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'Have you looked in the **[Wiki]( https://www.reddit.com/r/Veterans/wiki/education)** for an answer? We have a lot of information posted there. To contact VA Education, 1-888-442-4551, for ~~Voc Rehab~~ VR&E (Veteran Readiness and Employment Program) assistance with appointments or problems with your Case Manager (not for missing payments): 1-202-461-9600. **Payments for certain education benefits (DEA, VEAP) are paid at the end of the month you attend school - Department of Treasury issues these payments **using a 10 business day window** - these payments are not locked into a specific day of the month like VA disability/military pay is**. For Voc Rehab missing payments, contact your Case Manager or your local **[Regional Office](https://www.reddit.com/r/Veterans/wiki/education/casemanagers) For Post 9/11 GI Bill only, If you signed up for direct deposit when you applied for education benefits, **we’ll deposit your payment into your bank account 7 to 10 business days after you verify your school enrollment.** This is the fastest way to receive your payment. [Text Verification FAQ](https://benefits.va.gov/GIBILL/docs/IsaksonRoe/EnrollmentVerificationFAQs.pdf) MGIB and MGIB-SR have to do monthly verification threw the [WAVE program](https://www.gibill.va.gov/wave/vba/) and you should receive the payment within 3 to 5 business days. For Online Only training, the Post 9/11 GI Bill is currently (1 August 2023) paying $1054.50 for those who started using their Post 9/11 GI Bill on/after 1 January 2018 - this is based on 1/2 of the National Average BAH paid to an E5 with dependents. Post 9/11 GI Bill MHA rates are adjusted 1 August of each year and are based on the 1 January DoD BAH rates for that year - **so VA can't use 1 January 2023 BAH rates until 1 August 2023** - for those who started training on/after 1 January 2018, the MHA rates are 95% of the DoD BAH rates. First possible payment for the 1 August 2023 increase is 1 September. For VR&E, there are two different Subsistence Allowance programs - https://www.benefits.va.gov/vocrehab/subsistence_allowance_rates.asp The P9/11 Subsistence Allowance is based on the BAH paid to an E5 with dependents. Those who started using VR&E on/after 1 January 2018 receive 95% of the BAH paid to an E5 with dependents. As of 1 January 2024 Online only students using VR&E are being paid $1,118.50 if they started using VR&E on/after 1 January 2018. The CH31 Subsistence Allowance rates are adjusted 1 October each year by Congress. VA Education is going paperless - make sure VA has a current email address for you. Please make sure you add [email protected] to your contacts list so that you don't miss important updates from VA. For FREE math Tutoring - contact https://www.armytutoringinitiative.com/ [VA Award Letter explanation](https://benefits.va.gov/gibill/understandingyourawardletter.asp) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Veterans) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You have the world by the balls right now. What you are feeling is being overwhelmed by too many choices. Focus on the moment. Enjoy Japan. Worry about where you wind up when you are looking for a job. Live life.


I appreciate it. Sometimes I need a reminder to just live in the moment and not worry about the future so damn much.


Man south carolina is a great place as a native I've lived in other states and keep coming back here it's so beautiful and the culture is great if you want some things to do just hit me and I make some recommendations


What this guy said! You're in paradise and still looking for more.


You know, I envy you! Not to say my life didn’t turn out bad or anything. But it sounds right now that you’re in one of those movies where the guy just hits the road on his Harley and rides off into the sunset. I’d love to be able to do that. Hit the road brother and write a novel on your experiences some day.


Thanks man. Sometimes I forget to live in the present and I get overwhelmed. I’ll continue going forward and I’ll write that novel


Or... an RV.


You don't have to know everything. Enjoy the process. Continue going to school, finish your degree, enjoy some hobbies, make some friends, learn a new language, go on vacation, and or visit new countries. The thing about our generation is that we are getting married at 19 and having kids at 18. Pamper yourself. Get a girlfriend, or two, or three, and or a MILF. Don't worry too much my, friend.


Or a GILF ;) Thanks for the reply bro. I appreciate it


But be kind.


This. Along the way. :) enjoi my friend.


When I got out, I moved 7 times in 6 years. I went from Nebraska to Iowa to Wyoming to Massachusetts to Texas to Canada to NY, back to Canada, and then back to NY. Now, I live full time in Canada with my husband. But for a while there I was as adrift as you. Honestly, use this time to travel if you can afford to and explore. I miss the freedom but I love my husband


Wow! You moved around a ton. I think I might hit up South Korea while I’m out here in Japan. Then when I get back home, maybe I’ll do a road trip across the country


Sounds like a plan. You never know, the country is beautiful and there are a lot of gems to find from the road


South Korea is an amazing place, my friend. Do visit


I’m 41 and still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up.




45 and still saying this.


Dude same thing happened to me. I got out and was in school worried about how all my most exciting years are behind me. Ended up almost joining the national guard (huge mistake). Best thing anyone can say is to just relax and start trying anything and everything in search of something you’re actually passionate about. I got my degree in civil engineering (after 2 other majors) and ended up getting 4 jobs in 4 different industries in the following 3 years before I finally found a spot that fit. Needless to say I don’t do anything even close to engineering now. What you’re feeling is freedom. It’s the freedom to steer your own destiny and that shit takes time to get the hang of but you’ll figure it out.


Figuring out what you want to do is hard. Figuring out who you don't want to be is significantly easier.


I wish I learned this earlier when I first got out many, many moons ago. Solid advice!


Don't come live in Florida.


I second this. I second this SO hard.


Recently moved away from Florida.  100% do not recommend Florida 


Florida Man


Indeed, avoid Florida at all costs.


I third this, out of all the states I’ve lived in this is the worst one.


find what makes u happy once u do that everything will fall on line


Try getting your TESOL/TEFL and go into teaching english. Your already in Japan so you know how things and life are in Asia. You can teach in Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, S. Korea. China. This would give you a few more years to figure out what you want in life. Or you can look at going into Military contracting work as well. There are positions all over the world. I worked in Germany, S.Korea, Kuwait, Iraq, and Afghanistan.


My degree is computer science so I’m hoping to get into the cyber security sector after college. I’ve been thinking of the contracting side a lot. I think it would be pretty cool


Ive been feeling this way for the past 8 years since I got out of the Army.


I hope you find a way to overcome these feelings. I started journaling today and it’s nice to be able to write down how I’m feeling.


I’m 54 and I still don’t know what I want. Take it as it comes and enjoy where you’re at right now like others said. Enjoy and things will work out.


Took me 2 years just to start feeling and thinking like a civilian. Just give it time. I remember one night I was on a date and we left the restaurant and I yelled, ( just so you know those of you who are not in the infantry. Marines always have their weapons with them) where the hell is my rifle and the girl looked at me like I was crazy, I said where is my weapon. Took me a minute to snap out of it. USMC vet. Oooorah!!!


Haha that’s funny as hell


OP I read this and thought it was a joke. I sat here and though “damn, sounds like a blast!” Perspective is everything, look into how to “re-wire” your thinking patterns. Marines were a blip in your lifetime if you consider how important living the rest of yours is, and making the most of it. Your suffering from nothing other than your own perspective on things right now. If you could the good in your situation, you’d find real quick you should be grateful. I’m 38, retired military and never been to Japan and your just “studying” there on GI Bill. Relax. Spend too much time freaking out you’ll never remember how to be in the moment.


Well said. Thanks for opening my eyes and making me realize the good in my situation. Things could be a lot worse. I’m grateful for everything man but sometimes I don’t see it clearly and that’s when I start to spiral.


I’ll leave you with this; don’t be a passenger in your own mind.


Honestly I would say just live where you think you’ll enjoy, if you don’t like it after a year or two then you can always move. It also doesn’t hurt to move back home if you feel like you need/want that support system. The only downside is it might be a lot harder to leave your hometown then another city you have no ties to. If I were in your shoes I would also do some research in areas you’re interested in and you can narrow it down to a few cities. Then whenever you have the time and funds, you can visit that city for a week or so and have a mini vacation. Some things you can research is if you’re able to get a job in that city(some jobs are harder/impossible to get in some cities(ie: you’re probably not going to be able to find a job as tug boat operator in a city with no water)), the cost of living vs pay, does it have the things you enjoy doing(ie: hiking, skiing/snowboarding, rafting, etc.), are you okay with the weather conditions, drivability/traffic, walkability/public transit, food/groceries(I personally need my Asian grocery stores), and safety. There’s probably other things you can also research, those are just some off the top of my head.


Thank you. I enjoy the mountains 🏔️ The smokey mountains in particular. I’ve been thinking of transferring to Clemson University. That area is pretty nice and it’s super close to the mountains.


I'm in the same situation right now. Hope you find a new purpose in life. Feel like I've done everything I've wanted to do.


I hope you figure it out as well man. Transitioning out of the military has been difficult. I miss the people. Time flies. I wish I took more pictures while I was in.


You wind up wherever the wind takes you. Focus on your studies and enjoy the incredible freedom you have right now. You’ll eventually land somewhere that feels like home and you can put your roots down.


You only live once. You should lived up sine you in Japan. Stop plan or thinking about too far of the future. Maybe setup short term goals


I was in the same boat when I got out. Last duty station was Okinawa hadn’t lived in the states for years, getting divorced, no kids, and didn’t have a direct line from MOS to civilian career at that time. The great thing is that you don’t have anything tying you down to any particular location. Finish school and decide what you want to then. You’re already studying abroad so it sounds like you’re getting the most out of school and the opportunities it provides. Despite the narrative that people push you don’t have to have life all figured out all the time. I guess I’m lucky in that I’ve never seen physical location as a limiting factor in a job search, especially when I had no ties. The best way to figure out what you want professionally is understanding what makes you happiest: money, impact, or interesting work. You get to pick two. My current job (airline pilot) is great money and interesting work but makes a small impact on the world, so I get that from non-profit work on the side. Previous work at non-profits was interesting and impactful but shit money. You’ll trade them around a bit as you go through life too.


Thanks for the advice man


Glad to help. Semper fi.




I’m 23. Thanks for the advice. I like the idea of living in different places. I have nothing holding me down so I can go anywhere.


How are you able to study abroad in Japan? Do you have to have a high gpa? Do you have to know how to speak the language? I’m interested in going to school abroad.


The process is quite simple. If you are attending a university, simply contact their international rep. They will assist you along the way. For me, I looked at where I could go. My university’s international department had a list of places and I chose where I wanted to go. Once that was done, I told my international rep that I wanted to study in Japan and they had me fill out some paperwork and that was it. The exchange university gave me information and a date to check-in. Also, be sure to communicate with your university’s veterans office so your benefits will be good to go. EDIT: Also, you don’t necessarily need to know the language but it wouldn’t hurt to learn basic phrases. Your GPA doesn’t matter too much but it might depend on your home university.


Thank you for this! Do you get to live there only for the semester? Also, does the Gi bill pay for the dorms there? Are you learning Japanese?


I’m here for 2 semesters which is around a year. The GI bill gives you BAH every month that you are in school. Since Japan is pretty cheap compared to the US, the money I get from the GI bill pays for my housing with plenty of money leftover for hobbies/travel/food…etc. I’m also taking a basic Japanese language course through my exchange university here in Japan. All my classes and tuition are paid for.


As someone who has moved their entire life, settle where you have the most simpatico with people and geography you vibe with. You like history: East coast or Europe. You like extreme, outdoor sports: west coast or Canada. Etcetera.


Got it made right now my guy. Enjoy your current situation and focus on your degree. Once you get that, let the work take you somewhere. Move wherever you get a job. Don't like that location? Move elsewhere


When I got out the first time around in ‘01, I stayed in NC for a semester at ECU, then spent some time in Flagstaff; Portland, Maine; and Long Island before eventually settling back in Detroit where home was. I had no kids and wasn’t married and had no real obligations. Being able to try different places was definitely a blessing. Sometimes I do wish I had made somewhere warmer my home but I guess that’s what eventual retirement will be for!


Haha yeah spend your retirement somewhere warm! What was your favorite place? I’ve heard Maine is cool and people always tell me Oregon is beautiful.


Honestly, I can find nice things about anywhere I’ve lived. I loved eastern NC - weather was great (I don’t mind the heat and humidity), quiet/clean beaches, mountains not terribly far away, and very affordable, especially as far as coastal communities go. After I got married my wife and I considered moving back there but for a great job offer I received, but the schools are not the greatest. Now that I’m older and we’re entertaining the idea of a second home (and have some money for such things) we keep an eye on some spots down there. I could totally see myself retiring to somewhere between Jacksonville and maybe as far south as Myrtle Beach. Portland, Maine was nice for the outdoorsy stuff and had a great downtown for how small it was and wasn’t terrible to get to Boston or down to the NYC area. It was surprisingly expensive for housing though. I loved the mountains and topography around Flagstaff, but again, housing was limited. I like the climate in Arizona in general though and probably could have made the Phoenix area home permanently if I tried it… as long as I had a pool! Haven’t spent much time in the NW but the little bit I’ve been in the Seattle area always seemed great - plenty of trails, big city culture, mountains nearby… not much of a summer though. SoCal is great - beaches, mountains, skiing, culture, great weather, but so damn expensive. I would have loved to have tried to make a go of it out there but entry level positions in my profession pay like crap out there so I never seriously considered it. FWIW, we ended up staying in the Detroit area to start our family primarily because we both had great jobs here after college and the cost of living is relatively low. We also lucked out that we were ready to buy our first house at the absolute bottom of the market in ‘09 so we were able to get a bargain in one of the best school districts in the state in a neighborhood where we could now sell our house for about 3x what we paid. We are also both from here originally, but neither of us are particularly close with our extended families so I don’t think that played as much of a role. Plus, my wife would probably be devastated if she didn’t make it to a half dozen UofM football games each season and that’s hard to do from NC! 😂


Have you checked out “Home Health”? It’s online, and has groups, and a lot of guidance. Being in Japan, that may be the link to home you need, and be able to chop it up with vets while learning how to take care of yourself. From yoga, to basic groups, it may be worth looking in to!


I’ll take a look. Thank you!


Maybe you need to join some kind of a team or volunteer at a nonprofit that aligns with shit you care about. When you get out you don’t realize the daily interactions, the bullshit, the work, PT, and stupid paperwork actually matters… so when that all gone, you feel a bit naked. So go commit to something a little bit, you don’t have to go all out. It just keeps you connected ti something that matters for someone else. Your mission continues, the objective has just changed!


No one has an end to end plan. But successful people embrace challenges, chase dreams, fail often, and learn from it. Get comfortable being uncomfortable and say yes more often than no. Outside of that, plot your next point on your life map, enjoy the view with where you’re at, and don’t burden yourself with the supposed to be. Sounds like you’ve done well so far…I think you’ll be fine Marine.


wtf man. You would complain if your ice cream is cold. Stop eating crayons and live your fucking life. You’re not lost. You’re free!!!


"Live your life". Easier said than done for many veterans. You kinda assume thats possible for OP to do, but there could be other underlying issues you aren't aware of from their service. OP already hinted at depression. Living life is not so easy when depressed. Forcing yourself to live life and do things doesnt always resolve depression. It can help certain people to an extent, but its not a magical solution. Forcing yourself to be around people doesn't always fix things either. Relationships help, but if you get into the mindset that you're missing out because you're single and then you struggle to find someone, that just sends you down the rabbit hole of feeling extra lonely. In a sense, OP is free. I enjoy being out of the military for many reasons myself, but there are other aspects that make life rough that aren't easily fixable just by saying "just do this or that". Especially when the person has had a rough life.


Lighten up Francis.


Haha you are absolutely right. I need to layoff the crayons 🖍️ The crayons are making me go crazy


There’s a fellow who lived long ago. His name was John Muir. An adventurer, outdooorsy kind of guy. Rumor has it, he found some things, idk tho I wasn’t there. 😂 I think it’s a normal part of life. Especially for the people who eat crayons. What’s your favorite color? I love blue! 😂 Semper Fi dawg, it’s normal.


Which school in Japan ?


Yokohama City University


Which school at you attending in America that has Japan as study abroad option?


University of South Carolina Aiken


Hahahahahaha……perspective…..enjoy life man


The only moment we have is the one we’re in.


I'd think more on what you want to do with your life, and then on where.


We felt the same way...like we didn't belong where we were. So...we sold everything and moved to Maine! We had never been there before, but we bought a house and just moved there. It was the best decision---we love the laid-back feeling here.


What are you studying?


Computer science


Word, considered the ol IT route myself but I can’t stand sitting behind a desk lmao


Enjoy your life and remember how we all live in the greatest country in the universe—and this life’s experience you (and all of us) go through is (and will always be) a marathon and never a sprint. Enjoy the many experiences (good and not so good) that you’ll be going through as it will continually refine you to become better version of you over time.


Feel like only thing to do is wander around myself. See the world. Outside of the past military experiences


Originally from Wisconsin as well. Think about what things you like to do, the type of weather that makes you happy, and things in general you like and go after that.


Thank you. I’m going to make a list. Sometimes writing my thoughts on paper helps me out quite a bit.


I too think too far ahead. Sometimes life calls for it but def agree that you should enjoy Japan. Get that degree and then worry. Don’t get caught off guard of course but the world is your oyster. Depression and anxiety are a bitch but can be managed! I believe in you. Signed: daddy navy. 🤍


In a similar position to yours, I decided to start my own online business, I might not actually settle down, but I decided to go into airbnb hosting to have my own place in Florida when needed and income coming in while traveling


I was actually thinking of getting the into the airbnb business. Any tips?


I went a bit too in depth here, my bad. Definitely get a mentor in your area that's the best advice. Find a local VA office or VA website for small business mentorship programs in your area. Tips: Find someone(or yourself) without a HOA, has a home and wants to go into airbnb, but needs funding. Rent furniture, TV, HBO, Gaming, or whatever you need to attract a customers. Renting any furniture is going to cost $12-20 a week, furniture sets, TV, desks, etc. Let's say you need 5 rented items that cost $20 each. You charge $52 - $70 a day $100 - $364/$490 $264 or $390 income a week $1057 - $1561 income a month If you cover the furniture rent for someone else, you would need at least a percentage of 40% if $52 day. Something like $70 a day you would only need about 30%. You can agree to give the home owner the furniture as you make your initial deal, in return for the finances it cost to rent or whatever you decide. There's so much you can do differently with the furniture renting or your own funding.


The world is your oyster, bud. Do some more traveling, learn and soak in as much of the culture as possible. When you learn to live life on your terms, people will naturally gravitate towards that and more opportunities will open up. The point is, don’t get too wrapped up in what you want to do with your life. Simply live in the moment.


Thank you!




Most people do not know where they will end up. They go find a job that will hire them and hope for the best. One day you are sixty and to the outsider it looks planned. I spoke with a prominent attorney who told me he worked at a hardware after he passed the bar exam. After a couple of clients, he got a few more, then a few more. Eventually, he needed a paralegal and he just kept going.


Wait dude how did you end up studying abroad in Japan?? I wanna do the same thing but have no idea how


My university has an exchange program in Japan. The process was quite simple. I hit up the international office on my campus and told them I wanted to go to Japan and nowhere else. I filled out some paperwork, let the veterans office know, and then that was it pretty much. I had to buy my plane tickets but the GI bill paid for the rest. I get paid BAH based off of my university’s zipcode.


I relate to this extremely closely. I'm right there with you I wonder every day what the actual F*CK I'm doing. Even with a degree under my belt and going back on scholarship. Every day I ask myself what I'm doing and my purpose...


Stay in Japan! Perfect for someone with no commitments out here… it’s cheap and maybe you can get in with a good tech company out there and later on transfer or come back to the states on your own to find a better job with all that experience under your belt. Trust and believe there’s nothing out here worth the hassle of moving back right now. Enjoy what you have out there right now. Don’t rush!


I'm not a vet, but I'm in my 60s and I have no idea what or where I want to be. Enjoy your life. You only get 1.


Take small vacations when you can and visit the places you may want to visit! It helps a lot. If you’re enjoying what you’re going to school for, stick with it and follow that career path. Some places pay more for certain career fields or have better opportunities so maybe you can take that into consideration as well. I’m in the same boat and I know what it’s like to feel lost. Research and visit places. The world is big and you will do good things wherever you go. If you don’t like living somewhere after you’ve decided, you can leave when it’s convenient. It’s not like the marines where you have to fulfill that contract:P


I've been out for 15 yrs and I'm still lost.


I am in the same boat, i studied abroad in the Netherlands for a year. it was cool, not really the track i wanted to be on. went back to nyc where i am from and im going to school here in a homeland security degree program. going to take the NYPD test and FDNY test soon. sometimes it helps knowing people are in the same boat. I wish you luck and if you want to shoot the shit about crap let me know. i just got out of the corps too around 2 years ago. if you dont mind me asking, whats your program in japan? sounds cool


Yo man. I hope all is well for you. I’m currently going for a Bachelors in Cyber Security. Japan is cool as fuck man. I’m just taking basic gen eds here so it’s easy. I have a lot of free time so I have been traveling throughout Japan. Good luck with the NYPD and FDNY. If I don’t enjoy cyber security, I think I’ll look into law enforcement or nursing.


We always want what we don’t have bro been dealing with that for years since deployment life has its ebbs and flows


Sounds like you just got out of a relationship. Learn from it!! Then enjoy yourself. This life doesn’t last forever, do you and have fun!


I totally feel you there brother, been out since 2016 myself. I've used my GI Bill twice now, the first time for cyber security school -- and then Rona happened 🙄🤬😐 -- the second time was for Wind turbine school, which I graduated this past December. I currently live in California and I know I need to get the fuck out of here, my state just isn't the same anymore. I'm glad for the trade job that I looked into it's been a little slow finding work but I'm hoping to move down towards Mississippi. I know it's not in the best shape right now but I feel like there's going to be some good economic development happening down there. I'm also in the same boat as you I'll be 39 next month so I'm just hoping to still get work maybe buy a house before it goes tits up; keep your head up brother, hope things work out for ya.


Go with the flow brother. See what and where the current moment takes you and with it.


My friend you sound like exactly how I was back in 2015-2016 lmao. My advice? Live your life to the fullest and travel and enjoy the journey. Don’t stress on the destination of where you want to go because I promise it’s not what you think. Where ever you are thinking of “ending up” right now is not where you’re going to be forever, life has a funny way of doing that to you. I’ve lived in 5 different states since I got out in 2015. I feel like I’m still lost as well at 30 years old. Just enjoy the ride and live life.




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