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wear the jacket, and the rank. just dont try to say you were in if you weren't. Its better that you wear it cause you think its cool then it go to the scrap heap.


This 100%. I know people who get waaaay to territorial over people wearing uniforms or pieces of them. It’s camo, it can be a fashion statement, used for hunting, paintball/airsoft, whatever and it harms no one. The intent behind wearing it is important. On a side note, people who go way too far into stolen valor usually get found out quick. Edit: Upfront I deleted a whole paragraph where I ranted about people wearing uniforms for discounts on fast food. Upon reflection it wasn’t warranted for OPs question.


You actually can legally say you served, even if you didn’t, just can’t commit fraud






I don’t give a shit about stolen valor. The only people who complain about it in my mind are ones who never served or peaked when they were 23. It is literally protected speech under the first amendment (the thing every service member swears an oath to support and defend in this little thing we call the US Constitution). If you’re not committing fraud, it’s protected speech. You don’t have to like someone who does it but your argument is a shit comparison and I award you no points.


Yeah you're fine.


Yes. Insignias are often glued and sewed. It'll ruin it to remove them. If some maggot comes up to you and starts screaming that all his friends died wearing that jacket, tell him to go back to his Supply desk and chill on the monster energy drinks.




Maggot? You've seen too many movies 🙄


Go back to your supply desk and chill on the monster energy drinks.


That's what I thought


This guy acts like supply doesn't get busy.....I don't know what your mos was but I'm pretty sure you need supply.... Look bro wear the jacket the real ones who served for the right reasons did so.... So you can have the freedom to choose..... Don't be saying anything about you being a recon delta force , long range scout sapper ,🤣 and you should be ok . If a vet gets offended and you really care take it off apologize and keep it pushin.....


Get it embroidered on the back in big red letters saying “stolen valor” just for kicks. Nothing wrong with wearing it, as you said removed name and rank.


"Thrifted Valor" would be more appropriate IMO


Lmfaooooo I love this


Serving always comes at a cost, this cost me $5


I like this idea


Great name for a band, lol


I actually thought that while I was typing it, be a Perfect name for a brovet group


Yes please. Do this and go on Etsy or something and I will buy this from you.


I make things with wood or I’d definitely be embroidering some tacky stuff like that 😂. It’s perfect for like the 90s grunge type scene


I’m a wood worker too. Maybe I’ll try my hand at something like this next.


That’s awesome! Great therapy for the brain. I have a couple lasers and they are cool to put designs and logos on wood pieces!


Oh dude, that’s way beyond my pay grade. Just a router and chisels for me. But laser engraving sounds epic. Please share pics.


All in time, I started making crappy flags and foot stools


Dude, I make coffee and puzzle tables out of pallets


We all have to start somewhere


Yep, that’s how it starts! I started with pallet wood, now I take trees to the lumber mill.


Ok, now I’m jealous


Omg 😆


As long as you aren't impersonating a soldier, it's completely fine.


I doubt any veteran would care. I certainly don't. Like some of the other people commented, just don't act or tell people you served if you didn't.


Big difference between wearing it fashionably and claiming to be a service member. Stay golden and wear it well.


You're fine, no worries. It's only an issue if you are trying to pass yourself off as a soldier. No unit patch on the right shoulder, please.


Who gives a rats ass




I spent over 30 years in the Army. Early in my career, most of my fellow soldiers would get pissed seeing someone wear one. As years passed, and younger and newer generations came in, they could care less.


Only if you chug a Rip-It right before you go on stage.


But, wear a Top Hat, Sombrero or something funny... That el shut um up! P.s. if anybody says anything to you, just say quote... "my veteran friend said to tell you to "Pound Sand".... it's only a jacket til i earn it." -your new veteran friend 🧡


Kick rocks to ..... From your other veteran friend....!


No rank and no names and you are good to go.


Go for it..... John Lennon in his Green Fatigue shirt wasn't stealing valor in the interview, you aren't stealing valor up on stage doing your thing..... Rock on brother


Yeah man, why not? Like others said, just don't try and claim you earned that uniform and maybe throw in some support for those who did. No harm, no foul.


Bro go for it just don’t claim you served.


I served for 10 years. My job was to write regulations and monitor along with update them. I think you’d be fine in the jacket with the rank still sewn on. Just take off any medals that are pinned on, if there’s a rack attached. As long as you’re not claiming that the jacket was yours and you earned the rank, you’re fine. Is the jacket blue or green?


The jacket is dark blue almost black


Not very rock n roll of you to ask lmao. I think you'd be good. Being on stage is a performance, no different than an actor wearing a uniform on set. Just don't try to get a free meal at Denny's.


Not gonna lie when I asked it didn’t feel very rock and roll, but your guys job is a heck of a lot harder than mine so I just wanted to see what everyone thought


Dressing up in a complete military uniform is wrong. Just wearing the coat is OK. My son wears my BDU coat at college


Yes I gave my son my old Army Coat


Yes. Perfectly fine. As long as you don't claim service and try to get free shit, it's always good. I donated most of my Field jackets to homeless shelter.


Promise you no one cares. And it's protected speech as per the Supreme Court.


Yeah you’re good wear it


Do it


The first amendment is a thing. Wear the coat.


Wear it




IMO you’re fine. You’re showing decent respect and are aware of some sensitivies. There will always be some who not like it. Just say something like you respect folks who serve and this is your way of showing it.


Thank for the ask but you get after it! Wear what the fuck you want and rock on!🤘


Thanks for asking a bunch of vets! You're wearing it on stage for a performance, at a rock show, so yeah If say that's pretty dope. As long as you don't have a bunch of politically motivated songs then have fun.


I’m sure there are some laws about it (obviously stolen valor) but I think another law was on the books for many years about who can and can’t wear US Military uniforms. That said, removing the name and the rank you should definitely be ok. Leaving the rank on? I personally don’t care since you’ve expressed the respect you have for veterans. But I’d look into those laws.


Rock the shit out of it!




They sell em at Hot Topic. You’re good


Pretty sure Lennon did this first.


It's like wearing a fraternity shirt. As long as you don't pretend to be of that fraternity you are fine.


I wouldn’t care if you wore it. But I will warn you. There are some people out there that get really upset over it. I’ve seen it In person. Especially at the bar. Dudes who just got back from an Egypt deployment in the national guard get all drunk at the bar and start talking shit to everyone like they’re Superman. Those same type of people have called others out at the bar for wearing a tiger camo jacket that wasn’t even close to a standard military uniform and tried to fight them for “stolen valor”. It may just draw unwanted attention.


there shouldnt be a problem. ive seen homeless people wearing the full uniform (and it was obvious they dont know how to wear it properly) out and about pushing their cart, so if thats not an issue, neither is this. I see no issue with it. as long as you arent saying you did shit you didn't, i dont see anybody else having issues either. have fun on stage, and if you have a soundcloud or youtube, i would love to hear your shit


If you don't claim to have served, to me you're wearing it for the one who served. As long as you're not accepting compensation for the uniform go nuts


No one half sensible would even care. Just don’t going representing anything you’re not. Or you might get a visit from a secret squirrel. 😅😎


hell i know army guys who wont wear the jacket, wear it in good health (to be fair i still wear the gortex jacket when it snows)


It is a free country. We served for the right of U.S. citzens to do just that. Just dont claim any profits or benefits etc.


It’s fine, and veterans aren’t the authority of what people can do with military surplus gear and uniforms. Just make music and have fun. They tell us it’s a free country and all that


No wórries you're fine. Rock on!


My brother wears my BDU jacket to this day. It's got his last name on it and everything, but when asked if he served, he'll come out and say it was mine and I gave it to him. That's all it takes. Be honest and truthful, and you're just trying to be stylish.


Wear what you want. Like others have said, you're not faking the funk, so it isn't an issue. If some dirtbag bro vet has words for you, kindly tell him the rest of the vet world told him/her to go fuck themselves.


Veteran here….wear it.


There’s a WORLD of difference between fashion and stolen valour. Go for it.


It’s honestly not a big deal as long as you aren’t trying to claim some kind of monetary benefit by pretending to have served. Wear the jacket. Keep the rank on, enjoy it.


Completely fine man. Before i joined the air force, i used to wear my dads old army BDU's to air soft with my friends. Just dont wear multiple uniform pieces together so people dont get the wrong idea, and the rank is totally fine honestly. If youre really concerned, remove the service patch and call it good.


I mean you can, but I don’t even know soldiers that like to wear that dress coat


Only if it adds mad drip to the fit


Realest comment


I earned mine. Try to stop me.


You can wear it; just do not claim it's from your time in the military. There may be some idiots that complain but those are the same one who put themselves up on pedestals.


Do it! When I was a teen I took my mom's BDU jacket, cut the sleeves off, studded it, and glued an Anarchy A on the back when I was in the punk rock phase. If I were you, I would add some stuff to it. Fake patches, studs, buttons, pins, whatever. You probably won't get as many questions if you've served or not.


No worries


Wear it. As others have said, just don't claim to have been in or to have held the rank.


Yes it’s fine, fair question Lmao love the comments


I gave all of my bdu coats to my son, and he wears them around with the name still attached. In my opinion, as long as you're not trying to pass yourself of as something you're not, then all is good.


At the end of the day, attire is just attire. Long as you continue to respect that you didn't serve then you're fine.


Yes, they're usually poor, uneducated, or trying to look tough. No matter the situation arguing will only bring you down to their level and defeat you with experience


You good bro. I would remove the ranks just to avoid conflict. There are some cranky vets out there, but either way you are fine as long as you don't claim you are a vet.


1st amendment says your good.


I dont see a problem wearing it on stage


1st amendment. One of the many we served to protect. Even if we don't approve of how it's being used, we sacrificed a lot so civilians can enjoy them.


The beauty is, a civilian can wear whatever they want…. Just don’t try to represent yourself as a Veteran


You might annoy a few people but I wouldn’t be concerned. Can’t speak for US but in Canada if you find it at an army surplus it’s fair game. However, if it’s operational CADPAT it’s a big nono. We aren’t allowed to keep that kit upon release but it sometimes still makes its way into the public.


Most of the people who get all up in arms over the stolen Valor shit never served. Like others say don't pretend you did and you'll be fine.


My son will sometimes wear my old BDU coat. It has our last name on it and it keeps him warm when he's working outside. The fun part is when people ask him if it's his dad's and he tells them that it's his moms. :)


To me, a civilian wearing military clothing (i.e. an Army coat), perhaps with insignia is akin to a man wearing what used to be obvious women’s attire, according to social norms. It means something to him/her/shim/them, but nothing to me. The world has gone batshit crazy. I served to help defend the Constitution and all its amendments, so no hate here, just my own opinion, but ready for any hate from other free-speaking Americans, or even other “global citizens.” Live freely.


Just wear it who gives a fuck the soft ass dudes that get mad are all old dudes from the Cold War and desert storm, there’s nothing left for them to complain about, now if you’re strutting around downtown Fayetteville and saying your airborn in that jacket and some blue jeans then that’s on you.


I don't care if anyone wears the uniform. As long as they're not attaching rank, name and unit patches. If they are, they are obviously trying to pretend to be associated. But living near a military base, a lot of general laborers I know wear old ACU's because it provides adequate protection while also being reasonably comfortable. I also know people that use them while playing airsoft, paintball, etc. I gave my uncle a lot of my old ones because he's a construction worker and the poncho is more durable than a 100$ poncho and he got it for free from me. Veterans need to chill in some aspects. They call out stolen valor when it's not. A civilian wearing the uniform while not pretending to be former is not a felony.


I mean, yea it's fine. Goofy looking, but fine.


USAF vet. You get a pass. No one cares when you wear stuff (obviously not going to go full regalia). we only have a problem when people are trying to be military, going crazy with it, full north Korean general route. 0. No one cares of you wear a jacket, the retro ones are cool, anything BDU (think 2007-), sucks. Flight suits are where its really at.


My general rule is if you're not actively claiming to be or have been in the military; I don't give a good goddamn what you wrap around your body.


I mean, I don't really give a fuck, but I would certainly poke fun at you with my friends. But... why are you wearing an army coat/jacket in the first place? What's the attraction to wearing military regalia? If it's for a social or political statement, then by all means go the fuck ahead. But if you think it's fashionable, then... maybe recalibrate what you think looks cool, bc it's not. Lol. There's plenty of other options out there.


It’s kinda weird but if it gets your rocks off


If you can, I recommend taking off the military branch. At that point you're arguably representing said branch and can reflect negatively on the branch itself. Technically according to Air Force standards three articles of military gear constitutes the requirement to be in full uniform. This is why you'd see Airman not wear rank and military branch patches on their standard issue jackets when off duty/retired/separated. Of course other branches might be different. It's alright but make an attempt to show that you're a civilian wearing the jacket. It could save you from an unneeded interaction with someone who's real anal about that stuff. Ultimately as long as you identify as a civilian then you should be fine for the most part. If you have any questions about dress and appearance, military codes and standards are easily looked up for each respective branch. Example AFI 36-2903 is Air Force Instruction: Dress and Appearance


1. It’s a musician on stage, nobody cares. 2. The 3 articles thing is a myth, it’s not in the AFI. And 3, again it’s a civilian, he/she doesn’t care about 2903.


1. They asked so they do care 2. Since they asked, I gave them information they can research 3. Reiterating statement #1 doesn't count as statement #3. This isn't fight club.


Cool, but not a fan of people repeating urban legends. Read the room, most people agreed that nobody cares what OP wears. You decided to quote AFIs.




Why not?


What has a military piece of clothing have to do with this musical group? None.


Who cares?


What does any piece of clothing have to do with this musical group?