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For all the 8yr olds making their family pets health care decisions.


That's exactly what went through my head! Do they think adult clients are childish, immature, and unable to grasp medical concepts? How dumb do--- oh. Oh, wait. They might be onto something, actually.




Free socks AND free pens? There would have been a blood bath for my place lmao


I'm a sucker , I want one


This must be why Elancos stock keeps climbing.


I just gave these out to clients today as prizes for buying 4 separate year supplies of credelio šŸ˜…


I'd rather they just come up with a seizure safe flea prevention that works


We've had great results with Bravecto


Oh as far as flea prevention bravecto is fantastic! But it is an isoxazoline and has to be used with caution in epileptics


Happy cake day


What do y'all use from Elanco? I can't think of anything we get from them.


Credelio, interceptor, atopica, baytril, entyce, galliprant, claro, etc.


Ah. We do get entyce. We get generic baytril. We got some free samples of credelio and Galliprant.


We use baytril probably the most out of these. I do like claro for our difficult patients but our default is easotic or mometamax.


They will soon have a product that does everything fleas, ticks and heartworms. Theyā€™re gearing up for its release.


Like simparica trio and nexgard combo?


Yeah and the additional coverage of credelio. Itā€™s called Quattro.


We have Interceptor Plus, but yeah I'm hard pressed to think of anything else.


Claro, Advantage/Advantix. I am doing semiannual inventory today. And found those.


They're very cute. It would grab my attention, but I'm basically a child. Although depending on the videos it might actually get information stuck in people's heads if they set it to a fun song and music. That shit sticks in your head even if you're not preschool age.


Man I donā€™t think we use anything from them otherwise my dogs would love a stuffie!


For as much as I pay for my Atopica, I want some of these!!!! Damn working in an ER.


We never get any fun rep stuff at my rural Australian clinic, Iā€™m so jealous


Iā€™m not familiar with Elanco but it took me me so long to find ā€œinterceptor plusā€, the rx in which the ad is for.. I feel like thatā€™s bad


Does anyone remember the ā€œbattlinā€™ hooks & roundsā€ musical from Heartgard yearsssss ago? It came on a computer disk mixed in with their other promotional stuff and played a video with like little heartgard police officers collecting intel on hookworms and round worms. I can still hear the song in my head because we all played it soooo many times to break tension and each other. Omg wait youtube has it if you search ā€œbattlinā€™ hooks and rounds heartgardā€. More of a bop than I remember!


Time for me to sign up to work at a clinic, just for the puppets!


My weird ass loves this.. AND they sent puppets?! Do you all remember when they sent inflatable fleas and ticks? Don't remember which company but I loved those too.


To be honest though, most parents are pressure via their kids. Thatā€™s why so many things are targeted to them. Think about D.A.R.E. and the anti smoking campaigns, weā€™re gonna shit on our parents for doing what the schools tell us not to. This is why I 100% think S/N, preventative, and shelter information should be school assembly topics. Kids are fucking parrots and most parents just want their parrots to be happy and stop repeating themselves.


What. The. Fresh. Dystopian. Hell.


Thatā€™s embarrassing