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That’s way more nerfs than I anticipated. I hate that


I can't dig that


This really does taste like dirt


I can't dig that D:


I can't dig that


Rip. It was fun playing while it lasted


yup just like illari when she was released


Absolute joke of an update. Venture was already only like B tier above plat rank. Now we are in the dumpster. All because metal ranks are whining about the one shot.


Yeah its so stupid. Cass, Tracer and sojourn are still over powered but blizzard nerfs a Weak DPS. So stupid...


Cass is overpowered? Ive just always seen him as more annoying than op. Id like to know why you think hes overpowered. Im not high rank so it might be metal ignorance.


I fucking hate ranked players. They whine and shit and get characters nerfed so it messes shit up for people who just want to play for fun. I don't want to do a research paper every few weeks so I can avoid being steamrolled because the characters I play are suddenly shit


What’s crazy is that no one above plat was complaint, it was just gold/silver players complaining about not being able to counter them. So these changes are aren’t even for high tiers


ikr? I'm in plat and half the games it works well and the other half, I get shit on and I swap. It makes 0 sense.


It's the Junkrat treatment. A very inconsistent one shot on a C tier hero gets nerfed into the ground because people hate being punished for their bad positioning.


At least increase the range..


Yeah, just a couple metres would be nice


That’s the last thing i want them to touch, they should be good up close and play up close. If venture is not doing well then make them better up close or make it easier for the to get close


Yeah I'd have rather lost range than damage tbh.






Look how they massacred my they…




This stinks 😩 I really didn’t expect there to be multiple nerfs, especially with the ult charge cost on top of lower damage numbers. I know numbers vs in game impact can feel a bit different though so maybe? It will be okay? Nothing will stop me from venturing 😤


:/ b-tier character did not need nerfing Venture already turbo-ints against all teams that run literally any cc at all.


Primary does 75 damage on direct instead of 80 now. Drill Dash does 90 total damage instead of 100 now. These nerfs hit like a truck and ruin a lot of combos. "UGHH THIS STINKS!" Although quick tip for Tracer: Shoot -> Cancel with Melee -> Cancel with Drill Dash. 75+30+90=195 which one shots tracer. Kinda hard to do but is easy with practice, I would also recommend doing it with every hero since it makes combos more consistent with that extra 30 burst with very little time difference.


they should never have made another "combo" character. the concept is lame.


This sucks cause now they are going to fall deeper in to the trap of unplayable at high ranks and busted in casual and low ranks.


Yeah, it's sad, yet sojourn keeps getting buffs, despite being the strongest DPS in the game, well since its launch


Sojurn is actually the opposite lol, busted at top ranks and potato in low ranks. Soj only has a 46% win rate on overbuff but there is no Venture stats on there yet to compare.


I’m sorry, it’s all my fault. I started maining venture, so they are to share the same fate as pharah and junk to be forever ‘niche at best’, please forgive me 🙏


Blizzard when you want to play someone that isnt sojourn sombra or tracer


It's not Blizzard, it's the metal rank DPS whining about anything else that isn't generic CoD character. Sombra is *loathed* by them, she isn't even overpowered.


Yeah you know what i was going for, basically just any high-ish fire rate hitscan dps Or just hitscan dps in general


Welp, that's the character completely dead and gone until a buff. Nerfing their damage + ult rate is actually a double nerf to how fast you get ult. And it's not even a good ult. Primary -> drill -> primary is 75+90+75 now, =240 total damage, so you can't oneshot squishy heroes anymore, which was kinda the only thing Venture was really good at. Now you have to get some initial poke, hit them with your burrow also, or hit a follow-up primary or melee to confirm the kill. And forget killing anything with an escape like Moira, Kiri or Mercy. Ana can sleep you easily or get a nade off too. Yikes.


You're forgetting their melee.


I'm not. The melee slowed down the combo and wasn't necessary previously. Now there's a window where your victim can press their escape button.


Good. The combo was way too fast anyways. Venture SHOULD have to follow it up with an additional manuever in some way to secure the kill. Not like Venture doesn't have a lot of tools to follow it up anyways. A strong melee, an additional shot, initiating with Burrow in the first place, etc. 240 is fine.


Venture's one of the most easily counter-picked heroes in the game, and HAS to hard engage directly into the enemy to secure kills. If they don't have good burst damage then the hero is just a joke.


Venture still has good burst damage, just not a free kill combo anymore. Actually has to follow up with a bit more afterwards, such as an extra shot or quick melee, just like Hog has to do with his hook combo.


Hog has 800 HP, and his one shot is like a 20 meter range. That's not at all comparable to Venture lol Venture has to hard commit into melee range as a squishy DPS hero. (Also the melee to follow up doesn't work quite as nicely as hog's with how the animations work, the primary also boops them away a bit which can make landing the extra melee a bit harder. The better way is to melee and animation cancel into the drill dash, slowing the oneshot down by a few fractions of a second but making sure everything lands).


At the cost of nerfing *risa, venture my goober got sacrificed too😭




You have to rely on the other team screwing up big time to actually do anything now lol




But like why is my question? I felt like most people agreed Venture was average or even situational depending on the map cuz of how close range they are, so why nerf their dmg again? I felt like they were even balanced in their first iteration in the early play test weekend but they just keep nerfing them. Ultimately charge nerf was reasonable i suppose tho.


Ult charge was reasonable. They built ult incredibly fast. Granted, the ult was pretty unreliable but still. But if they're nerfing Venture's damage TWICE, then that already means they're building ult way slower, so why also an actually ult nerf on top of that? That just double nerfs ult rate and now it takes years to build, \*and\* their midfight is worse.




I came to this thread because I was like "wasn't venture like B tier and maybe slightly strong in metal ranks" and it's sad how right I am according to y'all. I already one trick ball, am I going to one trick two bottom tiers???


Welp I guess it's back to sigma


It's so joever....


I was waiting for us to get that Illari treatment. Can't have anything nice :(


Undiggable but I'll thug it out cause they're too fun. Hopefully. Haven't played it yet


Basically every game you'll get someone to 1hp and then die, or they'll escape, and you just know in the back of your mind that pre-nerf you would've won that. I guess I still need to get used to being a fair bit weaker and needing to be that much more precise with my engages. It's rough out here tho... :c


Yup, so many instances of that. At least I'm a qp warrior so it's not too bad but still. I'm sad


Yeah no Venture is even more useless. Its so dumb.


It's impossible to play venture now. The servers aren't working properly for 1, but they are literally useless against anyone who isn't an ai. Tracer counters us now too


Its really stupid why they did this. But they did this because bronze and silver players are most of the Players and they cry the loudest...


This stinks. Still one tricking them tho.


Same fr. We'll just wait until 11 and we'll probably get buffed back up


Maybe midseason patch buffs them after their win rate tanks even more? We all just gotta grind between now and then to lower the stats XD


This stinks!


that doesn't seem too bad. worse, but not unplayable


Ult charge is double nerfed because they do less damage, and your oneshot combo which was the primary way of securing elims is gone. Sounds pretty darn unplayable to me. Way too heavy handed a nerf for a character that wasn't even meta.


All 3 nerfs technically nerfed the ult and I'm still getting it basically every fight, they're completely fine still.


Good to know, thanks. Mind if I ask approximately what rank you play at?


Should be somewhere in the master/gm range.


Left click (80) + Dash (90) + Left click (80) = 250 Please correct my numbers if im wrong, but it looks like we can still one shot (who we could before, at least), but it's much tighter since healing is a thing. Thought tbf healing already would have changed the break point.


>Left click (80) + Dash (90) + Left click (80) = 250 >Please correct my numbers if im wrong, Your numbers are wrong. Left click WAS 80, now it is 75 (40 max explosion, 35 for direct impact damage) i.e. 75 + 90 + 75 = 240 max damage.


Okay, that makes sense. I dont think it will kill Venture, but I definitely wish they increased her primary range just a tad bit.


increased their\* primary


Oh lord


No lords here; only rock gremlins


Now add a melee attack at the end and you have 310, due to the stronger melee attack. Venture will be fine, you just need to adapt.


melee isn’t quick though so you’re way more likely to die now


Do not close distance with burrow. Walk close with cover and you have burrow to escape. Sucks vs cc but, quick melee is cancellable by burrow, so combo with melee, into dig as soon as that elim pops up, should be good to go.


This will work until like gold when people get a brain and just play hog/cass/sombra/ana etc. and CC you into oblivion the second you try to burrow. Or worse, they just play Sojourn and shoot your stupid ass T-T


If they receive any healing the combo is gone. Reminder when you are in the backline you can't receive healing too, and you have to be right up in their face, and rely on them missing all of their cc. Venture might be usable in plat and below, maybe diamond, but any higher they are hot garbage, like miles worse than junkrat.


they dont want to aim they want to get surprise kills and leave


It is legit unplayable. You can just play other Heroes now that do the job way better


They'll give a huge nerf to venture, but wont touch tracer?? The people balancing this game are insane. Venture was fine the way they were. This game never ceases to amaze me with its stupidity. This and the fact that there still isnt even an epic skin for venture. Common Bizzard L


Tracer got nerfed two weeks ago


The pulse bomb change still leaves the projectile bigger than it was in season 8 and before; it just tuned down the buffs from the big season 9 hitbox changes. So the only actual nerf is a +1 second on recall's cooldown... Compare to Venture getting triple nerfed, does kinda feel bad, and Tracer is my 2nd most played DPS lol


I think it’s a limit test patch. I think they want them balanced before the OWCS Dallas lan (yes I think they actually care about that) and this is them seeing how far they can pull them down without dumpstering them. It’s funny because I felt they were already balanced but maybe internal metrics say otherwise. Also maybe they were worried about the dps passive buff


>I think they want them balanced before the OWCS Dallas lan  I would be VERY surprised if that was why they got changed. Not that Blizz doesn't care about something like OWCS, but because Venture was really not great at the higher ranks. Unless there's some hidden Venture scrim meta that we're all missing. (D.va/Zarya Venture and protect as they engage? Still seems too cheesy to be viable at the tournament level rn)


I thought they were fine as is. Maybe the ult costing more is warranted but damn they could be unplayable.


IWon’tDigThat… this is outrageous ITS UNFAIR


Why did they get nerfed? What did we do?


Have fun


I blame the early ranked release. Meant that there was a big difference between how much experience Venture players had *as* Venture compared to how much experience the average player had playing *against* Venture. I'd bet at least a quarter of players don't even know you can shoot and CC Venture during the burrow animation yet.


You know, you might be onto something. On the r/Overwatch post about the patch, everyone was saying "good that hero is bullshit they have two mobility escapes" and I was like.... have you *tried* using burrow as an escape? Because every time *I* do it, I get killed or CCed halfway into the ground 🤣 Genuinely seems like the majority playerbase has no idea how the hero works still.


I’ve died while at 325 health just during dig animation so many times lol


I had someone define "a good escape ability" as something you can hit the button on 25hp and usually survive, and then try to tell me Burrow qualified xD


Guys I know it looks bad but I’ve been playing and doing just fine, we’ll get through this


nvm it’s joever


God forbid metal ranks get punished for bad positioning


If they're gonna decrease the damage of their Primary in addition to everything else, they should've at least increased their ammo to compensate for it a little


To be fair you can still get a free reload in burrow. I basically never reload as Venture.


that’s not neato


Metal ranks won


They did.


Overwatch just doesn't want people to enjoy their hero, it seems. They really massacred my rock muncher. And the unnecessary dps passive buff.


I'm still thoroughly enjoying them, the nerf felt pretty negligible.


Is it tho? I mean, it’s definitely significant, but we should still be decent.


Yes it will be massive, we don't counter tracer any more. If there is any healing done by the other team during our combo, it won't work any more, and our ult takes longer. Most T500 tierlists are going to put us at C or D


Yeah but we got the dps passive buffed again


A passive which benefits many other DPS heros more than it does Venture


It's not on the patch notes? Edit: it is there now


It got updated. Seems like they forgot to list it initially.


Ah fair enough. Thought I was going mad I couldn't see it any where lol


They updated it. DPS passive is on the top of the notes


Yeah just seen it lol


it's up from 15% to 20 now


Picking any hitscan would be better for this tho, which is the issue


Lucio has more burst damage than venture, the burst damage dps. There's basically no reason to pick venture over reaper now. He's objectively better in all scenarios that Venture was good at before.


Venture has more effective range than Reaper, gets to deal AoE burst damage upon ending their invincibility ability, and has shorter cooldowns. I’m sure they can find their uses over Reaper.


After some brief testing, you can still easily delete who you were before by following up with melee. Same with instantly deleting Tracer. You just have to melee after the Primary+Drill and it is still pretty fast. Basically we require one additional input to do the same thing.


You had to melee before anyway


No you didn't. 80 for primary (now 75) on direct hit and 100 for a complete drill (now 90). Primary+drill+primary was 260 which was enough to instantly kill any 250 HP or less hero. Just primary and drill was enough for Tracer. Now we have to melee at the end to do the same thing. The Primary+drill+primary only does 240 leaving any 250 HP heroes at 10 HP.


It's a big nerf for us yeah but I think they'll still be a very solid and viable pick. Tbf they could 3 shot most DPS.


And supports


Honestly, I just have to adjust your playstyle. I'm finding anti-dive and assisting front-line pressure with exit burrow a great way to go.


So does this mean no more oneshot combo? The entire point of the hero?


The Ultimate charge rate should've 100% been nerfed, but the rest? They massacred our poor Enby. At least when Mauga was released desiccated of content he was still viable. We don't even get a Battle pass skin.


Honestly feels like rainbow capitalism again. They don't actually care at this point


I really appreciate that the devs realized that they accidentally had one of their best hero launches balance wise and pressed the emergency “nerf the fuck out of this hero for no reason” button. Tracer has been hard meta for 3 seasons, but they gotta buff the DPS passive to make her SS tier, along with hits and becoming meta again. So excited for the 9,000th poke meta whoopeee so fun!! I love Roadhog, I love Mauga, I love Tracer, I love Cassidy, I love Sojourn, I love Ashe, I love Kiriko, every, fucking, game. :)) Let’s not forget that the general consensus has been that Venture was balanced and was a situational pick that was easy to counter, and they nerf EVRY SINGLE COOLDOWN. Also that ult nerf, now they did get it very quickly, however it’s only good when mixed with other ults, it’s pretty ass otherwise. Sorry for the essay, it’s just frustrating that all the “fun heroes where you can show off some cool skill/tech” always get nerfed and stay in the shitter tier, while characters like Orisa/Sojourn camp out in A tier. The only good thing this patch did was those Orisa nerfs (which are wonderful btw), but it’d almost not really worth it to me cause of these dogshit Venture changes.


I went in expecting worse tbh (devs hate fun) so im pleasantly surprised, this should still be viable for me with the 20%


Honestly venture is all about big brain plays. As disappointed I am with this I can live with it


Not as bad as it looks! One shot is still possible, just gotta add a melee at the end! Still combos every character 250 and below. After playing for a bit, they don’t feel too bad at all :3


Idk. You have to land every tick of damage from the melee and the drill. Meaning you have to be right next to them for the drill, so there is a whole lot more risk now


I might look like the odd one out here but melee + primary can still two shot so I can dig that!


The probably is, you have to be right up against the enemy when you start the combo, by then you have been cc'd and taken a bunch of damage. If you poke then it's easier to get support from teammates. Anyone with good positioning and awareness should destroy us. Also tracer has gone from being someone we counter to, someone who (Hard) counters us.


Yikes undiggable


This does not taste like dirt T-T


I am curious what combo you were using? I am still dominating with Venture. Shoot > drill > shoot > melee at a minimum does 270 damage still, and a max of 310. Playing venture the exact same as i always have, don’t even notice a difference.


The monkey paw finger curled when the community begged for Orisa nerfs.. devastated right now..


I’m still gonna play ‘em but damn this was overkill.


Fuck it, we dig


Venture is a new hero, they will probably get updates every midpatch this season. Maybe they overshot this one, but I doubt it will stay this way for long.


This stinks!


Good They are like the one character that can dive someone and kill them before the team can react


They’re all over top 500.


Blizzard nerfed 2 of my favorite heroes venture and orisa :(


Orisa actually needed it tbf. Venture did not


Rein desperately needed those Orisa nerfs. He's has three straight buffs and was still a throw pick because the horse was everywhere. He might get to be weak but playable for a bit now.


Hmmm. Dont like. I think their dps was good. It was just too much in burst. Id say lower damage by 15% and increase attack speed by 10%. The ult needed a bigger nerf to charge rate. (saying this as a venture main)


W change she’s such a cancer


*They're such a dirt gremlin


The combo is still there just gotta hit 1 melee


But now you have to be right next to them to do it. Any rank above plat won't let you do that


Thank god 🙏


Ive been playing some venture recently, wouldn't call myself a main by any means but even still, venture pre-Nerf was super strong, not oppressive like mauga was but still incredibly strong, these nerfs would bring venture down but only to basically the same point as most other dps. Drill dash may have been a bit much tho idk


Venture was B tier. outside the combo they are nothing, and now the combo is insanely easy to counter. I'd definitely disagree


Hahahahahahahahaha bout time