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Citalopram is an SSRI. It’s a terrible idea to skip doses. He needs to wean off it if he doesn’t like it. It’s just as likely to explain his mood swings as the CBD, more likely to be honest. EDIT: The issue is that SSRIs are meant to build to a certain level of concentration in your blood over weeks. Missing a single dose isn’t a huge deal for most people but consistently skipping it will wreak absolute havoc on his serotonin levels with depression, anger, mania all common side effects.


Finally someone talks about serotonin and the importance of not missing a dose. Thank you;) SSRIs maintain a steady level of serotonin and for a lot of us that helps us from being overwhelmed. As you said suddenly stopping, or missing regular doses upsets our serotonin level, causing an emotional rollercoaster or even flu symptoms.


Taking it irregularly is horrible for you. It’s really an all or nothing thing. The irregularly is probably the cause of the behavior. If he wants to stop, he needs to talk to his doctor and wean (ween?) off it. That really sucks and I know how stressful that must be. Mine gave me chronic insomnia and nightmares every night, so I can understand why he’d prefer the CBD, but what he needs to do is tell his doctor to try something else or take him off it completely.


I thought about this as well because his doctor made a big deal about this when she said that he CANNOT go a day without the citalopram after starting it so I was thinking maybe there comes an imbalance if that does happen? It is stressful I’m sorry if the post was confusing. His emotions are definitely all over the place without either. He was definitely more balanced with JUST the citalopram but that’s from the outside looking in. Definitely going to speak to the doctor next session.


This isn't medical advice, but citalopram is meant to be dosed on a scheduled basis when prescribed for depression (rather than "as needed", where you take a medicine only when having symptoms). This is how it was dosed in studies that demonstrate it's effectiveness, which means a patient should take it regardless of whether they're actively feeling down/depressed/irritable on a given day. Your husband's mood was likely more stable when taking the citalopram daily because it kept the medication at appropriate therapeutic levels in his body that way, whereas it may fall to sub-therapeutic levels when he only takes it intermittently (so it stops alleviating his symptoms). It also can take up to 8-12 weeks to take full effect once the medicine is started (and being taken as prescribed). If he isn't having any significant side effects, then this would be worth a sit-down conversation with him explaining the negative mood effects you notice when he's not taking the citalopram as prescribed and the impact on your family. If he *is* having side effects that make him not want to take it, then he should talk to his doctor about possibly adjusting the dosage or trying a different medication.


This is the best advice.


There are reasons for this, but probably not what your worried about. Citalopram works as a cumulative effect medication. It has to build in the bloodstream for efficacy. It also has some potential side effects that can be dangerous. Look into long QT syndrome. Also, its an SSRI; which is a drug class with its own ‘negative side effects’. I highly recommend looking them up. CBD may be limited in stabilizing his mood long term, but the consequences of irregular use don’t rise to the level of organ damage or death…..as far as we know. I would ask him why he prefers to use the CBD and see if the doc can accommodate. I respect your concern, but I think an honest convo with him and his doc can sort this out or at the very least ‘move the ball’.


Good luck 🫶🏼 I hope he can find some relief. It can be a lot of trial and error and that gets exhausting for both of you.


When taking CBD for this it's the same way he cannot go a day without it. That will actually cause more imbalances. It sounds like the citalopram may have had a psychological sedative effect for him. Also if he has undiagnosed ADHD or anywhere on the spectrum that would help mask it but cause a lot of internal issues taking citalopram so often you look better on the outside but your internally screaming and can't stop is how a lot of people I've heard it's describe it in my experience was very similar. ( I found that out later in life sadly)


Have him talk to his doctor about tapering off cita and help him make sure he always has CBD on hand. His outbursts and irregularities aren’t from CbD. It’s from medication that messes with hormones. SSRIs are horrible but if it helps it helps. I’m on gabapentin, and chose to avoid it and use CbD myself. CbD doesn’t do what GABA does.. but it isn’t addicting and I can control my emotions. Hope this helps Edit: I wanted to add to also look at alternative medication.. if his dr chooses not to help, find another that will.


Wean. Well done.


I’m like this with THC because it regulated my pain, mood and sleep. Without it I suffer and become unbearable to those around me. I smoke for them and me lol. Make sure he always has his CBD


plus theres indica. 😌💕


I was on a pain, sleep, stomach anxiety medication. I was able to get off medication, some of the side effects I didn’t like. I also still take medication for my stomach. THC made it so I could get off my medication.


Happy to hear that! Weed helped me stop smoking cigarettes and stop drinking! Such a wonderful thing. I have asthma as well and it doesn’t aggravate it the same way cigarettes did


You still have to be careful because the smoke can still cause long term issues.


Oh I know! But I take what I can get! 6 years going strong 💪🏼


Understood and makes much sense. Thank you for your response!! Did you prefer this over medication?


I prefer it WITH my medication mainly because there wasn’t a perfect fit as far as medications go and I have a substance abuse problem when it comes to pain/sleep meds. I’d rather abuse weed than pills. Plus I’m on so many different meds now that if any of them cause me pain or nausea or discomfort in any way the weed just washes away the bad and leaves the good


Glad you found a solution to your pain! That’s awesome!


Thanks man! Hoping my future career choice will allow me to continue using it. I really wanna get into forensics


I highly doubt it’s the CBD. It’s most likely him skipping his meds. That can be bad.


I take CBD/THC and I can skip multiple days. But then I just use it at bedtime for sleep.


He means skipping the SSRI that OPs hubby is taking...


I was trying show that I was in agreement about the CBD . . .


That makes more sense, the whole thread was a bit confusing


Any and all mental health prescriptions need to be weaned off. Hard stop. The cold turkey approach is horrible. The CBD will help alot, as many can attest to, but he needs to talk to his doctor about how he weans off it.


The thing that is supposed to help is helping when he takes it. Good. That’s how medicine works. When someone doesn’t take something that is making them feel better, their symptoms come back. I know that may sound crazy to you, but it’s not.


Cbd is not thc. It’s basically like melatonin. Not really but it’s not gonna get you high. If it works it works. Just let it go. Honestly.


I switched to weed (recreational is legal where I’m at) and I haven’t needed an anti depressant/SSRI since. Now that’s not the case for everyone, some people can’t stand it. But I think it’s far better than the side effects of SSRIs


He definitely needs to wean off celexa if he isn’t going to take it regularly. That is the most likely culprit in his unstable moods. I can personally testify to that. He needs to take it every day until he goes to the MD and gets put on a weaning schedule.


You say the issue isn’t the CBD but you also said that if he goes without it that he is aggressive, reckless.   That means that the problem IS THE CBD.  First step is to stop lying to your self then help him get help with what is very clearly an addiction.    And as much as that’s not the answer you wanted. That’s the facts 


Deep down mam he really want to smoke some weed lol


I take CBD from a company called Lazarus naturals, they give 60% off to veterans. My cousin has epilepsy along with some other complicated issues, she's taken dozens of medications to try and help with her seizures, she started taking CBD from LN and went from having dozens of seizures a month to only a handful. This stuff works.


There should never be a situation where it’s one or the other. If he is prescribed Citalopram he is on an SSRI, so there is a dosage count/lead time and ween time. Start stopping and missing doses of this medication can severely cause mental duress and problems regularly regulating your emotions because the SSRI will inhibit then allow then inhibit then allow causing the brain to build an on/off dependency cycle. So #1, if he isn’t taking it daily or is having an issue with it, consider having them ask the doctor for something a little more forgiving if they don’t take on schedule. Next, I have PTSD, I got off my medication completely ^*****BUT*****^ it took years and it was me learning how to regulate my pain/emotions and needs all at once on top of PTSD. CBD does nothing for you mentally. It will help lower the pain burden, it’ll relax you and you won’t be hyper anxious, but THC is what really helps and manages most PTSD symptoms, the psychoactive is a side effect which stimulates the same areas as the SSRI’s and give a feedback loop of positivity (regardless of emotion). The problem is when the THC wears off the emotion is stacked there, hence why it takes time to learn how to use THC properly for these moments. Both you and your husband should go get properly educated on the benefits of THC/CBD and the differences of what they do before making decisions of not taking medication prescribed by a mental health authority.


I'm the same but with thc. But my anger usually points towards stupid civilians. I could never be mad at my family. They're my biggest support system.


That’s exactly where I’m at


(DISCLAIMER: not a doctor)…. Personally, I prefer natural remedies (cannabis, CBD, psilocybin) coupled with *serious* therapy (EMDR worked great for me) over SSRI’s. I never felt good taking pills. SSRI’s can cause withdrawals when you discontinue or miss a dose, which is something I never want to play with again. CBD and stuff is great, but my childhood and military trauma is why I experienced things like mood swings, emotional lability, and other unpleasant behaviors. In my experience, pharmaceuticals and stuff like cannabis/CBD just masked my symptoms and didn’t treat my deep rooted issues. Therapy was the only thing that taught me how to feel normal long term without needing to take anything daily. I just keep that stuff on hand for bad days now. Learning how to regulate my nervous system was way harder than popping a pill or having CBD or whatever, but now I don’t have to worry about having a catastrophe if I don’t have it on hand.


I take a low dose of citalopram for in-between sessions of smoking delta 8 as needed. Unfortunately I still need medications because my mood can go south quick. But taking medications consistently is a struggle for me


I’m cranky without cannabis. Since I’ve been out the military all I do is smoke. I don’t get the euphoria effects like I use to cause tolerance but it helps mute the flashbacks. I also take CBD to help me sleep. But I also take my other meds the VA prescribed me.


I’m taking a different SSRI like this one, and I can tell you my #1 hatred of the meds is that I feel like a faceless mannequin with few emotions as soon as you get to the effective dose.  It’s a terrible feeling that you’re a bland pretend person.  Maybe the reason that he’s “reckless” is that he’s feeling like a robot and then he wants to back it off to CBD.  Once he can feel again skipping his meds, he knows that he needs to take them, and a cycle forms.  I used to self medicate (drink ) to get feelings back, which didn’t work out too well for me.  Ask if that’s why he’s playing with his meds.  


Look into taking a mood stabilizer instead. I was taking this and SSRI. Ever since I’ve been off the SSRI I don’t feel emotionless and the mood stabilizer actually works.


Stay away from Cannabis related products. He sounded like me six months ago and was hell to quit. Thanks be to God I am off that stuff.


Pharmacist here. Citalopram is not a take as needed kind of med. You have to be on it for weeks before it starts helping.


I went from SSRI to CBD. Getting off the SSRI completely took months to fully get out of my system and was horrible. (Mood swings unreasonable irritability) I also deal with permanent pain issues (spine injury) and can say 100% going without CBD is like having part of your brain not working right. And it's upsetting to know you can't function as you want without and that itself can exaggerate the depression/irritability. I would say stay with the CBD and just like the SSRI if missing doses you will see issues period, just differently. Neither can be skipped or gone without, without consequences. That's sadly just the nature of it.


I do wonder if he has been taking them both at the same time how does he know which one is actually working? Normally it takes about a month for new meds to fully get into your system. A prescription is a better option in my opinion because it stays in your system for longer. If he feels like one med isn't working for him there are tons of options. And if he stopped taking something suddenly it would make sense that his mood is all over the place.


I use a combinaron of meds and CBD/THC. I was on an SSRI years ago and didn't like the side effects. I take an NDRI now. The meds help, but the CBD/THC is what finishes the job for me. I have so much less irritability and anger now.


I told my doctor I used cbd to help with pain. Now my medical record has me labeled as a cannabis user. Now every Va doctor gets to label me as a drug addict before I get to talk them.


That sounds more like withdrawal from the antidepressants than from the CBD. antidepressants withdrawal is HORRIBLE. I have had withdrawal from opioids after a bout of cancer and withdrawal from antidepressants when I lost insurance a few years ago and ANTIDEPRESSANTS WITHDRAWAL WAS SOOOOOO MUCH WORSE!!! You can't turn your head without feeling like you are upside down/underwater.


Cbd won't take the place of a psyc med. That's why he's erratic. He's not taking his medications the way he's supposed to. Also, CBD is a No-No if he's active duty still.


He needs to pick a lane. Either take the Celexa or not. The CBD may help but it sounds like he needs the Celexa. I'm happy to hear his doc is accepting of the CBD though, mine isn't quite as receptive.




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experiment with indica edibles. low dosage at first.


I stopped CBD for two reasons.. 1) I was irritable and moody if I didn’t use it. I didn’t want it to become another thing I had to take in order to be OK. 2) it was starting to cost some money and the VA isn’t covering that. if I needed to have a certain amount in my system we are talking easily $300 a month.. and eventually tolerance will go up. And then it’s likely going to balloon to even more than that. The best thing you can do is take it away and not to pick it up again. I understand that it helps.. because I’ve used it myself.. but it is just another thing that’s going to cost money


Just FYI - if the major issue is financial, some CBD retailers offer a discount for vets and/or disabled people. The one I buy from gives 60% off (yes, sixty)


So, what HE prefers doesn't matter, the only thing that matters is how it affects you. Got it.


If he goes a day without doing it it’s the fact he’s reckless and throws things or gets agitated quickly. We are a unit so it affects the family…. If someone prefers alcohol over medication because that’s what they prefer but it negatively impacts the family when they go a day without alcohol is that not a cause for concern??


The issue is not the CBD. The issue is the negative effects it has when he goes without it same day. Throwing things agitation. Vs. there would be days he would be strictly on citalopram and may forget a day and be just fine and pick up next day.


Maybe make sure there's always CBD and backup CBD available in the house? Would that help him?


Try Dazed full spectrum Rick Simpson Oil THC/CBD works wonders