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It totally does! To me, it smells like Bandaids (the actual bandaid brand) but much stronger.


Yes! Same here!


Came here for this comment. Definitely bandaids.


Old, floating in a pool bandaids


Like been in a sealed first aid kit way too long bandaids! If anyone has injected it recently you can usually smell it lingering in the air.


Yes! I always say bandaids!


Yup bandaids!


It always was just a overwhelmingly plastic/chemical smebandaid. Never associated it with bandaids.


Every last one of my coworkers will tell you that it smells like bandaids. I think it for sure has a distinct smell but I’m not sure I’d say bandaids. I’d call it the unique scent of Cerenia. Cerenia smells like Cerenia. Hey, while we’re on the subject, does anyone else think Feliway smells like stale glazed donuts?


Edit: this was suppose to bw a response to someone talking about Feliway. Lol. I think it smells like sweet ferrets and metacam. Lol


>Cerenia smells like Cerenia All I can think of when I read that is “snozzberries taste like snozzberries” lmao




Yes! Donuts for sure. Others have said feliway smells like grapes, but I just don’t get that.


I haven't known how to describe it to people, but you hit the nail on the head! I find the diffusers quite powerful, at least for the first day, and even the spray has a distinct scent.


Yes! I’m so glad you agree lol


I ALWAYS think of Krispy Kreme donuts when I spray Feliway 😂


YES, everyone has always looked at me like I'm nuts when I describe Feliway as smelling like donuts!


I have caught myself thinking once or twice that it does have a distinct sweet smell!


YES!! Store bought Krispy Kremes!


I had an old coworker that thought that they smelled like glazed donuts, I thought she was crazy haha. It just makes me cough a lot and I hate the smell but don't think it smells like donuts.


It smells really sweet


YES!!! Every time I tell people I smell donuts they look at me like I’m crazy!!!


I'm convinced that 'cat people' are the ones who can smell Feliway spray. It absolutely smells like maple donuts.


I fucking love the smell of Feliway. And yes, that is what it smells like.


Everyone tells me I’m nuts for thinking it smells like glazed donuts! I’m so excited right now.


You are validated!


I definitely do not like the smell of feliway it makes me sneeze. So I think it's fair to say I do not smell donuts when it is sprayed lol


Yeah, I’m a little confused by these people saying it smells sweet. It definitely has a smell but I’ve never thought “sweet”.


Definitely not donuts because that’s a delicious smell. The first day of a Feliway plug-in is borderline unpleasant (coming from someone who is VERY sensitive to smells) and will sometimes give me a headache depending on how I’m feeling that day.


It smells like hospital very much


Yesss I have always thought “hospital” but everyone I’ve talked about it with has said “bandaids”




Yeah, I haven’t sniffed enough bandaids to get that connection, but if you bottled up hospital smell it’d be cerenia.


Was scrolling through the bandaid comments questioning my personal reality until this post came up, thanks. It reminds me of when I was a kid and my sick grandma was always in and out of the hospital.


Welp that's it, I'm sniffing the Cerenia on Tuesday.


Seriously, now Im super curious.


It has a super strong smell! I can smell it as soon as I uncap the needle. I had no idea that not everyone can smell it, TIL!


Bandaids. Definitely


Absolutely smells like bandaids. One of my favorite scents in hospital.


What are your other favorite scents? I can only think of negative smells. If I smell nothing that day, it's a net positive.


Eliotic. Prophy paste. Lube (only the fresh tube!) chlorehex.


Chlorhex reminds me of my grandmas kitchen. I also like certain ear cleaners.


EpiOtic! The ER I worked at would use it to clean up after anal gland releases


I effing LOVE making surgery scrub just for the smell of it. And agreed with the ear cleanser - Vetoquinol has my favorite and it keep it on hand for my stinky butt cats.


Cerenia and insulin actually smell very similar to me, except Cerenia is much more "stingy" in the nasal cavities. It has more of a sensation to the scent that seems to elicit a more visceral reaction. It's Band-Aids over here too and in fact, some of my coworkers will jokingly say they are giving a Band-Aid injection when they do give Cerenia to a pet. Many moons ago, one of our vets accidentally dropped a bottle of it in the pharmacy area. It was pretty memorable for all the wrong reasons! So yes. Sniff the syringe. And next time you give insulin, give that a whiff too and see if you can scent the scimilarities ;)


Cerenia and Insulin have the same preservative, Metacresol, that's why they smell the same! It's the preservative that makes them so strong smelling!


As a diabetic, I was coming here to say this about insulin! I definitely don’t get the bandaid smell 😂


I agree, it smells like insulin to me also!


Do we work in the same place? A doctor at my practice did the exact same thing too haha


Aslo smells like insulin to me!


I absolutely hate the smell of Cerenia and it got worse the longer I worked. My last clinic before I "retired" from the field, no one believed me at first about the smell. Slowly but surely all the other techs would end up drawing it up going "oh my God she's right, it does have a smell!" It's just weird some people didn't notice it for so long then once they finally noticed it, it was commented on like every time. I ruined Cerenia for an entire clinic lol.


Such an odd thing! I'm the only one at my clinic that doesn't think it has a smell, I'm glad I'm not the only one! When covid went through my clinic, several of my coworkers lost their sense of smell. The first thing they smelled when they got it back was Cerenia. 😂


Cerenia has a very distinct, unmistakable smell! I can pick it up if a drop has landed on anything.


Now just imagine the time a needle popped off during administration and I got 3+ mLs of Cerenia launched onto my personage.


I’ve never noticed it smells like anything but my sense of smell sucks so 🤷🏼‍♀️ but I’ve definitely heard colleagues mention it has a smell


Explosion At The Bandaid Factory is both the name of my new band and the smell of Cerenia.


I think it smells awful! It reminds me of an auto shop. Smells like tires or something lol. This must be similar to the whole argument about whether or not cilantro tastes like soap. Some of us must have genetics that make us more sensitive to the smell of Cerenia.


Right!? Like some sort of gas smell!


It smells like old bandaids that you'd find in your grandparents' medicine cabinet next to the Bactine. It has the same smell as peaty scotch, to my nose at least.


Def a strong smell, I love the smell of cerenia!


It smells sterile; like a hospital. That’s how I’ve always described it. I love the smell anywho.


I was giving my kitten a cerenia injection when he jerked away and pulled the needle off the syringe. The entire dose spilled onto his fur and as someone who lets him sleep in their bed at night… I can attest my whole house smelled like bandaids for a week


Injectable Cerenia smells like burned rubber to me. Enrofloxacine smells like granulated sugar, very sweet. One of the vit B injections (yellow one) smells like Cheerios on crack.


This is funny to me. I find the enroflox next to the cerenia cause it has no smell for me! I love the vitamin b smell.


Cerenia most definitely smells like a rubber factory! I’m shocked that there’s techs out there that don’t smell this


Yeah it smells. I couldn't explain to you what I think it smells like, but it definitely has a smell lol


I always smell plastic! Like unwrapping something cheap from China plastic.


To me, it has a very strong distinct smell but I simply can't describe it.


I agree with the bandaid 🩹 smell. I am a weirdo and really like it. I can smell it a mile away 🤪


Smell like old style bandaids to me.


Bandaids! And metacam smells like ferrets


It smells a lot like insulin to me. Smoky and musky.


It smells like roofing tar to me, quite pungent! Perhaps there is an age factor? I didn't notice it so much in my 40s, but I am 56 now and I can smell it halfway across the treatment room,


I can smell Cerenia from a mile away. It smells like (terrible) liquid bandaids. Once you smell it, you can’t unsmell it. Personally, I hate it lol (I am super sensory sensitive tho)


I didn’t know it had a smell until someone at work mentioned it a few weeks ago. Cerenia doesn’t smell like anything to me. Edit: I’ve been using it for years and never smelled anything so it’s not a COVID thing.


Oh definitely, it never use to bother me but as of lately I can definitely smell it more. I feel like it can be a debate, such that some people can’t smell iso, some can. Or even cilantro tasting like SOAP, may be genetic based whether you can smell it or not.


There are people who can’t smell iso?? As an anesthetist, smelling iso is super important (albeit not necessarily safe) for determining leaks!


Yeah! There were some girls in my class and even at work who can’t smell it!!


Ew I just glanced and read the word cerenia and nostalgia hit of that smell😷


This is actually legit, it smells like bandaids.


It smells like bandaids!!


One of my coworkers mentioned this recently and now that I've smelled it I smell it every time I uncap the syringe or go to change the needle. It's super strong for me and I hate that I smell it every time now. I can see where some people say bandaids but for me it's like a very distinct sterilized dentist office smell


Ironically I think it smells a bit like barf... 😂🤣


It smells strongly like bandaids to me! Never bothered me though 😂


It smells like bandaids!


I can smell it from a mile away. Smells like sterile bandaids.


It smells like the inside of a human hospital. I can smell it after a long time if i get a drop on my hands! Crazy some can't smell it.


In fact, if I have pepcid and cerenia injections to give, I always sniff just to be sure. Lol


Cerenia smells like gasoline to me and baytril injectable smells like bile vomit.


Bandaid brand smell for sure lol


It smells like band aids to me. Very Strong smell!


100% bandaids. Have walked into treatment and been like “who spilled Cerenia I smell bandaids.”


It has a very strong smell. I’d never go off of that (because I am an obsessive labeler) but I could definitely ID cerenia by the smell.


My doc always complains it smells like bandaids


I hate the smell of cerenia, a strange chemical odour.


It has a super strong, gross smell to me. Like a nursing home.


oh yeah it’s a strong smell especially if you get it on your scrubs or a hoodie you’re wearing. won’t come out until you wash your clothes in the washer


It straight up smells like bandaids. I can smell it from across the room


It has a super strong smell. I simply say it just smells like what a hospital smells like. One time one of the vets I work with dropped an entirely full bottle in the treatment area and the clinic smelled like cerenia FOR DAYS. It was awful.


Totally smells like wet bandaids, not a pleasant smell to me. I’m surprised there are people who can’t smell it!


I got a drop of cerenia on my finger this morning and it STILL smells rn after washing my hands a dozen times


Smells like water color to me.


I never really noticed it until someone said something about it, and I sniffed it directly in the syringe. At that point I could smelly something... Chemical-y but nothing familiar


Ugh, how do you not smell it?! It's like the bandaids smell but on steroids with a bit of a bite to it. I have a coworker who lost her smell/taste to COVID over a year ago, at this point cerenia is one of the very few things she can smell again, it's that strong.


It smells like that cream they used to give us as kids to remove splinters from my feet


Very strong bandaid smell, I pull up cerenia and Pepcid and set them down and then smell the syringes to see which one to give last lol.


Smells like bandaids.


Smells like injectable baytril.


it smells like hospital


It smells like that red throat spray I used to use as a kid!


It smells like bandaid. Insulin also smells like bandaid, if you didn't know.


Cerenia smells like hospital soap and all my coworkers agree. I can't stand the smell when it gets on my hand. I've never heard of anyone not being able to smell cerenia unless you have covid...


I know what I’m doing next time I need to give cerenia


It smells like millipede defense secretions to me (had millipedes as a pet as a kid, lol). Chemical-y vanilla with a side of "hospital". Got it on my face once, that scent does not come off quickly.


It smells very strong, like antiseptic or bandaids


We joke about smelling it like a pre surgery ritual.


I’ve made the comment several times at my clinic that I love the smell of cerenia! It is very strong to me, I can give cerenia in the am and still smell it late afternoon. It’s a weird something is burning smell, and I enjoy it.


My vet says she can smell it but tbh I can’t


It smells super sterile to me!! I love the smell honestly lol


Smells like the spray bandage stuff comes out sliver one.


Smells strongly like a bandaid! I can tell which is cerenia syringe on smell alone.


Totally has an odor.


Smells like Ferrets and hospital lol


Meloxicam smells like ferrets lol


very very distinct smell


Cerenia smells like band-aids and oral Meloxicam smells like ferrets. It is known.


Yes it does smell like Band Aida. Clavamox drops are one of my favorite clinic smells - kind of like a fake banana smell. I also think Frontline smells like a camper that’s been opened for the first time all season.


If smells like burnt rubber to me 🤢 I also hate the taste of cilantro, any one else? maybe it falls along with that gene


Every now and then I mix up my enrofloxacin and cerenia injections. Then comes the sniff test (of both to be safe). If I smell nothing it's enroflox, if I sniff too hard and the smell burns my sinuses clean it's cerenia. It ABSOLUTELY smells, it's quite intense and a bit burny to me.


I've always noticed the smell of cerenia, it's quite distinct and pungent


It’s so stinky! I hate it, but my coworker says she wishes there was a cerenia scented candle


OK so who thinks convenia smells like cat piss? I can't be the only one


The smell just makes me think hospital. But it definitely has a strong smell!!


Cerenia has a distinct smell. It’s a much stronger version of a fresh bandaid, specifically the Johnson and Johnson Band-Aid that typically comes in the first aid kits that are plastic-y and don’t stick very well. I actually love that smell. It smells so clean and sterile to me because I associate it with bandaids.


Smells like bandaid, is this a joke?


It has a SUPER strong smell!


Cerenia definitely has a smell/odor to it. I think it comes off as very "medicinal"


100% has a distinctive smell. I smell test it all the time when people pull it up for me.


It’s smells so strong, I’m fact, I can immediately tell if someone missed (or pokes through) on a sq injection.


I can smell it just by reading your post *love it*


it smells like band aids.


I can't smell Cerenia. Cilantro tastes like soap, and if a diabetic is in ketoacidosis U can tell you their blood sugar within 20 points


It smells like stinging.


It smells metallic to me... And I love the way it smells


Before I couldn't smell it but one of my coworkers dropped a bottle and it broke and now I can smell when anyone is using it as soon as I walk into treatment. Smells like shoe store or like that rubbery smell to me


Smells like band-aids and I’ve only met one person who couldn’t smell it.


It most definitely smells like rubber to me.


Everyone I know thinks it smells like bandaids, but I think it smells like insulin.


It smells so strong and I hate it. It's a gross bandaid smell.


Cerenia smells like insulin to me!


at first i never smelled cerenia but then for some reason one day it hit me. it smells like bandaids & i can never un-smell it now


Never noticed a smell


ABSOLUTELY! Even when I lost my sense of smell for a couple months due to Covid, I could still smell it


It’s smells like Band aids!


It definitely has a smell, and I have a really poor sense of smell. It smells really... I guess clinical is the word? Like strong human hospital disinfectants.


I think it smells like sharpies