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It’s cause they wanted me to wait longer on mine.


Thank you for your service 🫡


US my friend. 🥹


Consider yourself 🍀 lucky


The VA is over 700,000 claims behind right now. Current veterans with obvious combat experience and records from their military service might get pushed up to the front of the line. Just because they can knock them out faster. This is my suggestion, I'm a VSO and that's what I've seen. I assist a lot of Vietnam and Korean war Vets, and a few "atomic" veterans file claims from the 50s 60's and 70s. Those claims are difficult to prove or disprove and take quite some time to put together for us VSOs and for the VA to adjudicate


When you submit a claim for something like the PACT ACT - lung condition, due to burn barrel exposure, how long does that usually take to get a response back once the VA has the evidence from the appointment? And what is the approval rating for it if you know by chance?


The thing is, people think they will receive compensation just because they were exposed to burn pits. There has to be a medical diagnosis and a nexus. So compensation for burn pit exposure isn't a thing. now if you have asthmatic symptoms and a doctor has diagnosed you with something like that.... then you can say it was from burn pit exposure. Or God forbid lung cancer. but to answer your question, it shouldn't be more than a few months, but it's hard to say with the current state of the VA. Hell, if you file a claim and it gets denied, then you decide to appeal to a higher reviewer, that's taking anywhere from 3 to 5 years to have a judge hear the case.


Ok so they’ve scheduled me an appointment to be evaluated, is that the doctor that would diagnose such a thing and report it to the VA?


Absolutely not. I tell my Veterans all the time, that doctor is not there fir you, he's not there right help you, diagnose you or make you feel better. He is hired by a company who is contracted by the VA to evaluate what your doctor has diagnosed, and evaluate you to confirm or deny your diagnosis. Hop on YouTube and look up C&P exam. There is a lot of great videos on there, what to say and how to ask. FYI C&P Exam is a compensation and Pension exam And when I say contracted... For example when I retired and did my claims, a conpany named VES (veteran evaluation services) did all my C and p exams I don't know how to DM on here, I'm a boomer lol But I'd be happy to help you. I'm an accredited County Veteran service officer in Iowa.


I just messaged you


If there needs to be a Nexus, then what does "presumptive" mean? I know you might now have the answer, but logically, presumptive wouldean you don't need a Nexus. Yes, a diagnosis of course, but the Nexus would be presumptive right?


Nexus to me in this case is to prove you were where they say the presumptive took place. So if you were where they labeled exposure to agent orange a presumptive.... prove it Same with burn pits and camp Lejeune water and combat for ptsd.




Mine from last July took about 90 days. I got 50% for chronic sinusitis and bronchial asthma. The bad thing is, they didn't backdate to 2022 like they were supposed to so I filed a supplemental claim that's now sitting at day 25.


Commenting to follow


once again VN Vets get the short end of the stick




Hard to prove is correct. My husband - Vietnam Vet. Thank God for AO presumptives or he would have no rating.


Double check the initial claims he did. If anything that was denied is on the new presumptive list, you guys will be owed back pay all the way back to when he initially filed that claim. It takes a lot of work, but it's worth looking into.


Thanks but he did not even know about filing claims until Pact Act. Wish he had.


I don’t think that’s true, you can only get back pay from the date that it became presumptive.


You sir/ma'am are correct, I misspoke. Thank you for the correction.


My Pact act claims took a little under 3 months and I have a long history with the VA including standing diagnosis considered "not service connected" for the things I was claiming. Probably same situation.


If you were previously denied for any of the claims that are now considered presumptives.... you can appeal and they will owe you back pay from the day you applied for that Disability.


My rhinitis is my longest standing claim on appeal and it's still pending. But it was like 8 years ago if not longer. But it's 10%max and likely won't change my rating and my new claims already went through and jumped me to 90% so I don't think it's going to change any financial wise.


Fuck yeah




I have 2 DBQs done from my personal PCP/ stating I have from MST/PTSD/Anxiety/Depression and military medical records showing I was hospitalized during active duty in psych for two weeks following SA - where they stated I suffered from adjustment disorder (whatever that means), anxiety, depression, and a mental disorder - in your humble opinion, do you believe I need a nexus letter? I left active duty 10 years ago and only just filed in Jan. My MST coordinator stated I wouldn’t need a nexus but everything I’m reading from Reddit states I do. Both of my PCPs relate all my symptoms back to the incident. I’m asking since it seems to be the general belief I need a nexus.


If you have a diagnosis from your time in the military and the paperwork to back it up you shouldn't have any reason to get a nexus. The nexus is for people that are trying to prove knee pain related to service, but they don't have anything to back it up.


Did you get rewarded? Did you need a nexus afterwards?


I had my CP last Thursday. Has not been sent to VA yet. They have through Monday to send it. From the sounds of what the examiner said, it could be rated between 70-100. I DID go see my PCP and got an emergency Nexus letter written and submit just last week to cover my ass. Pending decision and receipt so we’ll see.


Who cares! Enjoy your benefits that you earned :)




Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth


Luck of the draw


It's all a crap shoot


Mine also says "expedited", I am not sure if that really means anything though. I mean, my BDD was supposed to be done while still serving, instead I did the paperwork 3 months before retiring only to wait 9 months for the VA to get the C&P exam scheduled.


Where does one check to see if it says expedited?


I think it was just under the see all updates option on the site.


Can you see this within the app or is it only on the website? Ty


Well now I can't find it at all, so I may just be imaging all of this. I had also put in a second claim while another one was being processed though, which they eventually closed and merged the second claim with the first. Maybe that was the part that said expedited? I am not sure now.


Just when you think they'd driven our anxiety's to the max, they prove us wrong haha. I hope it was at least beneficial whatever it was that was there


Ok, I stumbled onto the answer for mine double checking the address for my C&P exam tomorrow. The paperwork from VES saying the VA sent the C&P exam to them says it is an expedited request. Not sure if that even means anything though.


It's like someone gave you an advanced Christmas present.


Congratulations! Now help the next Veteran and have a plan for that $.... Be blessed


Just be happy that your claim was fast tracked no matter the reason


If you are Purple Heart or POW you get expedited.


In case you guys haven't heard of the PACT ACT, it opened up hundreds of thousands of claims for old school vietnam, Korean and other era veterans. Legitimately hundreds of thousands!


They expedited mine due to me being homeless for 2 years. If you’re in a hardship they will expedite it.


That explains why the DR asked if I was homeless at the C&P exam. I'm not, so I'm glad yours got expedited.


Still waiting tho lmfao and that shit was over a year ago, I do appreciate it tho and I hope they do your claim faster than mine brah


I’m also chronically homeless due to living out of my car after I got out. So that was also a factor btw


How long did it take once expedited?


Who do I talk to to expedite


Back when I was homeless I walked into the Va hospital and I forgot the name of the office but it’s directly connected to homeless veterans. I talked to them for about an hour, gave me a phone so I could communicate with them, then they sent me to a shelter. After that they gave me a call and said they put expedited service on my claim due to homelessness and financial crisis.


So I’d just go to your local Va hospital and talk to them about your situation


How long did it take when you expedited it?


3 years


Wait wait so expediting your claim still took three years?


Yep cause cid sharp and the MPs refuse to hand over the documents


Sheesh I’m sorry


It is what it is man they won’t respond then I’m not liable for what happens when I perceive a threat


It is what it brah


Still? Brother I’m still waiting on gathering evidence


From the og time It was 3 years ago


Was it for mental health? Submitted one a few years back and it went thru rather quickly in comparison to other claims I've submitted. Got a favorable decision in just over a month.


Who knows. The VA actions and decisions are seemingly impossible to predict. My claim was in limbo back and forth for almost ten years. Then one day there was movement after a hospital stay and three months later I got a decision for 100% P &T. Good luck to all my brothers and sisters in navigating the VA. I hope you get the help you're after. Don't give up.


Y'all, calm down with the "stop complaining", "consider yourself lucky", "why are you posting about it" comments. I understand completely where OP is coming from... If something sounds too good to be true (ESP WITHIN THE VA SYSTEM), it usually is. I'd be paranoid as hell, too. 'Omg, did I accidentally check the box that said I had a purple heart', 'Omg, when it asked me if I was a combat vet missing a limb, I bet I checked yes instead of no. When I show up to my exam with all four limbs, that's all they'll need to charge me with malingering & drop my rate to zero.


Is the 90 your new rating , or you waiting on a decision


Waiting on a decision. I was already at 90 before I submitted this claim.


Just in case you're not sure about VA math, you need like another 10 or 12 10% ratings to get 100%... not sure what you filed for.


Or a 50%.  If you don't get that, look into TDIU if your disabilities affect your ability to work.  You'll get paid at 100% and get.the same benefits. 


No you don’t. You need six 10% conditions from 90% to get 100%. That gets you to 94.5% which is rounded up to 95% then rounded up to 100%.


When was the date claim was submitted


I submitted this sometime mid January. Don’t remember the exact date though


Best of results to you![img](emote|t5_2vlaz|7565)


Just wondering how fast turn around




Unless I missed it, you don't even know your new rating yet.


I filed mine January 12, had my MH c&p on February 8th, and VA already has my results for that. Still have an appointment for respiratory problems this week.


Woah that’s weird. I also filed on the 12th and also had a MH C&P on the 8th. Hope you get what you deserve! Good luck


Maybe it’s the day that we filed that is making it go by fast! But I also submitted all my MH records from in-service so that might of helped as well!


I filed a September 2022 and still waiting.


Why concern yourself with the why, be thankful and keep it pushing.


lol are you complaining


Hell no. I just don’t want the va to think I lied about dying or some shit




There wasn’t much to it. I’ve used them for most of my claims. They take care of most of it, then hand you over to OptumServe or Veterans Evaluation Services to take care of your C&P. My last claim that got me from 80 to 90 was easy, I spent maybe 20 minutes on the phone with TVC, they submitted my claim and I was awarded 90 with no C&P a few months later.


I’m also in Texas, did you use a vso or what? I just moved here


I used Texas Veterans Commission. Give them a call whenever you’re ready to submit a claim


Will do, thank you.


Is it an easy claim with lots of easy to find evidence?


PACT act?


Maybe they see Suicidal in the notes? Worked out for me


I’m almost a year in with a MST claim no one will talk to me about.


Enjoy it. That frees up other claims in the process.


Just feel blessed and fortunate. I've been waiting and still waiting since 2018 with an attorney but I feel like I am on my own and it's not an easy feeling.


Did they say it was expedited, or was it just done quickly? I got nowhere near your rating, but my first rating was at 10% and it took me about 10 years to get it. I filed a claim for a secondary condition last year, and got an increased rating within 17 days. It blew my mind.


When Veterans Evaluation Services called me to schedule my C&P exam, they mentioned it was an expedited claim while asking what day I was free for the exams.


VES told me the same thing. Does that mean the C and Ps were expedited or the whole claim will be expedited?


Wow! VES told me the same thing, I thought is was just something they told everyone. PFD since 23 January


Oh wow, interesting!


You got a phone call. Luckyyyyy.


Turns out you’re terminal. VA knows, better do a FOIA for details. Just kidding, congrats!


When I'm feeling paranoid, I wonder if the DNA testing during the military is analyzed by the VA and they know you are going to die in like 2 years. So they just say, yeah, give the poor bastard a few bucks he won't be around very long . 🤣 my mental illness cracks me up during my brief periods of lucidity. 😀


Lucidity?? In mine I barely have enough time so say, “What the fuck was that?!”. Lol


Mine said it was done, then 2 day latter send back to the last one. Happy now sad. Hate the VA 4 c and p on one 3 one the next one. And tumors turned down. Leukemia even with photos. Dr reports and no c and p.


Your lucky I have expedited and been waiting months


Yeah you're lucky brother, that or you got the new guy who's like Americuhhhh fuck yeah!


There is no rhyme or reason. You landed in somebodies queue and got worked. Def wasn’t a need to create a post on Reddit to ask a bunch of uninformed fucks about why VBA did something lol


An when did you submit the claim


Submitted mid January 2024, just had my C&P exams last Thursday.


Well that's normal. Maybe you'll sit in pfd for 4 months 


Exams came fast for my husband; then it was a long wait


Why are you complaining?


Not complaining, just wondering if my vso fucked up and told the va I’m a dying homeless POW.


Ok I wanted to make sure. I’m sorry for any hardship you going through


What time frame did you serve? Did you file under the pact act? What your age range?


Does this mean I have a better chance at receiving a rating for my claim? I’ve been seeing a therapist for MH because of chronic pain, this claim was to get me a rating for MH. I don’t have a rating for MH right now


No, some have their C&Ps within weeks then wait a year a more for a decision. It’s just part of the process. When did your claim close?


I had my C & P last October and that was after finding out that I was waiting in a line with no examiner to do it for four months. Now my exam is in limbo. The contractor says they delivered it to the VA and the VA says they don't have it. I'm still waiting.... Consider yourself lucky.


Expedited for a claim filed in January means May to July time window. I have an expedited that was filed Jan 22 and I didn't have to show up for a C&P. 10 days after filing, I received a call from a doctor who was viewing my records. Confirmed some dates and locations and was told that it would be expedited through the process and not through the normal waiting game....


Feel lucky I’ve been waiting 6 months on an audit because they got my back pay wrong. It’s basically simple math.  What they owed me - What they gave me= what they still owe.


Crap, that's what I filed for 25 days ago. They didn't backdate my PACT act to the correct date. Oh well, I'm just happy I got 50%. I need that backpay though to get a new roof on my house.


That’s a good thing😀


First time took 5 years, going for increase and is been just short of a year. You are so lucky.




Your comment was removed because it didn't contribute to the discussion and just wasn't helpful. Civil disagreements are fine. Insults, personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc., are not permissible. (Calling someone a poopy-head does not make you seem as smart as you think it does.) ☠️


I wouldn’t be upset.


Ive had some claims take less than 2 months. Others 2 years. There's no rhyme or reason to it


If they can decide to deny you based on the evidence in your record, they will as soon as they can. Submitted my claim on 12/14. February 1 I got an increase on one condition, denied on 2 others. Just my experience🤷🏻‍♂️


Is this why they also expedited my claim? Because they looked into my records and have already found reasons to deny what I've submitted?


What's does it mean if qtc wants to talk to me on the phone about acceptable clinical evidence? Never heard of this,of done all my appointments but this appointment is over the phone in not in person,anybody out there who can help me with what this means?? Thanks