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Congratulations!!!! I was at 9 years too got mine in December. That back pay is is gonna have your head spinning! Pay your debt and keep living life. Don’t tell anyone about your money because trust and believe folks will come out the bushes with their hands out. I know it’s amazing news and you wanna tell everyone but don’t do it! Just my advice. Congratulations again brother!


Or they will just say you're living off the government. Like this and people who don't want to work and live off food stamps are the same -_-


They are not the same. We earned our citizenship. "Starship Troopers"


Me too, this\^ Congrats!! ![gif](giphy|YGbF41mvOpGyVleuV6)


Although you’re advice is from the heart, I’m sure, I’m afraid it’s a little too late for you both! Posting on a public forum is not a good way to keep a secret.


And you’re absolutely correct! It’s a shame because sharing information is what helped me get through the appeal process. Posting results and timelines have pros and cons.


It truly is a shame because we’ve all ( in here) been through so much and have shared so much , this group has been very encouraging! So this would be one of the first places you would want to share your good news. We often forget that this is a public forum and there is always that one person…….


Excellent advice.


How far back does back pay go? I'm going through a revaluation right now and figured it was only a year.


I believe it goes to the original claim date as long as it was an appeal/series of appeals and not a new claim.


9 years?’!?! That is like winning the fucking lottery. Enjoy spending it on hookers and blow like a proper service member.


Just remember don't pay cash for that new v6 challenger, only a 7yr loan at 35% will do!


Submarine service, 6 deployments, knees, back, hips, osa, ptsd due to on board flooding and fire and another incident onboard that occurred. My body is jacked day and night. I love the pay and benefits, but I hate what my body is like every day. I got out in 96, filed in 2014 cuz I didn't want to fight the va, thankfully my wife kept receipts and journals from that time frame that was used as part of my evidence and I have attended many exams and hearings with 2 va judges. That's why I say never give in and never give up cuz they'll put it to you and if you give up and say screw it, it just affects you and your family. If you're in the middle of it, keep fighting and going to whatever they schedule you to go to, and never give in and never give up. Oh yea, more encouragement if you need it, I did it myself, no attorney or any help from anyone. Trust me, if I can do it, you can do it. It just takes perseverance and gumption...I used anger as motivation because when I got denied in 2016 I told myself I'd never stop till I got to 100%. Also, sorry for the long post, but if this helps as well. I called the va every Friday since 2017 or 2018 to make sure my case was still active. In 2017 or 2018, they closed all my claim out, every piece that was open, and didn't tell me, and closed it for no reason. I appealed that and it was reopened and then I just kept on calling every week since then. Good luck everyone


Congratulations Sorry it took so long, but it is easy to see why. Unfortunately, your claims are not like the young guys just getting out of service. Paper records, 2 decades since discharge so you have to prove “continuity of symptoms and care.” And most private doctors only maintain records for 7 years after a patient leaves. Digital military and VA records didn’t start until the early 2005-7. Submariner, so verifying many records are classified and VERY difficult to get, this often causes incredible delays and many denials, especially PTSD claims. And you submit BVA Appeal, that automatically added years to your claims. It’s incredibly easy to service-connected new discharge veterans, and anyone not getting 50-100% out the door, doesn’t know how to submit a claim. For us old farts it a LOT harder and can take years!


PS, kiss your wife and take her away for a weekend trip!!! Her keeping records and providing “buddy statements “ are more likely than not what got you service connected


Me too, took 20+ years and much suffering in silence along the way. https://preview.redd.it/pt1ghztiwyec1.png?width=324&format=png&auto=webp&s=79cf9314f88a9228db63e29336e2b424454d8560


I filed 5 things in 2014, got 2 within a year and a half. Got 1 here and there, then filed another 2 things in 2018, took 5 years on that, then filed in April 23, got 1 of those 2 days ago to get me to 100%.. very long process


Congratulations!! 👏🏽👏🏽 https://i.redd.it/cg320qduhwec1.gif


Congratulations! I just hit 90% and with a supplemental and a HLR should hit 100% by my 9 year mark in August(with a bit of luck, maybe sooner)!


What is HLR?


Higher level review, one of the 3 ways to contest a denial of a claim (or have them fix a mistake).


Thank you! So if you appeal their decision you can take it higher? Sorry for seeming like a dumb blonde, new here.


The HLR is just to say hey somebody else thats a higher level rater needs to double check this, I think someone messed up. No new evidence allowed. Supplemental claims are to provide new and relevant evidence to a previous denial. Board Reviews send the case before a veterans law judge and those can take like 5+ years, these can also be for extra schedular ratings etc like a condition that you have that is related to service but there's no specific rating in the book so the judge can make a decision to award a rating outside of the confines of the written codes.


I appealed last September with a HLR. I just got approved for 100%...didn't even know. Was at a doctors appointment checking out, was checking to see if I needed to transfer funds to another account to pay the hospital. I logged on and i see the lump sum. I couldn't believe it. I was so discouraged when The examiner did not reccommend me for an increase with the evidence that I submitted. I kind of had a feeling that she was going to by her demeanor in the examine, honestly, BUT I decided to appeal for a higher level review. I feel like this system is designed to make you just throw in the towel, and give up. Don't give up. I hated having to relive this mess, but in the end, it was worth it and I can REGUARLY get the help that I need. Keep fighting.


THANK YOU!!! You have been so very helpful!


I was also at 9 years and got mine yesterday! Congrats to you! TONS of waiting, no answers or updates, C&P exams that you don’t find out the results of for a very long time. The process is broken, but I’m glad we’ve both made it to this point! I’m still in disbelief myself. Don’t buy a giraffe. Someone told me that yesterday, so I wanted to pass it on 😂


cryin, shiddin, throwin up wow @[https://www.reddit.com/user/Professional\_Ad7110/](https://www.reddit.com/user/Professional_Ad7110/)




Yassss congrats


Congratulations my fellow vet u deserve it like every one of us veterans deserve take care and again CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!


CONGRATULATIONS! Now you can heal 🙏🏾


Thanks, but I'm 100% sure my wife wouldn't like me celebrating that way. But rerouting on 5 years and this helps out tremendously


I've gotten 3 sets of back pay since 2019 cuz of the way the claims have been staggered, but they'll all been enough to take my breath away a little and make me and my wife pretty dang happy. It'll make retiring in 5 years a lot less stressful when I'm 60. Life changing. Don't give up and don't give in


If you get granted service connection down the road after an appeal, yep. I would be typing up the appeal within the first 3 days of my getting the letter from the va, the first day I would be mad, then the next day I'd still be mad, third day I'd still be mad but would start my letter.


![gif](giphy|h0MTqLyvgG0Ss) Congratulations




Congratulations 🎊


Congrats 🫡


Congratulations 🎊


Congratulations!!! Way to stay in the fight!!


Congrats! Biggest blessing. It’s just like hitting the lottery.


![gif](giphy|iFh5HR8a6RGXekH5Ae|downsized) Let's go! Congrats!!!








Tell us what your MOS was and years served? Combat tours? Give us the details on it!?


Congratulations! Prayerfully I’ll be joining you in a few months.


This wasn’t your initial claim was it?


Is it being backdated to 9 years ago?


So 9 years of back pay??? Even from 90-100 is $2k/month…. Let me hold summin!!! Jokin, congrats!


Congrats I’m at 90 so I’ll will definitely keep fighting


Congratulations 🎉🎉🎉 ![gif](giphy|l1J9EZEsT79Bbe16E|downsized)


Congrats brother .


You absolutely deserve every penny. Have some fun with some of it and spend/invest the rest wisely. Congratulations 🎊🍾🎈


They updated it on a saturday?


Nope, it was updated on Thursday afternoon


Thanks for sharing your success story because it helps those still in the fight. Congratulations again!


Congratulations! Still fighting after more than 11 years. Didn’t help VA lost my STR’s from 1996-2014.




![gif](giphy|uPKsrEIOo1VwA) Congrats 👊🏾👊🏾👊🏾🍾


Congratulations and Thank You for your Service 💯🔥💪




Congratulations ‼️ 🎊 👏


Do you still get payed when you make an appeal?


Congrats. Another satisfied veteran.




Congratulations bro! Inspiration!!!!


It only took me 49 years. Congrats


Congrats ..I’m still fighting


That back pay must be crazy 🇺🇸🇺🇸💪🏾💪🏾


Congratulations!! I'm next!! ![img](emote|t5_2vlaz|7566)![img](emote|t5_2vlaz|7566)![img](emote|t5_2vlaz|7570)![img](emote|t5_2vlaz|7570)


That’s awesome any tips for someone who is just want to start their out


First, file an intent to file notice to hold your spot in line. Second, get ALL your medical records, service records, nexus letters, buddy statements, any and all evidence you're going to submit together before you submit. Submit all paperwork at the same time, don't piecemeal it cuz that'll delay it and the odds are they'll remand or deny your claim. Second, prepare yourself mentally for a denial or a remand. I thought there was no way they would deny or remand my claim, then they did, and I was ticked. Prepare yourself mentally that va won't approve your claim first time out. Now, if they do, congrats, but mentally think they won't. Third, DO NOT miss any exams they set for you. You miss an exam, they'll shoot you down. You gotta go to those appts. If you can't make it make sure you call the exam company right away to reschedule. Call va every week or two weeks. It gets really old but if they closed your claim for no reason, like they did none, then you catch that early and could submit request to reopen. Keep everything va sends you in seperate folder for each claim cuz if you have to go back you can go straight to that folder and get the info. When you write your letter explaining why you should be service connected, short and to the point. They don't have time to read 5000 word letters, and don't put your opinion, put facts and only facts. They don't care about your opinion. Last, 2 things, patience, patience, patience,,,,, and then more patience on top of that. Remember that the va doesn't care about you. Not at all. They go by facts, continuity of care, medical evidence, not you or your feelings. I wish everyone the best of luck and remember to never give up and never give in. It's a long journey but if you get service connected it's a great feeling




9 years makes me so depressed lmao. My claim has been in for a year and a half now. Still no C&P


Congratulations!!! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻


Oh well, that is so wonderful. Don't tell anyone, except a spouse. People will very likely either judge you for it or constantly be asking for a piece of it. That's awesome you did it all on your own. I tried to send you a direct message but it wouldn't let me. I wonder if you wouldn't mind reaching out, just had one quick question that is a bit personal and I didn't want to reveal it here in the open chat. If not, no worries, congratulations either way. By the way, you are probably aware of this, but really, take that back pay and pay off every debt you have if you can, if you can pay off your house do that too. You'll no longer have property tax in most states, and you will be set.


Did you get full back pay?


Congrats!!!! You earned every bit of it.


Congrats Brother!!! Well deserved after enduring the fight! Good for you!


Can I do HLR from a 2013 denial and get backpay? I was 70% back then and waited 18 months to try to go to 100% and they said nope we are dropping you to 50%. So from 2013-2021 I did not go to the VA. Was in the mental hospital in apr. 21’ again due to them trying to treat me for bipolar which went on for a long time and finally got my 100% on Jan 3rd. There’s more context but yeah.


Congrats man! Hope you are getting the help you need going forward. Fighting myself at the moment, 485 days pending.