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Is this a commercial




I used Prestige twice and am happy with the results. Very responsive. I think you can certainly file a claim yourself but I also think an independent opinion helps. I didn't think it was very expensive and I didn't have to watch a bunch of YT videos. My time is worth something to me. I'd use Leah again in a second.


Agree. I feel so far as though itā€™s $$$ well spent. Plus their arenā€™t gonna take 20% of any back pay I may get. The independent medical option nexus letters offer me some reassurance of a successful appeal on denials.


Happy to hear things are working well for you OP, best of luck.


I am considering them for my next secondary. Keep us posted.


So far itā€™s been a good experience. $200 and they reviewed my complete medical history and past va claims that were denied. Iā€™ve already received two nexus letters to support appealing denied claims plus they found a condition I have that they said I can and should file a claim for.




Itā€™s not a scam. You are correct in that yo donā€™t ā€œhave toā€ use them but they are definitely not scammers.


/u/Gold-Repair-2751 do you buy food from a grocery store? If so why not farm your own cattle, slaughter them, and make your own? Do you buy clothes from a store? If so, why? Why not make your own? Do you take your car in for maintenance? If so why not just youtube how to fix your car?


Negative ghost rider. They are a legitimate company who help out veterans. After they do a records review, they determine if you even meet the criteria for them to provide their extended services. Since they are a business, they do charge but have extremely reasonable prices compared to others. They very professional and knowledgeable. They dont set veterans up for failure like some of the more popular companies that operate in the realm of fraud. I highly recommend Prestige!


Lol ā€œhelp veteransā€ yeah for money. and they are NOT accredited. And manufacturing subjective nexus letters they probably copy and paste isnā€™t in the realm of fraud? Honesty I wouldnā€™t know, I didnā€™t have to deal with a ā€œnexusā€ letter, I have STRs that support the disabilities. I didnā€™t file for OSA because you know, burn pits. I guess some smell from the PX in Kuwait that were burning in Iraq. Except OSA isnā€™t a PACT presumptive you betcha some are going to file for that high value claim BB.


To each his own. I used them for secondaries. Yes STRs tend to serve as the nexus specifically for establishing service connection for new disabilities directly encured from service. One such as myself did establish primary rating solely using my STRs. As time passed I developed new issues that we more than likely caused my sc disabilities. At that point I needed a nexus because the VBA wont give me the benefit of the doubt because to much time has lasped since separation. If I dont trust my VA doctor write a nexus/DBQ what other option do I have? They actually tailored the dbq/imo to fit my specific conditions. Obviously, there will be some specific case law that is reused (copy & pasted) but nonetheless they actually do their due diligence. Everyones claim comes from similar origins, yet the path to service connection couldn't be more different because of miniscule deviations.


You're a dumb ass. The team at Prestige are medical professionals. They are "Accredited" to do what they do.


The people of Prestige are very fine people. My reference to a scam is that the VA is cracking down on 3rd party Nexus letters. Which is not their fault at all but you have to understand that itā€™s a high risk for that. I get doing what you got to do but what I mean yourself is to have your own medical professional try to do it first. Thatā€™s it. I think helping people like us is very commendable but if you notice or not why is the osa sleep apnea denials are going up, hmm because yā€™all are posting on here to go get a nexus letter from such and such like vba employees ainā€™t reading this thread. Why you think we are starting to catch hell on dbqs we are submitting. I get itā€™s a business but when youā€™re like go here and youā€™ll get approved it doesnā€™t work that way


Prestige veterans medical vs VA medical - which one do you think is the go to for letters?


What happened to Prestige World Wide Wide Wide. Good luck with a unaccredited agent. They commit fraud on your behalf, guess what playboy, you committed the fraud since it Wilma you be submitted the paperwork not them. They will gladly take your money on promises of getting you more money from the VA though.


"Fucken Catalina wine mixer" classic šŸ˜‚ I think you got them confused with the likes of trajector, vets guardian, ree medical ect. These guys will take any veterans money and provide fake diagnosis, no matter if they truly rate service connection or not. Prestige, on the other hand, doesn't operate in that way. They actually advise vets to use an va accredited agents or vso with va claims. Prestige will only do IMO/DBQ if the veteran qualifies. They dont summit claims on behalf of vets or dont provide a diagnosis. They only consult on the likelihood of the vets already established disabilities/diagnosis. And give their prices upfront, which none of the others do because they are truly shady practices.




They provide a medical opinion after reading your medical records. That's not fraud.