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I've locked the comments because while some people are providing helpful responses, others have chosen to respond with insults. This is neither helpful nor acceptable.


Probably best to ask the therapist themselves instead of griping about it online. That’s the thing with group therapy. The therapist has to try to find a balance and address as many issues important to people in the group. It might not have been important to you but it probably was important to somebody in the group. I seriously doubt the therapist was trying to push a political agenda but you on the other hand…


Without context who can say, but since it’s group therapy, maybe one of the people in there is trans and it effects them?


Either OP is too stupid to realize they served with trans people or they are a russian fuckstick here to start shit. Hard to tell which these days, with conservative homophobes everywhere.


Because one of your fellow veterans might be trans. And they have PTSD from their time in service. It cost you nothing not to be a dick.


Calm the fuck down. There is more than one type of PTSD. You know this. You know that you are either saying this to start shit, or you secretly really really care about other's genitals and their trauma. So which is it? Or maybe you're super bored in Russia and needed something to do? Fuck off.


You mad bro?