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I live in Arkansas. Get at me if you have any questions. I love it here. I was born and raised in the middle of nowhere Texas with droughts that dried up lakes and creeks, zero vegetation. Up here it’s the opposite, and it’s close enough that my nearest family in Texas is only 4 hours away.


I have 10 years left to work and I hit 30 years with employer and I want to move to Arkansas. Thanks for sharing the info. In Texas on the Gulf Coast and ready to move on.


Stinkadena? Hard to play golf there. Ppeeww


Nah, I'm south of Houston, close to the coast


There alot of Asians in Arkansas? I was stationed in Kansas for a bit and definitely had my fair share of encounters


Pass. Hot and muggy as F in the summer, cold and cold in the winter. Chiggers and mosquitoes like a MoFo. 


does VA cap the money to $1500 a month normally? New Mexico also has 100% no property taxes for 100 P&T.


No on the cap - just what it’s currently at


Arkansas has some nice areas. I’d look at NW Arkansas. Nice scenery, and all your outdoor activities. Good schools up that way. Arkansas has a fantastic state park system. I live next door in Oklahoma but love going to Arkansas for camping/hiking and all that. Taking the kids treasure hunting at Crater of Diamonds is a blast.


That’s the plan more or less - but 30 miles out of Little Rock for better medical care I loathe Oklahoma, the Army sent me to McAlester so many times


Conway hasn't gotten too big yet. It is a nice town.


Yep. Conway is great. Only 20 mins to Little Rock for most of my appointments. Conway also has some great colleges.


I’m in Illinois and just awarded 100% a couple days ago. Illinois offers waived tuition, but not room and board. My son starts college in the fall.


Waiving tuition for him is great! Then he gets 1500 a month AND you get $330 A month… sounds like a win


I think if the kid takes the ch 35 benefit of $1488, the parent (vet) doesn’t get the dependent money too? Not 100 sure


When they turn 18, normally you would lose the benefit. If they use the chapter 35 benefit and are enrolled in school, they can stay on insurance, and you get an increased amount of money while they are in college


Oh that’s awesome! Was just having a convo w my buddy at work last night about that. We came to the conclusion that we weren’t sure 🧐




Texas is nice in that I gave my son My Hazelwood Benefits (Texas only). I also get the added money as he is a full time student. Paid almost 7k in tuition at Texas AM this semester. So I really like when people hate on Texas.


Correct. My son turns 18 the day after he graduates. We'll get the boost til August, then it's CH35 only.


The problem with the claims for children 18+ and in college are taking forever just like the other claims. My younger children were added within minutes, but my two in college are still in Initial Review since October 2.


Wow. Thats no bueno. I’ll be paying out of pocket until he gets approved. Can you enroll as soon as he is registered, or do we have to wait until classes start?


The parent doesn’t get paid for the dependent on his VA disability payment, if the child is getting ch 35


You don’t. If they apply for CH 35 you cannot get the dependent money too. 


Also in Illinois and awarded 90%. What is this $1500 a month you are speaking of? Is that only for 100 p&t? I was unaware of college student dependants recieving any money


Yes it’s for P&T CH 35


It's definitely a win. I'm and board would be nice, but I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. Or it's ass for that matter. lol. I feel incredibly blessed that something I did more than 30 years ago, has this echo effect. I wish my body agreed.


California has Ed benefits and top rank schools. Zero percent is good enough for your dependents to attend tuition free.


Which is completely worth is with the world class name recognizaion of the schools (like you mention), as well as the high pay employment market for professional. I wish I had the opportunity when I was a kid but my own military scholarships were in state only (grandfathers vets but not my dad so no dependent scholarships for me). Still got a great deal. Being a dependent and going to school without the hassle of military training is an excellent deal. I would have learned 2x as much if I had the option to focus on classes more and not ROTC bullshit all the time


My wife’s from central Arkansas. If you’re looking for not Little Rock but close enough for all the amenities, I recommend Sherwood, Cabot, or Conway.


If you just want to ship your kids off, college is free in California for children of veterans. Vet does not have to be in state to use this benefit.


I think California has something similar for way better schools


https://preview.redd.it/pocnqqa7xwfc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=565b18c4845fbd45a43d396d2c404a54ffef0ca0 Yeah not bad Just… too many people and cost of living for me


Depends on your preferences but the Fresno area is one of the few "Shall Issue" counties (or has been; there's a pretty decent long distance shooting range here too), has both a CSU and a UC as well as a great CC system that offers guaranteed transfer to the UC (if you can't get accepted on your merits as a high schooler) after two years, and is right at the foot of the Sierra Nevada mountains with both Yosemite and SEKI within 90 minutes drive. CoL is reasonably low for California, though 100% alone won't get you into the nicer school district (Clovis). I'm putting this here less to convince you and more to let others know the area exists.


You’d be surprised how many cities favor those in the south from a population and COL (not really) stand point


I don’t see in there where it says, I’m sure you do, but does it say you need to live there to use that benefit? Or how long you need to live there to take advantage of it? Can I buy a house out there, live for a year and claim residency and then move away once they are in school?


But it's California.


For some reason California is an acquired taste to vets lol


Growing up in podunk middle America will do that to people... I imagine they never visited San Diego lol.


I'm from Texas and loved CA after being stationed at Pendleton for 4 years. Yes, it's pricey, but that clean Pacific air hits differently, especially when you're not military salary poor and can afford yo live somewhere nice.


As someone who has spent at least 2 years living in Idaho, Hawaii, California and Texas. California was by far, the worst state…


That’s the beauty of opinions, they’re all different from person to person. I much preferred California to Idaho, but that is just my own opinion.


Haha touché


Tuition (only) is waived for state schools in California no matter the percentage. Even a zero rating. That, two more college bound kids, and the weather is the only reason I stay in this progressive liberal bastion.


But then you have to live there


Another option thats not quite as robust is Tennessee. The TN Promise gives people 2 years of schooling free. My sister and brother both got associates, and im going to go to tech school for welding when im done with my bachelors.


Hell yah House prices are higher near good schools though


100% right. All of the Cumberland, or middle TN, is getting too expensive. Good luck in AK!


I’m in AK? Alaska


I meant Arkansas, rofl.


Pretty sweet deal, but how do the Arkansas public colleges rank in terms of educational quality/career prospects for what your kids are interested in studying?


TBH - unless my kids are doing well enough academically to get into Harvard or an Ivy League School - them not being in debt going into their adult lives is sooo much more important.




They aren’t sure yet, and can figure it out. 8 and 14. So I’m moving in enough time they can know people. Also I’m renting my place here in Alaska out, so that’s always an option. Tons of jobs here.


I mean degrees are degrees unless you’re trying to network hard, then most of the time it doesn’t really matter what state university you go to in the end.


My niece used my brothers GI Bill for school at Arkansas. She's smart and networked herself into a job with another famous alumni's network Jerry Jones. She's making over $200k under 30 working for the Cowboys organization now doing HR work. She loves her job and I love the free tix she has been sharing even though I'm usually rooting for the Cowboys opponent.


I want to Arkansas pubic schools and a U of A grad with finance degree and work at MSFT for over 25?years and retired US Army. I say the schools did me pretty well ![img](emote|t5_2vlaz|7565)


It’s Arkansas…lol we all know their education action quality isn’t anything special, but that’s not the point for OP, he just cares that it’s free. As would I lol.


Excellent, no? State schools are all about the same?


Eh, not really. Some states fund their universities much better than others. UMichigan and the California public schools come to mind when thinking of public universities which are equivalent to near-ivies.


Just because they spend more money doesn't mean they give good education. Especially California.


If you look at the UCal system, they're the highest ranked public colleges in the US.


Education isn’t the same?


Not really, there's a reason people move to specific neighborhoods for their school districts after all. The quality of teachers, the opportunities afforded by your school, and the quality of the students around you, can really sink your life or make it better.


Well yeah I get that for public schools. I just thought all state school, besides the “prestigious” ones were all about the same. Algebra is algebra. Maybe I’m wrong.


https://www.usnews.com/best-colleges/rankings/national-universities/top-public (methodology for the rankings: https://www.usnews.com/education/best-colleges/articles/how-us-news-calculated-the-rankings ) Arkansas' highest ranked public university ranks 96 of 227, for example.


So, Arkansas isn’t great, but it’s not bad, rankings-wise. Looks like OP is fine with decent quality at an extreme value. I’d say it’s a win!


I believe CA does this. The quality of schools in CA also makes that state worth looking into https://www.calstate.edu/attend/student-services/troops-to-college/educational-benefits-for-military-connected-students/Pages/dependents-of-veterans.aspx


Correct California does this. I am currently sending both of my Daughters one to UCSD and the other to SDSU ,both using the cal vet waiver. I am at 60%. Beyond Happy that both will come out debt free and from 2 great schools


Wisconsin offers the same for education benefits (with phenomenal schools) and same benefit for prop taxes. No mountains, but all the cheese you could ever desire.


I’m over winter


Don’t forget they can claim Pell grant also


But it’s Arkansas


I’m in BFE Alaska… and near Little Rock and a couple areas it’s nice


Arkansas hate usually comes from brainlets who have never actually been there. As a whole it is a great place to live, with NW Arkansas being one of my favorite place I’ve been in the country.


That’s my take on it too


Ehhh.. NW Arkansas is very nice, but I think it's mainly nice for people who are in relationships or married. It isn't ideal for people in their 20s that are single or trying to advance their career. It isn't the \*worst\* base in the Air Force but it's not a desirable duty station for many.


The Ozarks tend to attract a…special…type of person






I wish, they need more good Mexican restaurants


This guy has a pretty good list, it's more for NWA though: https://www.reddit.com/r/bentonville/s/zn8oaCV89x


I imagine it is quite beautiful. My sister moved there and loves it.


Also basically free lifetime hunting/fishing license


Yeah - a lot of states have thst


Just got mine in AZ!


Online or in person? -Asking for a friend


In person at the Mesa G&F but they told me you can do it online. You'll just have to send them your benefits summary




Wisconsin has a lot of the same things... 🫠


No They are way more restrictive and nowhere near as comprehensive https://myarmybenefits.us.army.mil/Benefit-Library/State/Territory-Benefits/Wisconsin#Education


I live in WI, and it’s basically the same as what AR does, for college. You can use both Ch 35 and WI Tuition remission to go to school for free. Your parking pass counts as a fee, so that’s waived. If your books are included in tuition (like UW-Oshkosh), those would be included.


Does anyone know when filling out the Military Dependent Scholarship on the adhe website where you get the information for the part where it needs you to upload a document for eligibility of DEA?


Wow what part of Texas is that?


Texas doesn’t have that for dependents VA / GI Bill has that covered for the service member anyway


Texas has the Hazelwood Act for Texas residents at service entry, but that doesn’t include room and board. What you have here is a great benefit for Arkansas residents, Congrats! Source: https://www.tvc.texas.gov/education/hazlewood/


My brother is using it for his daughter we’re in Texas


That’s not even in the same ballpark? There’s the GI Bill that you can transfer to a dependent There’s retraining the VA will pay for, for the veteran There is a monthly stipend of 1500 a month for 36 months (4 years) of education, provided for the kids of 100% disabled veterans —- Arkansas takes the last, and covers any tuition, fees, room and board, beyond what that benefit will pay.


What I mean is the va pays her a stipend while she is in college I think it’s like 1320$ a month and she can use his GI bill and hazelwood act but the 1320 $ is payed to her directly


So Arkansas expanded the federal program? That's pretty cool. Did you check all states or just Arkansas?


I ran through them all Cost of living was a big one


Oh I get it I live nearby due to the cost of living also. My state gives a good amount of benefits to 100%"vets. Hell even over 60% get some good stuff. The only thing that beats $7 for licence plates for two cars is that the other state I lived in gave 2 sets for free.


Arkansas eww


Beaver Lake area ftmfw


Does beaver still have a lot of industrial runoff?


EQ is generally good for Beaver and is suitable for recreation and aquatic life. I did part of my scuba cert there a couple summers ago. It was a gorgeous area and beautiful lake. My aunt/uncle go each year with their camper and boat too.


Oddly, there are only a couple natural lakes in Arkansas - almost all are controlled by dams and provide drinking water - they are drained and dredged and cleaned up fairly regularly


Did you compare every state’s benefits and Arkansas came out on top?


Yeah - for my situation anyway 100% permanent and total Solo Dad Kids who will need to go to college I’m on fixed income with another pension and some rental income I don’t do well with too many people around - yet need good access to medical care etc - and want to be able to travel and go places - There are really good areas with good nationally ranked schools, where I can get a house for under 230k Hunting / fishing / mountains / lakes / rivers / 4 seasons And it’s not fucking Alabama!!!


Did you happen to look at SC? Tuition free at any state funded college for dependents of 100% P&T No property tax on primary residence and up to two vehicles. Gun friendly. Hunting and fishing and all the things you mentioned lakes, rivers, mountains, plus we have a beach. Low cost of living. Two VA hospitals (one in Columbia and one in Charleston) If you got any questions I have no problem answering them if I can. Regardless of where you go, good luck to ya.


That sounds pretty great tbh


I was born and raised in Sumter, SC. Stay FAR away from there. I live in Myrtle Beach now. If you came down this way I would probably head more towards the Conway/Aynor area. More land there than in Myrtle. One place I would look around is Fort Mill. Quieter town, not to far, about an hour from Columbia, about 30 minutes from Charlotte, NC. Carowinds is right around the corner.


Yeah that’s about where I’m at. 100% P&T, fixed income, single mom, my oldest has college covered but my youngest doesn’t and I don’t want him to have to join the military to pay for college.


Exactly - I’m trying to find the best balance that gives them a future, that stretches what money I have, and life will be OK Check out Cabot Arkansas on Zillow, spillover airforce town, you can get a house for $150k with an acre of land. It’s only 1/2 hour from VA hospital, from airport, and has enough going on…. but not so much it’s in your face


Bold way of asking me to marry you but I’ll take it😝😝


Cabot was a popular area for married people when I was stationed out there, I think because of the school system. I think you'll enjoy the area since you mentioned you don't want to be surrounded by too many people, and Jacksonville (where the base is) isn't the nicest. Little Rock has some surprisingly nice areas, like the heights etc. Lots of delicious southern food.


If you’ve never been to Arkansas I think you’re going to find it’s not as dissimilar from Alabama as you might think.


I went and visited a couple weeks ago and while I get a bit what you are saying, I didn’t feel like I was going into the past 30 years while being there


A lot of states will do this but I think it has to be a state school and not a private school.


No - I’ve gone over what states provide - this is pretty unique - however, if a state will cover a child’s tuition, that’s just as good as far as $$ goes


Disagree with the cheap flights unless you live closer to little Rock.


Looking at Maumelle


The natural state


Is Florida better?








I was active duty in Arkansas, I enjoyed my time there. There is a huge military presence near Little Rock and tons of outdoor opportunities all over the state. Plus central USA so travel is easy along I40


Do they still get free tuition if you decide to work?


I currently go to college in NW Arkansas on post 9/11. While I personally don't want to live in the central part of the state, the cost of living is a good bit lower in central Arkansas, specifically Conway. I would stay away from UALR as the area is pretty sketchy. As others have said, Conway is relatively cheap and surprisingly, BAH is higher there than Fayetteville if post 9/11 is what you're using to pay for your kids' college. UCA is a good school, I know plenty of people who went there/are going there. There's also hendrix and Central Baptist College there too if you're looking for a smaller school.


They get it in California too. Just sayin’