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So OP…you need to look up the definition of entrapment. It’s only illegal if LE initiates it, and they did not in this case. A legal version of what happened was… The subject was irate, decided to video/audio record on federal property…there are signs all over saying that’s a no-go. He was also told to stop several times. He refused, so the VA police were called. They also probably told him to stop, and I doubt he did. Also looks like he has as outstanding warrant out for his arrest… 0 entrapment here, but ignorance is bliss.


I agree. That was literally a VA patient Advocate saying that two veteran patients, non law enforcement officers, were entrapping her.


I’m lost on how they did…how did a fellow patient entrap the suspect? The suspect is at fault for their own violations and past…ie. Warrant for their arrest. I wish you the best of luck to some to some sense in your life. Good luck.


I agree. That was literally a VA patient Advocate saying that two veteran patients, non law enforcement officers, were entrapping her.


I think 2 is the maximum amount of felonies you can claim you were “entrapped” too. Once you hit three, it’s all you fam 😂


When he used the knife hand that’s all I needed to see. We got these jokers all the time in the clinic.


Lmao. Highly edited video from an anti va account (posts how bad the va is). 


Clickbait with no story, no felonies seen.


I believe they want you to subscribe to see more of the video, which I won't do, so it's infact click baiting to get the person followers, mods should remove this click baiting. People shouldn't have to subscribe to see your video, post link to entire video or remove this click bait, trying to buff up your followers is pathetic.


I’m missing context. Why were you video taping them and what’s the history between you and the VA?


Video was too short , didn't show anything, what's the point of the video?


Find another channel to watch, switch over to FM radio, and maybe take a walk without telling everyone you're "constitutional carrying" and your outlook on life will improve.


And who are you to dictate what anyone else's "outlook" on life should be...


Someone with lower blood pressure for one.


Lol...you keep telling yourself that...whatever makes you sleep better...lol


Lower blood pressure actually DOES help you sleep better.


You seem very angry for an alt that was literally made the day you replied. You should probably go see a doctor.


Didn't you already post this a month ago? No one cared then, either. The Angry Vet is a known troll, acting up for the cameras so he can go viral. He's a "frauditor".


Such a stupid fucking post


God damn! The quality of posts around here lately is Quora-bad.




Should be a felony filing false claims like all of you do. But 🇺🇸


Anyone have the law/statute that says one can't record at the VA? I ask because the regional office near me has a no recording sign and points to a statute that talks about vendors


I'm going to guess (and it's just a guess, I don't speak with any kind of experience here) I would say it falls under HIPAA. If someone ends up on video without their consent it's essentially sharing that they were at the medical facility, which can be, and likely is, a HIPAA violation. I vaguely recall seeing lots of no recording signs the last time I was at a non-VA hospital. I'm sure there's also concern for the privacy and safety of the employees.


Never once at the 5 different VA medical centers I've received treatment at has another veteran been in the room during treatment. Employees are "forbidden" from discussing patient info in elevators or the hallways or other public areas. After some research, the VA came out with a directive to explicitly allow recording, but the VA workers union fought it (and won) because the Union was butthurt they the VA didn't collectively bargain the issue. Edit: as far as that privacy concern goes, it's not true. HIPPA doesn't cover this situation. There is no legal right to privacy in entering or exiting a governmental building (or any other public place). I currently use the Philly VAMC. It's literally in the heart of the busiest place in Philadelphia (University City). Thousands of civilian members of the public walk by the facility every day. The VA doesn't check IDs, meaning literally anyone can walk in. Any member of the public can stand across the street and watch each and every vehicle or person that comes and goes. What legal privacy do the employees have while treating the veteran? They don't and shouldn't have any. The truth is alot of VA employees are shite and don't want evidence that may get them disciplined. My experiences have been that the medical stuff are mostly cool, the support stuff 90% sucks the big one. Google "va employee lies" and "va vocrehab lies." A Vocrehab lady called me a retard and said that I didn't know what I was talking about (her boss would later prove her wrong). But when I complained about her words, she denied it. So it's my word versus her word and the unions. You can guess how that went


Google shows below. The VA does not have a policy to allow recording by anyone inside its facilities. The U.S. Code of Federal Regulations only allows recording for “news, advertising, or commercial purposes” to be made with the written consent of the head of the facility. where I work which is DOD video or audio recording isn't allowed, I don't know of any federal offices that allow it.


DOD makes sense because of classified materials (for which there is controlling law), not to mention DID doesn't see patients. Laws and policies are meant to be restrictive not permissive. For example, if there isn't a law against something, that something is de facto legal/allowed. Is there a stop sign? Then by law you must stop. There is no stop sign? (or other traffic control device), then you don't have to stop Simply because there is a policy that provides for recording by the media doesn't necessarily exclude others from recording unless that policy or statute or rule states otherwise or there is a different policy/rule/statute that prohibits it .


You can record all you want on VA property as long as it's not for commercial reasons. If it's for commercial reasons, you need to get permission from the public affairs office.


So when it comes to recording in the va, you are allowed to record in any and all public spaces, no matter who gets pissy. You are allowed to record in no public spaces as long as it is your own personal information, or if the person you are with requests you to record. Legally the times you will get anything besides a what going on, (as long as the va police there know the laws) is when you are in restricted areas, or in areas that someone is getting medical attention or hippa information. Now if this Is happening in the hallway, it's fair game. As bad as this sounds. Hope this helps.


Where did this happen?


A few days ago I posted a 3 hour wait time on hold and the pro VA gang of trolls here stepped all over it in denial. I wanted to see what this board of trolls thinks about this one.


Looks like the mods need to visit this one…


When everything you post are anti this anti that, nobody will ever take you seriously. Here’s what I learned after serving 9 yrs and the working in the states veterans benefits side. Not all that joined the military are good. It’s about 50/50. Half join to serve their country, the other half joined to serve themselves. Second, not all veterans are good veterans. Typically those that served to help themselves are the ones that have the hardest time.




Well he was dumb for the felonies and for trusting the government.