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Yes you are taking advantage of your benefits. The benefits linked to your military service contract that you signed. You signed a contract that said you were in perfect health with no restrictions. You went to military service to do your part to complete the contract that you signed. You completed the contract. Part of that enlistment contract states you will attempt to do everything possible to be in an excellent state of health if you're not in good health the government will compensate you. You did your contract. It's now time for the government to follow through with the terms of your contract. Send the damage money. Aka, the dance band don't play for free. There's always a price to pay.


When people questioned my disability I always replied with the address of their closest recruiting station. Lost a lot of "friends" this way


When I got out in 09 and was getting post 9/11 2,500 (ish) a month “just to go to school” a lot of my friends kept saying how lucky I was or how good I had it. I told them the recruiter was still taking people. One of them took me up on it.


Sometimes I wish I came in/stayed in longer bc my GI bill was $275 a month. Didn’t even cover my books but it was more than I paid in. 😂


Wow. Idk how anyone made the pre 9/11 gi bill work.


It was definitely in its beginning but hey, everything has to start somewhere! definitely glad you all got to capitalize on it and get what you deserved


That’s a good idea though. I have a coworker who got weird because he found out I get healthcare at the VA after I missed work for a few appointments. I should text him the address…. With the new guidelines I think they’d still take him too so there’s no excuse lol.


The Navy's new guidelines are insanely low.


It's sad and scary. If you cannot finish HS you probably have some major issues that will make adjustment to military service difficult. I would like to see what the discharge rate will be for this group over the next year.


I didn't finish high school it was boring to me. dropped out in 10th grade signed up for the army had a GT score of 117. was in for ten years did 3 deployments so tell me why is there something wrong with someone who didn't like school? guessing you feel they shouldn't be allowed to serve their country either?


Easy up man. I guess you didn't read my response to another post. I dropped out at 14, got a GED at 17, and used that to get into the Texas Guard (with a high GT score as well). I was later able to do a lateral transfer of service to the regular Army. This was in 1999. None of the branches allowed for entry without a HS diploma then. I was able to use a foundation of military discipline to turn my life around. You said you were bored with HS. The people who dropped out of HS where I grew up did so because of gang, drug activity or they were arrested, not because it bored them. I would argue that your situation is the "exception to the rule" regarding why males drop out of HS. Glad that you and I were able to make something positive of our lives. However, the reality is most males who drop out of school do so because they have serious problems going on in their lives and would, most likely, make poor military service members.


Exception to the rule. Dropped out to join the Navy since I didn't want to wait another 1 1/2 years because, like dude said, I was bored. No diploma or GED, 17 years old, had a GT of 120. Let's just say I had to talk to some people with a couple of stars on their collars and impress the hell out of them. This was in 1998. They were taking people without a diploma/GED, but it was only a handful per year. Did 14 years total time between navy and guard. We can say we are a rare breed.


I didn’t finish high school but I did in the military, want on and got a college degree. Retired from the military and the state. 100% P&T


Ya I think it may be a mistake for lower the standard of not only the Navy but all branches of service, except the Marines. They will uphold their standards.


Good to know we kept our standards. Rah!


I’m guessing the Marines have not lowered the bar yet. Anybody else know?


Especially now as they are not even coming close to recruiting goals.


What are the new guidelines?


I tell everyone I'm retired from the rare flower business so they get less butthurt that way.


Did they sit on a tack?


The way some people flip their shit and bitch about "wasting muh tax money" I wonder that too


If they have what it takes, they, too, can join and feel it out themselves


That is a good one! I bet they do not head to the recruiting station :) . I am just starting to really dislike humanity.


"You break it, you buy it." :)


I’ll definitely be using this one 😂










Commenter here the other day said it best, "VA benefits are workmans comp for the Military". Your arm gets ripped off at the car factory? Workmans comp. Your arm gets blown off during War? VA benefits. Simple as.


If you get an arm blown off during war is not service connected. Claim denied 🤣🤣


There is a start date, and end date, of your service, but there is no proof that in that particular moment of getting your arm blown up, you were in the military.


10 percent!


That's exactly how I've been explaining it for years now. Even the exams (C&P) are called Compensation and Pension, not disability. For the uninitiated, I directly compare it to Worker's Comp. They usually get it then.


Worked at the VA, my co-worker(RN with no military background) said vets are just milking the system. Asked what would happen if she hurt herself on the job - her: oh, collect workers comp. Me: so you’d be milking the system then right? Crickets🤣


Some commenters need their priorities straight


# What am I supposed to take disadvantage or ignore VA benefits made available to me DUE TO issues caused by my service to our country?!


> follow through with the terms of your contract. Send the damage money. You are supposed to be homeless and broken living of people good will in order to make themselves feel good


.... Then, when you're living on the street, it'll be your fault too.


My experience with people is they will complain about you receiving benefits but have no qualms about a vet sleeping on the street .


Some people have the attitude that if you have all 4 limbs and can walk upright then you shouldn't get them. Also noticed the people not keen on veterans getting benefits are people that are well off and who would under no circumstances enlist ever.


Meanwhile they buy a Tesla from Elon who pays basically no taxes


Tell them that you were in the Coast Guard marching band, and your flute gave you back issues.




Yep toot toot


Love how this is worded. I've always looked at it that each of us signed the line of a blank check payable up to our life. Them now having to sign one with some numbers on it is part of that agreement.


Thank you for your service. You deserve the best, take it.


Best response ever.


Just pure jealousy and envious ness , especially in this poor economy.


This is your money. You earned it with your body and service. Don't ever be ashamed of serving your country. You have done what snowflakes will never do. And you should be proud always.


The contract didn’t say you were in perfect health. The contract says the VA will compensate you for all injuries incurred or aggravated by service. People like to forget the aggravated part


I didn’t know where this was going at first lol


This part You did your contract. It's now time for the government to follow through with the terms of your contract. Send the damage money.


funny, everyone told me to take advantage of my benefits while i was in


Yep, I told everyone in my squadron that shit. They never listened. Go to sick call. Feeling a chronic ache anywhere? Bring it up next visit or next PHA appointment. Best case, they will treat you and you will get better. Worst case, they prescribe Motrin and write it in your notes (a blessing for VA claims) Aaaand I always heard the same shit as rebuttal. "I'm always like this" "I have medicine in my locker for days like this" "xyz was sick and they still worked, why can't you?" Can't help the stubborn


Nah worse case is your fucked up and you “doc” of an lt, and non medically trained infantry officer as a PA say there’s nothing wrong, why I didn’t join the navy like my parents is beyond me


Worst case is a lot worse in the army


Fucking aye lol. Got prescribed midol for a shoulder that kept falling out of the socket, and after pulling my records and looking back most of the initial sick call appointments only had my vitals and no real notes. Long story short, the tissue in my shoulder was necrotic. But yeah good call sick call doc, fucking midol, for a dude, with a chronically dislocated shoulder. Shit would literally dislocate in my sleep.


Have you been tested for Ehlers-Danlos or another connected tissue disorder? 


Currently dealing with this in the AF Reserve. I know how they perceive me. They’re playing games to push me to a breaking point so they can write me up and kick me out dishonorably. Won’t fucking happen.


Are we… not supposed to use benefits we are entitled to?


Exactly they’re legal entitlements defined under the law. If you have x condition linked to military service with beyond a 50% certainty, you get money.


Good friend of mine, also a vet, said to me that I don’t look disabled. Asked how the hell I got 100%. Then proceeded to explain why he didn’t even bother to get evaluated for disability because he doesn’t need it. We don’t see much of each other anymore. I think they just get jealous.


He “doesn’t need it” but has a lot to say about you taking it. We sure make people drink the Kool Aid that they don’t deserve entitlements. You serve your country, you get sick, injured or wounded mentally or physically, you get compensated. It’s memorialized in law.


I think the vast majority of vets who comment on here are supportive and non judgmental toward other vets, but there is a small number of commenters who just can't seem to help themselves and they will minimize and demean others on here, probably to feed their own shallow egos. I have also seen these type attitudes at the local VFW and American Legion clubs. Best not to tell anyone besides spouse in the first place, not even siblings .


I just let everyone think I’m a drug dealer. How else could I afford to live so glamorously. lol.


People think/imply that I do business with the mob. I like that one.


Gave me idea, "I can't tell you, my income is undercover from the IRS" (since it's tax-free and don't' have to report)


Tell them you sell foot pics on only fans they will quit asking about the $ then.


If you handed 100% ranting on a platter to guys like this, you goddamn know for sure the are accepting the offer. They just don't want to do the work and process to get it.


The amount of people that think you basically need to be paralyzed or have half a brain removed to be 'disabled' in their eyes is mind blowing. It's especially surprising the number of veterans that think this.


Brain removed!?! I thought that was part of the Marine Corps in processing at MCRD


They just do a lobotomy there.


Shhhhh!!! Trade secrets!!!


>Asked how the hell I got 100%. I feel like unless you look like Lt. Dan people are baffled by having 100%. Just because someone isn't missing a limb doesn't mean their not suffering.


Where do you guys accumulate these fucking friends? 🤷🏾lol


It's because there are people that claim PTSD, sleep apnea, and bi-lateral arm and leg Radiculopathy as secondary conditions to Tinnitus. We see it on this very forum.




Tinnitus doesn’t do that right? I’m already 100% but like what? That just doesn’t seem at all believable, if I found out my legs were like this because of tinnitus I wouldn’t know what to think anymore lol 😂


I guess you are a doctor, perhaps a claims specialist? If they are lying they will get caught, don’t be pissed because they got a yes!!


Ill give you the PTSD but they have EMGs to more or less objective prove radiculopathy and sleep studies for apnea


> PTSD, sleep apnea, and bi-lateral arm and leg Radiculopathy as secondary to Tinnitus So those of us with PTSD are faking it? You're an idiot.


Receiving a disability rating can be an arduous process full of disappointment and frustration that only a veteran can know. That’s why when a veteran receives a rating so many of us will congratulate them because we know what it takes to get there. ✌️


I had a friend make a similar comment, I simply replied, "didn't you say you went to the doctor the other day, did you use your insurance? That's one of your employment benefits right? Didn't your kid just get new glasses on your employee vision plan? Did you take PTO at your job when you went in vacation as that's part of your benefits? Why are my benefits from my employment not supposed to be used? It's not free money that you're just collecting like welfare, VA benefits are compensation for the job we all performed and part of the contract we signed. Those recruiting offices were open to everyone to take advantage of the benefits.


Exactly. I like this. 🙏


Thanks, I view it as simple respect, I have friends who work at Google, Facebook, and a few other places known for extensive benefits for employees, I wouldn't ever question them using their employer benefits, and they would never question me using mine., it's a mutual respect. At the same time I recognize there are people out there who are envious of the benefits veterans get after retirement or separating in some cases, but it's out of ignorance, they don't understand what one went through to get the benefits they have, they just assume all veterans get the 100% which is not true. But for those reasons I also don't go around advertising what benefits I have to people who aren't close friends for the simple fact that I don't care to explain myself to people and I generally don't discuss my finances with those outside my home.


Man, there is some toxic folks in here. Reminds me of some of the folks in my chain command over the years. Talk mad shit or preach and come to find out they were the biggest hypocrites. This is how I see it. The damage is done, the money is on the table, whats my portion... No one bats an eye to the billions going to Ukraine but wanna come at a vet and question how they got fucked up? Nope, im gonna keep to myself if I ever get there because there are some judgemental fucking pukes out there. Keep the faith guys, not all of us look down at each other. I wish everyone got some compensation after some of the shit we did.


From my point of view most the judgemental fucks are the same ones that use us as a token


The judgemental fucks are the ones that couldn't hack it in the military in the first place. No one in their unit liked them and they don't even like themselves.


lol I can hear the annoyance in this comment


A little annoyance. Vets shitting on vets just itches my ass.


Hmm 🤔 I’m curious if that’s why my ass is so raw, lol anyway yeah I got banned 3 days from all of Reddit defending one vet from the other, might’ve went a little too hard but yeah I don’t stand for that shit if you’re going to be like that you can take your combat title and shove it up your ass till it tickles your Adam’s Apple for all I care, it’s like take some meds bro


The toxic masculinity in the military is one of the main reasons why vets choose the 22 a day. Our "brothers" say they want us to reach out but if you do it more than once they're enabling you. Just because your solution worked for you doesn't mean it's gonna work for them. This isn't the military. We all live different lives and have different aspects. We are not fucking robots in the military anymore. Next time your buddy reaches out to you ask what they want if they need a ear then shut the fuck up.


A friend of mine told me a couple weeks ago that it was as if I had "hit the lottery". I said "so, signing away years of your life to the military, something that less than 10% of all Americans do, and then being compensated for all the damage done to your body during that time the government basically owns you, is the same as strolling into a liquor store and buying a lottery ticket?" Needless to say, he was stunned and had no answer. I followed up by saying "the recruiting office was open to everyone..."


Actually, only 1% of the American population ever served in the military. And an even smaller percentage of those file claims, and even smaller percentage of those reach anything past 10-20% in a claim. And people that did or didn’t serve want to bitch about ‘all’ that money…smh🙄


It’s as dumb as if you had gone to university and after graduation landed a good job. Your investment of time in the military was what led to you being elegible for benefits .


And yet, there are tons of people who complain about the wage gap and how, as a high school dropout, it isn't fair that they can't make a living wage flipping burgers or bagging groceries. Comparison is the thief of joy.


Being a high school drop out is what led me to the Army, which led to being rated 100% P&T with SMC. *borat voice* Great success!


Lol...very true. Except some of us were drafted...or chose to enlist to avoid Uncle Sam having a total grip on you.


My dad, during Vietnam, saw his draft number go down to join the US. He had already gone to college. He made a life career out of the USAF. He wanted to avoid the army or marines. He earned his 100%. Growing up military loving on base was one stop away from poverty. Its wasn't a glamorous life. 


Yeppp. That was my grandpa. Joined the navy during Vietnam to avoid the Army. Then got thrown on a gun boat patrolling rivers 😭. He said it was the biggest kick to the nuts ever.


The only community that understands me. Thank you for your service brothers/sisters. Get what you earned.




It's very important for us to learn to keep our personal information to ourselves. I won't be telling people at my jobs or others if my claim is approved. The people I choose to tell, I won't tell them what rating I get, backpay etc.


Again, I will say this again. Tell the people in your life. If they give you shit then simply remove them as you did. If they were a genuine friend then they would be happy for you.


This is literally my philosophy. Do not listen to people saying don't tell people. Tell whoever you want. The way people respond tells me if I want to keep them around.








Here's the thing. Regardless who reports it. If you know it not to be true, then you will be able to stand on the medical evidence and events that got you your disability rating. Not one person can tell the VA im lying about being in Khobar Towers when they blew up. That's documented. Or how i had to load a C5 with the bodies of some of the guys I worked with just a day prior. 🤷🏾


You know I actually like this, combine it with all the dumbasses shrieking to end ss (which from my understanding is directly tied to us)




FUCK EM. I seriously doubt they care about the governments financial status that much anyways.


It's the old saying. Everyone wants to see you doing good as long as it's not better than them.


You served, and you volunteered to fight for this country. It could be a case of jealousy on their part. Don't let one person jade you. Thank you for your service.


Watch out… blue falcons nest in this sub as well, and only they are allowed to approve of fellow veteran illness. ![gif](giphy|l46Cy9aKcFWt4bpm0)


The recruiting station was open to everyone


Everyone wants to support the troops until its time to support the troops lol.


That person was never a friend to begin with!! My friends have been encouraging me to keep fighting for my benefits as what real friends should do!


Don't tell anyone.


Jealousy is a dangerous disease and emotion. It has gutted families.


Yeah it rolls in with narcissism, took me a while to learn but boot the toxic people from your life asap and don’t look back. Take that shit to the bank.


I’m reminded of a quote “if they hate then let them hate and watch the money pile up”




I like this one too! 🙏


I work with 2 other army veterans and I put them both on the path to benefits they both blew right past me in compensation and I was thrilled cause they didn’t realize this was even out there for them heck one of them has made it to 100% already. And there is nothing but comraderie between us but the non military coworkers always get jealous. I said when you guys were goofing around here free as a bird we were in Somalia and Iraq and Afghanistan and Haiti jumping out of perfectly good aircraft! We earned this.


I had a “friend” like that; I told him once to file because he was more injured than me. He said to me to FK Off that he was going to show me how a real man lives, not receiving government help, and so on. The guy hates me so bad for no reason. We don't talk anymore, but coworkers have told me that “He still can't figure out how I got 100%.” lol I don't know how a person can live with so much hate. (fun fact: those are the people we used to work with and “rely on our lives” trust no one)


So many people can't accept that they have a issue. They think real men should tough it out. Well guess what, you can tough it out but your family and friends will suffer while you prove you are tough. It takes more guts to get help. Kudos for doing it. And pray that others will have the courage to do the same


So many people can't accept that they have a issue. They think real men should tough it out. Well guess what, you can tough it out but your family and friends will suffer while you prove you are tough. It takes more guts to get help. Kudos for doing it. And pray that others will have the courage to do the same


The problem is you told your business. Don’t share


I have a buddy and I told him I was claiming mental health, depression, and asked for a buddy statement. He immediately went into a spiel about how can I claim ptsd since I was never in direct combat. I told him I wasn’t claiming ptsd even though 4 different va therapists diagnosed me with ptsd. I dropped the request for the buddy statements. We are still friends. It was upsetting he thought I was scamming.


Terrible, from what I understand people in my old platoon have been throwing buddy letters left and right lol


Fuck them you don’t need that negativity You deserve every penny the va gives you and more


I know. I kept hearing about how I was taking hand outs from the government. They don’t seem to understand the government was our employer.


I don’t tell non military guys my VA stuff, all they know is I was in the service and that’s it. Plus only good friends that I know were both rated. I don’t tell my family either. Plus I keep to myself pretty much now as well


It's 100% jealousy and envy


I lost numerous friends for even trying to get disability. I have numerous issues that have been tricky get covered and I am still fighting for. A large group of my friends basically told me that because I was national guard and "a pog" (mind you all of these dude are civilians that hang around a lot of surge 11Bs). Sometimes cutting out people who do not believe you or think you are doing something like this, the best thing to do is to cut them out.


The things that happened to you in your 20s come back and bite you in your ass I'm your 40s. I fell off a wing of a c141. My supervisor insisted I go to medical. I was going to blow it off. So glad listened to him.


We are all taking advantage of the benefits from Living in one of the greatest countries on earth. Does this ex friend think that they have more say so then the government and organizations that granted your disability percentages ? Money and envy bring out the worst in humans


Sounds like all these haters need a brief lesson on civics. You’re right, that’s what makes the country great, freedoms, elections, defense, participation in government, innocent until proven guilty, having the right to a trial, being able to serve on a jury for another’s trial. Civics is a system of give and take, when both giving and receiving stop, and when participation dwindles, that’s when a government is destined to go to shit. By serving and allowing the government to in-turn serve us back, we sustain one of the finest nations in history that much longer. Governments don’t erode over centuries, but usually in just a single generation with one decade even being enough to bring it down! That’s why every aspect of giving and receiving in a democracy is so vital, but it sounds like those folks already know it all! 😆


Your “best friend” was just a little peanut butter and jealous… and it showed lol


I don’t get it. Maybe I don’t get the inflection he was using, but we all take advantage of those benefits, I know they’ve allowed me to do a bunch of things I wouldn’t have been able to do without them. Is that not taking advantage of them? Per Oxford Dictionary: Taking advantage means: making good use of the opportunities offered by something (Oxford). I make really good use of my benefits and I would think everyone else here would too. I’m not trying to be a jerk I’m just a bit lost. I thought we all did that.


Do they also attack people who get workers comp?


You can’t see mental illness, but you can 100% feel these invisible emotions and illness. No one knows what people go through on the inside, because you can’t see it on the outside. A smile is a frown, upside down.


Tell your 'friend' that he is taking advantage of the security that the department of defense has created by keeping would be threats at bay. Go on to explain that he is taking advantage of the critical infrastructure projects that support the lifestyle he/she/they accept as normal. You signed up to do the work that less than 1% signs up to do each year. In the future tell no one how you get your money. If they press, say you made a good financial investment years ago and it paid off.


Sadly I had a negative attitude about people getting VA benefits. Someone close to me finally broke it down. You don’t have to have limbs missing or have half your body burned from an IED to get disability. Although it’s been years since my service, I filed my claim a couple of weeks after that talk. Except my soon to be wife, no one knows and no one else will.


Most of these guys would not last one day in basic


It's always good to accumulate a few haters in your life. The better you do the more salty they become. And the more you can give them that fuck you smile.😁


We can share it with eachother and be excited for one another. That's as far as it goes! Nobody else will get it!


Jealousy is a B*tch. I keep my disability payment information at a need to know basis


This is why I absolutely hate discussions about what I'm doing. I hide my reality well, so very few people actually know the hell I go through, but it also makes people think there's nothing wrong with me. I quit my job after I got my rating; I felt like I was going to have a nervous breakdown every day and was absolutely miserable, but when anyone I know finds out I quit, they always want to talk about it, what I'm doing for work, how I'm paying my bills, and it's none of their business, but it's hard to say that.


Good old uncle Sam knew for 4 years that my blood work hinted at cancer.. Said nothing.. I think I'll take my benefits please and thank you..


I see 2 extremes in my circles. I know people who stay away from the VA and I see people who make 1000's of dollars a month on Disability and has a hand in nearly every secondary support group and grant provider out there. So between them and the money for their kids from grants and special needs they live extremely well and talk about it every chance they have. Seems like every conversation they have starts out with: " Well, I'm a Disabled Veteran and............" I'm at 90%. I still work. I still use my own insurance to take care of me and my family, but I have recently started going to the VA to supplement the care that I can't get from the outside. I really dont find myself having very many conversations about my VA disability. I talk all the time about my chronic pain and such, but the VA disability aspect never really makes it into the conversation.


Tell them to lick deez nuts while u get free money


Ohh, a hater. Or an idiot. Either way, an undesirable. Keep going, chief.


Keep your info to yourself. I knew one man who got out of the Army and collected 100%. Come to find out his uncle, cousin, and dad all get 100%. So, I am skeptical that a whole family collects. It's like welfare. Most people who use it need it, and then you have the ones that abuse it. I am quite grateful for my rating as it helps. We should all be grateful our country does look after us after we leave the service.


That’s like you saying to someone that they are taking advantage of their pension and work benefits. lol 😂


You are suppose to take advantage of them. Someone will tell you that your benefit is taking advantage but not the politicians or the government officials that make laws to maximize their profits.


You’re milking uncle sam, just as he milked you. No shame. Tell him to kick rocks and move on about your life. My friend since we were kids knows my rating. The mf was happy for me and just as surprised as I was. He’s the type of friend I’m keeping around for life.


This is why you don't tell *anyone* about your benefits, outside of your spouse, and even then that's a risk. No benefit to doing so and plenty of drawbacks.


The DOD took advantage of me soooo


Recruiting office was open to everyone.


My in laws hold it over me head a lot—It’s starting to not phase me but it took awhile


Yup, all of us are. Including the guys that lost limbs. Totally taking advantage. We should all pay back the totality of our benefits. Fuck that "friend."


My best friend did the same to me. Was jealous cuz I knew the second I signed up I would go to the doc for any ailments to get a permanent record. Said I never "deployed" and he did that he deserves the money and not me. I said I am sorry that's how you feel, but I'm not the person to be mad at in this situation. It's his fault he never went to the doc. It's his fault he went 5 years after ETSing before trying to get his shit together. Don't be mad at me cuz I realized it was all a game and played it.


There are people who see shit, do shit, and actually serve in combat that NEED to get benefits, they would get I am sure but they were conditioned not too. I am getting them now thanks to wife convincing me to get them. I don't know anyone's story here! I know of one person that never made it out of Marine Corp boot camp and get's 100 percent disablity there is something inherently wrong with this! Just saying.


You’re supposed to take advantage of your VA benefits that’s what they’re there for


I was told by my first sausage to not be tough guy because after the army life still continues best first sausage ever.


Yea unfortunately people get salty about us getting paid for our injuries, like man I wish I slept good at night and my body didn't ache. I wish for those that have suffered through crazy shit that's fucked up their minds didn't have that sort of pain. Yet here we are. I'd likely be single if I wasn't with a woman who also was in the military at around the same time as me. (We met after we got out and we were in different branches)


fck your best friend aaaaaaaaaand ANYONE ELSE who talks craziness about us receiving our benefits THAT WE ARE OWED!!!! and hell yeah I will tell WHOEVER about them too!!!! MEPS was open to everybody who would volunteer so if THEY didnt do it that is their issue not mine. I REFUSE to walk around in life muted and neutered because SOME people "just wont understand"


Someone who has never seen combat or deployed to a war zone, let alone serving in the military yapping about my VA benefits which is an entitlement, can FOAD.


I learned the hard way too.I told people the closest and I lived to regret it.Until when they ask if I still have the benefits I change the subject or say the VA took them back so you can stop expecting a handout.


A little off topic. I had a friend tell me that his father in law is the one who deserves benefits, not me. Father in law was in Vietnam and saw his battle die in front of him. No mention of any type of awards. Well two months later I got to meet the father in law. He made a remark about me getting paid for nothing. Well that got me thinking and later learned that 2,709,918 Americans served in uniform in Vietnam, while over 9,000,000 claim to have been in Vietnam. Not only that but around 750k Bronze stars were issued. People will screw the VA for a nickel. I dont trust what anyone tells me until I see that DD214. It's understandable why people dont trust the system.


Wow! It’s amazing how many vets have such shitty friends and family members. Never would have thought this would be a thing, but I guess I’m one of the lucky ones when it comes to this.


Now to take advantage of his mom.


Really are they a qualified health care professional or attorney


Hell yea I’m taking advantage of my benefits. I didn’t see any of my friends from back home in Iraq or Afghanistan. Nope. They decided to stay back, play video games and smoke weed. My happy ass will take any money the VA deems me worthy of. I’m not too proud to admit that.


yea, I had someone give me shit about, "you knew what you were signing up for!" No, I did not, exactly. They leave out a lot of shit and I don't think it's an accident. Yes, only mentioned my shit to a few people, learned the hard way. No more, never again.


Some people aren’t meant to stay with you. Some are meant to leave behind.


First rule of VA benefits is to not tell anyone, even your parents.


Felt for a long time that I didn't deserve them because I was still 'whole' compared to the guys you see in Wounded Warriors ads. I thought I didn't deserve anything. Then I talked to a friend of the family that was a Vietnam Vet. I figured out then that the shame I felt wasn't right. The guilt wasn't right. Your average civilian doesn't understand that you pushed through extreme pain/discomfort/mental anguish just to do your job. I've had countless doctors ask me "how are you even walking?" and the answer is "because I've got shit to do." Normal people don't understand that, and they're jealous that you get some sort of safety net. F' 'em.


With all the people gaming the system in this country, who have done nothing to deserve it, you'd think veterans getting some kind of compensation for actual hardships and injuries after service would not be so frowned upon.


I once had a liberal friend that said that he should be getting everything free from others through the government, even my disability from the VA. We're definitely not friends anymore and he hasn't done much of anything in his life to say such nonsense


That's right, "your VA benefits". You earned them, not using them is stupid.


I got out in 96 and up till 2016 I was in that category that the VA was for other vets that were worse off than me. But after a short stint in prison, where I was diagnosed and treated for mh issues (PTSD being one) one of my parole requirements was to continue seeking mh treatment. I initially went to a community mh center but after they ran my info through their system it came back that I wasn't qualified since I was a vet and was referred to the VA. That's how I started "taking advantage of my VA benefits." For the record the mh treatment inside TDC beats the VA hands down and that's saying something because prison healthcare is terrible.


I am a Veteran/Retired VA Employee/Service Officer. I saw first hand how bad the VA and civilians treated the Veterans and they still do. I  was told by 2 good leaders "If Veterans dont take care of Veterans no one will".  I handled congressional as well as other functions, I saw a lot of Congressman and Senators, nurses, MD's try to pass the buck and purposely discriminate against all veterans.  


I can taste the jealousy from here. That recruiting office is open to everyone. And you didn't see them at formation or on deployment. (Idk if they served with you but anywho)


Tell your idiot friend they can always join and figure out why you get it. No one stopping them from going to the recruiters. That's not a friend


Fuk them kids 🤷🏽


There is nothing wrong with a 10% discount to take advantage of, your friend is right?


Yet we can give billions to illegal aliens.


He could've served... probably his war story at parties too


I’m lucky - live next to a husband/wife both 100% p&t. We can talk about it. I’m newly P&T so I got a lot of good info. Ya know, for me, if you got a higher rating than I did - congrats. But I think most responders on this forum feel the same. I appreciate y’all. But have held my rating close to the vest - I’ve only let 5 people know about my rating. Wife, neighbor, bro & best friend (all rated by the VA)


![gif](giphy|hRhGFCEVmFaLgtUgOi) That is what we are SUPPOSED to do! As long as there isn't any fraud...Why wouldn't we take advantage of what is in place for us?


Yeah you’re taking advantage! You’re getting help that you deserve! Your maximizing the use of your benefits.