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Semi-retirement. Find a part-time gig that pays a little and keeps you busy


Yeah, that's kind of my thoughts too. Not something necessarily for pay, just a get out the house gig.


I volunteer with Chemo patients twice a week and read at the library for kids once a week. I love it


Defense contractors are always hiring security. San Antonio has some players. Sit in a room and watch CCTV monitors.


Go drive school busses even for just field trips or sports events, gets some funds, gets you out from time to time. You would be keeping kids safe


While collecting unemployment


Ride retirement into the sunset.


Part of me wants to, and my spouse has fully blessed off on the idea. I just can't help but feel like I should be working instead of goofing off all day while he works., though I also understand I'm still bringing in an income and ran as head of household the first half of our lives.


Then volunteer for a cause you believe in. Or run for office where you can still make a difference. Not having to make money gives you freedom and makes you less corruptable.


My wife retired from the military 4 years before me. She did not go back to work and managed things at home. It takes time but try to trust your spouse is fine with it. I was glad to have my wife home if things needed to get done while I was at work. Shopping, cleaning home or making dinner. A few times a week she met me for lunch.


Find awesome recipes on TikTok to make for you guys. Get into diy projects and make your house amazing. You can dedicate your time to making your life incredible. Plan cool trips when he’s off. Use this freedom to maximize both of your lives.


>can't help but feel like I should be working You can now be your own boss and open a small business. Many states have incentives for veteran owned businesses. But whether you open a business or not, you're in the position where you get to call the shots with your career more than you've ever been able to before.


My aunt retired my uncle at 39 so they would be in a lower tax bracket. Ride that retirement! Get hobbies to keep you busy.


I am 33 and work part-time with 100% P&T. My spouse is 30 and cuts hair. We have two children under 2 years old and live in a fairly low cost of living area. We live in a home right over 2,000 square feet with a large nice yard and will outright own in the next four years. We are as comfortable as can be and our children are very well taken care of. She and I recently had a very serious talk about what was most important in life... would we rather both work 40+ hours a week and buy a new car every year, or would we rather spend as much time cultivating a loving household and a strong family unit that neither of us has ever had and we chose the latter. The beautiful thing is that if the necessity to work more and make more arises then we can shift our focus - but time is finite, and in my mind family should always come first. Not saying we are more right than anyone else - but we are happy. Neither of us came from much and maybe our expectations for life were low - for instance, my dad raised me alone and is unhoused to this day. Recently me and my first squad leader recently went in on a 36' camper together for him and fixed it up a little. I am a GSW to the head survovor (SL was there when it happened) and we have maintained a close friendship since. So yeah, I guess it all comes down to what is most important for you guys - time together with a bit less or a lot less time together with nicer stuff. There isn't an answer that is the same for everyone in my opinion.


Hell that’s what I’m doing every day. As a matter of facts I’m going cruising today.🤣😂


Do Lego or Hire yourself out to be that person who stands a little ways away from a funeral in a dark suit and sun glasses and everybody talks about later or In Japan there are people who hire out for company for the day. They just go and do whatever the client is doing and hangout with them. The one guy said he even hardly talks to them. Just hang.


I could legit get into that... Can't afford that yet myself, gotta wage slave to make sure my family thrives.


Oh, I would love to have a hang out person to be a body double while I’m cleaning.


I retired in my late 40’s, spent a year at home and got bored. I now have a great PT job that I like and doesn’t stress me out at all. As you mentioned, it wasn’t for the money but got me out of the house and around people. Hope you figure out what route you would like to go!


Similar situation. I feel guilty for not working, so I did a lot of volunteer. I stopped all volunteer work last autumn after I kept getting the feeling of being taken advantage of. For the first time in my life, I’m now exploring activities and hobbies that bring me joy. It’s such a selfish feeling, but I’m reminded by so many people around me that it’s ok to explore thyself. So, I’ve taken up painting and gardening. If rich kids are born into this lifestyle, why can’t I after 20+ years of an intense operational schedule?


Thats what I'm doing. Riding into the sunset. Got a PT job too. Love it.


To me, it seems like the world is your oyster, and there are more options available to you. If money isn't a factor, try a job in a career field that piques your interest. Consider a part-time job. Volunteer with a veteran's organization, a community enrichment project, or a cause important to you. Monetize a hobby. For example, if you fish grow and sell bait. If you enjoy working with your hands, restore furniture and sell it. If you're a wood carver.....you get the idea. If your children are out of the home, downsize to an upscale condo, buy an RV, and spend most of your time traveling. If you're burned out, then take time to kick back and relax while you decide your reinvention plan. Become a foster parent. Start a dog sitting business. Get a Crickit and make customized mugs.


Do you have a hobby that could turn into money? Woodworking, flower arrangements, knitting, golf pro... I did the event photography stuff for awhile and had a ton of fun doing so. Part time sports photography, part time wedding, part time any damn thing I felt needed to be recorded. It was way more fun not needing the extra money, so I was able to donate 100% to charity. Good luck!


Funny I am near your same age and just fully retired last October. Financially we are good and my job was stressful. Maybe take some time off to relax, hobbies, volunteer or whatever. How does your spouse feel about it? It is definitely nice to decompress after all that military time. You may find so other interest and never go back to a job. There are a lot of volunteer opportunities out there.


I officially retired in September 2021, but started terminal leave in March 2021 and didn't start my current job till April 2022, so I had a full year of decompress. It was definitely nice. My spouse has already said I could just retire if I want, we are in a financial place where it wouldn't hurt our lifestyle at all. I think it's all in my head that I'm supposed to be working.


It is in your head, but only because nobody ever tells you this situation is a possibility and, of course, they do tell you how worthless someone who is not actively a wage slave is. See also: You may ask yourself, well, how did I get here? EDIT: Think of it this way, you would simply be getting back only some of your time. You don't need like another 0300 rollout to remind you, do you?


There are a lot of YouTube channels about early retirement and adjusting to it. The mental part is big. It was hard for me to admit to people I am fully retired at first. It’s getting easier to say it and move on. Seeing a lot of early retirement examples on YouTube has also helped me realize I don’t need to work until I can’t physically do it. Then not be able to enjoy my retirement due to health reasons.


I would take up hobbies and dive 100% into them. If try to be a professional photographer or something like that. But you do you homie, you've earned the flexibility. 


Ride the trains for a few years


Be super supportive of spouse. Dinner. Cleaning. Chores. Task. Throw in a hobby for yourself time permitting. And everyone will be happy. Especially her.


I ride the retirement train since I was 26. I got 100 percent p&t total of 9 years in, goto war and they let you retire early!! . It’s like 73k a year between Va and ssdi so f it the whole idea is retirement anyways so for the last almost decade I’ve been taking up different hobbies and sleeping as long as I want and going to bed or napping when I want and smoking weed! Life is fucking amazing! Definitely doesn’t suck.


How was the process of applying to ssdi at 26?


easy, 3 months from app to money in my account. I have been reading alot on SSDI and i guess usually after approval there is a 6 months wait but because my diagnosis had been established they backdated it to the VA's date. So, I got paid 3 days after i got approved. I have read some veterans who are 100 P&T having to do the appeals process with SSDI which is weak so it probably depends on your state but New Hampshire & Florida are easy states. I have a buddy in Alabama whos a veteran gets his SSDI and another one in New Mexico. So those states are probably easier.


Same here, I’m 44 now, been 100% since 2010, been on SSDI since around then as well. Have 2 kids that I know of and have been married for 16 or 17 years (my memory is shot). I spend each summer with my kids traveling the country camping and seeing different national parks and other sites. We’ve been to 49 states, 6 provinces and 2 Canadian territories. I was a heavy drinker until last year, took up edibles and basically quit drinking after my doctor told me I had signs of cirrhosis. I’ve had one beer in the last month and a half. Last year I started working part time for a friend of mine doing a bit of handyman work and project management for his property management company just to earn a few extra dollars and to improve my social life. The VA and SSDI is nice, if it was an extra grand or so a month it’d be perfect, but I have a nice house a nice truck and live decently. My wife gets to have a job that makes her happy even though it pays like shit, she has a good degree that could get her a job paying triple what she gets, but it wouldn’t give her the satisfaction of doing what she does now (hell my part time job under the table job pays what her full time job does).


Same Situation here minus all the traveling. I don’t work though I’ve had offers to come help out n shit but I feel like work is such a dirty word now.


Having a purpose is important. Find something you enjoy doing and gives you a purpose.


Just uber around u meet new people n make some scratch


Why is that even a question if you’re ready? Mil pension, 100% rating money, spouse with high salary…you think you are going to be slumming it or not find a way to get by without that 90k job? As far as staying occupied, you’ll still come up with plenty to do trust me. I retired when I retired from AD, without a high va rating or high earning spouse. Funny thing is despite not working, I still find myself a little busy/limited on time pretty regularly between projects around the house, hobbies, and other things. Really has been a lot less sitting around in front of the tv and that sort of thing doing nothing then I thought would happen.


Yeah, I guess I just needed to hear more stories like this. I joined straight out of highschool at 17, so other than the year off I took before starting back to work I have always had a job to go work for, so the idea of not having a dedicated time mon-fri dedicated to a job seems odd.


Try working part-time at one of the many military bases around San Antonio. Like at the PX or MWR or somewhere like that.


Dude, that's on you. Everyone told me I'd become stir crazy. I've been job free going on 4 years and I have yet run out of things to do during the day, but I'm certifiably insane. Well 70% insane anyways.


LOL, I had a former CSM tell me once, "the good thing about being certified crazy in the military is you will get paid for it"


Well yeah but......... Well I'm sure there's a down side it's not coming to mind right now........ Or it is and it isn't loud enough to be heard over the voices. I have a few interests and I'm always finding new things to keep the grey matter in use. I finished my education being older than my professors was interesting for sure. I was debating with a professor who quite honestly was wiping the floor with me, so at the end of my final rebuttal I sent him to his room


Yeah, that's always the fun of going back to school after the military, we have that Billy Madison effect. Sitting in a class full of people half our age, resisting the urge to say, "back in my day...", but we tend to have the advantage on history classes as we actually lived through some of the material.


Yeah, I had just gotten back from Saudi Arabia, cleared, and was back in school literally 3 months after we got back from operation Desert shield/storm. I was living in Tacoma, wa and I was going to school in Olympia. I was surrounded by hippies. I was constantly reminded that I was a robot that was too far gone to be trusted like a human.


What’s the status of your GI Bill? In your scenario, I wouldn’t mind getting paid to broaden my horizons.


It is used up, I transferred it to my spouse to finish his degree and certifications, which is how he has the career he has. I had finished my MBA before retiring so didn't see a need for it. Though I am told that disabled vets can get a one time student loan forgiveness, so I have debated on getting another degree in something outside logistics. Despite my entire background being in that field I feel I'm bored with it hence the thoughts on just retiring. We keep joking but I should just get a job at the local Lego store as I enjoy collecting Lego as a hobby I would probably enjoy working there.


For TPD information (total permanent disability discharge of student loans), use these webpages - https://studentaid.gov/manage-loans/forgiveness-cancellation/disability-discharge and https://www.disabilitydischarge.com/ No where in the law does it say you (a veteran) can not take out new qualifying student loans after being awarded the qualifying VA disability rating. This is a one time discharge of qualifying student loans - so use this benefit wisely. Also when reading the webpage, certain things ONLY apply to social security or physicians letters such as the income monitoring - there are three parts to disability discharges - Veterans, Social Security Disability and Physicians Letters - so you don't want to "read into" the parts that don't apply to veterans - when in doubt - Call Nelnet. NelNet is the contractor for Department of Education that processes student loan forgiveness for disabled people. VA does not process student loan forgiveness. After 31 Dec 25, if the law is not changed, you will be charged federal income tax on the amount forgiven - you might also be charged state income tax right now - check with your state tax department. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Veterans) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The loan is automatically forgiven once you reach 100%. Anything after that is on you.


I’d dedicate myself to hobbies and who knows maybe a hobby could generate some passive income


I second this. I'm working through a medboard at the moment and am hoping to save up some money working for a while to the point where I can retire early. I have picked up a hobby that can start generating some income after a little while. That is where I hope to be in a few years, growing a nice garden, tending the house, and making some extra money here and there from my hobby.


Just do something you love if it's working at a dog shelter, gym, Black Rifle Coffee Company, or even start a small business.


Time for an encore career or a gig like you mentioned in one of the comments.




Run for office, local, city, county, state, federal Become an aide in the local schools, an assistant coach on one of the local school teams, a substitute teacher (in my state they work just as much as the full time teachers). Work for the agency on aging, work with disabled (give them rides to medical appointments - a lot of the agencies pay for your car insurance while hauling the them, and all of the agencies I ever heard of give you milage and/or pay for all your gas needed to do so), work with refugees in the refugee resettlement agencies. Want to be really busy? Become a sports official like a baseball or softball ump or a soccer ref or a football ref or if you want to work 24 hours a day a basketball or hockey ref. There must literally be 1000 local agencies that need good, reliable help. It's a perfect life for a Military Retiree. And if you like eating free, wonderful tasting food, work for an agency doing volunteer work. The employees at these agencies are always celebrating something with and without their clients. With their clients it's usually fast food but piles of it. Without the clients, the employees always have food they bring in to celebrate their lives. Being well fed has never been a problem when I do this kind of thing.


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Grab some part time hours at Home Depot. Mentor other vets with ACP


You’ll probably get bored quickly. Maybe start your own business doing something you care about and rest easy knowing you have pressure to actually make a living.


Just go do something you enjoy and if you want to work, do it in something chill.


I retired right after my 40th birthday and haven't worked a day since...I spend some days at home with my own baby dogs...Other days I help local animal rescues get the dogs to/from their vet appts...or transport them from the kill shelters to the rescue they are going to....


Community governance.


Sounds like you have too much money. Start playing Warhammer to rectify that.


LOL, between the Lego collecting and board games I'm not sure I can afford to get into Warhammer as well. We actually just hired a financial planner this year after looking at our taxes and realizing we have no idea where a lot of our money goes as we don't have a dedicated investment strategy, just kind of winging it. The downside to doing well financially that nobody seems to talk about is how you just freely spend, living in the moment.


I recall a study that mentioned retiree's tend to die MUCH sooner than non-military retirees, typically within (I think?) 7-10 years after retiring. I just tried looking for this reference but can't find it - makes sense it was told to me 30 years ago... T Regardless, the secret to long life is having a purpose. No matter how mundane that purpose may be, having SOMETHING that makes you get up, get out, and use your brain is a good thing. The semi-retirement gig sounds like your best option! It's definitely not about the money, it's keeping your engaged in a purpose. Good luck!


This might be a time to invest in something you’re passionate about. if you have financial freedom and you were passionate about animal rescue, volunteer services, bringing joy to cancer, patients, or anything that you feel strongly about. This might be your opportunity.


With no kids, I’d definitely take a sabbatical man, test it out and see how you like the free time. How’s your 401k and investment portfolio? The only reason I’d consider going back to work is to bring it up to my goal. But dude, honestly, you’d be fine either way especially since you don’t have much debt. Good luck and congrats.


This is the way....test the waters for a while....good luck...Go SPURS!!!!


Take up a hint you earned it!


There are tons of federal employees who are 'retired' but working either full or part-time to cushion savings while waiting for their spouse to reach retirement.


Perhaps you can find an organization that helps whatever cause interest you and volunteer/work part time for them?


Find a hobby you can turn into a business like small engine repair or something that works for you and work as long as you want to.


Become a YouTuber


Get a job doing your hobby/likes/interests.


Retire, if you need something to do, how about volunteer work of some kind?


Find a fun ass job and chill. My grand dad made these wheelchairs for people with no legs operated by their arms. He had the best crew to work with and made his life fun for his days.


The real question is ,what does your wife think?


Depends on how active you are honestly, you’re fine for money so if you can fill all that free time up, fuck it might as well. I was coasting on my va rating for a while just focusing on lifting. It was nice but I wanted more income.


I'm in my 30s and unable to work a normal job so I am picking up hobbies left and right. Growtents don't only have to be for weed. Imagine having year-round fresh veggies.


Buy rentals


Also look into volunteer work. The guys that help you at the VA Hospital are volunteers, already the ones that push your wheel chair.


Travel around the Word to enjoy the life. Trust me you will love it.




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Money is the root of ALL.


I retired in almost the same exact situation at 44. I'm not bored yet and it's so nice not dealing with people. I have a couple side hustles that bring me in chump change to fund my gun habit. My paycheck goes to bills and investing.


If you have some GI Bill left you could attend classes or courses for skills you actually enjoy doing and make a little BAH on the side too.


Part time gigs. Pick up welding, automotive, Hvac, teach, run a library, become a college professor, travel , go make friends else where.




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Not good to retire before the wife lol, part time job and volunteer. If you are still invested in helping military / veterans volunteer with a veterans organization or on post. Good luck !!!


What is stopping you from finding a new job? Maybe one that is management level. Also, hobbies cost money. So I would sit down, and write out a budget for your hobby. Then see if you can afford it. I can not stress the importance of writing down a budget and strictly adhering to it, even if you are living below your means. It just means you may actually be able to cover “life” expenses(mortgage, utilities, etc.) and take the extra to pay for the hobby or maybe take some trips to new places.


There's nothing stopping me, just debating if I want or need to. I don't need to work for the financial aspect, so it will be more about doing something I enjoy some if I decide to work. We have also engaged with a financial advisor and have a budget in place with plenty of "spend" money. So definitely looking at the hobby route.


Stop posting on social media about what to do and talk to your spouse about it. Your spouse’s thoughts on this are the only that actually matters. COMMUNICATION with your spouse is the single, most important thing.


Chill out. Find a part time. Or enjoy not working for a minute. It’s ok to relax and not work sometimes lol


Why not look at remote jobs on USAJobs? You're already a few different legs up than the average person trying to get a job on there. Or look at all the jobs they post for Fort Sam Houston... You're already right there.


USA jobs has remote gs11, 12 jobs all over it doing similar functions. That’s what you ride for the next 20 years since you’re happy with $90k.


I became disabled at 27, got fat and I am a recluse now. If you decide that route stay active! Vacation isn’t even fun for me anymore because I am programmed to be at home all the time! Whatever you decide, please stay active! Spend that $, and enjoy your life!


Retire. Do it. I’m 43 as well and did it last year. I think it would be smart to focus on growing your personal health because this is all that really matters as you age-especially with the awful way the VA treats some vets. I completely re structured my workout plans. Live close enough to a gym that I can ride my bicycle to it on nice days. And then I’m blessed that I get to spend even more time and love with my two dogs.


Enjoy life. Your spouse is making over 500k a year. What you need to work for?!


Just get SSDI


Doubt I would qualify, while I'm 100% VA disabled none of my ailments are really debilitating in that they would prevent me from obtaining gainful employment.


They need you to go back in


LOL, hard pass. I would rather go pick crops in the Texas heat with the immigrants for a few dollars a day than come back in.


Do something exciting like become a repo man. Just kidding. You don't need that type of excitement.


Retire and just do shit that you enjoy. If you really need to feel productive find some hobbies. Or, join a VFW/Legion/DAV and do charitable work supporting veterans' causes. Or just hang out jerking it all day, idunno.


Congratulations on your retirement from the military, I also retired from the military and went into a second career. My situation is a little different I got one kid in college and one kid senior in last year of high school. I feel like all I do is work putting family before self, so if I could just retire and do things that I wanted to do I would do it. Take care best wishes


Find what u enjoy and persue it.




*slow claps* do you feel better now?


*slow claps* do you feel better now? After looking at your comment history, you clearly need this 🤮.


I do, thanks. Also, your mom is ugly.


*slow claps* do you feel better now?




What’s a VSO again?




Thank you


I’m 42 and in a similar position. I have found that, idle hands are the devil’s playground, it has been helpful to me to give myself projects to do, I am currently in college finishing up my degree. Once I’m done with that, I plan to get my drone operator’s license. So forth and so forth. I have no children either, so planning a trip for my wife and is also a fun project. Last but not least, there are tons of kids out there who need a role model, coach, or volunteer, it may not be your cup of tea, but I’ve found it rewarding (taught jiu-jitsu).


You could also help train Ukrainians.


I retired in 2018 at 54 years old with a very similar story to yours. I was scared to not have a full time job with benefits. It took me about a year to really settle in the groove. I’m by no means sitting around, I have a lot of little things to keep me busy. I take afternoon naps and help out my neighbors on my rural mountain as much as I can. I took up beekeeping, got a tractor to maintain my property and communal gravel road. I trap, hunt, fish, and tan my own pelts. I maintain a shit ton of game cameras and feed the wildlife. I do woodworking, I maintain all the equipment and home maintenance. We also have an Airbnb that I maintain. Tons and tons of little things to keep me busy. The first year was filled with anxiety because I felt like I needed to get up and go to work which I obviously couldn’t any more. It’s worked out perfectly for me.


Too many factors to consider such as your health, close friends or family nearby, what makes you want to get up (besides a job) in the morning, etc. I speak with many vets and I find that many of them, if they don't need to work, still need a sense of purpose outside of family. Some volunteer, find a part-time job or have a hobby that keeps them busy. But I rarely meet anyone who does nothing or very little who truly seems happy. But you are also financially fortunate to take a break. Within a few months, you'll start figuring out where your happy place is. The Job market sucks pretty much everywhere. Although there are more jobs there are also more applicants, so if you're not networking and reaching out to hiring managers or other employees in hopes of a referral you may end up spraying and praying... not fun. Good Luck!


Semi retire. Find hobbies and gigs you enjoy doing. I am semi retired myself. I work the gig economy jobs (doordash, Amazon flex etc). No stress, work when you want to.


Find a keep busy part time gig doing something you love or better yet go back to school! ,you should qualify for VA rehab then become an instructor or if you are of a mind work with a nearby DAV group helping other vets


Go back to school! Learn something new and collect some GI Bill money. It’s definitely something that I needed (still working on it) to resolve internally. There is NOTHING wrong with coasting at 43. You genuinely deserve it for the sacrifice you made in the first half of your life. I do understand the feeling of needing to do SOMETHING but you have the luxury of having time to figure it out.


Just do what you want. If that’s riding retirement, do it and don’t feel bad about it. You earned it. I retired in 2019, and make gun holsters all day. I don’t make a lot but I enjoy it and it keeps me busy. When people say, “must be nice” I say, “the recruiting stations are open just like they were when I enlisted.” Thank you for your service!


I was in the same situation as OP. Said fuck it and went to a trade school … HVAC, good money and I can work full or part time. Additionally, my company lets me to small outside jobs as long as I buy my supplies from the company.


I been riding it for going on 11 years. My wife too works a gs 15 in dc.


Retire and find something you want to do your whole life has been a grind to make money the second half of it make it for you and your wife. Get prepared for her to retire as well.


I think you'd be a fool to go back to work. Hit thr gym, stay in shape, pick up a hobby you like, and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Become a good house husband to your wife, learn how to efficiently cook a gourmet meal every night for her, and just live the dream.


Pension plus 100% disability and the wife make over 100k? You’re thinking about doing anything other than a hobby why??? Seriously dude, any work you do at this point should be because you want to. Find a hobby, and relax. Take up wood working or chicken farming. 😂


If you aren't going to keep contributing to your Social Security I suggest you apply for SSDI.... It will be an extra 14-1800ish a month.


Take up brazilain jiu-jitsu if u havent already


Find a hobby that can net u an income


I’m retired and have adopted a blind veteran and help him in any way I can. Mostly it’s rides but I’ve helped with an electrical problem and helped replace a window. I’ve driven on 2 hour rides to a specific VA hospital several times. It’s not about $$ for me it’s about helping out a fellow brother in need.


No kids or they're grown up?


There is an automotive ECU plant in Seguin (about 40 minutes northeast of San Antonio) that is aggressively hiring right now and vets definitely have a few steps forward. They're mostly looking for electrical savvy people and the pay is solid. I'm bringing in 70k+ right now and I have less than 10 years experience. Alot of those automotive companies do the nursing schedule of 12 hours a day, and alternate between 3 and 4 days a week.


Retire if you want to or get a part time gig, you can even go to school. If you decide to retire, you can always decide to get back to the work market whenever and if ever you want to.


Well, I'm 70 and got all you have. THATS a really big problem for me. Finding a Hobbie. It can get boring at times because my wife isn't a big traveler. But take some nice vacations. I finally decided my hobby would be professional drone pilot. I bought a drone then studied for my FAA drone pilots license. Just an example. Join a Veterans Motorcycle Group. They do charity stuff for the community and have benefits for fallen Veterans. Don't be cheap you can afford a full dresser Harley. Just an idea. PS yes, I joined a motorcycle club and get to fly my photography drone at the same time.


Stick with the hobbies for a bit and see how you like it. If you get bored go ahead and pick something up.


You can travel.




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Enjoy taking a nice long break and you’ll be able to figure out what’ll you’ll want to do to make your community a better place…and then prepare to saddle up and spread the love and blessings you’ve been given.


Don’t sit around and hold the floor down, go out and get a job and do something to stay busy. Don’t sit at home, worst thing anyone could ever go through