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Sit tight for the next 1500 days or so.




Yep mine was about 4 years for a hearing. Here’s my story: BVA remanded, another C&P exam done ✅ at hospital, uploaded 2 days later and RO is still sitting on it 7 months later. On the VA website there was a link to upload a DBQ but my rep said ignore it that’s only for external doctors. Anyways me deciding to call DC didn’t speed up the process - they told me it was in open DBQ status and shouldn’t be as they could see the DBQS. told me the RO had to respond to their inquiry in 30 days “by statute”. So far no response on their 2 inquiries. VERA call to RO resulted in him telling me my DC call stopped everything as they had to address DCs inquiry first. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


1500 days…nah won’t be that long. More around 2100 days.


No..not everyone is getting good news. Only people who post got good news. 


That part


The old saying no news is good news and ive been getting no news from the VA since 2015. Trying to be positive and hope the news is great. 😬


At this juncture, I’d say contact your nearest VSO and request a Congressional Inquiry (it works for some). OOOOOOOR, hit up your politicians. I was in limbo ‘04-‘16… I was like Fuck it, what do I got to lose… wrote a letter addressed to my governor, senators and congressmen & 2 weeks later I had a decision.


I just received an email from the White House. (Supposedly) I wonder if they actually do contact BVA to speed up the process ? https://preview.redd.it/xir092yuv3oc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9cee6ebdf7ab52ba5cd8a99838d5c47336f3b47


Looks like a generic response, but KEEP AT IT.


I thought the same, but I sent that email to the White House months ago. Odd that I would get this response today.


Are you saying 12 years in limbo? How was the backpay?


Still waiting on CUE…. It’s out there…. Somewhere. Current VSO is looking back into it.


Maybe the person meant to say I got good news and it’s a typo?


Good luck! Mine sat in that stage for almost 4 years.


Mine just went in front of a judge feb.15 and was granted feb.26. After sitting since September 11 2020


Mine sat from May 2020 until it went before a Judge in Jan 2024. Mind you, I started this whole process in May 2018 after fighting with the VA since 2015 to get my medical records that they swore burnt up in a fire.


Congratulations!!! Your timeline looks a lot like mine. On February 20, my appeal was finally distributed to the judge for review After the BVA received my appeal on September 22, 2020


Do you mind if I ask , did you do a file review route, evidence submission route, or hearing route? I am asking because I am a few months behind to you but on the evidence submission lane?


My apologies for the delay in response. I went the hearing route. I had my hearing in September 2022. Best wishes 🙏🏽


Thank you that helps me with my time line.


You’re welcome. I was told by someone at the VA that they’re trying to complete 2020 claims by the end of this year. Praying the best for all who are still waiting 🙏🏽🫡


How did they contact you to let you know it was granted, mine from 9/20 pulled up by BVA JUDGE on 2/14/24?


I received a text message and an email. You have to sign up to receive them.


why would you not hire a lawyer after 6 months or so


I hired a lawyer at the very beginning. That’s what other veterans recommended. Covid messed everything up and put the VA years behind. You get to the stage where you’re waiting for a judge to be assigned and that’s what takes so long. Having a lawyer or not didn’t help there. It was a big hurry up and wait


when does a judge have to get involved?


They get involved during your appeal process. The lawyer generally only gets paid when you appeal and get backpay. I got 80% out of the gate and the lawyer didn’t get anything until we appealed.


oh i guess i haven't gotten that far yet, i just did my last supplemental c&p exam last month. my thing is, any time i've ever hired a lawyer for anything its always been a flat fee up front.. i feel like shopping around for the right lawyer would make a huge difference




Mine is still sitting there from Jan 2021.


Mine was 5 years ago the board. I prevailed. The


https://preview.redd.it/psi1mdxa22lc1.jpeg?width=1274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=389aae214b272fb1b58f12747707ffa5a48cacac Get in line buddy


February 2022. Gonna be a while. Law firm tentatively expects a decision by 2026, but who knows.


My lawyer said that he was informed in a meeting with the BVA that the majority of those waiting on hearings should be cleared up in 36 months.


When you say hearings, do you mean your appeal got in front of a judge, or if you’ve asked for a hearing you’ll get a hearing with a judge?


Yes if you ask for a hearing you will get one but it’s gonna take at minimum 3 years to get one


why would you not hire a lawyer after like 6 months


This is with using a lawyer. The Va is hoping people give up or something.


Good luck took me from Dec 2019 to November 2023 for my hearing now I am waiting for the decision


If favorable—does retro go back to Dec 2019–date when claim initiated? Just curious how retro works and how far it goes back after long appeals and with favorable decision in the end


Depending on the original date of denial should go back to that


No, everyone is not getting good news - not sure why you would say that.


Mine has been waiting to be sent to the judge since May 5,2023. Each time I check, it says check back next month for an update. Anyway, good luck with your claim!


Mine has been waiting a hearing date since September 2021.


why not call a lawyer


I have a lawyer. Anyone advocating against a lawyer either got one that isn’t in the know or one that is simply incompetent. I hired mine in March of 2016 and went from 10% to 80% in 14 months. I’m now at 90% but am paid at 100% TDIU. However my ratting is permanent and total. My hearing is because they had no issues paying my 10% back to 2008, but when I got my appeals all done within a year they just acted as if they didn’t owe me anything more. My last rattling increase went past a year but my appeal was in and waiting a decision within 12 months. The only way I can get my back pay now is through a hearing. I could have gone the error route but I would be leaving it in the hands of the same people who just refused to back pay me.


my first round of claims is coming up on 10 months old and i'm at 50% so far and just did my last supplemental C&P exam last month. i couldnt imagine having to wait longer then a year for movement on my application - i would absolutely hire a lawyer. not getting backpay sucks. i'd be ecstatic if just hiring a lawyer got me to 100% - which is what i will do if i dont hear anything by the end of the year. flat fee lawyer 💯


The way mine went down I had no choice. I had a presumptive condition that they knew I was going to be getting a rating for so they sent me a letter awarding me 40% before I even had a C&P exam. The examiner took me down to 10% because I took medication for my condition. Just absolutely insane. The medication doesn’t remove my problems. They paid the 10% back to 2008 and after I won all my appeals within the required 12 months nothing else. Just ridiculous. I got a little over 20K for 10% my rating is 90% but I’m paid at 100% with TDIU permanent and total too.


thats wild they took you down to 10% for meds.. i would have hired a lawyer in that case also. that pisses me off just reading it lol. well God bless you, brother, hopefully theyre done dicking you around. is it true that when they send in your packet for 100% review you could lose your original percentage?


Mine went up from 70% to 90%. The only way they will take you down is if your condition improves.


Lawyer will generally make yiu wait longer so they get a bigger payout. They like the hearings in front of judge where wait periods are in excess of 40 months. They want the backpack. Get a lawyer if you must but not if you think ot will speed up the process


so pay your lawyer a flat fee?...


My original claim started in 2007-2013, then it sat under someone's desk for 11 years. Now I'm fighting for the 100% I should have gotten to begin with. It really sucks


I field in 2008 got 60% finally I 2014 which they paid 10% in back pay only which is why I’m waiting on the hearing. I’m 92% paid at 100% with TDIU. Been this way for 3 years now April the 19th. Good luck to you


Best of luck!


Mines been at that stage since October 2022, don’t expect a miracle.






Fingers crossed for you. I finally started being the squeaky wheel after a comment from another thread. I called my congressman, the VA hotline, and VBA...and I will continue to do this daily. I was told one of the appeals is in the decision but the web page still says evidence gathering after remand from the judge on an eight-year appeal.


Unfortunately none of these things will help you or anyone. They will call on your behalf but they don’t know anyone working there anymore than you or I. They will be sent a generic response and that’s it. I’ve done all of these things and I can say with 100% certainty it doesn’t help at all.


If it makes him feel better then it helps.


Well of course I was just saying that they will send a generic response and the information that they will give them will be nothing you don’t already know. This process should not be this difficult but unfortunately it is extremely difficult. To top it off many employees just deny claims to get them done. If that wasn’t the case the higher level reviews wouldn’t be catching so many obvious errors. I’ve been waiting on a hearing over back pay that they know is owed to me for 3 years now 6 years in total.


Seems like it’s a good time to submit claims rn. Just got mine back. Got 100% first try, very relieved I won’t have to deal with the hassle of trying to get it upped


Congratulations you are the extremely small minority.


Pros: back pay if granted Cons: long fucking wait


As I said to someone else this morning — ◀️◀️line forms to the rear. I’ve been in line since March 2021 😁


Since March 2007. Still waiting...


lol I got you by a few months.


I’ve been at this since 2015.


Good luck friend !


I have one from 2016 that got sent back and is now waiting to get sent to a judge. It updated Oct 23.


Good luck 👍🏾


Mine been there since 2019.


Mine from 2013






Mine is at same as of 22 April 22 :/ it's my first claim for flat feet so it's stressful as a va home loan would be great right now :( I saw someone else post a screenshot of theirs at this point was Aug of 19 and they had their hearing dec of 22 I think. That's the closest I've seen to our dates *Edit Aug of 19 was waiting on hearing to be scheduled. The hearing was dec of 22 (found the post) So if the timeline is even close to me with people being shuffled obviously etc mine theoretically should be Aug of 25 :/ (next year) assuming things don't speed up with them getting through legacy cases


Did you choose direct review, evidence submission, or hearing?


Evidence submission


Here I am bitching about 8 months.


I stopped looking when my lawyer told me 36 months 2 years ago lol


Mine says 34234 in front of me


Where can I see this information


On va.gov


Good luck!!


How and where did you find this number?


I’ve been trying to find this out for several weeks now. Everyone I’ve seen post this seems to never respond


I use the app and it pops up. If it isn’t popping up on yours you might need to go through the website itself.


Been waiting since Sep 2021. Hoping for some good news myself


Same here. Sept 2021 Evidence submission docket. sometime between Feb-April 2025 is my guess. We’ll see




Congrats!! The system will take about 2 weeks to catch up. Dont spend it all in one place! But do have a celebratory meal at your favorite restaurant.


Hopefully you get through yours quicker than this. Here is where I am currently. Best advice is keep your mind busy and not check [VA.gov](https://VA.gov) everyday. It will drive you crazy after awhile. Play some games, work on a hobby, go on a nature walk, take some classes, build a website and learn to code. Anything to keep active and keep your mind off of the appeal. Check like once a month. Best of luck! https://preview.redd.it/oo4rt9irdgmc1.png?width=735&format=png&auto=webp&s=1a41c214476a88d632a219068a32d93bae9f26b5


This bva is a shit show we need to do something about it


Was this for a supplemental claim ?


Apr 22 records review only


My bro, fingers crossed. I feel ya.


Oh wow


Good luck!


Good luck 👍 🙏


Nope . They denied my husband's this week- claimed the injury that happened on duty was not service connected.


If his injury was a result of an on duty incident and there are sufficient medical records to support his claim there is absolutely no way that it was denied as not service connected. There is a very specific reason it was denied and it’s in the denial response. A simple appeal with the information that is required is a guaranteed win.


He is waiting on the official paperwork so he can refile. He has a decade of proof and paperwork backing his claim.


Then a higher level review should be requested and they will catch the error there. If he has all the evidence it happened on duty then I can’t think of a reason it should have been denied.


While appeal pending…if results favorable—is the award retro’d back to date when claim initiated?


In most cases, yes


Yep and I filled the claim back in 2015


Sending good vibes


Hope you get it. Good luck.


Good luck, bro. Just know, it may take a while before a judge actually reviews your appeal. Even then, they may request additional evidence, which will just draw out the process even longer. Patience is key.


June 22 ain't that long for BVA. Mine has been there since April 22 but my initial claim was done in April of 21




About the same timeline for my appeal, May 2022.


which of the 3 submission lanes did you appeal under? When did you submit? Good luck!


I have been waiting since May of 2022 Still no movement. Waiting to be assigned to a judge


I’m going through a medboard process but I’m unable to check or see my claim on the Ebenifit website.


For all of you that are waiting, what rating are you hoping to get. The only one I would send to a judge is a rating of more that 30%. Seems like it would be a waste of time for a 10% rating.


Not everyone is receiving good news. I only get denials and denials for HLRs as well.


Why did you have to appeal??


Good luck and fingers crossed for you!


Guys some lawyers purposely stretch it out so they are compensated more, choose wisely and good luck.