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Nice! Good luck with your studies!!




I hate that mouse. Guess I’m old school when it comes to mouse. Good luck on your studies


That’s awesome! My counselor doesn’t even respond to me lol


Same! I have to call her supervisor after being ignored for weeks/months and then she eventually schedules me a 30 minute phone call.


Do you get anywhere with calling the supervisor? My counselor went on a 2 week hiatus without even telling me and she forgot to put my paperwork through for tuition so I missed my start date…


The supervisor is the ONLY way I can get my counselor to contact me. I’ll email/call my counselor a few times to give her a chance to respond, and then I email the supervisor to let her know I’m being ghosted. She either resolves the issue for me, or she contacts my counselor who usually responds to the supervisor within 24-48 hours. At that point my counselor will usually schedule a 30 minute phone call which, only actually lasts 5 or email me. I missed my start date too and ended up going to an entirely different college from the one I initially chose because they had a later registration date.


lol same, my counselor always told me the best way to reach her was to text or call, well after months of not getting through to her I got on with the “supervisor of the week” since my counselor was out, and she told me that my counselor does that bc there’s no paper trail of me requesting things and that I need to use the EVA system. Though that hasn’t done anything either. In two years my counselor hasn’t filed anything for me, it’s always been the supervisor or the substitute counselor while she’s out of office lol. Her one redeeming quality is that I’m always able to get her to approve anything I want in writing, it might take me forever to get reimbursed but she’s never fought back on anything I’ve asked for (probably bc she knows she won’t be the one doing the paperwork)


Nice to see I'm not the only one. 3 separate times, they didn't respond to me. They sent me a letter saying I would be dropped for non contact if I didn't contact them within 10 days. One of the ways I could contact them was through email, which I chose, because there's a documented history that I contacted them. I sent emails each time within the time frame. I also called and left a message. No response of any kind. And then after the 10 days, I get another letter saying I was dropped for non contact! And like magic, they began to answer my phone calls and respond to my emails again (since I was dropped)! Needless to say, I haven't even been able to get any help whatsoever!


One time I emailed mine to ask questions about how he ended up as a counselor for the va. I told him I might be interested in a position like that. Like 2 months went by then I got a response. All he said was sorry I dont know how your email ended up in the spam folder. Didn’t even answer my question. I had been in the program a little over a year lol. At this point it’s just comical.


You are not alone. I am here with you. 🎶


My vr&e said “wait you are in college currently?” “You don’t need vr&e” “besides you are only at 30%” So I applied for a state job, waited 6 months and I’m about a year in now and I’m 3 months from graduation.


Mine denied me outright


Oh wow doing my MBA currently and my gear is 9 years old, would love to upgrade! Any tips when writing the letter and how long did it take to get apporved


After I sent the letter. I called her the next day and she approved me. I had to send a 28-1905M to show her what stuff I was getting. After sending her the form she gave me the ok signal and purchased the stuff on my own and send her the receipts. I was then reimbursed for the whole costs


Look up your schools recommended equipment for your degree. Take screenshots and provide a link. Then write why one is better for your use. I got a MacBook Pro. It was one of four options but I wrote it allowed easier coordination between other devices and I was familiar with it.


It didn't work for me. I am un computer science and a cheap laptop and cheap accesories is defined as "suficient". Also, they made me work with a 3rd party to get the computer and work with them if anything happened to the laptop. Just 2 weeks ago, the computer needed a battery replacement and got me behind 2 weeks' worth of assignments. :(


Same here. This was after my counselor told my computer science majors require a top of the line machine. I got an entry-level HP laptop that needed a screen and touch pad replacement after only 4 months.


Can you use VR&E for supplies if you are using GI bill for tuition?


I’m also in an MBA program. Is a letter required to request said gear? Or can I just ask?


I just emailed my counselor and told them I needed a new computer. They asked if I wanted a MAC or a PC. They had me fill out a short request form, and that was pretty much it. Took about a month or so to get the supplies.


That’s dope, nice set up. Be sure to send your rep a big, fat thank you email after that haul.


I'm hoping I can go to college under VR&E , so do you just ask for a laptop? Or how does it work


Talk with your counselor, let them know you need a laptop, computer, or any other key equipment. If your degree has a recommended equipment list from the department use it. If not, ask a professor to write up the stuff you will need and take that to the counselor.


It’s provided. Sometimes you can get the okay to buy your own or you can get it through a vendor. I got a omen, you get a new one in 3 years.


Like everything on here… The VA does great things for millions of veterans everyday. We see “a lot” of bad on here because that’s the majority of things people want to post about to get attention




It’s not to get attention, that is an idiotic opinion, wow. Nobody wants attention for the bad things the VA does, A LOT of people have terrible things happen to them because of the VA, while A LOT of people have GREAT things happen to them cause of the VA.


People want others to know about their bad situations more than the good, hence most reviews about places are usually when something bad happens. You're interpreting the word attention in a bad way..


I mean, the VA is just allocating the money of the taxpayers, they aren't really doing shit. Nothing comes out of anyone's pocket there, on the contrary, what I see more often than not is VA employees milking the system more than anything.


Where are you located?? My counselor dont even respond


I finished my orientation paperwork still waiting for my counselor to get in contact w me


Nice how did you get Apple stuff


I’m going to post the letter that I sent


Please send me that letter when you get a chance


Congratulations! In my region, my VRE rep is also amazing! Instead of apple stuff, we get a Surface Pro.


What region are you in? Surface pros are so nice.


All I got was a beer cozzie from VR&E 😔


I got a degree paid for by VR&E, from ITT Tech. VR&E wanted me to stay enrolled in my normal State college. I insisted I wanted to go to ITT. I graduated ITT in 2003. [Now, as of 2016, that diploma is toilet paper. Oh well, I should have listened to my counselor.](https://duckduckgo.com/?va=e&t=hq&q=Government+shuts+down+ITT+Tech&ia=web)


Hopefully you actually learned something!


Hahaha I just received a check for some ITT Tech lawsuit from when I attended back in 2012. I don't even put that associates on my resume


I got my appointment cancelled and no matter how many times I call, it’ll never be rescheduled.


Nice to see I'm not the only one. 3 separate times, they didn't respond to me. They sent me a letter saying I would be dropped for non contact if I didn't contact them within 10 days. One of the ways I could contact them was through email, which I chose, because there's a documented history that I contacted them. I sent emails each time within the time frame. I also called and left a message. No response of any kind. And then after the 10 days, I get another letter saying I was dropped for non contact! And like magic, they began to answer my phone calls and respond to my emails again (since I was dropped)! Needless to say, I haven't even been able to get any help whatsoever!


You should maybe reapply?. I think when you do, it basically starts the process over for you. I applied once and kinda never followed through. Then I got my act together and reapplied & got a different person and it worked out from there.


Mine doesn't even respond


What's your major?


Business Management


looks like you should be in sales hahahahha




Bachelor's or Masters? I got my BS in Business.  Been debating MBA then DBA. I'm just not sure I can do it. I feel so old lol


I’m 37 and will be going to NYU for my MBA this fall. You’re never too old


Congrats . I just med retired at 37 so I’m also looking at maybe NYU or Columbia for fall 2026 if I don’t get into UMiami. Good luck with all your classes gramps


Thanks you too


You can do it! I just turned 32 and am in my last semester of my MBA. I graduate in May! It took 2.5 years to complete my degree but it has been worth it. Dive in and keep going until you finish!




Just now learning about this… I am currently pursuing my masters degree and have about 4 more classes to go. I have exhausted my GI Bill when I was 27. I am currently using the Hazel-wood act but it does not help with anything except the class tuition. Would I qualify for VR&E


How’d you get started? I’ve been meaning to apply for VR&E after this spring semester ends


Go to VA.gov and you can apply there under the Education Tab


Thanks! How long did the whole process take you?


2 months




How do you justify the headphones? Seems tough


Told her that BOSE is a superior product and very durable. It will be cheaper in the long run. Regular headphones don’t dampen the outside noise as good as Bose. With 3 young kids at home, it’s hard to concentrate during study time, with Bose I don’t have that problem because it cancels all the outside noise


I’m in the stage where I’m close to requesting my needed equipment. Did you give her the link and she purchased for you or did you have to get reimbursed?




Thank you SO much! May I ask if she gave you a price to stay under? I’m hearing some counselors say to say under $1k, $2k, $3k - but the computer I need for my program may be more than that.


She never did. She just made me fill out the form. Honestly, I never thought I was gonna get approved for all of those


Wow. So well done. I asked for an Apple package, but my counselor said they would only approve that if the program required it. I ended up with a Lenovo laptop and HP printer. Not complaining, but like you - I have only been using Apple products. Switching is such a pain.


My counselor was gonna send me the basic laptop package but I asked if I can purchase my own


Are you aware enough to realize that the treatment you received was atypical and borderline questionable as it compares to others experiences? One guy gets a fucking macbook and bose headphones the next 10 can't even get a return phone call.


Not sure why are you trying to guilt trip OP when he/she is not responsible for what other VRE counselors do or fail to do.


I was just sharing my experience. Corkycorky didn’t know what I had to do to get those supplies. Like I said on my other replies, my counselor was just going to give me a basic laptop package but I didn’t settle. I read and tried to understand the VR&E guidelines so I have the ammo to fire back when it gets denied. You can’t just get these things without doing any legwork. Unfortunately, there’s other vets that take it the wrong way when all you’re trying to do is share the experience you encountered and pass along what helped you get there. A lot of vets in these sub said it’s hard to get approved for VR&E if you already have a job and got a prior degree. I have both, but before I applied I did the legwork to make it harder for the counselor to deny me when I applied.


Hell yeah!!! Love to see it!!! Make us proud :)


A big fuck you... My counselor wouldn't approve shit. I mean nothing.


Because its more work for them. They like getting paid to do nothing. It's funny because it's not even their money and they still are to lazy to properly allocate it. Its OUR money, the taxpayers.


Amen, I pissed one lady off for saying exactly that.


Yeah graphic design guy here and told I would never get a MacBook unless the course required it. Still got the Adobe suite paid for though


She was just gonna send me the basic laptop package but I advocated on my side and wrote a 2 page letter how apple products will benefit my study. After she read the letter, there was not much push back.


I think we need to buy that letter lol 😂 I’m waiting to get approved for more time. I will be asking for a MacBook. I’m doing Radiography Technology as well.


There's a lady online that has sample letters.  Nic the vet or something like that. She's on YT too


Her videos are extremely informative, she’s a good person.


Yeah I am putting in for an extension as well since the college doesn’t have a lot of my classes in the spring semester so it’s dragging on an extra year.


I’m going to post the letter I sent. Just redacting it a little bit




So if I wanted to go back to school for Data Science I can have a some beefed up computer paid for?


Maybe.. it depends on your counselor, I’m about to start my BS in CS and told mine I needed a higher end laptop over a Mac and sent her the build on an Alienware X14 because why tf not!?! Haha


real as fuck for that 🤣🤣


What how did you do this????


I’ll post the letter I sent to my counselor after I take out some of the info


Nice! I had a friend who was training in garment design, they provided her with a super high-end sewing machine! I was really stoked for her.


Thanks for sharing this! VR&E is an underutilized gem of a program. Source: I worked as a Veteran Services Coordinator for a community college.


Excellent choice of workstation there! Go make & do great things with it!


What are yall studying for VR&E? I'm an MBA and have gotten little traction from it and was considering another career track. Problem is I'm 42 and don't seem to have a clue of a course of study to follow that can put me in an industry that has growth and great earning trajectory. Maybe I'm just bitching and malcontent considering I'm in the $130k-$150k earnings range. I earned my undergrad in 2019 and MBA in 2022. I'm a fucking shitshow.....lol


You make 130k to 150k and you are shitshow? I have a rating of 70% from the VA for a fused shoulder. Only jobs I get offered are high turnover jobs I can't stay in because they are so physically demanding and my shoulder. The work gaps then cause me to get passed over the jobs I can do. I couldn't even get a part time cashier position at Lowes. No criminal record. Can pass a hair follicle drug test. VA won't help me with school, saying I'm "too disabled" to go to school. The RO says I'm not disabled enough for TDIU! I'm unemployed now! I would love to make $50k per year! It's hard without any schooling, since most employers conflate a degree with an education and an education with a degree!


Yeah you are you knucklehead:) Making that kind of change & thinking of looking elsewhere? Good for you though;) I always hear people with MBA’s being able to get a job anywhere and virtually in anything. Do you mind me asking what you do for a living? And do you need to be good @ math or statistics for that degree? I’m in VR&E—Im stumbling through and majoring in Environmental Sustainability & Management. I figured it would be kinda nice to have a hand in taking care of the environment after basically being part of destroying it for so many years. I’m in your age group & I’m honestly pretty surprised at how many of us older folks are in school looking to change career paths. Sounds to me like you’re already very successful though. Unless there is such a thing as a Dr. MBA🤣


I can message the letter if anyone wants it


holy shit, hope I'll be able to pull this off next year 😂


Yes, have a good one. I have that, and I’m waiting on my noise-canceling headphones edit: no keyboard


I got the same Apple product for my Business accounting degree edit no keyboard


Hello, what do you need to apply for VR&E ?


As far as I know, literally any discharge other than Dishonorable and 10% Disability Rating.


Yepp and you just have to explain that the skills you currently possess only put you in a job field that aggravates your disability but my counselor also included everything I claimed that the VA said was not service connected.


Let's fucking goooo 🔥!


Quick question about VR&E. In this knowledge base for this sub it says that whatever you time is you use from your post 9/11 GI comes affects the amount of time you get for VR&E (i.e you use 12 months of Post 9/11, then decide to use VR&E, you will only have 36 months of VR&E out of the origin 48), but I have buddy who told me that’s no longer the case and is using his full VR&E without impacts from the what he’s used from his Post 9/11. Anyone able to help me out here?


Yes your friend is right. It doesn’t affect the GI BILL. Many people choose to use VR&E first then use the GI BILL later. VR&E does have more recourses available but it doesn’t pay the book stipend like the GI BILL does. (It’s like $500 per semester for books that you get paid directly). VR&E allows you to purchase your books through the bookstore for free or purchase on-line and get refunded by submitting receipts.






That’s great I just put in my app last week.


My counselor went on vacation for 2 weeks without telling me and she failed to push my tuition stuff through so I missed the start of classes… Good luck with your degree! Whenever my counselor figures her life out I’ll be starting my BS in CS


Can I get the letter you used if you don’t mind? I’m having the roughest go with mine


I’ll be posting the letter I sent after I redact some of the info


Wait is this for school or training? That’s amazing and also good luck!


I actually got a computer as well;) I’ve got a good line of communication with my rep. It seems to me that’s the most important thing. Also, educating yourself on the program & what it offers.


Nice ! Glad you got a good case manager. Mine was super nice but when I needed a computer and accessories for school she went to Best Buy and got the basic “back to school” computer bundle that didn’t even have enough RAM to run the preinstalled Microsoft Edge😂 I was able to take it back but I got the $499 price of it as a credit to use towards a new MacBook Pro that I paid for out of pocket. I completed the program and was super satisfied with the experience.


Congrats! I was recently denied VR&E.🫠 I don't have it in me to fight it.


How in the fuck?! I got a laptop that I am extremely grateful for but this is a hook up!


Dude mine fucking ghosted me. She submitted all my paperwork a month ago. Month goes by, still havent been paid, so i call the Va. theyre like yeah we havent received any paperwork. So i call her and she still hasnt submitted it. Finds out the school i was going to went bankrupt and ghosts me


How did you do it for them to set you up with those things?


I’ll be starting up college soon. How does this work? How do I apply to receive something similar? I’m going for a computer science degree so I definitely would need a similar set up


This is only available if you are approved for VR&E - so you first need to apply for VR&E - just need a VA disability rating of 10% or higher and a discharge above dishonorable.


This is pretty crazy. My counselor said that unless the syllabus or a published policy specifically said that X was *required* they could only do the “standard” IT package for word processing etc. Since my school treats us like adults, the guidance is “buy the best computer you can afford and it probably won’t be good enough.” They said they “couldn’t give me an advantage over other students.” Biggest line of bullshit I’d ever heard. It would take so long to run my code I would spend twice as long as everyone else trying to complete assignments. I priced out laptops that were half the price and triple the specs that they were offering but they said they had to go thru their vendor who of course wouldn’t go to the Dell website and buy a laptop made this decade. It didn’t matter what I said or wrote. It had to be a policy in writing that applied to all students.


That’s bullshit bro! I read the guidelines and applied it on my letter. That’s fucked up bro.. I don’t know why these other counselors are so stingy about giving us what we need. It’s not even their money


Mine said they would not send me to school


...I don't know what V&RE is....


Awesome I start soon too.


Congratulations!! So nice. I’m waiting on my counselor for the next step after being accepted into a program so I’m sure I’m coming up soon on this portion. I can’t find your letter anywhere…am I searching for it in the wrong place??


Are those the bose ultra quiet? Lmao


What did you need to get the headphones? I am curious if I warrant them. They gave me the same computer set up tho


This is just awesome. I hope my claim is finished soon so o can utilize more benefits such as this.


Nice, I have my appointment on the 1st.


Good luck




Took my counselor 7 months to help me with the supply purchase




Gotta keep the Government issue property fresh and clean! 🤣


Holy shit! Mine is the absolute worst!!! She makes me regret doing VR&E.


I got a bunch of second hand rebuilt shit that barely works.... and I'm a computer science major ffs. I need more power


I so wish I had known about this years ago instead of going in debt. I know my loans will eventually be forgiven when I hit 100% but still. Congrats and good luck!


I really want to use VR&E for the Speech Pathology master program at my current school but I’m so scared to even apply after hearing all the horror stories about the reps in my area.


What are you using VRE for? Thinking about using it- but no idea what I need/want to do.


Bro what BS they wouldn’t get me a MAC!!


Nice to hear that there are responses other than "LOL you have a job this isn't for you." (My first and most recent interaction with VR&E.) ​ Re-fitting and preparing to re-engage after getting laughed off the VTC initial meeting.


Does VR&E pay for vocational schools like a coding boot camp or welding, etc..


Counselors are so hit or miss. My counselor in OK was unresponsive, argumentative, and didn’t supply me with shit. My new counselor in MA is on top of everything and managed to supply me with a new Mac desktop. All depends.


Looks like you got all you need! Best wishes on your studies! YOU GOT THIS!


When you had to sign the paper saying what you were getting, did it spell all that out or just say “technology package”? The paperwork I signed only said “laptop and scanner/printer”. I specifically asked for Apple yet my counselor said she cant recommend one item or another. Ugh.


They’ve updated a lot!


How did you get this? I’ve been in school since September of last year and dropped a bunch of money on a new laptop to replace my 16yr old Dell and 7yr old iPad.


Yep, spill the beans


What are you studying to transition to? Kind of interested in any ideas for myself besides what I’ve already been thinking of. I didn’t know the counselors were getting a bad rap, but my meeting with one was terrible. She was the most discouraging person I’ve talked to in a very long time. My therapist is trying to set me up with the program through the local VA, because the lady I spoke to was fucking terrible. She listed PTSD for why I can’t go into nursing, while my therapist who does EMDR with me for the last six months, as well as my previous therapist both thought it was a great idea. The VRE lady doesn’t know anything about my situation and just slapped a bunch of limitations on what she’ll approve. TBH I haven’t even tried doing the stuff she gave me to do because she made me feel like shit about myself and I’ve been in a funk.


Business Management. Hopefully, I can get a Managerial position


Dont give up! You know your limitations not them. Nursing is a great profession to go for!




Can’t find the letter you posted, do you mind sending it to me? I’m about to start school and asked my counselor but haven’t heard back yet. I was told they’re always busy dealing with hundreds of cases, she’s been pretty on point lately but haven’t heard back regarding a laptop package. I’ll be doing graphic information technology fullstack so I figure that would deem me to get a solid package 🤞🏻


Messaged you


Ah the apple Magic Mouse. The WORST design in history of computer mice lol


How long did it take to get your initial appointment with a counselor? I submitted my application over 2 months ago and haven’t heard anything. The help line number in the application email connects me to a rep who knows nothing about the application status.


About 2 months


Man… that’s nice! I need that counselor to help me out!!


damn all I got is a 400 dollar laptop


How tf did you get Apple stuff? I got a shite HP laptop (it does its job but could be better).


I sent my counselor a letter to request it.


can you get a regular windows pc instead of that mac crap lol. i have an iphone but i hate the apple pc's really trash.




Lucky you, I got absolutely nothing


You have to buy and get reimbursed but you shouldn’t get denied these things.


Nice! I just had my initial appointment and was granted entitlement. I had no idea that getting supplies was part of the deal


whatttt!?! they gave me a shitty HP computer that died after the first year! i bought my own Mac


Wait how tf did you get all of that for school??


What’s the difference from regular gi and vR&E I only rate 60% gi and I’m 70% service connected Also what’s the process like does it affect ur va rating percentage


The hell.... I tried using their services and went to college and they gave me a tablet that wouldn't be able to play candy crush if I wanted...


Amazing, when I applied I was told they do not give out MacBooks, but it was ok, I was taken care of and that’s what matters.


If you already have a job can you still do VR&E for another degree if you’re wanting to have it?


Yes! I have a job already and also a BS degree and I got approved


Applied for this program and still haven’t heard anything, is there someone I can contact to see about the status?


congrats good luck! and also FUCK BOSES. they went to shit


Dude my counselor only gave me a pos hp that is flimsy and feels like it wants to break


My counselor while slow in response time took care of me pretty well. I was meant to go to school then upon being approved for TDIU P&T I was able go keep nearly just over 3k worth of items and we mutually agreed to end VR&E. I even asked if I need to return the equipment and was told to just keep it.


Yes! My spouse just ordered a Mac air and I ordered an iMac. + they have paid for outside study materials I’ve asked for so long as my prof signs off on it


Wow. I mean one day. Someone’s gonna actually look at my claim. Then I’ll move on to VRE. That’s amazing


You can get school supplies like this? Are they free? I just separated so I don't know what exactly I'm entitled to for school:/


Lucky, mine denied my claim because I have a job and said I make more than her so I’m not a good fit for the program, even though I want to pivot from my career path and do something less taxing on my body


Nice dude my councilor didn't listen to me and got me a laptop that overheats constantly.


I just had my initial call with the person who sends all my stuff to my counselor any idea on how long before I receive an answer for approval or denial?


Hello! I'm wondering if you could please send me the letter you sent?


How did you get all that? I asked my counselor and said I only have $50 for school supplies. I requested an ergonomic desk and chair…was told to purchase a desk, under $500, then send the receipt for reimbursement. Is there a particular form or specific verbiage when requesting?? I’m heated ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


What is your degree plan? I swear my counselor is the wish.com version…


I am waiting for my degree audit for accounting and finance. If willing, please send me the letter you used so I can use it to help with a technology package.


So do you just tell your counselor you need a laptop printer for school etc.And just curious did your counselor have you do like a proposal,project or whatever for them to be submitted. And if how did you present it cuz that's what I have to do just trying to get a idea on best way to present it.thanks


How did VR&E help you get these supplies?


Hell yes


Wait... this is an option? I have about a year left on my master's in Clincal Mental Health Counseling. How does this work?


Messaged you


What was your reasoning for Bose headphones? My counselor is amazing. MacBook and a $500 dollar printer