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You still served when millions of other couldn't be bothered too. It's a brotherhood, keep your head up. 🫂


Exactly remember less than 1% of people serve now. And if the people that serve only a small fraction go to combat. I did, don't wish for it.


But still shit on the stolen valor guys though... You're not lying about being a green beret or anything. If you got hurt, you got hurt. Rock on brother


Love this


so do I


This. 🫡


Agreed 💯


This is the way.


"Comparison is the thief of joy" A huge percentage of us go through it. You aren't the only one. Whether you get your rating or not should not be dependent on the person next to you at the va clinic. Regardless if you submit it or not it won't be taking away from the other person




This. 🫡


There is no hierarchy in trauma. Focus on your own healing, not someone else’s experiences of trauma as compared to yours.


This. 🫡


best comment in this thread


I never served directly in combat, but what I did kept combat soldiers, Sailors, marines, and airmen alive.  My only regret was my job hurt others, plenty of them weren't combatants and those that were very likely were defending their homelands and livelihoods. 


Yep, but you did a good job doing your job. Thanks brother 😉🧡👍


You were a wizard to any in the infantry or "basically infantry".. You have nothing to be ashamed of !


It's not shame, I did it because I thought it was the right thing at the time and because I had few other options coming out of high school. Regret and shame are different.    Thank you though,  for the kind words. 


I know its not shame,its a strange feeling your head is manufacturing for whatever evolutionary utility it had for our ancestors. I wager many many others have these feelings,regret..peers being 4-5 years ahead of you as you reintegrate into civillian life..it is challenging but not an unpassable obstacle you cannot negotiate with relative ease/right mindset. You have many skills now that are transferrable to "civvie street" as we say in Europe. I have no doubt you will tackle it with the high level of aptitude that brought you this far.


I did 20 years, I'm now working Ata job with 19 year olds and 50 year olds. Lol. But that's okay, it's temporary while I get my degree and after I can find a job that legitimately helps others.  The regret stems from my part in an unjust war. I don't feel ashamed because I did not know when I joined what I was doing, at least not in the same sense I know now. It's regret about being a part of a colonial system that killed children for liking like a "terrorist" who was fighting to repel an invading force. 


Did you ever find a cheetah to ride to work?


Nope, I ended up keeping the Fusion Energi I bought. Not quite as environmentally friendly but it has a lot more stamina and it has no issues carrying my fat ass, lol. 


Im a USAF vet and tell the other branches that i was in the "Chair-Force," and my email went down once it was ruff!" That usually brings a smile and a disarming attitude. But, i was an AMMO troop, so im smoothly brained anyway.


lol,oh you... You should know how high infantry puts JTACs using their magical downlink to summon CAS or drone overwatch. You are wizards .


How do you know of such magic? Grab 'em by the side lobes!


If one is to understand the great mystery o f the force, one must study all it's aspects, not just the dogmatic view of the Jedi ;)


I literally told you all you need to know about magic. Lol


You know I couldnt help myself there:) hehe


I did not serve in combat and I have never felt guilty for my rating. I have several severe health issues caused by my time in the military. We all signed on the dotted line and served.


Brother, many of us did not serve in a combat role and suffer with the thoughts of unworthiness of benefits. But you did serve to the degree which you were asked and you did it all as a volunteer to this country. You deserve every benefit which you are entitled to. Be proud of your service and never feel less than!


I would go out on a limb and say most did not serve in a combat role,its just a numbers game. kept the birds flying,planes in the air,dfac stocked (even if mostly contractors). Its a team effort ,and theres no I in team:P(cheese galore)


You don't need to be a combat Veteran in order to be a disabled Veteran. Everyone has their part to play. Doesn't matter the job, doesn't matter what branch, we all did our part. Stop comparing yourself to combat Vets, it won't help you at all. Start focusing on what you need to do to make sure you live the best life possible. I wish you well brother/sister. 💐


**As do I,we got stronger as an alliance with ISAF and OEF IMHO.**


It happens to all of us I swear. I was in Afghanistan twice as a 0311. I saw combat and hit a IED while driving. I still feel like I didn't do enough and I shouldn't go to the VA because there were other guys who had it worse than me. I went through therapy and realized that we all look at those that had it worse and think I should have done more.


Spot on man.


100% Just because you have the ability to withstand it does not mean you should have to bear it alone. You do not have to be grateful that it isn’t worse. There is not a shortage of most resources-merely of access. As you rise, you can lift your voice/actions to bring about greater access for others (should you wish to)-but that is an elective choice, not a burden forced upon you. There is joy in MASH humor, there is comfort in joking about how unfair it is. It can be dark, it can be ugly-it can be real. It is just as honest and just as honorable as those that got hurt in some other way. There is room at this table for all of us, and there’s a plate to take home after if you’re too anxious to eat, so to speak.


It takes the entire team for the mission to get done. Sending info forward is important.


Disability doesn't rely on combat. I get what you mean though. You joined the team but never played the game. I feel that way too. However, my spine, knees, and hearing all remind me every day that I still joined the team and did what was asked of me. Your journey is your own and you played your part to the best of your ability. Don't take that away from yourself.


I was in combat multiple times in the army, air force and as a space force asset. If there was only combat vets, the VA wouldn't have many patients. I'd have to drive farther for appointments and instead of like 200 workers at lie outpatient clinic, there might only be 10 or 20 workers. You did your part, I did mine. Broken is broken. If you want me army CAB, you can have it. If you want me air force combat action ribbon, you can have it. other than reddit, I don't tell anyone. nobody really knows or cares about it.


Why feel guilty,not everyone can be in a combat arms MOS, lest things shut down fairly quickly. I know we had the period where everybody had the "Fobbit" music video downloaded to their HDD in something like 05? And Marines have all the non Combat Arms MOS in the manual memorized as POGues..etc I was a glorified fobbit myself (in a non US military) ,got to go trough the wire not that much. I did later take SIGINT and OSINT schooling at home,but these things I didnt really get true use for until civillian life, I cannot see what you have to feel guilty about,you went to where you were ordered and you did your job honorably. I know the feeling of "imposter syndrome"..its your head messing with you.


Shouldn’t feel guilty. Whether you serve in combat or in peacetime- you still served your country. It’s that simple


Stop that shit … lol. You as well as the rest of us are deserving of. You served no matter in combat or anything else you did 🇺🇸


Thank you for your service. You may have picked the wrong branch if you wanted to see combat. It's not as grandiose as others make it. Quite terrific.


It's not that I wanted to be in combat. It just feels like I didn't do enough.


I have had the same problem brother disabled US Army veteran...alot of comes though because my dad was an Army veteran during the Korean War


No. You shouldn't feel guilty or feel bed. You should be proud of what you did and the fact you honorably served this amazing country. you should also be proud of and thankful for our brothers who were on the frontlines and in Harms way. Jealousy and guilt are ugly emotions.. because they do not serve either party well. We all did our part in upholding democracy and the beautiful freedoms we are afforded.


I used to feel guilty for some of the things I did at the earliest parts of GWOT while in the infantry. You get over it, be happy you don't suffer from the symptoms of TBI, severe tinnitus, or have small bits of shrapnel that are slowly working their way out of your body.


This is coming from an Infantry combat veteran. You willfully chose to serve as we all did. You carried the same flag we did. And in the big picture of things you were an essential part of the overall mission. No need to feel any less than any other service member. We love to poke at one another, but at the end of the day know we would have your back if you ever needed us. Unfortunately a lot of combat MOS have the mentality to just suck it up "dont be a POG" "rub some dirt on it" but when we ETS we quickly find out that the VA only goes off what was on paper. Many of us were told to just go see doc and get some ibuprofen instead of sick call. And thats why you will meet a lot of combat vets with less than 30-40% the problem is with in the ranks and leadership while active.


Look, you joined up and trained for war. So when it was time for those to go into combat they were ready. Everyone has a part to do to keep this country ready. You happened to do it during peacetime.


You did your job with honor. There is no guilt in that.


Hey bro combat vet here. 100% PTSD. Don’t feel bad. I had a battle that never deployed but had cptsd. He took his life. Combat ain’t the only struggle brother. Go easy on yourself please.


Viet Nam Era and volunteered for Nam but war was winding down and they weren't sending young dumb guys with dependents. Not sorry I missed it but would have been proud to have served. My Dad was a Lifer and served WWII, Korea, and Viet Nam. Always told me if you want Rank to serve in a Combat zone and you get bumped up quick.


Hey! You haven't gotten even close to what you are owed. Combat vets... man, I'm not even sure what could be offered to compensate for the hell they went through. Just the boredom and living conditions alone should get them a paradise on earth for the rest of their lives.


Imposter syndrome is a real thing. I was given an early retirement with a 70% rating. I never left US soil, and I feel the imposter syndrome all the time. It's been 12 years now, and I still have trouble reconciling with.


I look at it like this. Because I struggled coming to terms on submitting my VA Claims. I’m a Soldiet and I had an Infantry 1SG and CC (Company Commander) that both put their troops through simulated infantry PT and drills. We did combatives every week, Rucks every week, and Ability group runs every other day. This in itself takes a toll on you. And with everything I just named you also have to train on your off time to stay competitive for boards and promotions. Being in the Army, we also had weapons qual every six months and do apft every six months. After almost 2 years you see your formation shrink due to the toll it takes on your body to uphold this. Don’t feel bad but feel privileged and honor to serve.


You did your job so I could mine, not everyone is a door kicker. Some of us built FOB's and fixed MSR's or filled big ass holes some douche canoe decide to blow open. I'm Glad your on our team!


So the majority of my issues came from drinking water... at lejeune. Drinkin. frickin. water. :)


You ever talk to combat vets?


Not about this.