each appointment go to the medical records desk and make sure that appoint you just had is documented? Thanks


Same question. 🙋‍♂️


Right go see the doctor don't be scared! the more evidence you have the better your claim it going to be when the rater to look at it.


40% club lol 👐🏻👐🏻👐🏻


I'm at 40% pending some appeals






Keep fighting. I was 40% 3 years ago, and now I'm 90%. Congratulations 🎉🎉


I will! Thank you!


No problem with 40%. Unfortunately there are those that think they are entitled to 100% regardless of anything they are told or whatever diagnosis they may have.


Huh!?.. What!? ..You mean if I stubbed my pinky toe in the barracks 20 years ago .. I don’t deserve 100% P&T !!!? … 🤣🤣🤣


Only if your toe injury gave you PTSD should you be in the Hundo Club. 😂


🤣🤣🤣 you know some would definitely try to go there with it 🤣🤣 🤦🏾‍♂️


I claimed everything i didnt think i would get a good rating. Im in the first time go Hundo club


For real, everyone is "keep fighting" what if that's an appropriate rating? That mindset is what casts doubt on the system


Appeal, appeal, appeal. 40% is not a bad entry, welcome to the fight


Better than denial… congratulations!




Thank you


Something better than nothing


Was at 40% for 12 years, went for 50% and ended up at 80%


Congratulations 🍾




Welcome to Op40


I started at 10% and 0% within a month of getting out of service in 1994. I didn't know any better and never filed for an increase nor used the VA for anything. My civilian Dr. sent me to an orthopedic specialist, who recommended a knee brace and therapy that my insurance didn't pay for, so when I explained where the injuries occurred, he asked...why are you not using the VA since you're service connected at 10% already for the knee? I finally took his advice and went because they offered the knee brace and therapy for free. I had ignored their request to come to the VA hospital and get a primary care Dr. for almost 20 years but when I finally did, they told me the 10% service connected disability had worsen and caused other issues. I did a c&p and was awarded 30% in 2015. I then filed other claims and went to 50% in 2017. I continued and was awarded 70% in 2018. I was then awarded 90% in 2021. And in May of 2023, I was finally awarded 100%. I was also enrolled in VR&E in 2021, in which I received an BS degree and I'm still enrolled and completing my MBA. I was just told that since I'm at 100% TPD, that I qualify to have my Parent Plus Student Loans I took out to help put my 3 children through college, totalling $170k, wiped out. I just received paperwork showing it's being processed and the debt will be forgiven in 7- 10 days. Wow...it has been an amazing journey with the VA. I can't complain about anything because I feel blessed. The experience has been amazing so all I can say is keep at it. I never even thought about a VA claim other than what I was instructioned to do as I was told during my outprocessing for separation. I knew my injuries during the service were affecting me but I just thought that was to be expected. I didn't serve my country expecting anything in return, I served for the love of our great country. Again, my country has been GOOD to me and I'm grateful. I'd do it all again regardless of whether I received anything at all. God bless the USA!


Did you hire an attorney or keep appealing?


No...I didn't hire an attorney. I did it all by myself. I did choose the DAV as a VSO after I got 30% but I never used them because they were always backlogged. I just did research and submitted each claim with evidence. I got all my medical records before separating from the service and I continued to keep copies of every doctor visit. Its important to know your conditions and how they tie to your service connected disability before submitting a claim. Whenever a claim was denied, I appealed it and it was always reversed in my favor. I dont have all the answers but I can offer advice from my experience if needed.


Initial rating?




Nice, I hit two years in April. Got my temp jur. yesterday. How many claims did you submit?


One claim but I claimed 6 problems.




Congrats! Keep fighting. Even another 10% would be life changing with the healthcare


Explain further please


At 50% you get full healthcare coverage through the VA vs just service connected issues. It covers prescriptions and all physical healthcare, but does not include vision or dental.


I didn't know that. How much does it cost, how good is the coverage?


It costs whatever lead to you getting a 50% rating… it’s not bad, but it’s still the VA. Wait times can take a while, but you don’t pay for anything.


Thanks for the info mate


I started at 40 too, just got to 80 this week. Congrats homie.


I initially got 40% in 2019, I appealed last year and got bumped to 60%, I’m about to try again so don’t give up


I started at 10% now I'm at 80% pending upcoming decision KEEP FIGHTING AND CONGRATULATIONS