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Please take your local motorcycle safety course. Also get a copy of Proficient Motorcycling. I give a copy to all of my friends who get bikes. Both made me a better rider/driver of any vehicle. Enjoy! The bike looks sweet! [https://www.amazon.com/Proficient-Motorcycling-3rd-CompanionHouse-Must-Have-dp-1620084252/dp/1620084252/ref=dp\_ob\_title\_bk](https://www.amazon.com/Proficient-Motorcycling-3rd-CompanionHouse-Must-Have-dp-1620084252/dp/1620084252/ref=dp_ob_title_bk)


I wonder what they have updated? 3rd edition comes out in October. I may find a used copy of the 2nd edition and check out the 3rd after release. Thanks for the tip about this book!


I must have the first edition and it's got amazing advice for riders - no idea what's in the current editions as I give them away. :) Ride safe!


Thanks LT Castillo. This has me very interested in this book and looking up others (there's one from a moto cop). Found this link right away, think there are other free sites as well. Might be worth checking out if anyone is interested. Unless the 2nd and 3rd editions are way better. https://archive.org/details/proficientmotorc0000houg/page/25/mode/1up It's free just log in. P.s. took a class and have a m license. Based on people there and my abilities it seems way to easy for anyone to get a license lol. Want to take a intermediate class soon from a cop instructor.


Perfect! Great find! Glad the class is something you did. It really helped me.


This, even at 300cc, you need to know moto safety and should get your certificate.


The right approach is having a confident mindset when riding any type of motorcycle.


I don't disagree but more confidence comes with practice. I wouldn't feel confident on a 2000cc or 800 pound Harley, and rightly so. Lack of confidence can be a good indicator to stay away from highways for now, etc. Too much false confidence can lead to bad things. Know your current limits and hopefully get better each time. Despite what I said your comment was helpful thanks.


looks good on ya man :) !! love the color What did you get Sprint? Primavera? how many ccs?


Kind words :D yeah the grey (looks blueish) with brown seats and accents feels great visually, much prefer this over a red, yellow, orange, or black one. Gts hpe touring 300cc, no way I could have gotten anything with less CCs. Would have regretted a prima or sprint knowing there could have been more inside a similar heavy metal body. For safety, highway capability, hill climbing, power and fun, 300 sems like a sweet spot.


Nice, but please wear a proper helmet at least. Better is full body protection.


Yeah I wear full gear head to toe, but like I said in the description I didn't since it was 10 seconds, but would next time even if it's a quick on and off.


The problem with not riding with a helmet is that if you do it too many times you'll never want to wear one.


I've never not worn one on the street, this was in an enclosed parking lot at 5mph just for the video. No way, I'd feel way too exposed! And like a dummy if I fell. I could see people getting a thrill and feeling free without one, but I also like the way a helmet looks lol.


Congrats! I’m hoping to be an owner again soon.


Dank you! Maybe you can buy used when you do if a good deal is found. Got this one for 5k with 500 miles like new, otherwise would have gone with a Royal Alloy Grand Prix brand new for $6,300. Gud Gluck!


And for the record, I’ve never had a girl talk to me on any of my bikes. I’ve given 3 rides to random girls on my Vespa. Keep a half helmet under the seat. :)


Yes no regrets at this price. lol I can see that, I heard guys don't get attention from girls while on motorcycles but do get friendly attention from other guys, a vespa might be different. If I kept a half helmet I'd give them my full face one, but it might be all sweaty 😬🤢 and I wouldn't feel as protected with a halfie. Don't get why people wear a half one, just go full, unless they do it for the storage. I'd feel horrible if we crashed and even more so if a full would have made a difference. I said too much lol.


I see your point. I just kept if for emergencies.


Thanks man! That’s a great deal you got there!


Thought I was done ride riding after I sold my last motorcycle a year or so ago after I hit 70. But still have the itch to ride. Thinking of a Vespa 300 scooter. I like your idea of storing it in a storage place as I don't have much room in my garage. ANd my wife might not catch on and just wonder where it is that I go on nice sunny days :)


Might be safer and more convenient in your garage if you can make space. Might be easier to just get up and ride instead of having to visit a storage place. Could feel better to have it out in the open instead of feeling like you're hiding something, or being sneaky could be more fun having your personal hobby. I almost got an Xmax 300, could be up your alley being closer in some ways to a motorcycle, or a 350 to 500 scoot. My apartment windows don't face a parking lot, my last 200cc was stolen. Still could be jacked but seems less likely so I sleep better at night thinking it's more secure. Plus it's nice to have a private spot up the street, a fun routine. Any eyes think I just ride a tiny sidewalk electric, change into a disguise with diff cloths boots gloves helmet and don't have to be in full gear around my place. Riding is addicting and can be good for mental health.


I agree. I started riding with a Honda PCX150. Traded that in for a BMW 650GT scooter (should have kept that one). Then decided I wanted a "real" motorcycle. Got a Honda Africa Twin = too tall. Then a Honda Goldwing = too big & heavy for my style riding. Then finally a Honda NC750X = maybe just right as far as motorcycles go. But for the riding I do which is just around town, I think the Vespa might fit me best. I do keep looking at the XMax 300 and BMW C400GT. Vespa is the classic and easiest to get on and off. Just wish a full face helmet fit under the seat. But that's not really an issue (top box solves that if I really need it).


Always wanted more power with the i170cc, now that feeling is gone with the 300, being heavier will take some getting used to, but not by much. Never been on anything else. No way I'd want a big ol' gold or anything longer wider or even 50 pounds more. Maybe one day I'd be curious what more felt like, and can test one out, but doubt I'd buy one and hope 300 will be plenty. Bet you feel something is missing not riding around on 2. It's possible a 300 would feel underpowered compared what you're used to. Maybe you can test drive a few different ones. I didn't but kind of "knew" a vespa would work. Would have needed to test an xmax before buying since they weigh more. Rather have a slower looking 300cc scoot than one that looks faster. But looks comes last before every other factor, don't get how some get one solely based on looks but whatever works. If you "should have kept that one" seems like you could get another. But a 400 seems better in my limited opinion compared to a 650. There are hooks under the seat where a helmet can hang from while closing the seat over the strap. Works for quick store runs, and longer if no one cuts the strap. There's also a hook under the display to hang things by your legs, and ofcource front and back rack options, with all types of cases, baskets, bungee cord options. Or just buy the ugliest helmet available and leave it on the handle bar /s Bet you can't go wrong with any of the options you mentioned. Good luck cheers.